/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2003 Joseph Wenninger based on ktoolbarhandler.cpp: Copyright (C) 2002 Simon Hausmann This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kmdiguiclient.h" #include "kmdiguiclient.moc" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kmdimainfrm.h" #include "kmditoolviewaccessor.h" #include "kmditoolviewaccessor_p.h" namespace { const char *actionListName = "show_kmdi_document_tool_view_actions"; const char *guiDescription = "" "" "" " " " " " " "" ""; const char *resourceFileName = "kmdiviewactions.rc"; } using namespace KMDIPrivate; ToggleToolViewAction::ToggleToolViewAction( const TQString& text, const KShortcut& cut, KDockWidget *dw, KMdiMainFrm *mdiMainFrm, TQObject* parent, const char* name ) : KToggleAction( text, cut, parent, name ), m_dw( dw ), m_mdiMainFrm( mdiMainFrm ) { if ( m_dw ) { connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotToggled( bool ) ) ); connect( m_dw->dockManager(), TQT_SIGNAL( change() ), this, TQT_SLOT( anDWChanged() ) ); connect( m_dw, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotWidgetDestroyed() ) ); setChecked( m_dw->mayBeHide() ); } } ToggleToolViewAction::~ToggleToolViewAction() { unplugAll(); } void ToggleToolViewAction::anDWChanged() { if ( isChecked() && m_dw->mayBeShow() ) setChecked( false ); else if ( ( !isChecked() ) && m_dw->mayBeHide() ) setChecked( true ); else if ( isChecked() && ( m_dw->parentDockTabGroup() && ( ( ::tqqt_cast( m_dw->parentDockTabGroup() -> tqparent() ) ) ->mayBeShow() ) ) ) setChecked( false ); } void ToggleToolViewAction::slotToggled( bool t ) { // m_mw->mainDock->setDockSite( KDockWidget::DockCorner ); if ( ( !t ) && m_dw->mayBeHide() ) m_dw->undock(); else if ( t && m_dw->mayBeShow() ) m_mdiMainFrm->makeDockVisible( m_dw ); // m_mw->mainDock->setDockSite( KDockWidget::DockNone ); } void ToggleToolViewAction::slotWidgetDestroyed() { disconnect( m_dw->dockManager(), TQT_SIGNAL( change() ), this, TQT_SLOT( anDWChanged() ) ); disconnect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), 0, 0 ); unplugAll(); deleteLater(); } KMDIGUIClient::KMDIGUIClient( KMdiMainFrm* mdiMainFrm, bool showMDIModeAction, const char* name ) : TQObject( mdiMainFrm, name ), KXMLGUIClient( mdiMainFrm ) { m_mdiMode = KMdi::ChildframeMode; m_mdiMainFrm = mdiMainFrm; connect( mdiMainFrm->guiFactory(), TQT_SIGNAL( clientAdded( KXMLGUIClient * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( clientAdded( KXMLGUIClient * ) ) ); /* re-use an existing resource file if it exists. can happen if the user launches the * toolbar editor */ /* setXMLFile( resourceFileName ); */ if ( domDocument().documentElement().isNull() ) { TQString completeDescription = TQString::tqfromLatin1( guiDescription ) .arg( actionListName ); setXML( completeDescription, false /*merge*/ ); } if ( actionCollection() ->kaccel() == 0 ) actionCollection() ->setWidget( mdiMainFrm ); m_toolMenu = new KActionMenu( i18n( "Tool &Views" ), actionCollection(), "kmdi_toolview_menu" ); if ( showMDIModeAction ) { m_mdiModeAction = new KSelectAction( i18n( "MDI Mode" ), 0, actionCollection() ); TQStringList modes; modes << i18n( "&Toplevel Mode" ) << i18n( "C&hildframe Mode" ) << i18n( "Ta&b Page Mode" ) << i18n( "I&DEAl Mode" ); m_mdiModeAction->setItems( modes ); connect( m_mdiModeAction, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( changeViewMode( int ) ) ); } else m_mdiModeAction = 0; connect( m_mdiMainFrm, TQT_SIGNAL( mdiModeHasBeenChangedTo( KMdi::MdiMode ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( mdiModeHasBeenChangedTo( KMdi::MdiMode ) ) ); m_gotoToolDockMenu = new KActionMenu( i18n( "Tool &Docks" ), actionCollection(), "kmdi_tooldock_menu" ); m_gotoToolDockMenu->insert( new KAction( i18n( "Switch Top Dock" ), ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + Key_T, this, TQT_SIGNAL( toggleTop() ), actionCollection(), "kmdi_activate_top" ) ); m_gotoToolDockMenu->insert( new KAction( i18n( "Switch Left Dock" ), ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + Key_L, this, TQT_SIGNAL( toggleLeft() ), actionCollection(), "kmdi_activate_left" ) ); m_gotoToolDockMenu->insert( new KAction( i18n( "Switch Right Dock" ), ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + Key_R, this, TQT_SIGNAL( toggleRight() ), actionCollection(), "kmdi_activate_right" ) ); m_gotoToolDockMenu->insert( new KAction( i18n( "Switch