/* Copyright ( C ) 2003 Arnold Krille This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "klevelmeter_firebars.h" #include #include #include KLevelMeter_FireBars_private::KLevelMeter_FireBars_private( KLevelMeter_FireBars* p, const char* n ) : QWidget( p,n ) { _parent = p; _pixmap = new QPixmap( 0,0 ); // setPaletteBackgroundColor( QColor( 0,0,255 ) ); } void KLevelMeter_FireBars_private::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) { QPainter p; if ( _pixmap->size() != this->size() ) { _pixmap->resize( this->size() ); p.begin( _pixmap ); _pixmap->fill( paletteBackgroundColor() ); if ( dir==Arts::BottomToTop || dir==Arts::TopToBottom ) { kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << dir << endl; //if ( dir==Arts::BottomToTop ) p.translate( 0, rect().bottom() ); for ( int i=this->height(); i>0; i-- ) { p.setPen( _parent->color( 1-float( i )/this->height() ) ); //if ( dir==Arts::BottomToTop ) i *= -1; p.drawLine( 0, i, this->width(), i ); } } else { if ( dir==Arts::RightToLeft ) p.translate( 0, rect().right() ); for ( int i=this->width(); i>0; i-- ) { p.setPen( _parent->color( float( i )/this->width() ) ); if ( dir==Arts::RightToLeft ) i *= -1; p.drawLine( i, 0, i, this->height() ); } } p.end(); } p.begin( this ); p.translate( 0,0 ); p.drawPixmap( QPoint( 0,0 ), *_pixmap ); p.end(); } KLevelMeter_FireBars::KLevelMeter_FireBars( Arts::KLevelMeter_impl* impl, QWidget* parent, long substyle, long count, Arts::Direction dir, float _dbmin, float _dbmax ) : KLevelMeter_Template( impl, parent, substyle, count, dir, _dbmin, _dbmax ) { //kdDebug()<<"KLevelMeter_FireBars::KLevelMeter_FireBars( Arts::KLevelMeter_impl* "<setMinimumSize( 5, 5 ); _bar = new KLevelMeter_FireBars_private( this, 0 ); _peakwidget = new QWidget( this ); _peakwidget->resize( size() ); _peakwidget->setPaletteBackgroundColor( color( 1 ) ); _peakwidget->hide(); } void KLevelMeter_FireBars::invalue( float n, float p ) { //kdDebug()<<"KLevelMeter_FireBars::invalue( float n )"<size() != this->size() ) _peakwidget->setGeometry( 0,0, size().width(), size().height() ); _value = amptondb( n ); _peak = amptondb( p ); if ( _peak > 1 )_peakwidget->show(); else _peakwidget->hide(); _bar->dir = _dir; switch ( _dir ) { default: case Arts::BottomToTop: _bar->setGeometry( 0, int( this->height()-_value*this->height() ), this->width(), this->height() ); break; case Arts::TopToBottom: _bar->setGeometry( 0, -int( this->height()-_value*this->height() ), this->width(), this->height() ); break; case Arts::LeftToRight: _bar->setGeometry( -int( this->width()-_value*this->width() ), 0, this->width(), this->height() ); break; case Arts::RightToLeft: _bar->setGeometry( int( this->width()-_value*this->width() ), 0, this->width(), this->height() ); break; } repaint(); } void KLevelMeter_FireBars::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) { QPainter p( this ); //p.setPen( NoPen ); p.setPen( QColor( 0,0,255 ) ); // PeakBar if ( _peak > 1.0/1000 ) { if ( _dir == Arts::BottomToTop || _dir == Arts::TopToBottom ) { if ( _dir == Arts::BottomToTop ) p.translate( 0, rect().bottom() ); int h = int( this->height()*_peak ); if ( _dir==Arts::BottomToTop ) h *= -1; p.drawLine( 0, h, this->width(), h ); } else { if ( _dir==Arts::RightToLeft ) p.translate( 0, rect().right() ); int w = int( this->width()* _peak ); if ( _dir==Arts::RightToLeft ) w *= -1; p.drawLine( w, 0, w, this->height() ); } } } /** Planned feature: a little Tooltip showing the actual value of the volume in deziBel and perhaps as linear scaleFactor */ void KLevelMeter_FireBars::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* /*qme*/ ) { //kdDebug()<<"KLevelMeter_FireBars::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* "< // vim: sw=4 ts=4