/* Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Trolltech AS (info@trolltech.com) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "lightstyle-v3.h" #include "qmenubar.h" #include "qapplication.h" #include "qcheckbox.h" #include "qpainter.h" #include "qpalette.h" #include "qframe.h" #include "qpushbutton.h" #include "qdrawutil.h" #include "qprogressbar.h" #include "qscrollbar.h" #include "qtabbar.h" #include "qguardedptr.h" #include "qlayout.h" #include "qlineedit.h" #include "qimage.h" #include "qcombobox.h" #include "qslider.h" #include "qstylefactory.h" // The Light Style, 3rd revision LightStyleV3::LightStyleV3() : KStyle(AllowMenuTransparency) { basestyle = QStyleFactory::create( "Windows" ); if ( ! basestyle ) basestyle = QStyleFactory::create( QStyleFactory::keys().first() ); if ( ! basestyle ) qFatal( "LightStyle: couldn't find a basestyle!" ); } LightStyleV3::~LightStyleV3() { delete basestyle; } void LightStyleV3::polishPopupMenu( QPopupMenu * menu) { KStyle::polishPopupMenu(menu); // empty to satisy pure virtual requirements } /* A LightBevel looks like this: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE ESBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBSE ESBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSE ESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE where: E is the sunken etching ( optional, not drawn by default ) S is the border (optional, drawn by default ) B is the bevel (draw with the line width, minus the width of the etching and border ) F is the fill ( optional, not drawn by default ) */ static void drawLightEtch( QPainter *p, const QRect &rect, const QColor &color, bool sunken ) { QPointArray pts( 4 ); pts.setPoint( 0, rect.left(), rect.bottom() - 1); pts.setPoint( 1, rect.left(), rect.top() ); pts.setPoint( 2, rect.left() + 1, rect.top() ); pts.setPoint( 3, rect.right(), rect.top() ); p->setPen( sunken ? color.dark( 115 ) : color.light( 115 ) ); p->drawLineSegments( pts ); pts.setPoint( 0, rect.left(), rect.bottom() ); pts.setPoint( 1, rect.right(), rect.bottom() ); pts.setPoint( 2, rect.right(), rect.bottom() - 1 ); pts.setPoint( 3, rect.right(), rect.top() + 1 ); p->setPen( sunken ? color.light( 115 ) : color.dark( 115 ) ); p->drawLineSegments( pts ); } static void drawLightBevel( QPainter *p, const QRect &rect, const QColorGroup &cg, QStyle::SFlags flags, int linewidth, bool etch = false, // light sunken bevel around border bool border = true, // rectangle around bevel const QBrush *fill = 0 ) // contents fill { QRect br = rect; bool bevel = ( flags & ( QStyle::Style_Down | QStyle::Style_On | QStyle::Style_Sunken | QStyle::Style_Raised ) ); bool sunken = (flags & (QStyle::Style_Down | QStyle::Style_On | QStyle::Style_Sunken)); if ( etch && linewidth > 0 ) { drawLightEtch( p, br, cg.background(), true ); linewidth--; br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); } if ( ! br.isValid() ) return; if ( border && linewidth > 0 ) { p->setPen( cg.dark() ); p->drawRect( br ); linewidth--; br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); } if ( ! br.isValid() ) return; if ( bevel && linewidth > 0 ) { // draw a bevel int x, y, w, h; br.rect( &x, &y, &w, &h ); // copied form qDrawShadePanel - just changed the highlight colors... QPointArray a( 4*linewidth ); if ( sunken ) p->setPen( border ? cg.mid() : cg.dark() ); else p->setPen( cg.light() ); int x1, y1, x2, y2; int i; int n = 0; x1 = x; y1 = y2 = y; x2 = x+w-2; for ( i=0; idrawLineSegments( a ); n = 0; if ( sunken ) p->setPen( cg.light() ); else p->setPen( border ? cg.mid() : cg.dark() ); x1 = x; y1 = y2 = y+h-1; x2 = x+w-1; for ( i=0; idrawLineSegments( a ); br.addCoords( linewidth, linewidth, -linewidth, -linewidth ); } // fill if ( fill ) p->fillRect( br, *fill ); } void LightStyleV3::drawPrimitive( PrimitiveElement pe, QPainter *p, const QRect &r, const QColorGroup &cg, SFlags flags, const QStyleOption &data ) const { QRect br = r; const QBrush *fill = 0; switch (pe) { case PE_HeaderSection: // don't draw any headers sunken flags = ((flags | Style_Sunken) ^ Style_Sunken) | Style_Raised; p->setPen( cg.background() ); // hard border at the bottom/right of the header if ( flags & Style_Horizontal ) { p->drawLine( br.bottomLeft(), br.bottomRight() ); br.addCoords( 0, 0, 0, -1 ); } else { p->drawLine( br.topRight(), br.bottomRight() ); br.addCoords( 0, 0, -1, 0 ); } // draw the header ( just an etching ) if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; drawLightEtch( p, br, ( ( flags & Style_Down ) ? cg.midlight() : cg.button() ), ( flags & Style_Down ) ); br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); // fill the header if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; p->fillRect( br, cg.brush( ( flags & Style_Down ) ? QColorGroup::Midlight : QColorGroup::Button ) ); // the taskbuttons in kicker seem to allow the style to set the pencolor // here, which will be used to draw the text for focused window buttons... // how utterly silly p->setPen( cg.buttonText() ); break; case PE_ButtonCommand: { QRect br = r; if (flags & QStyle::Style_Enabled) { if (flags & (QStyle::Style_Down | QStyle::Style_On | QStyle::Style_Sunken)) fill = &cg.brush(QColorGroup::Midlight); else fill = &cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button); } else fill = &cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background); bool etch = true; if ( flags & Style_ButtonDefault ) { etch = false; br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); } drawLightBevel( p, br, cg, flags, pixelMetric( PM_DefaultFrameWidth ) + ( etch ? 