 *  This file is part of the KDE libraries
 *  Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@kdemail.net>
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Library General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 *  along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 *  Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqcstring.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include "tdelibs_export.h"

 * This file defines a class that envelopes most, if not all, socket addresses
typedef unsigned ksocklen_t;

struct sockaddr;

class KExtendedSocket;		// No need to define it fully

class TDESocketAddressPrivate;
 * A socket address.
 * This class envelopes almost if not all socket addresses.
 * @author Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@kdemail.net>
 * @short a socket address.
class TDECORE_EXPORT TDESocketAddress: public TQObject
   * Creates an empty class
  TDESocketAddress() { init(); }

   * Creates with given data
   * @param sa a sockaddr structure
   * @param size the size of @p sa
  TDESocketAddress(const sockaddr* sa, ksocklen_t size);

   * Destructor.
  virtual ~TDESocketAddress();

   * Returns a string representation of this socket.
   * @return a pretty string representation
  virtual TQString pretty() const;

   * Returns a sockaddr structure, for passing down to library functions.
   * @return the sockaddr structure, can be 0
  const sockaddr* address() const
  { return data; }

   * Returns sockaddr structure size.
   * @return the size of the sockaddr structre, 0 if there is none.
  virtual ksocklen_t size() const
  { return datasize; }

   * Returns a sockaddr structure, for passing down to library functions.
   * @return the sockaddr structure, can be 0.
   * @see address()
  operator const sockaddr*() const
  { return data; }

   * Returns the family of this address.
   * @return the family of this address, AF_UNSPEC if it's undefined
  int family() const;

   * Returns the IANA family number of this address.
   * @return the IANA family number of this address (1 for AF_INET.
   *         2 for AF_INET6, otherwise 0)
  inline int ianaFamily() const
  { return ianaFamily(family()); }

   * Returns true if this equals the other socket.
   * @param other	the other socket
   * @return true if both sockets are equal
  virtual bool isEqual(const TDESocketAddress& other) const;
  bool isEqual(const TDESocketAddress* other) const
  { return isEqual(*other); }

   * Overloaded == operator.
   * @see isEqual()
  bool operator==(const TDESocketAddress& other) const
  { return isEqual(other); }

   * Some sockets may differ in such things as services or port numbers,
   * like Internet sockets. This function compares only the core part
   * of that, if possible.
   * If not possible, like the default implementation, this returns
   * the same as isEqual.
   * @param other	the other socket
   * @return true if the code part is equal
  bool isCoreEqual(const TDESocketAddress& other) const;

   * Some sockets may differ in such things as services or port numbers,
   * like Internet sockets. This function compares only the core part
   * of that, if possible.
   * If not possible, like the default implementation, this returns
   * the same as isEqual.
   * @param other	the other socket
   * @return true if the code part is equal
  bool isCoreEqual(const TDESocketAddress* other) const
  { return isCoreEqual(*other); }

   * Returns the node name of this socket, as KExtendedSocket::lookup expects
   * as the first argument.
   * In the case of Internet sockets, this is the hostname.
   * The default implementation returns TQString::null.
   * @return the node name, can be TQString::null
  virtual TQString nodeName() const;

   * Returns the service name for this socket, as KExtendedSocket::lookup expects
   * as the service argument.
   * In the case of Internet sockets, this is the port number.
   * The default implementation returns TQString::null.
   * @return the service name, can be TQString::null
  virtual TQString serviceName() const;

  sockaddr*	data;
  ksocklen_t	datasize;
  bool		owndata;

  void init();
  /* No copy constructor */
  TDESocketAddress& operator=(TDESocketAddress&);

   * Creates a new TDESocketAddress or descendant class from given
   * raw socket address.
   * @param sa		new socket address
   * @param size	new socket address's length
   * @return the new TDESocketAddress, or 0 if the function failed
  static TDESocketAddress* newAddress(const struct sockaddr *sa, ksocklen_t size);

   * Returns the IANA family number of the given address family.
   * Returns 0 if there is no corresponding IANA family number.
   * @param af		the address family, in AF_* constants
   * @return the IANA family number of this address (1 for AF_INET.
   *         2 for AF_INET6, otherwise 0)
  static int ianaFamily(int af);

   * Returns the address family of the given IANA family number.
   * @return the address family, AF_UNSPEC for unknown IANA family numbers
  static int fromIanaFamily(int iana);

  friend class KExtendedSocket;
  virtual void virtual_hook( int id, void* data );
  TDESocketAddressPrivate* d;

 * External definitions
 * We need these for KInetSocketAddress
struct sockaddr_in;
struct sockaddr_in6;
struct in_addr;
struct in6_addr;

class KInetSocketAddressPrivate;
 * An Inet (IPv4 or IPv6) socket address
 * This is an IPv4 or IPv6 address of the Internet
 * This class inherits most of the functionality from TDESocketAddress, but
 * is targeted specifically to Internet addresses
 * @author Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@kdemail.net>
 * @short an Internet socket address
class TDECORE_EXPORT KInetSocketAddress: public ::TDESocketAddress
   * Default constructor. Does nothing

