  Copyright (c) 1999 Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel <hoelzer@kde.org>
  Copyright (c) 2000 Matthias Elter <elter@kde.org>
  Copyright (c) 2003 Daniel Molkentin <molkentin@kde.org>
  Copyright (c) 2003 Matthias Kretz <kretz@kde.org>

  This file is part of the KDE project

  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
  License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  Library General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
  along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
  Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


#include <kservice.h>

class TQPixmap;
class TQString;
class TQStringList;

 * @ingroup tdecmodule
 * A class that provides information about a TDECModule
 * TDECModuleInfo provides various technical information, such as icon, library
 * etc. about a TDECModule.n
 * @note Any values set with the set* functions is not
 * written back with TDECModuleInfo it only reads value from the desktop file.
 * @internal
 * @author Matthias Hoelzer-Kluepfel <mhk@kde.org>
 * @author Matthias Elter <elter@kde.org>
 * @author Daniel Molkentin <molkentin@kde.org>
 * @since 3.2


   * Constructs a TDECModuleInfo.
   * @note a TDECModuleInfo object will have to be manually deleted, it is not
   * done automatically for you.
   * @param desktopFile the desktop file representing the module, or
   * the name of the module.
  TDECModuleInfo(const TQString& desktopFile);

   * Same as above but takes a KService::Ptr as argument.
   * @note @p moduleInfo must be a valid pointer.
   * @param moduleInfo specifies the module
  TDECModuleInfo( KService::Ptr moduleInfo );

   * Same as above but takes a TDECModuleInfo as argument.
   * @param rhs specifies the module
  TDECModuleInfo( const TDECModuleInfo &rhs );

   * Same as above but creates an empty TDECModuleInfo.
   * You should not normally call this.
   * @since 3.4

   * Assignment operator
  TDECModuleInfo &operator=( const TDECModuleInfo &rhs );

   * Equal operator
   * @return true if @p rhs equals itself

  bool operator==( const TDECModuleInfo &rhs ) const;

   * @return true if @p rhs is not equal itself
  bool operator!=( const TDECModuleInfo &rhs ) const;

   * Default destructor.

   * @return the filename of the .desktop file that describes the KCM
  TQString fileName() const { return _fileName; }

   * @return the keywords associated with this KCM.
  const TQStringList &keywords() const { return _keywords; }

   * Returns the module's factory name, if it's set. If not, the library
   * name is returned.
   * @returns the module's factory name
   * @since 3.4
  TQString factoryName() const;

   * @return the module\'s (translated) name
  TQString moduleName() const { return _name; }
  // changed from name() to avoid ambiguity with TQObject::name() on multiple inheritance

   * @return a TDESharedPtr to KService created from the modules .desktop file
  KService::Ptr service() const { return _service; }

   * @return the module's (translated) comment field
  TQString comment() const { return _comment; }

   * @return the module's icon name
  TQString icon() const { return _icon; }

   * @return the path of the module's documentation
  TQString docPath() const;

   * @return the library name
  TQString library() const { return _lib; }

   * @return a handle (usually the contents of the FactoryName field)
  TQString handle() const;

   * @return the weight of the module which determines the order of the pages in
   * the KCMultiDialog. It's set by the X-TDE-Weight field.
  int weight() const;

   * @return whether the module might require root permissions
  bool needsRootPrivileges() const;

   * @deprecated
   * @return the isHiddenByDefault attribute.
  bool isHiddenByDefault() const KDE_DEPRECATED;

   * @returns true if the module should be conditionally
   * loaded.
   * @since 3.4
  bool needsTest() const;


   * Sets the object's keywords.
   * @param keyword the new keywords
  void setKeywords(const TQStringList &keyword) { _keywords = keyword; }

   * Sets the object's name.
   * @param name the new name
  void setName(const TQString &name) { _name = name; }

   * Sets the object's name.
   * @param comment the new comment
  void setComment(const TQString &comment) { _comment = comment; }

   * Sets the object's icon.
   * @param icon the name of the new icon
  void setIcon(const TQString &icon) { _icon = icon; }

   * Set the object's library
   * @param lib the name of the new library without any extensions or prefixs.
  void setLibrary(const TQString &lib) { _lib = lib; }

   * Sets the factory name
   * @param handle The new factory name
  void setHandle(const TQString &handle) { _handle = handle; }

   * Sets the object's weight property which determines in what
   * order modules will be displayed. Default is 100.
   * @param weight the new weight
  void setWeight(int weight) { _weight = weight; }

   * Sets if the module should be tested for loading.
   * @param val the value to set
   * @since 3.4
  void setNeedsTest( bool val );

   * Toggles whether the represented module needs root privileges.
   * Use with caution.
   * @param needsRootPrivileges if module needs root privilges
  void setNeedsRootPrivileges(bool needsRootPrivileges)
  { _needsRootPrivileges = needsRootPrivileges; }

   * @deprecated
  void setIsHiddenByDefault(bool isHiddenByDefault)
  { _isHiddenByDefault = isHiddenByDefault; }

   * Sets the object's documentation path
   * @param p the new documentation path
  void setDocPath(const TQString &p) { _doc = p; }

   * Reads the service entries specific for TDECModule from the desktop file.
   * The usual desktop entries are read in init.
  void loadAll();


   * Reads the service entries. Called by the constructors.
  void init(KService::Ptr s);


  // KDE4 These needs to be moved to TDECModuleInfoPrivate
  TQStringList _keywords;
  TQString     _name, _icon, _lib, _handle, _fileName, _doc, _comment;
  bool        _needsRootPrivileges : 1;
  bool        _isHiddenByDefault : 1;
  bool        _allLoaded : 1;
  int         _weight;

  KService::Ptr _service;

  class TDECModuleInfoPrivate;
  TDECModuleInfoPrivate *d;
