/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 1997 Bernd Johannes Wuebben Copyright (C) 2000 Waldo Bastian This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include // INT_MAX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "keditcl.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Find Methods // void KEdit::search(){ if( replace_dialog && replace_dialog->isVisible() ) { replace_dialog->hide(); } if( !srchdialog ) { srchdialog = new KEdFind( this, "searchdialog", false); connect(srchdialog,TQT_SIGNAL(search()),this,TQT_SLOT(search_slot())); connect(srchdialog,TQT_SIGNAL(done()),this,TQT_SLOT(searchdone_slot())); } // If we already searched / replaced something before make sure it shows // up in the find dialog line-edit. TQString string; string = srchdialog->getText(); srchdialog->setText(string.isEmpty() ? pattern : string); deselect(); last_search = NONE; srchdialog->show(); srchdialog->result(); } void KEdit::search_slot(){ int line, col; if (!srchdialog) return; TQString to_find_string = srchdialog->getText(); getCursorPosition(&line,&col); // srchdialog->get_direction() is true if searching backward if (last_search != NONE && srchdialog->get_direction()){ col = col - pattern.length() - 1 ; } again: int result = doSearch(to_find_string, srchdialog->case_sensitive(), false, (!srchdialog->get_direction()),line,col); if(!result){ if(!srchdialog->get_direction()){ // forward search int query = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( srchdialog, i18n("End of document reached.\n"\ "Continue from the beginning?"), i18n("Find"),KStdGuiItem::cont(),i18n("Stop")); if (query == KMessageBox::Yes){ line = 0; col = 0; goto again; } } else{ //backward search int query = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( srchdialog, i18n("Beginning of document reached.\n"\ "Continue from the end?"), i18n("Find"),KStdGuiItem::cont(),i18n("Stop")); if (query == KMessageBox::Yes){ TQString string = textLine( numLines() - 1 ); line = numLines() - 1; col = string.length(); last_search = BACKWARD; goto again; } } } else{ emit CursorPositionChanged(); } } void KEdit::searchdone_slot(){ if (!srchdialog) return; srchdialog->hide(); setFocus(); last_search = NONE; } /* antlarr: KDE 4: make it const TQString & */ int KEdit::doSearch(TQString s_pattern, bool case_sensitive, bool wildcard, bool forward, int line, int col){ (void) wildcard; // reserved for possible extension to regex int i, length; int pos = -1; if(forward){ TQString string; for(i = line; i < numLines(); i++) { string = textLine(i); pos = string.find(s_pattern, i == line ? col : 0, case_sensitive); if( pos != -1){ length = s_pattern.length(); setCursorPosition(i,pos,false); for(int l = 0 ; l < length; l++){ cursorRight(true); } setCursorPosition( i , pos + length, true ); pattern = s_pattern; last_search = FORWARD; return 1; } } } else{ // searching backwards TQString string; for(i = line; i >= 0; i--) { string = textLine(i); int line_length = string.length(); pos = string.findRev(s_pattern, line == i ? col : line_length , case_sensitive); if (pos != -1){ length = s_pattern.length(); if( ! (line == i && pos > col ) ){ setCursorPosition(i ,pos ,false ); for(int l = 0 ; l < length; l++){ cursorRight(true); } setCursorPosition(i ,pos + length ,true ); pattern = s_pattern; last_search = BACKWARD; return 1; } } } } return 0; } bool KEdit::repeatSearch() { if(!srchdialog || pattern.isEmpty()) { search(); return true; } search_slot(); setFocus(); return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Replace Methods // void KEdit::replace() { if( srchdialog && srchdialog->isVisible() ) { srchdialog->hide(); } if( !replace_dialog ) { replace_dialog = new KEdReplace( this, "replace_dialog", false ); connect(replace_dialog,TQT_SIGNAL(find()),this,TQT_SLOT(replace_search_slot())); connect(replace_dialog,TQT_SIGNAL(replace()),this,TQT_SLOT(replace_slot())); connect(replace_dialog,TQT_SIGNAL(replaceAll()),this,TQT_SLOT(replace_all_slot())); connect(replace_dialog,TQT_SIGNAL(done()),this,TQT_SLOT(replacedone_slot())); } TQString string = replace_dialog->getText(); replace_dialog->setText(string.isEmpty() ? pattern : string); deselect(); last_replace = NONE; replace_dialog->show(); replace_dialog->result(); } void KEdit::replace_slot(){ if (!replace_dialog) return; if(!can_replace){ KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } int line,col, length; TQString string = replace_dialog->getReplaceText(); length = string.length(); this->cut(); getCursorPosition(&line,&col); insertAt(string,line,col); setModified(true); can_replace = false; if (replace_dialog->get_direction()) { // Backward setCursorPosition(line,col+length); for( int k = 0; k < length; k++){ cursorLeft(true); } } else { // Forward setCursorPosition(line,col); for( int k = 0; k < length; k++){ cursorRight(true); } } } void KEdit::replace_all_slot(){ if (!replace_dialog) return; TQString to_find_string = replace_dialog->getText(); int lineFrom, lineTo, colFrom, colTo; getSelection(&lineFrom, &colFrom, &lineTo, &colTo); // replace_dialog->get_direction() is true if searching backward if (replace_dialog->get_direction()) { if (colTo != -1) { replace_all_col = colTo - to_find_string.length(); replace_all_line = lineTo; } else { getCursorPosition(&replace_all_line,&replace_all_col); replace_all_col--; } } else { if (colFrom != -1) { replace_all_col = colFrom; replace_all_line = lineFrom; } else { getCursorPosition(&replace_all_line,&replace_all_col); } } deselect(); again: setAutoUpdate(false); int result = 1; while(result){ result = doReplace(to_find_string, replace_dialog->case_sensitive(), false, (!replace_dialog->get_direction()), replace_all_line,replace_all_col,true); } setAutoUpdate(true); update(); if(!replace_dialog->get_direction()){ // forward search int query = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( srchdialog, i18n("End of document reached.\n"\ "Continue from the beginning?"), i18n("Find"),KStdGuiItem::cont(),i18n("Stop")); if (query == KMessageBox::Yes){ replace_all_line = 0; replace_all_col = 0; goto again; } } else{ //backward search int query = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( srchdialog, i18n("Beginning of document reached.\n"\ "Continue from the end?"), i18n("Find"),KStdGuiItem::cont(),i18n("Stop")); if (query == KMessageBox::Yes){ TQString string = textLine( numLines() - 1 ); replace_all_line = numLines() - 1; replace_all_col = string.length(); last_replace = BACKWARD; goto again; } } emit CursorPositionChanged(); } void KEdit::replace_search_slot(){ int line, col; if (!replace_dialog) return; TQString to_find_string = replace_dialog->getText(); int lineFrom, lineTo, colFrom, colTo; getSelection(&lineFrom, &colFrom, &lineTo, &colTo); // replace_dialog->get_direction() is true if searching backward if (replace_dialog->get_direction()) { if (colFrom != -1) { col = colFrom - to_find_string.length(); line = lineFrom; } else { getCursorPosition(&line,&col); col--; } } else { if (colTo != -1) { col = colTo; line = lineTo; } else { getCursorPosition(&line,&col); } } again: int result = doReplace(to_find_string, replace_dialog->case_sensitive(), false, (!replace_dialog->get_direction()), line, col, false ); if(!result){ if(!replace_dialog->get_direction()){ // forward search int query = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( replace_dialog, i18n("End of document reached.\n"\ "Continue from the beginning?"), i18n("Replace"),KStdGuiItem::cont(),i18n("Stop")); if (query == KMessageBox::Yes){ line = 0; col = 0; goto again; } } else{ //backward search int query = KMessageBox::questionYesNo( replace_dialog, i18n("Beginning of document reached.\n"\ "Continue from the end?"), i18n("Replace"),KStdGuiItem::cont(),i18n("Stop")); if (query == KMessageBox::Yes){ TQString string = textLine( numLines() - 1 ); line = numLines() - 1; col = string.length(); last_replace = BACKWARD; goto again; } } } else{ emit CursorPositionChanged(); } } void KEdit::replacedone_slot(){ if (!replace_dialog) return; replace_dialog->hide(); // replace_dialog->clearFocus(); setFocus(); last_replace = NONE; can_replace = false; } /* antlarr: KDE 4: make it const TQString & */ int KEdit::doReplace(TQString s_pattern, bool case_sensitive, bool wildcard, bool forward, int line, int col, bool