Bottom Dock" ), ALT + CTRL + SHIFT + Key_B, this, TQT_SIGNAL( toggleBottom() ), actionCollection(), "kmdi_activate_bottom" ) ); m_gotoToolDockMenu->insert( new KActionSeparator( actionCollection(), "kmdi_goto_menu_separator" ) ); m_gotoToolDockMenu->insert( new KAction( i18n( "Previous Tool View" ), ALT + CTRL + Key_Left, TQT_TQOBJECT(m_mdiMainFrm), TQT_SLOT( prevToolViewInDock() ), actionCollection(), "kmdi_prev_toolview" ) ); m_gotoToolDockMenu->insert( new KAction( i18n( "Next Tool View" ), ALT + CTRL + Key_Right, TQT_TQOBJECT(m_mdiMainFrm), TQT_SLOT( nextToolViewInDock() ), actionCollection(), "kmdi_next_toolview" ) ); actionCollection() ->readShortcutSettings( "Shortcuts", kapp->config() ); } KMDIGUIClient::~KMDIGUIClient() { // actionCollection()->writeShortcutSettings( "KMDI Shortcuts", kapp->config() ); for ( uint i = 0;i < m_toolViewActions.count();i++ ) disconnect( m_toolViewActions.at( i ), 0, this, 0 ); m_toolViewActions.setAutoDelete( false ); m_toolViewActions.clear(); m_documentViewActions.setAutoDelete( false ); m_documentViewActions.clear(); } void KMDIGUIClient::changeViewMode( int id ) { switch ( id ) { case 0: m_mdiMainFrm->switchToToplevelMode(); break; case 1: m_mdiMainFrm->switchToChildframeMode(); break; case 2: m_mdiMainFrm->switchToTabPageMode(); break; case 3: m_mdiMainFrm->switchToIDEAlMode(); break; default: Q_ASSERT( 0 ); } } void KMDIGUIClient::setupActions() { if ( !factory() || !m_mdiMainFrm ) return ; // BarActionBuilder builder( actionCollection(), m_mainWindow, m_toolBars ); // if ( !builder.needsRebuild() ) // return; unplugActionList( actionListName ); // m_actions.setAutoDelete( true ); // m_actions.clear(); // m_actions.setAutoDelete( false ); // m_actions = builder.create(); // m_toolBars = builder.toolBars(); // m_toolViewActions.append(new KAction( "TESTKMDIGUICLIENT", TQString::null, 0, // this, TQT_SLOT(blah()),actionCollection(),"nothing")); TQPtrList addList; if ( m_toolViewActions.count() < 3 ) for ( uint i = 0;i < m_toolViewActions.count();i++ ) addList.append( m_toolViewActions.at( i ) ); else addList.append( m_toolMenu ); if ( m_mdiMode == KMdi::IDEAlMode ) addList.append( m_gotoToolDockMenu ); if ( m_mdiModeAction ) addList.append( m_mdiModeAction ); kdDebug( 760 ) << "KMDIGUIClient::setupActions: plugActionList" << endl; plugActionList( actionListName, addList ); // connectToActionContainers(); } void KMDIGUIClient::addToolView( KMdiToolViewAccessor* mtva ) { kdDebug( 760 ) << "*****void KMDIGUIClient::addToolView(KMdiToolViewAccessor* mtva)*****" << endl; // kdDebug()<<"name: "<wrappedWidget()->name()<wrappedWidget() ->name(); // try to read the action shortcut KShortcut sc; KConfig *cfg = kapp->config(); TQString _grp = cfg->group(); cfg->setGroup( "Shortcuts" ); // if ( cfg->hasKey( aname ) ) sc = KShortcut( cfg->readEntry( aname, "" ) ); cfg->setGroup( _grp ); KAction *a = new ToggleToolViewAction( i18n( "Show %1" ).arg( mtva->wrappedWidget() ->caption() ), /*TQString::null*/sc, dynamic_cast( mtva->wrapperWidget() ), m_mdiMainFrm, actionCollection(), aname.latin1() ); #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,2,90) ( ( ToggleToolViewAction* ) a ) ->setCheckedState( TQString(i18n( "Hide %1" ).arg( mtva->wrappedWidget() ->caption() )) ); #endif connect( a, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed( TQObject* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( actionDeleted( TQObject* ) ) ); m_toolViewActions.append( a ); m_toolMenu->insert( a ); mtva->d->action = a; setupActions(); } void KMDIGUIClient::actionDeleted( TQObject* a ) { m_toolViewActions.remove( static_cast( a ) ); /* if (!m_toolMenu.isNull()) m_toolMenu->remove(static_cast(a));*/ setupActions(); } void KMDIGUIClient::clientAdded( KXMLGUIClient *client ) { if ( client == this ) setupActions(); } void KMDIGUIClient::mdiModeHasBeenChangedTo( KMdi::MdiMode mode ) { kdDebug( 760 ) << "KMDIGUIClient::mdiModeHasBennChangeTo" << endl; m_mdiMode = mode; if ( m_mdiModeAction ) { switch ( mode ) { case KMdi::ToplevelMode: m_mdiModeAction->setCurrentItem( 0 ); break; case KMdi::ChildframeMode: m_mdiModeAction->setCurrentItem( 1 ); break; case KMdi::TabPageMode: m_mdiModeAction->setCurrentItem( 2 ); break; case KMdi::IDEAlMode: m_mdiModeAction->setCurrentItem( 3 ); break; default: Q_ASSERT( 0 ); } } setupActions(); } // kate: space-indent off; tab-width 4; replace-tabs off; indent-mode csands;