1 : 0 ), etch, true, fill ); break; } case PE_ButtonBevel: case PE_ButtonTool: if (flags & QStyle::Style_Enabled) { if (flags & (QStyle::Style_Down | QStyle::Style_On | QStyle::Style_Sunken)) fill = &cg.brush(QColorGroup::Midlight); else fill = &cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button); } else fill = &cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background); drawLightBevel( p, r, cg, flags, pixelMetric( PM_DefaultFrameWidth ), false, true, fill ); break; case PE_ButtonDropDown: { QBrush thefill; bool sunken = (flags & (QStyle::Style_Down | QStyle::Style_On | QStyle::Style_Sunken)); if (flags & QStyle::Style_Enabled) { if (sunken) thefill = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Midlight); else thefill = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button); } else thefill = cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background); p->setPen( cg.dark() ); p->drawLine(r.topLeft(), r.topRight()); p->drawLine(r.topRight(), r.bottomRight()); p->drawLine(r.bottomRight(), r.bottomLeft()); if (flags & (QStyle::Style_Down | QStyle::Style_On | QStyle::Style_Sunken | QStyle::Style_Raised)) { // button bevel if (sunken) p->setPen(cg.mid()); else p->setPen(cg.light()); p->drawLine(r.x(), r.y() + 2, r.x(), r.y() + r.height() - 3); // left p->drawLine(r.x(), r.y() + 1, r.x() + r.width() - 2, r.y() + 1); // top if (sunken) p->setPen(cg.light()); else p->setPen(cg.mid()); p->drawLine(r.x() + r.width() - 2, r.y() + 2, r.x() + r.width() - 2, r.y() + r.height() - 3); // right p->drawLine(r.x() + 1, r.y() + r.height() - 2, r.x() + r.width() - 2, r.y() + r.height() - 2); // bottom } p->fillRect(r.x() + 1, r.y() + 2, r.width() - 3, r.height() - 4, thefill); break; } case PE_ButtonDefault: p->setPen( cg.shadow() ); p->drawRect( r ); break; case PE_Indicator: const QBrush *fill; if (! (flags & Style_Enabled)) fill = &cg.brush(QColorGroup::Background); else if (flags & Style_Down) fill = &cg.brush(QColorGroup::Mid); else fill = &cg.brush(QColorGroup::Base); drawLightBevel( p, r, cg, flags | Style_Sunken, 2, true, true, fill ); p->setPen(cg.text()); if (flags & Style_NoChange) { p->drawLine(r.x() + 3, r.y() + r.height() / 2, r.x() + r.width() - 4, r.y() + r.height() / 2); p->drawLine(r.x() + 3, r.y() + 1 + r.height() / 2, r.x() + r.width() - 4, r.y() + 1 + r.height() / 2); p->drawLine(r.x() + 3, r.y() - 1 + r.height() / 2, r.x() + r.width() - 4, r.y() - 1 + r.height() / 2); } else if (flags & Style_On) { p->drawLine(r.x() + 4, r.y() + 3, r.x() + r.width() - 4, r.y() + r.height() - 5); p->drawLine(r.x() + 3, r.y() + 3, r.x() + r.width() - 4, r.y() + r.height() - 4); p->drawLine(r.x() + 3, r.y() + 4, r.x() + r.width() - 5, r.y() + r.height() - 4); p->drawLine(r.x() + 3, r.y() + r.height() - 5, r.x() + r.width() - 5, r.y() + 3); p->drawLine(r.x() + 3, r.y() + r.height() - 4, r.x() + r.width() - 4, r.y() + 3); p->drawLine(r.x() + 4, r.y() + r.height() - 4, r.x() + r.width() - 4, r.y() + 4); } break; case PE_ExclusiveIndicator: { QRect br = r, // bevel rect lr = r, // outline rect cr = r, // contents rect ir = r; // indicator rect lr.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); cr.addCoords( 2, 2, -2, -2 ); ir.addCoords( 3, 3, -3, -3 ); p->fillRect( r, cg.brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ); p->setPen( flags & Style_Down ? cg.mid() : ( flags & Style_Enabled ? cg.base() : cg.background() ) ); p->setBrush( flags & Style_Down ? cg.mid() : ( flags & Style_Enabled ? cg.base() : cg.background() ) ); p->drawEllipse( lr ); p->setPen( cg.background().dark( 115 ) ); p->drawArc( br, 45*16, 180*16 ); p->setPen( cg.background().light( 115 ) ); p->drawArc( br, 235*16, 180*16 ); p->setPen( cg.dark() ); p->drawArc( lr, 0, 16*360 ); if ( flags & Style_On ) { p->setPen( flags & Style_Down ? cg.mid() : ( flags & Style_Enabled ? cg.base() : cg.background() ) ); p->setBrush( cg.text() ); p->drawEllipse( ir ); } break; } case PE_DockWindowHandle: { QString title; bool drawTitle = false; if ( p && p->device()->devType() == QInternal::Widget ) { QWidget *w = (QWidget *) p->device(); QWidget *p = w->parentWidget(); if (p->inherits("QDockWindow") && ! p->inherits("QToolBar")) { drawTitle = true; title = p->caption(); } } flags |= Style_Raised; if (flags & Style_Horizontal) { if (drawTitle) { QPixmap pm(r.height(), r.width()); QPainter p2(&pm); p2.fillRect(0, 0, pm.width(), pm.height(), cg.brush(QColorGroup::Highlight)); p2.setPen(cg.highlightedText()); p2.drawText(0, 0, pm.width(), pm.height(), AlignCenter, title); p2.end(); QWMatrix m; m.rotate(270.0); pm = pm.xForm(m); p->drawPixmap(r.x(), r.y(), pm); } else { for ( int i = r.left() - 1; i < r.right(); i += 3 ) { p->setPen( cg.midlight() ); p->drawLine( i, r.top(), i, r.bottom() ); p->setPen( cg.background() ); p->drawLine( i + 1, r.top(), i + 1, r.bottom() ); p->setPen( cg.mid() ); p->drawLine( i + 2, r.top(), i + 2, r.bottom() ); } } } else { if (drawTitle) { p->fillRect(r, cg.brush(QColorGroup::Highlight)); p->setPen(cg.highlightedText()); p->drawText(r, AlignCenter, title); } else { for ( int i = r.top() - 1; i < r.bottom(); i += 3 ) { p->setPen( cg.midlight() ); p->drawLine( r.left(), i, r.right(), i ); p->setPen( cg.background() ); p->drawLine( r.left(), i + 1, r.right(), i + 1); p->setPen( cg.mid() ); p->drawLine( r.left(), i + 2, r.right(), i + 2 ); } } } break; } case PE_DockWindowSeparator: { if (flags & Style_Horizontal) { int hw = r.width() / 2; p->setPen( cg.mid() ); p->drawLine( hw, r.top() + 6, hw, r.bottom() - 6 ); p->setPen( cg.light() ); p->drawLine( hw + 1, r.top() + 6, hw + 1, r.bottom() - 6 ); } else { int hh = r.height() / 2; p->setPen( cg.mid() ); p->drawLine( r.left() + 6, hh, r.right() - 6, hh ); p->setPen( cg.light() ); p->drawLine( r.left() + 6, hh + 1, r.right() - 6, hh + 1 ); } break; } case PE_Splitter: if (flags & Style_Horizontal) flags &= ~Style_Horizontal; else flags |= Style_Horizontal; // fall through intended case PE_DockWindowResizeHandle: { QRect br = r; p->setPen( cg.shadow() ); p->drawRect( br ); br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; p->setPen( cg.light() ); p->drawLine( br.left(), br.top(), br.right() - 1, br.top() ); p->drawLine( br.left(), br.top() + 1, br.left(), br.bottom() ); p->setPen( cg.mid() ); p->drawLine( br.bottomLeft(), br.bottomRight() ); p->drawLine( br.right(), br.top(), br.right(), br.bottom() - 1 ); br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; p->fillRect( br, cg.