/* This file is part of KDE Copyright (C) 2004 Waldo Bastian (bastian@kde.org) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../kcookiejar.cpp" static const char *description = "KCookiejar regression test"; static KCookieJar *jar; static TQCString *lastYear; static TQCString *nextYear; static TDEConfig *config = 0; static KCmdLineOptions options[] = { { "+testfile", "Regression test to run", 0}, KCmdLineLastOption }; static void FAIL(const TQString &msg) { tqWarning("%s", msg.local8Bit().data()); exit(1); } static void popArg(TQCString &command, TQCString & line) { int i = line.find(' '); if (i != -1) { command = line.left(i); line = line.mid(i+1); } else { command = line; line = 0; } } static void popArg(TQString &command, TQCString & line) { int i = line.find(' '); if (i != -1) { command = TQString::fromLatin1(line.left(i)); line = line.mid(i+1); } else { command = TQString::fromLatin1(line); line = 0; } } static void clearConfig() { delete config; TQString file = locateLocal("config", "kcookiejar-testconfig"); TQFile::remove(file); config = new TDEConfig(file); config->setGroup("Cookie Policy"); config->writeEntry("RejectCrossDomainCookies", false); config->writeEntry("AcceptSessionCookies", false); config->writeEntry("IgnoreExpirationDate", false); config->writeEntry("CookieGlobalAdvice", "Ask"); jar->loadConfig(config, false); } static void clearCookies() { jar->eatAllCookies(); } static void saveCookies() { TQString file = locateLocal("config", "kcookiejar-testcookies"); TQFile::remove(file); jar->saveCookies(file); delete jar; jar = new KCookieJar(); clearConfig(); jar->loadCookies(file); } static void processCookie(TQCString &line) { TQString policy; popArg(policy, line); KCookieAdvice expectedAdvice = KCookieJar::strToAdvice(policy); if (expectedAdvice == KCookieDunno) FAIL(TQString("Unknown accept policy '%1'").arg(policy)); TQString urlStr; popArg(urlStr, line); KURL url(urlStr); if (!url.isValid()) FAIL(TQString("Invalid URL '%1'").arg(urlStr)); if (url.isEmpty()) FAIL(TQString("Missing URL")); line.replace("%LASTYEAR%", *lastYear); line.replace("%NEXTYEAR%", *nextYear); KHttpCookieList list = jar->makeCookies(urlStr, line, 0); if (list.isEmpty()) FAIL(TQString("Failed to make cookies from: '%1'").arg(line)); for(KHttpCookie *cookie = list.first(); cookie; cookie = list.next()) { KCookieAdvice cookieAdvice = jar->cookieAdvice(cookie); if (cookieAdvice != expectedAdvice) FAIL(urlStr+TQString("\n'%2'\nGot advice '%3' expected '%4'").arg(line) .arg(KCookieJar::adviceToStr(cookieAdvice)) .arg(KCookieJar::adviceToStr(expectedAdvice))); jar->addCookie(cookie); } } static void processCheck(TQCString &line) { TQString urlStr; popArg(urlStr, line); KURL url(urlStr); if (!url.isValid()) FAIL(TQString("Invalid URL '%1'").arg(urlStr)); if (url.isEmpty()) FAIL(TQString("Missing URL")); TQString expectedCookies = TQString::fromLatin1(line); TQString cookies = jar->findCookies(urlStr, false, 0, 0).stripWhiteSpace(); if (cookies != expectedCookies) FAIL(urlStr+TQString("\nGot '%1' expected '%2'") .arg(cookies, expectedCookies)); } static void processClear(TQCString &line) { if (line == "CONFIG") clearConfig(); else if (line == "COOKIES") clearCookies(); else FAIL(TQString("Unknown command 'CLEAR %1'").arg(line)); } static void processConfig(TQCString &line) { TQCString key; popArg(key, line); if (key.isEmpty()) FAIL(TQString("Missing Key")); config->setGroup("Cookie Policy"); config->writeEntry(key.data(), line.data()); jar->loadConfig(config, false); } static void processLine(TQCString line) { if (line.isEmpty()) return; if (line[0] == '#') { if (line[1] == '#') tqWarning("%s", line.data()); return; } TQCString command; popArg(command, line); if (command.isEmpty()) return; if (command == "COOKIE") processCookie(line); else if (command == "CHECK") processCheck(line); else if (command == "CLEAR") processClear(line); else if (command == "CONFIG") processConfig(line); else if (command == "SAVE") saveCookies(); else FAIL(TQString("Unknown command '%1'").arg(command)); } static void runRegression(const TQString &filename) { FILE *file = fopen(filename.local8Bit(), "r"); if (!file) FAIL(TQString("Can't open '%1'").arg(filename)); char buf[4096]; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file)) { int l = strlen(buf); if (l) { l--; buf[l] = 0; } processLine(buf); } tqWarning("%s OK", filename.local8Bit().data()); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { TQString arg1; TQCString arg2; TQString result; lastYear = new TQCString(TQString("Fri, 04-May-%1 01:00:00 GMT").arg(TQDate::currentDate().year()-1).utf8()); nextYear = new TQCString(TQString(" expires=Fri, 04-May-%1 01:00:00 GMT").arg(TQDate::currentDate().year()+1).utf8()); TDEAboutData about("kcookietest", "kcookietest", "1.0", description, TDEAboutData::License_GPL, "(C) 2004 Waldo Bastian"); TDECmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &about); TDECmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); TDEInstance a("kcookietest"); TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); if (args->count() != 1) TDECmdLineArgs::usage(); jar = new KCookieJar; clearConfig(); TQString file = args->url(0).path(); runRegression(file); return 0; }