   * Copy constructor
  KInetSocketAddress(const KInetSocketAddress&);

   * Creates an IPv4 socket from raw sockaddr_in.
   * @param sin		a sockaddr_in structure to copy from
   * @param len		the socket address length
  KInetSocketAddress(const sockaddr_in* sin, ksocklen_t len);

   * Creates an IPv6 socket from raw sockaddr_in6.
   * @param sin6       	a sockaddr_in6 structure to copy from
   * @param len		the socket address length
  KInetSocketAddress(const sockaddr_in6* sin6, ksocklen_t len);

   * Creates a socket from information.
   * @param addr	a binary address
   * @param port	a port number
  KInetSocketAddress(const in_addr& addr, unsigned short port);

   * Creates a socket from information.
   * @param addr	a binary address
   * @param port	a port number
  KInetSocketAddress(const in6_addr& addr, unsigned short port);

   * Creates a socket from text representation.
   * @param addr	a text representation of the address
   * @param port	a port number
   * @param family	the family for this address. Use -1 to guess the
   *                    family type
   * @see setAddress
  KInetSocketAddress(const TQString& addr, unsigned short port, int family = -1);

   * Destructor
  virtual ~KInetSocketAddress();

   * Sets this socket to given socket.
   * @param ksa		the other socket
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setAddress(const KInetSocketAddress& ksa);

   * Sets this socket to given raw socket.
   * @param sin		the raw socket
   * @param len		the socket address length
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setAddress(const sockaddr_in* sin, ksocklen_t len);

   * Sets this socket to given raw socket.
   * Note: this function does not clear the scope ID and flow info values
   * @param sin6	the raw socket
   * @param len		the socket address length
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setAddress(const sockaddr_in6* sin6, ksocklen_t len);

   * Sets this socket to raw address and port.
   * @param addr	the address
   * @param port	the port number
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setAddress(const in_addr& addr, unsigned short port);

   * Sets this socket to raw address and port.
   * @param addr	the address
   * @param port	the port number
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setAddress(const in6_addr& addr, unsigned short port);

   * Sets this socket to text address and port
   * You can use the @p family parameter to specify what kind of socket
   * you want this to be. It could be AF_INET or AF_INET6 or -1.
   * If the value is -1 (default), this function will make an effort to
   * discover what is the family. That isn't too hard, actually, and it
   * works in all cases. But, if you want to be sure that your socket
   * is of the type you want, use this parameter.
   * This function returns false if the socket address was not valid.
   * @param addr	the address
   * @param port	the port number
   * @param family	the address family, -1 for any
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setAddress(const TQString& addr, unsigned short port, int family = -1);

   * Sets this socket's host address to given raw address.
   * @param addr	the address
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setHost(const in_addr& addr);

   * Sets this socket's host address to given raw address.
   * @param addr	the address
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setHost(const in6_addr& addr);

   * Sets this socket's host address to given text representation.
   * @param addr	the address
   * @param family	the address family, -1 to guess the family
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setHost(const TQString& addr, int family = -1);

   * Sets this socket's port number to given port number.
   * @param port	the port number
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setPort(unsigned short port);

   * Turns this into an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
   * @param family the new address family
   * @return false if this is v6 and information was lost. That doesn't
   * mean the conversion was unsuccessful.
  bool setFamily(int family);

   * Sets flowinfo information for this socket address if this is IPv6.
   * @param flowinfo	flowinfo
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setFlowinfo(TQ_UINT32 flowinfo);

   * Sets the scope id for this socket if this is IPv6.
   * @param scopeid	the scope id
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setScopeId(int scopeid);

   * Returns a pretty representation of this address.
   * @return a pretty representation
  virtual TQString pretty() const;

   * Returns the text representation of the host address.
   * @return a text representation of the host address
  virtual TQString nodeName() const;
  //  TQString prettyHost() const;

   * Returns the text representation of the port number.
   * @return the name of the service (a number)
  virtual TQString serviceName() const;

   * Returns the socket address.
   * This will be NULL if this is a non-convertible v6.
   * This function will return an IPv4 socket if this IPv6
   * socket is a v4-mapped address. That is, if it's really
   * an IPv4 address, but in v6 disguise.
   * @return the sockaddr_in struct, can be 0.
  const sockaddr_in* addressV4() const;

   * Returns the socket address in IPv6
   * @return the sockaddr_in struct, can be 0 if IPv6 is unsupported.
  const sockaddr_in6* addressV6() const;

   * Returns the host address.
   * Might be empty.
   * @return the host address
  in_addr hostV4() const;

   * Returns the host address.
   * WARNING: this function is not defined if there is no IPv6 support
   * @return the host address
  in6_addr hostV6() const;

   * Returns the port number.
   * @return the port number
  unsigned short port() const;

   * Returns flowinfo for IPv6 socket.
   * @return the flowinfo, 0 if unsupported
  TQ_UINT32 flowinfo() const;

   * Returns the scope id for this IPv6 socket.
   * @return the scope id
  int scopeId() const;