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); break; } case PE_PanelPopup: drawLightBevel( p, r, cg, flags, ( data.isDefault() ? pixelMetric(PM_DefaultFrameWidth) : data.lineWidth() ), false, true ); break; case PE_Panel: case PE_PanelLineEdit: case PE_PanelTabWidget: case PE_WindowFrame: { QRect br = r; int cover = 0; int reallw = ( data.isDefault() ? pixelMetric( PM_DefaultFrameWidth ) : data.lineWidth() ); cover = reallw - 1; if ( ! ( flags & Style_Sunken ) ) flags |= Style_Raised; drawLightBevel( p, br, cg, flags, 1, false, false ); br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); while ( cover-- > 0 ) { QPointArray pts( 8 ); pts.setPoint( 0, br.left(), br.bottom() - 1); pts.setPoint( 1, br.left(), br.top() ); pts.setPoint( 2, br.left() + 1, br.top() ); pts.setPoint( 3, br.right(), br.top() ); pts.setPoint( 4, br.left(), br.bottom() ); pts.setPoint( 5, br.right(), br.bottom() ); pts.setPoint( 6, br.right(), br.bottom() - 1 ); pts.setPoint( 7, br.right(), br.top() + 1 ); p->setPen( cg.background() ); p->drawLineSegments( pts ); br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); } break; } case PE_PanelDockWindow: drawLightBevel( p, r, cg, flags, ( data.isDefault() ? pixelMetric(PM_DefaultFrameWidth) : data.lineWidth() ), false, false, &cg.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); break; case PE_PanelMenuBar: drawLightBevel( p, r, cg, flags, ( data.isDefault() ? pixelMetric(PM_MenuBarFrameWidth) : data.lineWidth() ), false, false, &cg.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); break; case PE_ScrollBarSubLine: { QRect br = r; PrimitiveElement pe; p->setPen( cg.background() ); if (flags & Style_Horizontal) { pe = PE_ArrowLeft; p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.topRight() ); br.addCoords( 0, 1, 0, 0 ); } else { pe = PE_ArrowUp; p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.bottomLeft() ); br.addCoords( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); } if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; drawLightEtch( p, br, cg.button(), false ); br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; p->fillRect( br, cg.brush( ( flags & Style_Down ) ? QColorGroup::Midlight : QColorGroup::Button ) ); br.addCoords( 2, 2, -2, -2 ); if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; drawPrimitive( pe, p, br, cg, flags ); break; } case PE_ScrollBarAddLine: { QRect br = r; PrimitiveElement pe; p->setPen( cg.background() ); if (flags & Style_Horizontal) { pe = PE_ArrowRight; p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.topRight() ); br.addCoords( 0, 1, 0, 0 ); } else { pe = PE_ArrowDown; p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.bottomLeft() ); br.addCoords( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); } if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; drawLightEtch( p, br, cg.button(), false ); br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; p->fillRect( br, cg.brush( ( flags & Style_Down ) ? QColorGroup::Midlight : QColorGroup::Button ) ); br.addCoords( 2, 2, -2, -2 ); if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; drawPrimitive( pe, p, br, cg, flags ); break; } case PE_ScrollBarSubPage: { QRect br = r; p->setPen( cg.background() ); if (flags & Style_Horizontal) { p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.topRight() ); br.addCoords( 0, 1, 0, 0 ); } else { p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.bottomLeft() ); br.addCoords( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); } if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; drawLightEtch( p, br, cg.button(), false ); br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; p->fillRect( br, cg.brush( ( flags & Style_Down ) ? QColorGroup::Midlight : QColorGroup::Button ) ); break; } case PE_ScrollBarAddPage: { QRect br = r; p->setPen( cg.background() ); if (flags & Style_Horizontal) { p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.topRight() ); br.addCoords( 0, 1, 0, 0 ); } else { p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.bottomLeft() ); br.addCoords( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); } if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; drawLightEtch( p, br, cg.button(), false ); br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; p->fillRect( br, cg.brush( ( flags & Style_Down ) ? QColorGroup::Midlight : QColorGroup::Button ) ); break; } case PE_ScrollBarSlider: { QRect br = r; p->setPen( cg.background() ); if (flags & Style_Horizontal) { p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.topRight() ); br.addCoords( 0, 1, 0, 0 ); } else { p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.bottomLeft() ); br.addCoords( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); } if ( ! br.isValid() ) break; p->setPen( cg.highlight().light() ); p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.topRight() ); p->drawLine( br.left(), br.top() + 1, br.left(), br.bottom() - 1 ); p->setPen( cg.highlight().dark() ); p->drawLine( br.left(), br.bottom(), br.right() - 1, br.bottom() ); p->drawLine( br.topRight(), br.bottomRight() ); br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); p->fillRect( br, cg.