replace_all){ (void) wildcard; // reserved for possible extension to regex int line_counter, length; int pos = -1; TQString string; TQString stringnew; TQString replacement; replacement = replace_dialog->getReplaceText(); line_counter = line; replace_all_col = col; if(forward){ int num_lines = numLines(); while (line_counter < num_lines){ string = textLine(line_counter); if (replace_all){ pos = string.find(s_pattern, replace_all_col, case_sensitive); } else{ pos = string.find(s_pattern, line_counter == line ? col : 0, case_sensitive); } if (pos == -1 ){ line_counter++; replace_all_col = 0; replace_all_line = line_counter; } if( pos != -1){ length = s_pattern.length(); if(replace_all){ // automatic stringnew = string.copy(); do { stringnew.replace(pos,length,replacement); replace_all_col = pos + replacement.length(); replace_all_line = line_counter; pos = stringnew.find(s_pattern, replace_all_col, case_sensitive); } while( pos != -1); removeLine(line_counter); insertLine(stringnew,line_counter); setModified(true); } else{ // interactive setCursorPosition( line_counter , pos, false ); for(int l = 0 ; l < length; l++){ cursorRight(true); } setCursorPosition( line_counter , pos + length, true ); pattern = s_pattern; last_replace = FORWARD; can_replace = true; return 1; } } } } else{ // searching backwards while(line_counter >= 0){ string = textLine(line_counter); int line_length = string.length(); if( replace_all ){ if (replace_all_col < 0) pos = -1; else pos = string.findRev(s_pattern, replace_all_col , case_sensitive); } else{ if ((line == line_counter) && (col < 0)) pos = -1; else pos = string.findRev(s_pattern, line == line_counter ? col : line_length , case_sensitive); } if (pos == -1 ){ line_counter--; replace_all_col = 0; if(line_counter >= 0){ string = textLine(line_counter); replace_all_col = string.length(); } replace_all_line = line_counter; } if (pos != -1){ length = s_pattern.length(); if(replace_all){ // automatic stringnew = string.copy(); stringnew.replace(pos,length,replacement); removeLine(line_counter); insertLine(stringnew,line_counter); replace_all_col = pos-length; replace_all_line = line_counter; if (replace_all_col < 0) { line_counter--; if(line_counter >= 0){ string = textLine(line_counter); replace_all_col = string.length(); } replace_all_line = line_counter; } setModified(true); } else{ // interactive // printf("line_counter %d pos %d col %d\n",line_counter, pos,col); if( ! (line == line_counter && pos > col ) ){ setCursorPosition(line_counter, pos + length ,false ); for(int l = 0 ; l < length; l++){ cursorLeft(true); } setCursorPosition(line_counter, pos ,true ); pattern = s_pattern; last_replace = BACKWARD; can_replace = true; return 1; } } } } } return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Find Dialog // class KEdFind::KEdFindPrivate { public: KEdFindPrivate( TQWidget *parent ) { combo = new KHistoryCombo( parent, "value" ); combo->setMaxCount( 20 ); // just some default } ~KEdFindPrivate() { delete combo; } KHistoryCombo *combo; }; KEdFind::KEdFind( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal ) :KDialogBase( parent, name, modal, i18n("Find"), modal ? User1|Cancel : User1|Close, User1, false, KGuiItem( i18n("&Find"), "edit-find") ) { setWFlags( WType_TopLevel ); TQWidget *page = new TQWidget( this ); setMainWidget(page); TQVBoxLayout *topLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 0, spacingHint() ); d = new KEdFindPrivate( page ); TQString text = i18n("Find:"); TQLabel *label = new TQLabel( text, page , "find" ); topLayout->addWidget( label ); d->combo->setMinimumWidth(fontMetrics().maxWidth()*20); d->combo->setFocus(); connect(d->combo, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged ( const TQString & )), this,TQT_SLOT(textSearchChanged ( const TQString & ))); topLayout->addWidget(d->combo); group = new TQVButtonGroup( i18n("Options"), page ); topLayout->addWidget( group ); TQHBox* row1 = new TQHBox( group ); text = i18n("Case &sensitive"); sensitive = new TQCheckBox( text, row1, "case"); text = i18n("Find &backwards"); direction = new TQCheckBox( text, row1, "direction" ); enableButton( KDialogBase::User1, !d->combo->currentText().isEmpty() ); if ( !modal ) connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( closeClicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotCancel() ) ); } KEdFind::~KEdFind() { delete d; } void KEdFind::textSearchChanged ( const TQString &text ) { enableButton( KDialogBase::User1, !text.isEmpty() ); } void KEdFind::slotCancel( void ) { emit done(); KDialogBase::slotCancel(); } void KEdFind::slotUser1( void ) { if( !d->combo->currentText().isEmpty() ) { d->combo->addToHistory( d->combo->currentText() ); emit search(); } } TQString KEdFind::getText() const { return d->combo->currentText(); } /* antlarr: KDE 4: make it const TQString & */ void KEdFind::setText(TQString string) { d->combo->setEditText(string); d->combo->lineEdit()->selectAll(); } void KEdFind::setCaseSensitive( bool b ) { sensitive->setChecked( b ); } bool KEdFind::case_sensitive() const { return sensitive->isChecked(); } void KEdFind::setDirection( bool b ) { direction->setChecked( b ); } bool KEdFind::get_direction() const { return direction->isChecked(); } KHistoryCombo * KEdFind::searchCombo() const { return d->combo; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Replace Dialog // class KEdReplace::KEdReplacePrivate { public: KEdReplacePrivate( TQWidget *parent ) { searchCombo = new KHistoryCombo( parent, "value" ); replaceCombo = new KHistoryCombo( parent, "replace_value" ); searchCombo->setMaxCount( 20 ); // just some defaults replaceCombo->setMaxCount( 20 ); } ~KEdReplacePrivate() { delete searchCombo; delete replaceCombo; } KHistoryCombo *searchCombo, *replaceCombo; }; KEdReplace::KEdReplace( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal ) :KDialogBase( parent, name, modal, i18n("Replace"), modal ? User3|User2|User1|Cancel : User3|User2|User1|Close, User3, false, i18n("Replace &All"), i18n("&Replace"), KGuiItem( i18n("&Find"), "edit-find") ) { setWFlags( WType_TopLevel ); setButtonBoxOrientation( Qt::Vertical ); TQFrame *page = makeMainWidget(); TQVBoxLayout *topLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 0, spacingHint() ); d = new KEdReplacePrivate( page ); TQString text = i18n("Find:"); TQLabel *label = new TQLabel( text, page, "find" ); topLayout->addWidget( label ); d->searchCombo->setMinimumWidth(fontMetrics().maxWidth()*20); d->searchCombo->setFocus(); topLayout->addWidget(d->searchCombo); text = i18n("Replace with:"); label = new TQLabel( text, page, "replace" ); topLayout->addWidget( label ); d->replaceCombo->setMinimumWidth(fontMetrics().maxWidth()*20); topLayout->addWidget(d->replaceCombo); connect(d->searchCombo, TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged ( const TQString & )), this,TQT_SLOT(textSearchChanged ( const TQString & ))); TQButtonGroup *group = new TQButtonGroup( i18n("Options"), page ); topLayout->addWidget( group ); TQGridLayout *gbox = new TQGridLayout( group, 3, 2, spacingHint() ); gbox->addRowSpacing( 0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing() ); text = i18n("Case &sensitive"); sensitive = new TQCheckBox( text, group, "case"); text = i18n("Find &backwards"); direction = new TQCheckBox( text, group, "direction" ); gbox->addWidget( sensitive, 1, 0 ); gbox->addWidget( direction, 1, 1 ); gbox->setRowStretch( 2, 10 ); } KEdReplace::~KEdReplace() { delete d; } void KEdReplace::textSearchChanged ( const TQString &text ) { bool state=text.isEmpty(); enableButton( KDialogBase::User1, !state ); enableButton( KDialogBase::User2, !state ); enableButton( KDialogBase::User3, !state ); } void KEdReplace::slotCancel( void ) { emit done(); d->searchCombo->clearEdit(); d->replaceCombo->clearEdit(); KDialogBase::slotCancel(); } void KEdReplace::slotClose( void ) { slotCancel(); } void KEdReplace::slotUser1( void ) { if( !d->searchCombo->currentText().isEmpty() ) { d->replaceCombo->addToHistory( d->replaceCombo->currentText() ); emit replaceAll(); } } void KEdReplace::slotUser2( void ) { if( !d->searchCombo->currentText().isEmpty() ) { d->replaceCombo->addToHistory( d->replaceCombo->currentText() ); emit replace(); } } void KEdReplace::slotUser3( void ) { if( !d->searchCombo->currentText().isEmpty() ) { d->searchCombo->addToHistory( d->searchCombo->currentText() ); emit find(); } } TQString KEdReplace::getText() { return d->searchCombo->currentText(); } TQString KEdReplace::getReplaceText() { return d->replaceCombo->currentText(); } /* antlarr: KDE 4: make it const TQString & */ void KEdReplace::setText(TQString string) { d->searchCombo->setEditText(string); d->searchCombo->lineEdit()->selectAll(); } bool KEdReplace::case_sensitive() { return sensitive->isChecked(); } bool KEdReplace::get_direction() { return direction->isChecked(); } KHistoryCombo * KEdReplace::searchCombo() const { return d->searchCombo; } KHistoryCombo * KEdReplace::replaceCombo() const { return d->replaceCombo; } KEdGotoLine::KEdGotoLine( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal ) :KDialogBase( parent, name, modal, i18n("Go to Line"), modal ? Ok|Cancel : Ok|Close, Ok, false ) { TQWidget *page = new TQWidget( this ); setMainWidget(page); TQVBoxLayout *topLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 0, spacingHint() ); lineNum = new KIntNumInput( 1, page); lineNum->setRange(1, 1000000, 1, false); lineNum->setLabel(i18n("Go to line:"), AlignVCenter | AlignLeft); // lineNum->setMinimumWidth(fontMetrics().maxWidth()*20); topLayout->addWidget( lineNum ); topLayout->addStretch(10); lineNum->setFocus(); } void KEdGotoLine::selected(int) { accept(); } int KEdGotoLine::getLineNumber() { return lineNum->value(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Spell Checking // void KEdit::spellcheck_start() { saved_readonlystate = isReadOnly(); setReadOnly(true); } void KEdit::misspelling (const TQString &word, const TQStringList &, unsigned int pos) { unsigned int l = 0; unsigned int cnt = 0; posToRowCol (pos, l, cnt); setSelection(l, cnt, l, cnt+word.length()); /* if (cursorPoint().y()>height()/2) tdespell->moveDlg (10, height()/2-tdespell->heightDlg()-15); else tdespell->moveDlg (10, height()/2 + 15); */ } //need to use pos for insert, not cur, so forget cur altogether void KEdit::corrected (const TQString &originalword, const TQString &newword, unsigned int pos) { //we'll reselect the original word in case the user has played with //the selection in eframe or the word was auto-replaced unsigned int l = 0; unsigned int cnt = 0; if( newword != originalword ) { posToRowCol (pos, l, cnt); setSelection(l, cnt, l, cnt+originalword.length()); setReadOnly ( false ); removeSelectedText(); insert(newword); setReadOnly ( true ); } else { deselect(); } } void KEdit::posToRowCol(unsigned int pos, unsigned int &line, unsigned int &col) { for (line = 0; line < static_cast(numLines()) && col <= pos; line++) { col += lineLength(line)+1; } line--; col = pos - col + lineLength(line) + 1; } void KEdit::spellcheck_stop() { deselect(); setReadOnly ( saved_readonlystate); } TQString KEdit::selectWordUnderCursor( ) { int parag; int pos; getCursorPosition(¶g, &pos); TQString txt = text(parag); // Find start int start = pos; while( start > 0 ) { const TQChar &ch = txt[start-1]; if (ch.isSpace() || ch.isPunct()) break; start--; } // Find end int end = pos; int len = txt.length(); while( end < len ) { const TQChar &ch = txt[end]; if (ch.isSpace() || ch.isPunct()) break; end++; } setSelection(parag, start, parag, end); return txt.mid(start, end-start); } TQPopupMenu *KEdit::createPopupMenu( const TQPoint& pos ) { enum { IdUndo, IdRedo, IdSep1, IdCut, IdCopy, IdPaste, IdClear, IdSep2, IdSelectAll }; TQPopupMenu *menu = TQMultiLineEdit::createPopupMenu( pos ); if ( isReadOnly() ) menu->changeItem( menu->idAt(0), SmallIconSet("editcopy"), menu->text( menu->idAt(0) ) ); else { int id = menu->idAt(0); menu->changeItem( id - IdUndo, SmallIconSet("edit-undo"), menu->text( id - IdUndo) ); menu->changeItem( id - IdRedo, SmallIconSet("edit-redo"), menu->text( id - IdRedo) ); menu->changeItem( id - IdCut, SmallIconSet("editcut"), menu->text( id - IdCut) ); menu->changeItem( id - IdCopy, SmallIconSet("editcopy"), menu->text( id - IdCopy) ); menu->changeItem( id - IdPaste, SmallIconSet("editpaste"), menu->text( id - IdPaste) ); menu->changeItem( id - IdClear, SmallIconSet("editclear"), menu->text( id - IdClear) ); } return menu; }