   * Returns the socket length.
   * Will be either sizeof(sockaddr_in) or sizeof(sockaddr_in6)
   * @return the length of the socket
  virtual ksocklen_t size() const; // should be socklen_t

  /* comparation */
   * Compares two IPv4 addresses.
   * @param s1 the first address to compare
   * @param s2 the second address to compare
   * @param coreOnly true if only core parts should be compared (only
   *                 the address)
   * @return true if the given addresses are equal.
   * @see areEqualInet6()
   * @see TDESocketAddress::isEqual()
   * @see TDESocketAddress::isCoreEqual()
  static bool areEqualInet(const TDESocketAddress &s1, const TDESocketAddress &s2, bool coreOnly);

   * Compares two IPv6 addresses.
   * @param s1 the first address to compare
   * @param s2 the second address to compare
   * @param coreOnly true if only core parts should be compared (only
   *                 the address)
   * @return true if the given addresses are equal.
   * @see areEqualInet()
   * @see TDESocketAddress::isEqual()
   * @see TDESocketAddress::isCoreEqual()
  static bool areEqualInet6(const TDESocketAddress &s1, const TDESocketAddress &s2, bool coreOnly);

  /* operators */

   * Returns the socket address.
   * This will be NULL if this is a non-convertible v6.
   * @return the sockaddr_in structure, can be 0 if v6.
   * @see addressV4()
  operator const sockaddr_in*() const
  { return addressV4(); }

   * Returns the socket address.
   * @return the sockaddr_in structure, can be 0 if v6 is unsupported.
   * @see addressV6()
  operator const sockaddr_in6*() const
  { return addressV6(); }

   * Sets this object to be the same as the other.
  KInetSocketAddress& operator=(const KInetSocketAddress &other)
  { setAddress(other); return *this; }


  void fromV4();
  void fromV6();

   * Convert s the given raw address into text form.
   * This function returns TQString::null if the address cannot be converted.
   * @param family	the family of the address
   * @param addr	the address, in raw form
   * @return the converted address, or TQString::null if not possible.
  static TQString addrToString(int family, const void *addr);

   * Converts the address given in text form into raw form.
   * The size of the destination buffer @p dest is supposed to be
   * large enough to hold the address of the given family.
   * @param family	the family of the address
   * @param text	the text representation of the address
   * @param dest	the destination buffer of the address
   * @return true if convertion was successful.
  static bool stringToAddr(int family, const char *text, void *dest);

  friend class KExtendedSocket;
  virtual void virtual_hook( int id, void* data );
  KInetSocketAddressPrivate* d;

extern const ::KInetSocketAddress addressAny, addressLoopback;

 * External definition KUnixSocketAddress
struct sockaddr_un;

class KUnixSocketAddressPrivate;
 * A Unix socket address
 * This is a Unix socket address.
 * This class expects TQCString instead of TQString values, which means the
 * filenames should be encoded in whatever form locale/system deems necessary
 * before passing down to the function
 * @author Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@kdemail.net>
 * @short a Unix socket address
class TDECORE_EXPORT KUnixSocketAddress: public ::TDESocketAddress
   * Default constructor

   * Constructor from raw data.
   * @param raw_data	raw data
   * @param size	data length
  KUnixSocketAddress(const sockaddr_un* raw_data, ksocklen_t size);

   * Constructor from pathname.
   * @param pathname	pathname
  KUnixSocketAddress(TQCString pathname);

   * Destructor
  virtual ~KUnixSocketAddress();

   * Sets this to given sockaddr_un.
   * @param socket_address socket address
   * @param size	the socket length
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setAddress(const sockaddr_un* socket_address, ksocklen_t size);

   * Sets this to given pathname.
   * @param path	pathname
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool setAddress(TQCString path);

   * Returns the pathname.
   * @return the pathname, can be TQCString::null if uninitialized, or
   *         "" if unknown
  TQCString pathname() const;

   * Returns pretty representation of this socket.
   * @return a pretty text representation of the socket.
  virtual TQString pretty() const;

   * Returns the path in the form of a TQString.
   * This can be fed into KExtendedSocket.
   * @return the path (can be TQString::null).
   * @see pathname()
  virtual TQString serviceName() const;

   * Returns raw socket address.
   * @return the raw socket address (can be 0 if uninitialized)
  const sockaddr_un* address() const;

   * Returns raw socket address.
   * @return the raw socket address (can be 0 if uninitialized)
   * @see address()
  operator const sockaddr_un*() const
  { return address(); }

   * Compares two unix socket addresses.
   * @param s1 the first address to compare
   * @param s2 the second address to compare
   * @param coreOnly true if only core parts should be compared (currently
   *                 unused)
   * @return true if the given addresses are equal.
   * @see TDESocketAddress::isEqual()
   * @see TDESocketAddress::isCoreEqual()
  static bool areEqualUnix(const TDESocketAddress &s1, const TDESocketAddress &s2, bool coreOnly);

  void init();

  friend class KExtendedSocket;
  virtual void virtual_hook( int id, void* data );
  KUnixSocketAddressPrivate* d;

#endif // KSOCKADDR_H