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) ); break; } case PE_FocusRect: p->setBrush( NoBrush ); if ( flags & Style_FocusAtBorder ) p->setPen( cg.shadow() ); else p->setPen( cg.dark() ); p->drawRect( r ); break; case PE_ProgressBarChunk: p->fillRect(r.x(), r.y() + 2, r.width(), r.height() - 4, cg.highlight()); break; default: if (pe == PE_HeaderArrow) { if (flags & Style_Down) pe = PE_ArrowDown; else pe = PE_ArrowUp; } if (pe >= PE_ArrowUp && pe <= PE_ArrowLeft) { QPointArray a; switch ( pe ) { case PE_ArrowUp: a.setPoints( 7, -4,1, 2,1, -3,0, 1,0, -2,-1, 0,-1, -1,-2 ); break; case PE_ArrowDown: a.setPoints( 7, -4,-2, 2,-2, -3,-1, 1,-1, -2,0, 0,0, -1,1 ); break; case PE_ArrowRight: a.setPoints( 7, -2,-3, -2,3, -1,-2, -1,2, 0,-1, 0,1, 1,0 ); break; case PE_ArrowLeft: a.setPoints( 7, 0,-3, 0,3, -1,-2, -1,2, -2,-1, -2,1, -3,0 ); break; default: break; } if (a.isNull()) return; p->save(); if ( flags & Style_Enabled ) { a.translate( r.x() + r.width() / 2, r.y() + r.height() / 2 ); p->setPen( cg.buttonText() ); p->drawLineSegments( a, 0, 3 ); // draw arrow p->drawPoint( a[6] ); } else { a.translate( r.x() + r.width() / 2 + 1, r.y() + r.height() / 2 + 1 ); p->setPen( cg.light() ); p->drawLineSegments( a, 0, 3 ); // draw arrow p->drawPoint( a[6] ); a.translate( -1, -1 ); p->setPen( cg.mid() ); p->drawLineSegments( a, 0, 3 ); // draw arrow p->drawPoint( a[6] ); } p->restore(); } else QCommonStyle::drawPrimitive(pe, p, r, cg, flags, data); break; } } void LightStyleV3::drawControl( ControlElement control, QPainter *p, const QWidget *widget, const QRect &r, const QColorGroup &cg, SFlags flags, const QStyleOption &data ) const { switch (control) { case CE_TabBarTab: { const QTabBar *tb = (const QTabBar *) widget; QRect br = r; if ( tb->shape() == QTabBar::RoundedAbove ) { if ( ! ( flags & Style_Selected ) ) { p->setPen( cg.background() ); p->drawLine( br.left(), br.bottom(), br.right(), br.bottom() ); p->setPen( cg.light() ); p->drawLine( br.left(), br.bottom() - 1, br.right(), br.bottom() - 1); br.addCoords( 0, 2, -1, -2 ); if ( br.left() == 0 ) p->drawPoint( br.left(), br.bottom() + 2 ); } else { p->setPen( cg.background() ); p->drawLine( br.bottomLeft(), br.bottomRight() ); if ( br.left() == 0 ) { p->setPen( cg.light() ); p->drawPoint( br.bottomLeft() ); } br.addCoords( 0, 0, 0, -1 ); } p->setPen( cg.light() ); p->drawLine( br.bottomLeft(), br.topLeft() ); p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.topRight() ); p->setPen( cg.dark() ); p->drawLine( br.right(), br.top() + 1, br.right(), br.bottom() ); if ( flags & Style_Selected ) { p->fillRect( br.right() - 3, br.top() + 1, 3, br.height() - 1, cg.brush(QColorGroup::Highlight)); br.addCoords( 1, 1, -4, 0 ); } else br.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, 0 ); p->fillRect( br, cg.background() ); } else if ( tb->shape() == QTabBar::RoundedBelow ) { if ( ! ( flags & Style_Selected ) ) { p->setPen( cg.background() ); p->drawLine( br.left(), br.top(), br.right(), br.top() ); p->setPen( cg.dark() ); p->drawLine( br.left(), br.top() + 1, br.right(), br.top() + 1); br.addCoords( 0, 2, -1, -2 ); if ( br.left() == 0 ) { p->setPen( cg.light() ); p->drawPoint( br.left(), br.top() - 2 ); } } else { p->setPen( cg.background() ); p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.topRight() ); if ( br.left() == 0 ) { p->setPen( cg.light() ); p->drawPoint( br.topLeft() ); } br.addCoords( 0, 1, 0, 0 ); } p->setPen( cg.light() ); p->drawLine( br.topLeft(), br.bottomLeft() ); p->setPen( cg.dark() ); p->drawLine( br.bottomLeft(), br.bottomRight() ); p->drawLine( br.right(), br.top(), br.right(), br.bottom() - 1 ); br.addCoords( 1, 0, -1, -1 ); if ( flags & Style_Selected ) { p->fillRect( br.right() - 2, br.top(), 3, br.height(), cg.brush(QColorGroup::Highlight)); br.addCoords( 1, 0, -3, -1 ); } else br.addCoords( 1, 0, -1, -1 ); p->fillRect( br, cg.background() ); } else QCommonStyle::drawControl( control, p, widget, r, cg, flags, data ); break; } case CE_PopupMenuItem: { if (! widget || data.isDefault()) break; const QPopupMenu *popupmenu = (const QPopupMenu *) widget; QMenuItem *mi = data.menuItem(); int tab = data.tabWidth(); int maxpmw = data.maxIconWidth(); if ( mi && mi->isSeparator() ) { if ( widget->erasePixmap() && !widget->erasePixmap()->isNull() ) p->drawPixmap( r.topLeft(), *widget->erasePixmap(), r ); else p->fillRect(r, cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button)); p->setPen( cg.mid() ); p->drawLine(r.left() + 12, r.top() + 1, r.right() - 12, r.top() + 1); p->setPen( cg.light() ); p->drawLine(r.left() + 12, r.top() + 2, r.right() - 12, r.top() + 2); break; } if (flags & Style_Active) qDrawShadePanel(p, r, cg, true, 1, &cg.brush(QColorGroup::Midlight)); else if ( widget->erasePixmap() && !widget->erasePixmap()->isNull() ) p->drawPixmap( r.topLeft(), *widget->erasePixmap(), r ); else p->fillRect(r, cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button)); if ( !mi ) break; maxpmw = QMAX(maxpmw, 16); QRect cr, ir, tr, sr; // check column cr.setRect(r.left(), r.top(), maxpmw, r.height()); // submenu indicator column sr.setCoords(r.right() - maxpmw, r.top(), r.right(), r.bottom()); // tab/accelerator column tr.setCoords(sr.left() - tab - 4, r.top(), sr.left(), r.bottom()); // item column ir.setCoords(cr.right() + 4, r.top(), tr.right() - 4, r.bottom()); bool reverse = QApplication::reverseLayout(); if ( reverse ) { cr = visualRect( cr, r ); sr = visualRect( sr, r ); tr = visualRect( tr, r ); ir = visualRect( ir, r ); } if (mi->isChecked() && ! (flags & Style_Active) & (flags & Style_Enabled)) qDrawShadePanel(p, cr, cg, true, 