/* This file is part of the KDE project * * Copyright (C) 2003 Koos Vriezen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.kde.kjas.server; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.security.*; /** * */ class KIOConnection { final static int NOT_CONNECTED = 0; final static int CONNECT_WAIT = 1; final static int CONNECTED = 2; final static int DATA = 0; final static int FINISHED = 1; final static int ERRORCODE = 2; final static int CONNECT = 6; final static int REQUESTDATA = 7; final static int STOP = 0; final static int HOLD = 1; final static int RESUME = 2; protected static int id = 0; static Hashtable jobs = new Hashtable(); // should be thread safe static void setData(String jobid, int code, byte [] data) { KIOConnection job = (KIOConnection) jobs.get(jobid); if (job == null || !job.setData(code, data)) Main.info("TDEIO KJASHttpURLConnection gone (timedout/closed)"); else Thread.yield(); } private class KJASOutputStream extends OutputStream { KJASOutputStream() { } public void write(int b) throws IOException { byte[] buf = {(byte)b}; write(buf); } public synchronized void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException { byte[] buf = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy(b, off, buf, 0, len); sendData(buf, false); } public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException { write(b, 0, b.length); } public void close() throws IOException { disconnect(); } public void flush() throws IOException { checkConnected(); sendData(null, true); } } private class KJASInputStream extends InputStream { KJASInputStream() { } public int read() throws IOException { if (getData(true)) return 0x00ff & in_buf[in_bufpos++]; return -1; } public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { int total = 0; do { if (!getData(true)) break; int nr = in_buf.length - in_bufpos; if (nr > len) nr = len; System.arraycopy(in_buf, in_bufpos, b, off, nr); len -= nr; total += nr; off += nr; in_bufpos += nr; } while (len > 0); return total > 0 ? total : -1; } public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException { return read(b, 0, b.length); } public int available() throws IOException { return inAvailable(); } public boolean markSupported() { return false; } public void close() throws IOException { disconnect(); } } protected URL url; protected int connect_status = 0; protected String jobid = null; // connection id with TDEIO protected LinkedList data = new LinkedList(); // not thread safe protected int errorcode = 0; protected boolean finished = false; // all data has arived protected boolean onhold = false; // TDEIO job is suspended protected boolean request_data = false; // need data for put job private KJASOutputStream out = null; private KJASInputStream in = null; private byte [] in_buf = null; // current input buffer private int in_bufpos = 0; // position in buffer private boolean in_eof = false; // all data is read private final static int LOW_BUFFER_LIMIT = 5; // put onhold off private final static int HIGH_BUFFER_LIMIT = 10; // put onhold on protected KIOConnection(URL u) { url = u; } protected void checkConnected() throws IOException { if (connect_status != CONNECTED) throw new IOException("not connected"); } protected boolean haveError() { return errorcode != 0; } synchronized protected boolean setData(int code, byte [] d) { // is job still there when entering the monitor if (jobs.get(jobid) == null) return false; if (connect_status == CONNECT_WAIT) connect_status = CONNECTED; switch (code) { case FINISHED: if (d != null && d.length > 0) data.addLast(d); finished = true; onhold = false; jobs.remove(jobid); Main.debug ("TDEIO FINISHED (" + jobid + ") " + data.size()); break; case DATA: if (d.length > 0) data.addLast(d); // Main.debug ("TDEIO DATA (" + jobid + ") " + data.size()); if (!onhold && data.size() > HIGH_BUFFER_LIMIT) { Main.protocol.sendDataCmd(jobid, HOLD); onhold = true; } break; case ERRORCODE: String codestr = new String(d); errorcode = Integer.parseInt(codestr); Main.debug ("TDEIO ERRORECODE(" + jobid + ") " + errorcode); break; case CONNECT: Main.debug ("TDEIO CONNECT(" + jobid + ") "); request_data = true; errorcode = 0; break; case REQUESTDATA: Main.debug ("TDEIO REQUESTDATA(" + jobid + ") "); request_data = true; break; } notifyAll(); return true; } private synchronized boolean getData(boolean mayblock) throws IOException { if (haveError()) { //disconnect(); in_eof = true; //throw new IOException("i/o error " + errorcode); } if (in_eof) return false; checkConnected(); if (in_buf != null && in_bufpos < in_buf.length) return true; int datasize = data.size(); if (datasize > 0) { in_buf = (byte []) data.removeFirst(); in_bufpos = 0; } if (onhold && datasize < LOW_BUFFER_LIMIT) { Main.protocol.sendDataCmd(jobid, RESUME); onhold = false; } if (datasize > 0) return true; if (finished) { in_eof = true; return false; } if (!mayblock) return false; try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { return false; } return getData(false); } synchronized