/* Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Stefan Westerfeld stefan@space.twc.de This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "audiosync_impl.h" #include "midisyncgroup_impl.h" #include "audiotimer.h" #include "audiosubsys.h" #include "timestampmath.h" #undef AUDIO_DEBUG_DRIFT using namespace std; using namespace Arts; namespace Arts { static list audioSyncImplList; } void AudioSync_impl::AudioSyncEvent::execute() { list::iterator i; for(i = startModules.begin(); i != startModules.end(); i++) i->start(); for(i = stopModules.begin(); i != stopModules.end(); i++) i->stop(); } AudioSync_impl::AudioSync_impl() : newEvent(new AudioSyncEvent), syncGroup(0) { syncOffset = TimeStamp(0,0); timer = AudioTimer::subscribe(); timer->addCallback(this); audioSyncImplList.push_back(this); } AudioSync_impl::~AudioSync_impl() { delete newEvent; while(!events.empty()) { delete events.front(); events.pop_front(); } if(syncGroup) { syncGroup->audioSyncDied(this); syncGroup = 0; } audioSyncImplList.remove(this); timer->removeCallback(this); timer->unsubscribe(); } TimeStamp AudioSync_impl::time() { if(syncGroup) return syncGroup->time(); else return audioTime(); } TimeStamp AudioSync_impl::playTime() { if(syncGroup) return syncGroup->playTime(); else return audioPlayTime(); } TimeStamp AudioSync_impl::audioTime() { return timer->time(); } TimeStamp AudioSync_impl::audioPlayTime() { double delay = AudioSubSystem::the()->outputDelay(); TimeStamp time = audioTime(); timeStampDec(time,timeStampFromDouble(delay)); return time; } TimeStamp AudioSync_impl::clientTime() { TimeStamp time = audioTime(); timeStampDec(time, syncOffset); return time; } void AudioSync_impl::queueStart(SynthModule synthModule) { newEvent->startModules.push_back(synthModule); } void AudioSync_impl::queueStop(SynthModule synthModule) { newEvent->stopModules.push_back(synthModule); } void AudioSync_impl::execute() { newEvent->execute(); newEvent->startModules.clear(); newEvent->stopModules.clear(); } void AudioSync_impl::executeAt(const TimeStamp& timeStamp) { newEvent->time = timeStamp; if(syncGroup) timeStampInc(newEvent->time, syncOffset); events.push_back(newEvent); newEvent = new AudioSyncEvent; } void AudioSync_impl::updateTime() { TimeStamp now = audioTime(); list::iterator i; i = events.begin(); while(i != events.end()) { AudioSyncEvent *event = *i; TimeStamp& eventTime = event->time; if( now.sec > eventTime.sec || ((now.sec == eventTime.sec) && (now.usec > eventTime.usec))) { event->execute(); delete event; i = events.erase(i); } else { i++; } } } void AudioSync_impl::setSyncGroup(MidiSyncGroup_impl *newSyncGroup) { syncGroup = newSyncGroup; } void AudioSync_impl::synchronizeTo(const TimeStamp& time) { #ifdef AUDIO_DEBUG_DRIFT TimeStamp drift = syncOffset; // debug drift #endif syncOffset = audioPlayTime(); timeStampDec(syncOffset, time); #ifdef AUDIO_DEBUG_DRIFT timeStampDec(drift, syncOffset); // debug drift printf("SYNC DRIFT %30s %30s: %f\n", "AudioSync", "AudioSync", timeStampToDouble(drift)); #endif } AudioSync_impl *AudioSync_impl::find(AudioSync audioSync) { list::iterator i; for(i = audioSyncImplList.begin(); i != audioSyncImplList.end(); i++) { if((*i)->_isEqual(audioSync._base())) return (*i); } return 0; } namespace Arts { REGISTER_IMPLEMENTATION(AudioSync_impl); }