1, &cg.brush(QColorGroup::Midlight)); if (mi->iconSet()) { QIconSet::Mode mode = (flags & Style_Enabled) ? QIconSet::Normal : QIconSet::Disabled; if ((flags & Style_Active) && (flags & Style_Enabled)) mode = QIconSet::Active; QPixmap pixmap; if (popupmenu->isCheckable() && mi->isChecked()) pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small, mode, QIconSet::On ); else pixmap = mi->iconSet()->pixmap( QIconSet::Small, mode ); QRect pmr(QPoint(0, 0), pixmap.size()); pmr.moveCenter(cr.center()); p->setPen(cg.text()); p->drawPixmap(pmr.topLeft(), pixmap); } else if (popupmenu->isCheckable() && mi->isChecked()) drawPrimitive(PE_CheckMark, p, cr, cg, (flags & Style_Enabled) | Style_On); QColor textcolor; QColor embosscolor; if (flags & Style_Active) { if (! (flags & Style_Enabled)) textcolor = cg.midlight().dark(); else textcolor = cg.buttonText(); embosscolor = cg.midlight().light(); } else if (! (flags & Style_Enabled)) { textcolor = cg.text(); embosscolor = cg.light(); } else textcolor = embosscolor = cg.buttonText(); p->setPen(textcolor); if (mi->custom()) { p->save(); if (! (flags & Style_Enabled)) { p->setPen(cg.light()); mi->custom()->paint(p, cg, flags & Style_Active, flags & Style_Enabled, ir.x() + 1, ir.y() + 1, ir.width() - 1, ir.height() - 1); p->setPen(textcolor); } mi->custom()->paint(p, cg, flags & Style_Active, flags & Style_Enabled, ir.x(), ir.y(), ir.width(), ir.height()); p->restore(); } QString text = mi->text(); if (! text.isNull()) { int t = text.find('\t'); // draw accelerator/tab-text if (t >= 0) { int alignFlag = AlignVCenter | ShowPrefix | DontClip | SingleLine; alignFlag |= ( reverse ? AlignLeft : AlignRight ); if (! (flags & Style_Enabled)) { p->setPen(embosscolor); tr.moveBy(1, 1); p->drawText(tr, alignFlag, text.mid(t + 1)); tr.moveBy(-1, -1); p->setPen(textcolor); } p->drawText(tr, alignFlag, text.mid(t + 1)); } int alignFlag = AlignVCenter | ShowPrefix | DontClip | SingleLine; alignFlag |= ( reverse ? AlignRight : AlignLeft ); if (! (flags & Style_Enabled)) { p->setPen(embosscolor); ir.moveBy(1, 1); p->drawText(ir, alignFlag, text, t); ir.moveBy(-1, -1); p->setPen(textcolor); } p->drawText(ir, alignFlag, text, t); } else if (mi->pixmap()) { QPixmap pixmap = *mi->pixmap(); if (pixmap.depth() == 1) p->setBackgroundMode(OpaqueMode); p->drawPixmap(ir.x(), ir.y() + (ir.height() - pixmap.height()) / 2, pixmap); if (pixmap.depth() == 1) p->setBackgroundMode(TransparentMode); } if (mi->popup()) drawPrimitive( (QApplication::reverseLayout() ? PE_ArrowLeft : PE_ArrowRight), p, sr, cg, flags); break; } case CE_MenuBarEmptyArea: { p->fillRect(r, cg.brush(QColorGroup::Button)); break; } case CE_MenuBarItem: { if ( flags & Style_Active ) qDrawShadePanel(p, r, cg, true, 1, &cg.brush(QColorGroup::Midlight)); else p->fillRect( r, cg.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); if (data.isDefault()) break; QMenuItem *mi = data.menuItem(); drawItem(p, r, AlignCenter | ShowPrefix | DontClip | SingleLine, cg, flags & Style_Enabled, mi->pixmap(), mi->text(), -1, &cg.buttonText()); break; } case CE_ProgressBarGroove: drawLightBevel( p, r, cg, Style_Sunken, pixelMetric( PM_DefaultFrameWidth ), true, true, &cg.brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ); break; default: QCommonStyle::drawControl(control, p, widget, r, cg, flags, data); break; } } void LightStyleV3::drawControlMask( ControlElement control, QPainter *p, const QWidget *widget, const QRect &r, const QStyleOption &data ) const { switch (control) { case CE_PushButton: p->fillRect(r, color1); break; default: QCommonStyle::drawControlMask(control, p, widget, r, data); break; } } QRect LightStyleV3::subRect(SubRect subrect, const QWidget *widget) const { QRect rect; switch (subrect) { case SR_PushButtonFocusRect: { rect = QCommonStyle::subRect( SR_PushButtonContents, widget ); int bm = pixelMetric( PM_ButtonMargin, widget ), hbm = bm / 2; rect.addCoords( hbm, hbm, -hbm, -hbm ); break; } case SR_ComboBoxFocusRect: { rect = QCommonStyle::subRect( SR_ComboBoxFocusRect, widget ); rect.addCoords( -1, -1, 1, 1 ); break; } case SR_CheckBoxFocusRect: { const QCheckBox* cb = static_cast(widget); //Only checkbox, no label if (cb->text().isEmpty() && (cb->pixmap() == 0) ) { QRect bounding = cb->rect(); QRect checkbox(bounding.x(), bounding.y() + (bounding.height() - 13)/2, 13, 13); return checkbox; } //Fallthrough intentional } default: rect = QCommonStyle::subRect(subrect, widget); break; } return rect; } void LightStyleV3::drawComplexControl( ComplexControl control, QPainter* p, const QWidget* widget, const QRect& r, const QColorGroup& cg, SFlags flags, SCFlags controls, SCFlags active, const QStyleOption &data ) const { switch (control) { case CC_ComboBox: { const QComboBox *combobox = (const QComboBox *) widget; QRect frame, arrow, field; frame = QStyle::visualRect(querySubControlMetrics(CC_ComboBox, widget, SC_ComboBoxFrame, data), widget); arrow = QStyle::visualRect(querySubControlMetrics(CC_ComboBox, widget, SC_ComboBoxArrow, data), widget); field = QStyle::visualRect(querySubControlMetrics(CC_ComboBox, widget, SC_ComboBoxEditField, data), widget); if ((controls & SC_ComboBoxFrame) && frame.isValid()) drawPrimitive( PE_Panel, p, frame, cg, flags | Style_Sunken ); if ((controls & SC_ComboBoxArrow) && arrow.isValid()) { drawLightEtch( p, arrow, cg.button(), ( active == SC_ComboBoxArrow ) ); arrow.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); p->fillRect( arrow, cg.