/************************************************************************** voiceman.cc - The VoiceManager class handles a set of voices for synths This file is part of LibKMid 0.9.5 Copyright (C) 1997,98,99,2000 Antonio Larrosa Jimenez LibKMid's homepage : http://www.arrakis.es/~rlarrosa/libkmid.html This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Send comments and bug fixes to Antonio Larrosa <larrosa@kde.org> ***************************************************************************/ #include "voiceman.h" #include <stdio.h> #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif VoiceManager::VoiceManager(int totalvoices) { nvoices=totalvoices; FirstVoice=new voice; FirstVoice->id=0; FirstVoice->channel=0; FirstVoice->note=0; FirstVoice->used=0; FirstVoice->prev=NULL; voice *ptrb=FirstVoice; voice *ptr=NULL; int i; for (i=1;i<nvoices;i++) { ptr=new voice; ptrb->next=ptr; ptr->id=i; ptr->channel=0; ptr->note=0; ptr->used=0; ptr->prev=ptrb; ptrb=ptr; } LastVoice=ptr; LastVoice->next=NULL; LastnotusedVoice=LastVoice; VoiceList=new voice *[nvoices]; ptr=FirstVoice; for (i=0;i<nvoices;i++) { VoiceList[i]=ptr; ptr=ptr->next; } searcher_aid=new voice; } VoiceManager::~VoiceManager() { voice *ptr=FirstVoice; voice *ptr2; while (ptr!=NULL) { ptr2=ptr->next; delete ptr; ptr=ptr2; } FirstVoice=NULL; LastVoice=NULL; LastnotusedVoice=NULL; delete [] VoiceList; VoiceList=NULL; delete searcher_aid; } void VoiceManager::clearLists(void) { #ifdef VOICEMANDEBUG printf("voicemanager::cleanLists\n"); #endif voice *ptr=FirstVoice; voice *ptr2=FirstVoice; while (ptr!=NULL) { ptr->used=0; ptr2=ptr; ptr=ptr->next; } LastVoice=ptr2; LastnotusedVoice=ptr2; } int VoiceManager::allocateVoice(int chn,int key) { // First, we take the allocated voice out of the first place of the list if ((LastnotusedVoice!=NULL)&&(LastnotusedVoice->id==FirstVoice->id)) { #ifdef VOICEMANDEBUG printf("Used last voice !\n"); #endif LastnotusedVoice=NULL; } voice *newvoice=FirstVoice; FirstVoice=FirstVoice->next; FirstVoice->prev=NULL; #ifdef VOICEMANDEBUG printf("Allocating id :%d\n",newvoice->id); #endif // then we put the allocated voice at the end of the list LastVoice->next=newvoice; newvoice->prev=LastVoice; LastVoice=newvoice; LastVoice->next=NULL; newvoice->channel=chn; newvoice->note=key; #ifdef VOICEMANDEBUG if (newvoice->used==1) { printf("Replacing voice : %d\n",newvoice->id); } #endif newvoice->used=1; //dispStat(); return newvoice->id; } void VoiceManager::deallocateVoice(int id) { voice *delvoice=VoiceList[id]; #ifdef VOICEMANDEBUG printf("Deallocating id :%d\n",id); #endif if (delvoice->id==LastVoice->id) { LastVoice=delvoice->prev; LastVoice->next=NULL; if (LastnotusedVoice==NULL) { delvoice->next=FirstVoice; FirstVoice->prev=delvoice; FirstVoice=delvoice; FirstVoice->prev=NULL; LastnotusedVoice=FirstVoice; } else { if (LastnotusedVoice->next==NULL) { LastnotusedVoice->next=delvoice; delvoice->prev=LastnotusedVoice; delvoice->next=NULL; LastnotusedVoice=delvoice; LastVoice=delvoice; } else { delvoice->next=LastnotusedVoice->next; delvoice->next->prev=delvoice; delvoice->prev=LastnotusedVoice; LastnotusedVoice->next=delvoice; LastnotusedVoice=delvoice; } } } else { if (delvoice->prev!=NULL) { delvoice->prev->next=delvoice->next; delvoice->next->prev=delvoice->prev; if (LastnotusedVoice==NULL) { delvoice->next=FirstVoice; FirstVoice->prev=delvoice; FirstVoice=delvoice; FirstVoice->prev=NULL; LastnotusedVoice=FirstVoice; } else { if (LastnotusedVoice->next==NULL) { LastnotusedVoice->next=delvoice; delvoice->prev=LastnotusedVoice; delvoice->next=NULL; LastnotusedVoice=delvoice; LastVoice=delvoice; } else { delvoice->next=LastnotusedVoice->next; delvoice->next->prev=delvoice; delvoice->prev=LastnotusedVoice; LastnotusedVoice->next=delvoice; LastnotusedVoice=delvoice; } } } } delvoice->used=0; // dispStat(); } void VoiceManager::initSearch(void) { searcher=searcher_aid; searcher_aid->prev=LastVoice; } int VoiceManager::search(int chn) { if (searcher==NULL) return -1; searcher=searcher->prev; while (searcher!=NULL) { if (searcher->used==0) return -1; if (searcher->channel==chn) { return searcher->id; } searcher=searcher->prev; } return -1; } int VoiceManager::search(int chn,int note) { if (searcher==NULL) return -1; searcher=searcher->prev; while ((searcher!=NULL)) { if (searcher->used==0) return -1; if ((searcher->channel==chn)&&(searcher->note==note)) { return searcher->id; } searcher=searcher->prev; } return -1; } /* void VoiceManager::dispStat(void) { #ifdef VOICEMANDEBUG printf("Stats\n"); voice *ptr=FirstVoice; while (ptr!=NULL) { printf("Voice %d is %s\n",ptr->id,(ptr->used==0)?("off"):("on")); ptr=ptr->next; } if (LastnotusedVoice!=NULL) printf("LnuV = %d\n",LastnotusedVoice->id); #endif } */