private int inAvailable() throws IOException { if (in_eof) return 0; checkConnected(); if (!getData(false)) return 0; int total = in_buf.length - in_bufpos; ListIterator it = data.listIterator(0); while (it.hasNext()) total += ((byte []) it.next()).length; return total; } synchronized private void sendData(byte [] d, boolean force) throws IOException { Main.debug ("TDEIO sendData(" + jobid + ") force:" + force + " request_data:" + request_data); if (d != null) data.addLast(d); if (!request_data && !force) return; if (data.size() == 0) return; if (force && !request_data) { try { wait(10000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { return; } if (!request_data) { Main.debug ("TDEIO sendData(" + jobid + ") timeout"); data.clear(); disconnect(); throw new IOException("timeout"); } } byte[] buf; int total = 0; ListIterator it = data.listIterator(0); while (it.hasNext()) total += ((byte []) it.next()).length; buf = new byte[total]; int off = 0; it = data.listIterator(0); while (it.hasNext()) { byte [] b = (byte []) it.next(); System.arraycopy(b, 0, buf, off, b.length); off += b.length; } data.clear(); request_data = false; Main.protocol.sendPutData(jobid, buf, 0, total); } synchronized void connect(boolean doInput) throws IOException { if (connect_status == CONNECTED) return; // javadocs: call is ignored //(new Exception()).printStackTrace(); Main.debug ("TDEIO connect " + url); errorcode = 0; finished = in_eof = false; jobid = String.valueOf(id++); jobs.put(jobid, this); if (doInput) Main.protocol.sendGetURLDataCmd(jobid, url.toExternalForm()); else Main.protocol.sendPutURLDataCmd(jobid, url.toExternalForm()); connect_status = CONNECT_WAIT; try { wait(20000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { errorcode = -1; } boolean isconnected = (connect_status == CONNECTED); if (isconnected && !haveError()) { if (doInput) in = new KJASInputStream(); else out = new KJASOutputStream(); Main.debug ("TDEIO connect(" + jobid + ") " + url); return; } connect_status = NOT_CONNECTED; jobs.remove(jobid); if (isconnected) { if (!finished) Main.protocol.sendDataCmd(jobid, STOP); Main.debug ("TDEIO connect error " + url); throw new ConnectException("connection failed (not found)"); } Main.debug ("TDEIO connect timeout " + url); throw new IOException("connection failed (timeout)"); } synchronized void disconnect() { if (connect_status == NOT_CONNECTED) return; Main.debug ("TDEIO disconnect " + jobid); //(new Exception()).printStackTrace(); if (out != null) { try { out.flush(); } catch (IOException iox) {} } connect_status = NOT_CONNECTED; out = null; in = null; if (!finished) { Main.protocol.sendDataCmd(jobid, STOP); jobs.remove(jobid); } notifyAll(); } InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { Main.debug ("TDEIO getInputStream(" + jobid + ") " + url); return in; } OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { Main.debug ("TDEIO getOutputStream(" + jobid + ") " + url); return out; } } final class KIOHttpConnection extends KIOConnection { final static int HEADERS = 3; final static int REDIRECT = 4; final static int MIMETYPE = 5; Vector headers = new Vector(); Hashtable headersmap = new Hashtable(); String responseMessage = null; int responseCode = -1; KIOHttpConnection(URL u) { super(u); } protected boolean haveError() { return super.haveError() || responseCode != 404 && (responseCode < 0 || responseCode >= 400); } protected synchronized boolean setData(int code, byte [] d) { switch (code) { case HEADERS: StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(new String(d), "\n"); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); int pos = token.indexOf(":"); String [] entry = { token.substring(0, pos > -1 ? pos : token.length()).toLowerCase(), token.substring(pos > -1 ? pos+1: token.length()).trim() }; headers.add(entry); headersmap.put(entry[0], entry[1]); // Main.debug ("TDEIO header " + entry[0] + "=" + entry[1]); } responseCode = 0; if (headersmap.size() > 0) { String token = ((String []) headers.get(0))[0]; if (!token.startsWith("http/1.")) break; int spos = token.indexOf(' '); if (spos < 0) break; int epos = token.indexOf(' ', spos + 1); if (epos < 0) break; responseCode = Integer.parseInt(token.substring(spos+1, epos)); responseMessage = token.substring(epos+1); Main.debug ("TDEIO responsecode=" + responseCode); } break; } return super.setData(code, d); } } final class KIOSimpleConnection extends KIOConnection { KIOSimpleConnection(URL u) { super(u); } } final class KJASHttpURLConnection extends HttpURLConnection { private KIOHttpConnection kioconnection; KJASHttpURLConnection(URL u) { super(u); kioconnection = new KIOHttpConnection(u); } public Map getHeaderFields() { try { connect(); } catch (IOException e) { Main.debug ("Error on implicit connect()"); } Main.debug ("TDEIO getHeaderFields"); return kioconnection.headersmap; } public String getHeaderField(String name) { try { connect(); } catch (IOException e) { Main.debug ("Error on implicit connect()"); } String field = (String) kioconnection.headersmap.get(name); Main.debug ("TDEIO getHeaderField:" + name + "=" + field); //(new Exception()).printStackTrace(); return field; } public String getHeaderField(int n) { try { connect(); } catch (IOException e) { Main.debug ("Error on implicit connect()"); } Main.debug ("TDEIO getHeaderField(" + n + ") size=" + kioconnection.headersmap.size()); if (n >= kioconnection.headersmap.size()) return null; String [] entry = (String []) kioconnection.headers.get(n); String line = entry[0]; if (entry[1].length() > 0) line += ":" + entry[1]; Main.debug ("TDEIO getHeaderField(" + n + ")=#" + line + "#"); return line; } public String getHeaderFieldKey(int n) { try { connect(); } catch (IOException e) { Main.debug ("Error on implicit connect()"); } Main.debug ("TDEIO getHeaderFieldKey " + n); if (n >= kioconnection.headersmap.size()) return null; return ((String []) kioconnection.headers.get(n))[0]; } public int getResponseCode() throws IOException { Main.debug ("TDEIO getResponseCode"); if (kioconnection.responseCode == -1) { try { connect(); } catch (IOException e) { if (kioconnection.responseCode == -1) throw e; } } responseMessage = kioconnection.responseMessage; return kioconnection.responseCode; } public boolean usingProxy() { return false; // FIXME } public void connect() throws IOException { if (connected) return; Main.debug ("TDEIO KJASHttpURLConnection.connect " + url); SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) security.checkPermission(getPermission()); kioconnection.connect(doInput); connected = true; if (kioconnection.responseCode == 404) throw new FileNotFoundException(url.toExternalForm()); } public void disconnect() { kioconnection.disconnect(); connected = false; } public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { doInput = true; doOutput = false; connect(); return kioconnection.getInputStream(); } public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { doInput = false; doOutput = true; connect(); return kioconnection.getOutputStream(); } public InputStream getErrorStream() { Main.debug("TDEIO KJASHttpURLConnection.getErrorStream" + url); try { if (connected && kioconnection.responseCode == 404) return kioconnection.getInputStream(); } catch (Exception ex) {} return null; } } final class KJASSimpleURLConnection extends URLConnection { private KIOSimpleConnection kioconnection = null; private int default_port; KJASSimpleURLConnection(URL u, int p) { super(u); default_port = p; } public boolean usingProxy() { return false; // FIXME } public Permission getPermission() throws IOException { int p = url.getPort(); if (p < 0) p = default_port; return new SocketPermission(url.getHost() + ":" + p, "connect"); } public void connect() throws IOException { if (kioconnection != null) return; Main.debug ("TDEIO KJASSimpleURLConnection.connection " + url); SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager(); if (security != null) security.checkPermission(getPermission()); kioconnection = new KIOSimpleConnection(url); kioconnection.connect(doInput); connected = true; } public void disconnect() { if (kioconnection == null) return; kioconnection.disconnect(); kioconnection = null; connected = false; } public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { doInput = true; doOutput = false; if (kioconnection == null) connect(); return kioconnection.getInputStream(); } public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { doInput = false; doOutput = true; if (kioconnection == null) connect(); return kioconnection.getOutputStream(); } } final class KJASHttpURLStreamHandler extends URLStreamHandler { KJASHttpURLStreamHandler(int port) { default_port = port; } protected URLConnection openConnection(URL u) throws IOException { URL url = new URL(u.toExternalForm()); return new KJASHttpURLConnection(url); } protected int getDefaultPort() { return default_port; } private int default_port; } final class KJASSimpleURLStreamHandler extends URLStreamHandler { KJASSimpleURLStreamHandler(int port) { default_port = port; } protected URLConnection openConnection(URL u) throws IOException { URL url = new URL(u.toExternalForm()); return new KJASSimpleURLConnection(url, default_port); } protected int getDefaultPort() { return default_port; } private int default_port; } public final class KJASURLStreamHandlerFactory implements URLStreamHandlerFactory { public URLStreamHandler createURLStreamHandler(String protocol) { if (protocol.equals("jar") || protocol.equals("file")) return null; //outputs to early: Main.debug ("createURLStreamHandler " + protocol); Main.debug ("TDEIO createURLStreamHandler " + protocol); if (protocol.equals("http")) return new KJASHttpURLStreamHandler(80); else if (protocol.equals("https")) return new KJASHttpURLStreamHandler(443); else if (protocol.equals("ftp")) return new KJASSimpleURLStreamHandler(21); else if (protocol.equals("smb")) return new KJASSimpleURLStreamHandler(139); else if (protocol.equals("fish")) return new KJASSimpleURLStreamHandler(22); return null; } }