/* Copyright (C) 2000 Stefan Westerfeld stefan@space.twc.de 2001, 2002 Matthias Kretz kretz@kde.org This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "kfader_impl.h" #include "kfader_impl.moc" #include "anyref.h" #include "stdio.h" #include using namespace Arts; using namespace std; FaderIntMapper::FaderIntMapper(KFader_impl *impl, KFader *kp) :impl(impl) { connect(kp, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(valueChanged(int))); } void FaderIntMapper::valueChanged(int pos) { impl->valueChanged(pos); } KFader_impl::KFader_impl( KFader * widget ) : KWidget_impl( widget ? widget : new KFader( 0, 100, 1, 0 ) ) { _min = 0; _max = 1; _value = 0; _factor = 1; _logarithmic = 0; _range = 100; _kfader = static_cast( _qwidget ); _kfader->setMinimumWidth( 40 ); _kfader->setMinimumHeight( 100 ); new FaderIntMapper( this, _kfader ); } string KFader_impl::caption() { return _caption.utf8().data(); } void KFader_impl::caption(const string& newText) { _caption = QString::fromUtf8(newText.c_str()); _kfader->setName(_caption.utf8().data()); } string KFader_impl::color() { return _color; } void KFader_impl::color(const string& newColor) { _color = newColor; if(strlen(_color.c_str())) { QColor qc(_color.c_str()); _kfader->setColor(qc); } } float KFader_impl::min() { return _min; } void KFader_impl::min(float newMin) { if(_min != newMin) { _min = newMin; applyValue(); } } float KFader_impl::max() { return _max; } void KFader_impl::max(float newMax) { if(_max != newMax) { _max = newMax; applyValue(); } } float KFader_impl::value() { //float ret = ( _max + _min - float(_kfader->value()) ) / _factor; //if(_logarithmic > 0) //ret = convertFromLog(ret); float ret = _value; if(ret < _min) ret = _min; else if(ret > _max) ret = _max; return ret; } void KFader_impl::value(float newValue) { if(newValue != _value) { _value = newValue; applyValue(); if(visible()) value_changed(value()); } } long KFader_impl::range() { return _range; } void KFader_impl::range(long newRange) { if(_range != newRange) { _range = newRange; applyValue(); } } void KFader_impl::valueChanged(int newvalue) { _value = float(newvalue) / _factor; if(_logarithmic > 0) _value = convertFromLog(_value); _value = _max + _min - _value; if(visible()) value_changed(value()); } float KFader_impl::convertToLog(float val) { return log(val) / log(_logarithmic); } float KFader_impl::convertFromLog(float val) { return pow(_logarithmic, val); } void KFader_impl::applyValue() { double dmin = _min; double dmax = _max; double dvalue = _value; if(_logarithmic > 0) { dmin = convertToLog(_min); dmax = convertToLog(_max); dvalue = convertToLog(_value); } _factor = _range / (dmax - dmin); int imin = int(_factor * dmin); int imax = int(_factor * dmax); int ivalue = int(_factor * (dmax + dmin - dvalue)); _kfader->setRange(imin, imax); _kfader->setValue(ivalue); } void KFader_impl::logarithmic(float newLogarithmic) { if(_logarithmic != newLogarithmic) { _logarithmic = newLogarithmic; applyValue(); } } float KFader_impl::logarithmic() { return _logarithmic; } REGISTER_IMPLEMENTATION(KFader_impl); // vim: sw=4 ts=4