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); arrow.addCoords(3, 1, -1, -1); drawPrimitive(PE_ArrowDown, p, arrow, cg, flags); } if ((controls & SC_ComboBoxEditField) && field.isValid()) { if (flags & Style_HasFocus) { if (! combobox->editable()) { QRect fr = QStyle::visualRect( subRect( SR_ComboBoxFocusRect, widget ), widget ); p->fillRect( fr, cg.brush( QColorGroup::Highlight ) ); drawPrimitive( PE_FocusRect, p, fr, cg, flags | Style_FocusAtBorder, QStyleOption(cg.highlight())); } p->setPen(cg.highlightedText()); } else { p->fillRect( field, ( ( flags & Style_Enabled ) ? cg.brush( QColorGroup::Base ) : cg.brush( QColorGroup::Background ) ) ); p->setPen( cg.text() ); } } break; } case CC_SpinWidget: { const QSpinWidget *spinwidget = (const QSpinWidget *) widget; QRect frame, up, down; frame = querySubControlMetrics(CC_SpinWidget, widget, SC_SpinWidgetFrame, data); up = spinwidget->upRect(); down = spinwidget->downRect(); if ((controls & SC_SpinWidgetFrame) && frame.isValid()) drawPrimitive( PE_Panel, p, frame, cg, flags | Style_Sunken ); if ((controls & SC_SpinWidgetUp) && up.isValid()) { PrimitiveElement pe = PE_SpinWidgetUp; if ( spinwidget->buttonSymbols() == QSpinWidget::PlusMinus ) pe = PE_SpinWidgetPlus; p->setPen( cg.background() ); p->drawLine( up.topLeft(), up.bottomLeft() ); up.addCoords( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); p->fillRect( up, cg.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); drawLightEtch( p, up, cg.button(), ( active == SC_SpinWidgetUp ) ); up.addCoords( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); drawPrimitive(pe, p, up, cg, flags | ((active == SC_SpinWidgetUp) ? Style_On | Style_Sunken : Style_Raised)); } if ((controls & SC_SpinWidgetDown) && down.isValid()) { PrimitiveElement pe = PE_SpinWidgetDown; if ( spinwidget->buttonSymbols() == QSpinWidget::PlusMinus ) pe = PE_SpinWidgetMinus; p->setPen( cg.background() ); p->drawLine( down.topLeft(), down.bottomLeft() ); down.addCoords( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); p->fillRect( down, cg.brush( QColorGroup::Button ) ); drawLightEtch( p, down, cg.button(), ( active == SC_SpinWidgetDown ) ); down.addCoords( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); drawPrimitive(pe, p, down, cg, flags | ((active == SC_SpinWidgetDown) ? Style_On | Style_Sunken : Style_Raised)); } break; } case CC_ScrollBar: { const QScrollBar *scrollbar = (const QScrollBar *) widget; QRect addline, subline, subline2, addpage, subpage, slider, first, last; bool maxedOut = (scrollbar->minValue() == scrollbar->maxValue()); subline = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarSubLine, data); addline = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarAddLine, data); subpage = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarSubPage, data); addpage = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarAddPage, data); slider = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarSlider, data); first = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarFirst, data); last = querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, SC_ScrollBarLast, data); subline2 = addline; if (scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) subline2.moveBy(-addline.width(), 0); else subline2.moveBy(0, -addline.height()); if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarSubLine) && subline.isValid()) { drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarSubLine, p, subline, cg, Style_Enabled | ((active == SC_ScrollBarSubLine) ? Style_Down : Style_Default) | ((scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ? Style_Horizontal : 0)); if (subline2.isValid()) drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarSubLine, p, subline2, cg, Style_Enabled | ((active == SC_ScrollBarSubLine) ? Style_Down : Style_Default) | ((scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ? Style_Horizontal : 0)); } if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarAddLine) && addline.isValid()) drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarAddLine, p, addline, cg, Style_Enabled | ((active == SC_ScrollBarAddLine) ? Style_Down : Style_Default) | ((scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ? Style_Horizontal : 0)); if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarSubPage) && subpage.isValid()) drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarSubPage, p, subpage, cg, Style_Enabled | ((active == SC_ScrollBarSubPage) ? Style_Down : Style_Default) | ((scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ? Style_Horizontal : 0)); if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarAddPage) && addpage.isValid()) drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarAddPage, p, addpage, cg, ((maxedOut) ? Style_Default : Style_Enabled) | ((active == SC_ScrollBarAddPage) ? Style_Down : Style_Default) | ((scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ? Style_Horizontal : 0)); if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarFirst) && first.isValid()) drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarFirst, p, first, cg, Style_Enabled | ((active == SC_ScrollBarFirst) ? Style_Down : Style_Default) | ((scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ? Style_Horizontal : 0)); if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarLast) && last.isValid()) drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarLast, p, last, cg, Style_Enabled | ((active == SC_ScrollBarLast) ? Style_Down : Style_Default) | ((scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ? Style_Horizontal : 0)); if ((controls & SC_ScrollBarSlider) && slider.isValid()) { drawPrimitive(PE_ScrollBarSlider, p, slider, cg, Style_Enabled | ((active == SC_ScrollBarSlider) ? Style_Down : Style_Default) | ((scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ? Style_Horizontal : 0)); // ### perhaps this should not be able to accept focus if maxedOut? if (scrollbar->hasFocus()) { QRect fr(slider.x() + 2, slider.y() + 2, slider.width() - 5, slider.height() - 5); drawPrimitive(PE_FocusRect, p, fr, cg, Style_Default); } } break; } case CC_Slider: { const QSlider *slider = (const QSlider *) widget; QRect groove = querySubControlMetrics(CC_Slider, widget, SC_SliderGroove, data), handle = querySubControlMetrics(CC_Slider, widget, SC_SliderHandle, data); if ((controls & SC_SliderGroove) && groove.isValid()) { QColor grooveColor = cg.midlight(); if (!