/************************************************************************** alsaout.cc - class AlsaOut which represents an alsa client/port pair This file is part of LibKMid 0.9.5 Copyright (C) 2000 Antonio Larrosa Jimenez LibKMid's homepage : http://www.arrakis.es/~rlarrosa/libtdemid.html This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Send comments and bug fixes to Antonio Larrosa <larrosa@kde.org> ***************************************************************************/ #include "alsaout.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "sndcard.h" #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include "midispec.h" #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_ALSA_ASOUNDLIB_H # include <alsa/asoundlib.h> #elif defined(HAVE_SYS_ASOUNDLIB_H) # include <sys/asoundlib.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBASOUND2 # define HAVE_ALSA_SEQ 1 # define snd_seq_flush_output(x) snd_seq_drain_output(x) #elif defined(HAVE_LIBASOUND) # define HAVE_ALSA_SEQ 1 # include <linux/asequencer.h> #endif SEQ_USE_EXTBUF(); class AlsaOut::AlsaOutPrivate { public: #ifdef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ AlsaOutPrivate(int _client, int _port, const char *cname,const char *pname) { handle=0L; src=tgt=0L; queue=0; tPCN=1; tgtclient=_client; tgtport=_port; tgtname=new char[strlen(cname)+strlen(pname)+3]; strcpy(tgtname, cname); strcat(tgtname, " "); strcat(tgtname, pname); ev=new snd_seq_event_t; timerStarted=false; } #else AlsaOutPrivate(int, int, const char *,const char *) { } #endif ~AlsaOutPrivate() { #ifdef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ delete ev; delete tgtname; #endif } #ifdef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ snd_seq_t *handle; int client; int queue; snd_seq_addr_t *src; snd_seq_addr_t *tgt; snd_seq_event_t *ev; int tPCN; int tgtclient; int tgtport; char *tgtname; bool timerStarted; #endif }; AlsaOut::AlsaOut(int d,int _client, int _port, const char *cname,const char *pname) : MidiOut (d) { di = new AlsaOutPrivate( _client, _port, cname, pname); seqfd = 0; devicetype=KMID_ALSA; device= d; volumepercentage=100; #ifdef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ // printf("%d %d %d (%s)\n",device, di->tgtclient, di->tgtport, di->tgtname); #endif _ok=1; } AlsaOut::~AlsaOut() { closeDev(); delete di; } void AlsaOut::openDev (int) { #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ return; #else _ok=1; #ifdef HAVE_LIBASOUND2 if (snd_seq_open(&di->handle, "hw", SND_SEQ_OPEN_DUPLEX, 0) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open sequencer: %s", snd_strerror(errno)); #else if (snd_seq_open(&di->handle, SND_SEQ_OPEN) < 0) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open sequencer: %s", snd_strerror(errno)); #endif di->queue = snd_seq_alloc_queue(di->handle); if (di->queue < 0) {fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate queue"); return; }; di->client = snd_seq_client_id(di->handle); if (di->client < 0) {fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get client id"); return; }; di->tgt = new snd_seq_addr_t; di->tgt->client=di->tgtclient; di->tgt->port=di->tgtport; di->src = new snd_seq_addr_t; di->src->client = di->client; int port = snd_seq_create_simple_port(di->handle, NULL, SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_WRITE | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_SUBS_WRITE | SND_SEQ_PORT_CAP_READ, SND_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GENERIC); if ( port < 0 ) { delete di->src; delete di->tgt; di->src=0; di->tgt=0; _ok=0; time=0; snd_seq_free_queue(di->handle, di->queue); snd_seq_close(di->handle); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot connect to %d:%d\n",di->tgtclient,di->tgtport); return; } di->src->port = port; int r=snd_seq_connect_to(di->handle, di->src->port, di->tgt->client, di->tgt->port); if (r < 0) { _ok=0; fprintf(stderr, "Cannot connect to %d:%d\n",di->tgtclient,di->tgtport); } time=0; #endif } void AlsaOut::closeDev (void) { if (!ok()) return; #ifdef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ if (di->handle) { if (di->src) { snd_seq_delete_simple_port(di->handle,di->src->port); delete di->src; di->src=0; } if (di->tgt) { delete di->tgt; di->tgt=0; } if (di->queue) { snd_seq_free_queue(di->handle, di->queue); snd_seq_close(di->handle); } di->handle=0; } #endif } void AlsaOut::initDev (void) { #ifdef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ int chn; if (!ok()) return; uchar gm_reset[5]={0x7e, 0x7f, 0x09, 0x01, 0xf7}; sysex(gm_reset, sizeof(gm_reset)); for (chn=0;chn<16;chn++) { chnmute[chn]=0; if (chn!=9) chnPatchChange(chn,0); chnPressure(chn,64); chnPitchBender(chn, 0x00, 0x40); chnController(chn, CTL_MAIN_VOLUME,110*volumepercentage); chnController(chn, CTL_EXT_EFF_DEPTH, 0); chnController(chn, CTL_CHORUS_DEPTH, 0); chnController(chn, 0x4a, 127); } #endif } #ifdef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::eventInit(snd_seq_event_t *ev) { snd_seq_ev_clear(ev); snd_seq_real_time_t tmp; tmp.tv_sec=(time)/1000; tmp.tv_nsec=(time%1000)*1000000; // printf("time : %d %d %d\n",(int)time,(int)tmp.tv_sec, (int)tmp.tv_nsec); if (!di->src) { fprintf(stderr,"AlsaOut::eventInit : no source\n"); return; } ev->source = *di->src; if (!di->tgt) { fprintf(stderr,"AlsaOut::eventInit : no target\n"); return; } ev->dest = *di->tgt; snd_seq_ev_schedule_real(ev, di->queue, 0, &tmp); } void AlsaOut::eventSend(snd_seq_event_t *ev) { /*int err = */ snd_seq_event_output(di->handle, ev); /* if (err < 0) return; */ //#ifndef SND_SEQ_IOCTL_GET_CLIENT_POOL /* * If this is not defined then block mode writes will not be * working correctly. Therefore loop until all events are flushed * out. */ /* err = 0; do { err = snd_seq_flush_output(di->handle); if (err > 0) usleep(2000); } while (err > 0); #endif return ; */ } void AlsaOut::timerEventSend(int type) { snd_seq_event_t ev; ev.queue = di->queue; ev.dest.client = SND_SEQ_CLIENT_SYSTEM; ev.dest.port = SND_SEQ_PORT_SYSTEM_TIMER; ev.data.queue.queue = di->queue; ev.flags = SND_SEQ_TIME_STAMP_REAL | SND_SEQ_TIME_MODE_REL; ev.time.time.tv_sec = 0; ev.time.time.tv_nsec = 0; ev.type = type; snd_seq_event_output(di->handle, &ev); snd_seq_flush_output(di->handle); } #endif // HAVE_ALSA_SEQ #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::noteOn (uchar , uchar , uchar ) { #else void AlsaOut::noteOn (uchar chn, uchar note, uchar vel) { if (vel==0) { noteOff(chn,note,vel); } else { eventInit(di->ev); snd_seq_ev_set_noteon(di->ev,map->channel(chn), map->key(chn,chnpatch[chn],note), vel); eventSend(di->ev); } #endif #ifdef MIDIOUTDEBUG printfdebug("Note ON >\t chn : %d\tnote : %d\tvel: %d\n",chn,note,vel); #endif } #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::noteOff (uchar , uchar , uchar ) { #else void AlsaOut::noteOff (uchar chn, uchar note, uchar vel) { eventInit(di->ev); snd_seq_ev_set_noteoff(di->ev,map->channel(chn), map->key(chn,chnpatch[chn],note), vel); eventSend(di->ev); #endif #ifdef MIDIOUTDEBUG printfdebug("Note OFF >\t chn : %d\tnote : %d\tvel: %d\n",chn,note,vel); #endif } #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::keyPressure (uchar , uchar , uchar ) { #else void AlsaOut::keyPressure (uchar chn, uchar note, uchar vel) { eventInit(di->ev); snd_seq_ev_set_keypress(di->ev,map->channel(chn), map->key(chn,chnpatch[chn],note), vel); eventSend(di->ev); #endif } #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::chnPatchChange (uchar , uchar ) { #else void AlsaOut::chnPatchChange (uchar chn, uchar patch) { #ifdef MIDIOUTDEBUG printfdebug("PATCHCHANGE [%d->%d] %d -> %d\n", chn,map->channel(chn),patch,map->patch(chn,patch)); #endif eventInit(di->ev); snd_seq_ev_set_pgmchange(di->ev,map->channel(chn), map->patch(chn,patch)); eventSend(di->ev); chnpatch[chn]=patch; #endif } #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::chnPressure (uchar , uchar ) { #else void AlsaOut::chnPressure (uchar chn, uchar vel) { eventInit(di->ev); snd_seq_ev_set_chanpress(di->ev,map->channel(chn), vel); eventSend(di->ev); chnpressure[chn]=vel; #endif } #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::chnPitchBender(uchar ,uchar , uchar ) { #else void AlsaOut::chnPitchBender(uchar chn,uchar lsb, uchar msb) { map->pitchBender(chn,lsb,msb); chnbender[chn]=((short)msb<<7) | (lsb & 0x7F); chnbender[chn]=chnbender[chn]-0x2000; eventInit(di->ev); snd_seq_ev_set_pitchbend(di->ev,map->channel(chn), chnbender[chn]); eventSend(di->ev); #endif } #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::chnController (uchar , uchar , uchar ) { #else void AlsaOut::chnController (uchar chn, uchar ctl, uchar v) { map->controller(chn,ctl,v); if ((ctl==11)||(ctl==7)) { v=(v*volumepercentage)/100; if (v>127) v=127; } eventInit(di->ev); snd_seq_ev_set_controller(di->ev,map->channel(chn), ctl, v); eventSend(di->ev); chncontroller[chn][ctl]=v; #endif } #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::sysex(uchar *, ulong ) { #else void AlsaOut::sysex(uchar *data, ulong size) { eventInit(di->ev); snd_seq_ev_set_sysex(di->ev, size, data); eventSend(di->ev); #endif #ifdef MIDIOUTDEBUG printfdebug("sysex\n"); #endif } #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::channelSilence (uchar ) { #else void AlsaOut::channelSilence (uchar chn) { uchar i; for ( i=0; i<127; i++) { noteOff(chn,i,0); } #endif } #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::channelMute(uchar , int ) { #else void AlsaOut::channelMute(uchar chn, int a) { if (a==1) { chnmute[chn]=a; channelSilence(chn); } else if (a==0) { chnmute[chn]=a; } /* else ignore the call to this procedure */ #endif } void AlsaOut::seqbuf_dump (void) { printf("You shouldn't be here.\n"); } void AlsaOut::seqbuf_clean(void) { printf("You shouldn't be here neither.\n"); } void AlsaOut::wait(double ticks) { // SEQ_WAIT_TIME(((int)(ticks/convertrate))); time=static_cast<long int>(ticks); #ifdef MIDIOUTDEBUG printfdebug("Wait >\t ticks: %g\n",ticks); #endif } #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::tmrSetTempo(int ) { #else void AlsaOut::tmrSetTempo(int v) { eventInit(di->ev); di->ev->type = SND_SEQ_EVENT_TEMPO; snd_seq_ev_set_direct(di->ev); di->ev->data.queue.queue = di->queue; di->ev->data.queue.param.value = v; di->ev->dest.client = SND_SEQ_CLIENT_SYSTEM; di->ev->dest.port = SND_SEQ_PORT_SYSTEM_TIMER; snd_seq_event_output_direct(di->handle, di->ev); #ifdef MIDIOUTDEBUG printfdebug("SETTEMPO >\t tempo: %d\n",v); #endif #endif } #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::sync(int ) { #else void AlsaOut::sync(int i) { if (i==1) { snd_seq_flush_output(di->handle); } if (di->timerStarted && di->src) { eventInit(di->ev); di->ev->dest = *di->src; eventSend(di->ev); snd_seq_flush_output(di->handle); snd_seq_event_input(di->handle,&di->ev); } #endif } #ifndef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ void AlsaOut::tmrStart(int ) { #else void AlsaOut::tmrStart(int tpcn) { int ret; di->timerStarted=true; di->tPCN=tpcn; #ifdef HAVE_LIBASOUND2 snd_seq_queue_tempo_t *queuetempo; snd_seq_queue_tempo_alloca(&queuetempo); snd_seq_queue_tempo_set_ppq(queuetempo, tpcn); snd_seq_queue_tempo_set_tempo(queuetempo, 60*1000000/120); ret = snd_seq_set_queue_tempo(di->handle, di->queue, queuetempo); #else snd_seq_queue_tempo_t queuetempo; memset(&queuetempo, 0, sizeof(queuetempo)); queuetempo.queue = di->queue; queuetempo.ppq = tpcn; queuetempo.tempo = 60*1000000/120; ret = snd_seq_set_queue_tempo(di->handle, di->queue, &queuetempo); #endif timerEventSend(SND_SEQ_EVENT_START); snd_seq_start_queue(di->handle,di->queue,NULL); #endif } void AlsaOut::tmrStop(void) { #ifdef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ di->timerStarted=false; timerEventSend(SND_SEQ_EVENT_STOP); #endif } void AlsaOut::tmrContinue(void) { } const char * AlsaOut::deviceName(void) const { #ifdef HAVE_ALSA_SEQ return di->tgtname; #else return 0L; #endif }