// -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*- /* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com) * Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "value.h" #include "object.h" #include "types.h" #include "interpreter.h" #include <assert.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "internal.h" #include "collector.h" #include "operations.h" #include "error_object.h" #include "debugger.h" #include "nodes.h" #include "context.h" using namespace KJS; // ------------------------------ Context -------------------------------------- const ScopeChain &Context::scopeChain() const { return rep->scopeChain(); } Object Context::variableObject() const { return rep->variableObject(); } Object Context::thisValue() const { return rep->thisValue(); } const Context Context::callingContext() const { return rep->callingContext(); } CodeType Context::codeType() const { return rep->codeType(); } int Context::sourceId() const { return rep->sourceId; } int Context::curStmtFirstLine() const { return rep->line0; } int Context::curStmtLastLine() const { return rep->line1; } Object Context::function() const { return Object(rep->function()); } Identifier Context::functionName() const { return rep->functionName; } List Context::args() const { return rep->args; } bool KJS::operator==(const Context &c1, const Context &c2) { return (c1.imp() == c2.imp()); } bool KJS::operator!=(const Context &c1, const Context &c2) { return (c1.imp() != c2.imp()); } // ------------------------------ Interpreter --------------------------------- Interpreter::Interpreter(const Object &global) { rep = new InterpreterImp(this,global); } Interpreter::Interpreter() { Object global(new ObjectImp()); rep = new InterpreterImp(this,global); } Interpreter::~Interpreter() { delete rep; } Object &Interpreter::globalObject() const { return rep->globalObject(); } void Interpreter::initGlobalObject() { rep->initGlobalObject(); } void Interpreter::lock() { InterpreterImp::lock(); } void Interpreter::unlock() { InterpreterImp::unlock(); } ExecState *Interpreter::globalExec() { return rep->globalExec(); } bool Interpreter::checkSyntax(const UString &code, int *errLine, UString *errMsg) { return rep->checkSyntax(code,errLine,errMsg); } bool Interpreter::checkSyntax(const UString &code) { return rep->checkSyntax(code); } Completion Interpreter::evaluate(const UString &code, const Value &thisV) { return rep->evaluate(code,thisV); } InterpreterImp *Interpreter::imp() { return rep; } Object Interpreter::builtinObject() const { return rep->builtinObject(); } Object Interpreter::builtinFunction() const { return rep->builtinFunction(); } Object Interpreter::builtinArray() const { return rep->builtinArray(); } Object Interpreter::builtinBoolean() const { return rep->builtinBoolean(); } Object Interpreter::builtinString() const { return rep->builtinString(); } Object Interpreter::builtinNumber() const { return rep->builtinNumber(); } Object Interpreter::builtinDate() const { return rep->builtinDate(); } Object Interpreter::builtinRegExp() const { return rep->builtinRegExp(); } Object Interpreter::builtinError() const { return rep->builtinError(); } Object Interpreter::builtinObjectPrototype() const { return rep->builtinObjectPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinFunctionPrototype() const { return rep->builtinFunctionPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinArrayPrototype() const { return rep->builtinArrayPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinBooleanPrototype() const { return rep->builtinBooleanPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinStringPrototype() const { return rep->builtinStringPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinNumberPrototype() const { return rep->builtinNumberPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinDatePrototype() const { return rep->builtinDatePrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinRegExpPrototype() const { return rep->builtinRegExpPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinErrorPrototype() const { return rep->builtinErrorPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinEvalError() const { return rep->builtinEvalError(); } Object Interpreter::builtinRangeError() const { return rep->builtinRangeError(); } Object Interpreter::builtinReferenceError() const { return rep->builtinReferenceError(); } Object Interpreter::builtinSyntaxError() const { return rep->builtinSyntaxError(); } Object Interpreter::builtinTypeError() const { return rep->builtinTypeError(); } Object Interpreter::builtinURIError() const { return rep->builtinURIError(); } Object Interpreter::builtinEvalErrorPrototype() const { return rep->builtinEvalErrorPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinRangeErrorPrototype() const { return rep->builtinRangeErrorPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinReferenceErrorPrototype() const { return rep->builtinReferenceErrorPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinSyntaxErrorPrototype() const { return rep->builtinSyntaxErrorPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinTypeErrorPrototype() const { return rep->builtinTypeErrorPrototype(); } Object Interpreter::builtinURIErrorPrototype() const { return rep->builtinURIErrorPrototype(); } void Interpreter::setCompatMode(CompatMode mode) { rep->setCompatMode(mode); } Interpreter::CompatMode Interpreter::compatMode() const { return rep->compatMode(); } bool Interpreter::collect() { return Collector::collect(); } #ifdef KJS_DEBUG_MEM #include "lexer.h" void Interpreter::finalCheck() { fprintf(stderr,"Interpreter::finalCheck()\n"); // Garbage collect - as many times as necessary // (we could delete an object which was holding another object, so // the deref() will happen too late for deleting the impl of the 2nd object). while( Collector::collect() ) ; Node::finalCheck(); Collector::finalCheck(); Lexer::globalClear(); UString::globalClear(); } #endif // ------------------------------ ExecState -------------------------------------- void ExecState::setException(const Value &e) { if (e.isValid()) { Debugger *dbg = _interpreter->imp()->debugger(); if (dbg) dbg->exception(this,e,_context->inTryCatch()); } _exception = e; } void ExecState::clearException() { terminate_request = false; _exception = Value(); } bool ExecState::terminate_request = false; static bool defaultConfirm() { return true; } bool (*ExecState::confirmTerminate)() = defaultConfirm; bool ExecState::hadException() { if (terminate_request) { terminate_request = false; if (confirmTerminate()) _exception = Error::create((ExecState*)this); } return _exception.isValid(); } void Interpreter::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } Interpreter *ExecState::lexicalInterpreter() const { // TODO: use proper implementation #if 1 return dynamicInterpreter(); #else if (!_context) { return dynamicInterpreter(); } InterpreterImp *result = InterpreterImp::interpreterWithGlobalObject(_context->scopeChain().bottom()); if (!result) { return dynamicInterpreter(); } return result->interpreter(); #endif }