(flags & Style_Enabled)) grooveColor = cg.background(); QBrush brush(grooveColor); drawLightBevel( p, groove, cg, ( ( flags | Style_Raised ) ^ Style_Raised ) | ( ( flags & Style_Enabled ) ? Style_Sunken : Style_Default ), 2, true, true, &brush ); groove.addCoords( 2, 2, -2, -2 ); drawLightEtch( p, groove, grooveColor, false ); if (flags & Style_HasFocus) { groove.addCoords( -2, -2, 2, 2 ); drawPrimitive( PE_FocusRect, p, groove, cg, flags ); } } if ((controls & SC_SliderHandle) && handle.isValid()) { QColor sliderColor = cg.highlight(); if (!(flags & Style_Enabled)) sliderColor = cg.button(); p->setPen( sliderColor.light() ); p->drawLine( handle.topLeft(), handle.topRight() ); p->drawLine( handle.left(), handle.top() + 1, handle.left(), handle.bottom() - 1 ); p->setPen( sliderColor.dark() ); p->drawLine( handle.left(), handle.bottom(), handle.right() - 1, handle.bottom() ); p->drawLine( handle.topRight(), handle.bottomRight() ); handle.addCoords( 1, 1, -1, -1 ); p->fillRect( handle, sliderColor ); p->setPen( cg.midlight() ); if ( slider->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ) p->drawLine( handle.left() + handle.width() / 2, handle.top() + 1, handle.left() + handle.width() / 2, handle.bottom() - 1 ); else p->drawLine( handle.left() + 1, handle.top() + handle.height() / 2, handle.right() - 1, handle.top() + handle.height() / 2 ); } if (controls & SC_SliderTickmarks) QCommonStyle::drawComplexControl(control, p, widget, r, cg, flags, SC_SliderTickmarks, active, data ); break; } case CC_ListView: // use the base style for CC_ListView basestyle->drawComplexControl(control, p, widget, r, cg, flags, controls, active, data); break; default: QCommonStyle::drawComplexControl(control, p, widget, r, cg, flags, controls, active, data); break; } } QRect LightStyleV3::querySubControlMetrics( ComplexControl control, const QWidget *widget, SubControl sc, const QStyleOption &data ) const { QRect ret; switch (control) { case CC_ComboBox: { int fw = pixelMetric( PM_DefaultFrameWidth, widget ); int sb = pixelMetric( PM_ScrollBarExtent ); // width of the arrow switch ( sc ) { case SC_ComboBoxFrame: ret = widget->rect(); break; case SC_ComboBoxArrow: ret.setRect( widget->width() - fw - sb, fw, sb, widget->height() - fw*2 ); break; case SC_ComboBoxEditField: ret.setRect( fw, fw, widget->width() - fw*2 - sb - 1, widget->height() - fw*2 ); break; default: break; } break; } case CC_ScrollBar: { const QScrollBar *scrollbar = (const QScrollBar *) widget; int sliderstart = scrollbar->sliderStart(); int sbextent = pixelMetric(PM_ScrollBarExtent, widget); int maxlen = ((scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ? scrollbar->width() : scrollbar->height()) - (sbextent * 3); int sliderlen; // calculate slider length if (scrollbar->maxValue() != scrollbar->minValue()) { uint range = scrollbar->maxValue() - scrollbar->minValue(); sliderlen = (scrollbar->pageStep() * maxlen) / (range + scrollbar->pageStep()); int slidermin = pixelMetric( PM_ScrollBarSliderMin, widget ); if ( sliderlen < slidermin || range > INT_MAX / 2 ) sliderlen = slidermin; if ( sliderlen > maxlen ) sliderlen = maxlen; } else sliderlen = maxlen; switch (sc) { case SC_ScrollBarSubLine: // top/left button ret.setRect(0, 0, sbextent, sbextent); break; case SC_ScrollBarAddLine: // bottom/right button if (scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ret.setRect(scrollbar->width() - sbextent, 0, sbextent, sbextent); else ret.setRect(0, scrollbar->height() - sbextent, sbextent, sbextent); break; case SC_ScrollBarSubPage: // between top/left button and slider if (scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ret.setRect(sbextent, 0, sliderstart - sbextent, sbextent); else ret.setRect(0, sbextent, sbextent, sliderstart - sbextent); break; case SC_ScrollBarAddPage: // between bottom/right button and slider if (scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ret.setRect(sliderstart + sliderlen, 0, maxlen - sliderstart - sliderlen + sbextent, sbextent); else ret.setRect(0, sliderstart + sliderlen, sbextent, maxlen - sliderstart - sliderlen + sbextent); break; case SC_ScrollBarGroove: if (scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ret.setRect(sbextent, 0, maxlen, sbextent ); else ret.setRect(0, sbextent, sbextent, maxlen ); break; case SC_ScrollBarSlider: if (scrollbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) ret.setRect(sliderstart, 0, sliderlen, sbextent); else ret.setRect(0, sliderstart, sbextent, sliderlen); break; default: break; } break; } case CC_Slider: { const QSlider *slider = (const QSlider *) widget; int tickOffset = pixelMetric( PM_SliderTickmarkOffset, widget ); int thickness = pixelMetric( PM_SliderControlThickness, widget ); switch ( sc ) { case SC_SliderGroove: if ( slider->orientation() == Horizontal ) ret.setRect( 0, tickOffset, slider->width(), thickness ); else ret.setRect( tickOffset, 0, thickness, slider->height() ); break; case SC_SliderHandle: { int pos = slider->sliderStart(); int len = pixelMetric( PM_SliderLength, widget ); if ( slider->orientation() == Horizontal ) ret.setRect( pos + 2, tickOffset + 2, len - 4, thickness - 4 ); else ret.setRect( tickOffset + 2, pos + 2, thickness - 4, len - 4 ); break; } default: ret = QCommonStyle::querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, sc, data); break; } break; } default: ret = QCommonStyle::querySubControlMetrics(control, widget, sc, data); break; } return ret; } QStyle::SubControl LightStyleV3::querySubControl( ComplexControl control, const QWidget *widget, const QPoint &pos, const QStyleOption &data ) const { QStyle::SubControl ret = QCommonStyle::querySubControl(control, widget, pos, data); // this is an ugly hack, but i really don't care, it's the quickest way to // enabled the third button if (control == CC_ScrollBar && ret == SC_None) ret = SC_ScrollBarSubLine; return ret; } int LightStyleV3::pixelMetric( PixelMetric metric, const QWidget *widget ) const { int ret; switch (metric) { case PM_ButtonMargin: ret = 6; break; case PM_ButtonShiftHorizontal: case PM_ButtonShiftVertical: ret = 0; break; case PM_ButtonDefaultIndicator: ret = 0; break; case PM_DefaultFrameWidth: ret = 2; break; case PM_IndicatorWidth: case PM_IndicatorHeight: case PM_ExclusiveIndicatorWidth: case PM_ExclusiveIndicatorHeight: ret = 13; break; case PM_TabBarTabOverlap: case PM_TabBarBaseOverlap: ret = 0; break; case PM_ScrollBarExtent: case PM_ScrollBarSliderMin: ret = 15; break; case PM_MenuBarFrameWidth: ret = 1; break; case PM_ProgressBarChunkWidth: ret = 1; break; case PM_DockWindowHandleExtent: ret = 8; break; case PM_DockWindowSeparatorExtent: ret = 8; break; case PM_SplitterWidth: ret = 8; break; case PM_SliderLength: ret = 25; break; case PM_SliderThickness: ret = 11; break; case PM_SliderControlThickness: { const QSlider * sl = (const QSlider *) widget; int space = (sl->orientation() == Horizontal) ? sl->height() : sl->width(); int ticks = sl->tickmarks(); int n = 0; if ( ticks & QSlider::Above ) n++; if ( ticks & QSlider::Below ) n++; if ( !n ) { ret = space; break; } int thick = 6; // Magic constant to get 5 + 16 + 5 space -= thick; //### the two sides may be unequal in size if ( space > 0 ) thick += (space * 2) / (n + 2); ret = thick; break; } case PM_MaximumDragDistance: ret = -1; break; default: ret = QCommonStyle::pixelMetric(metric, widget); break; } return ret; } QSize LightStyleV3::sizeFromContents( ContentsType contents, const QWidget *widget, const QSize &contentsSize, const QStyleOption &data ) const { QSize ret; switch (contents) { case CT_ComboBox: { int fw = pixelMetric( PM_DefaultFrameWidth, widget ) * 2; int sb = pixelMetric( PM_ScrollBarExtent ); // width of the arrow int w = contentsSize.width(); int h = contentsSize.height(); w += fw + sb + 1; h += fw; // try to keep a similar height to buttons if ( h < 21 ) h = 21; ret = QSize( w, h ); break; } case CT_PushButton: { const QPushButton *button = (const QPushButton *) widget; ret = QCommonStyle::sizeFromContents( contents, widget, contentsSize, data ); int w = ret.width(), h = ret.height(); int dbi = pixelMetric( PM_ButtonDefaultIndicator, widget ) * 2; int mw = 80 - dbi, mh = 25 - dbi; // only expand the button if we are displaying text... if ( ! button->text().isEmpty() ) { // button minimum size if ( w < mw ) w = mw; if ( h < mh ) h = mh; } ret = QSize( w, h ); break; } case CT_PopupMenuItem: { if (! widget || data.isDefault()) break; QMenuItem *mi = data.menuItem(); const QPopupMenu *popupmenu = (const QPopupMenu *) widget; int maxpmw = data.maxIconWidth(); int w = contentsSize.width(), h = contentsSize.height(); if (mi->custom()) { w = mi->custom()->sizeHint().width(); h = mi->custom()->sizeHint().height(); if (! mi->custom()->fullSpan() && h < 22) h = 22; } else if(mi->widget()) { } else if (mi->isSeparator()) { w = 10; h = 4; } else { // check is at least 16x16 if (h < 16) h = 16; if (mi->pixmap()) h = QMAX(h, mi->pixmap()->height()); else if (! mi->text().isNull()) h = QMAX(h, popupmenu->fontMetrics().height() + 2); if (mi->iconSet() != 0) h = QMAX(h, mi->iconSet()->pixmap(QIconSet::Small, QIconSet::Normal).height()); h += 2; } // check | 4 pixels | item | 8 pixels | accel | 4 pixels | check // check is at least 16x16 maxpmw = QMAX(maxpmw, 16); w += (maxpmw * 2) + 8; if (! mi->text().isNull() && mi->text().find('\t') >= 0) w += 8; ret = QSize(w, h); break; } case CT_ProgressBar: { const QProgressBar* pb = static_cast(widget); //If we have to display the indicator, and we do it on RHS, give some more room //for it. This tries to match the logic and the spacing in SR_ProgressBarGroove/Contents //sizing in QCommonStyle. if (pb->percentageVisible() && (pb->indicatorFollowsStyle() || ! pb->centerIndicator())) { int addw = pb->fontMetrics().width("100%") + 6; return QSize(contentsSize.width() + addw, contentsSize.height()); } else return contentsSize; //Otherwise leave unchanged break; } default: ret = QCommonStyle::sizeFromContents(contents, widget, contentsSize, data); break; } return ret; } int LightStyleV3::styleHint( StyleHint stylehint, const QWidget *widget, const QStyleOption &option, QStyleHintReturn* returnData ) const { int ret; switch (stylehint) { case SH_EtchDisabledText: case SH_Slider_SnapToValue: case SH_PrintDialog_RightAlignButtons: case SH_FontDialog_SelectAssociatedText: case SH_MenuBar_AltKeyNavigation: case SH_MenuBar_MouseTracking: case SH_PopupMenu_MouseTracking: case SH_ComboBox_ListMouseTracking: case SH_ScrollBar_MiddleClickAbsolutePosition: ret = 1; break; case SH_MainWindow_SpaceBelowMenuBar: ret = 0; break; case SH_ScrollBar_BackgroundMode: ret = NoBackground; break; default: ret = QCommonStyle::styleHint(stylehint, widget, option, returnData); break; } return ret; } QPixmap LightStyleV3::stylePixmap( StylePixmap stylepixmap, const QWidget *widget, const QStyleOption &data ) const { return basestyle->stylePixmap( stylepixmap, widget, data ); } #include "lightstyle-v3.moc"