/* Copyright (C) 1999 Emmeran Seehuber the_emmy@gmx.de This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ /* Changes: 16.09.1999 Emmeran "Emmy" Seehuber - Implementeted mapping of channels and pitches. - Reworked option parsing, now using getopt(). Note: The parameters of the programms have changed ! */ /* ** This program was in original by David G. Slomin. ** It was released to the Public Domain on 1/25/99. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "midisend.h" #include #include #include using namespace std; int input_fd = -1, test = 0, verbose = 0; char cFileName[1025]; int optch; CMidiMap Map; void usage(char *prog) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [ -f ] [ -m ] [ -v ] [ -t ]\n",prog); fprintf(stderr," -f the mididevice to read the input from.\n"); fprintf(stderr," Default is /dev/midi. If you specify a dash, it is stdin\n"); fprintf(stderr," -m the mapfile to load.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -v verbose output.\n"); fprintf(stderr," -t test mode. Generates a testoutput on the midibus\n"); fprintf(stderr," -l long test mode. Generates a testoutput on the midibus\n"); exit(1); } void parseArgs(int argc, char** argv) { // Setup default strcpy(cFileName,"/dev/midi"); while((optch = getopt(argc,argv,"m:f:vtl")) > 0) { switch(optch) { case 'm': if( !Map.readMap(optarg) ) fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't read file %s!\n",argv[0],optarg); break; case 't': test = 1; break; case 'l': test = 2; break; #ifdef VERSION case 'v': verbose = 1; printf("MidiSend %s\n", VERSION ); break; #endif case 'f': strncpy(cFileName,optarg,1024); break; default: usage(argv[0]); break; } } } #ifdef COMMON_BINARY int midisend_main(int argc, char *argv[]) #else int main(int argc, char *argv[]) #endif { Arts::Dispatcher dispatcher; Arts::MidiManager manager = Arts::Reference("global:Arts_MidiManager"); if (manager.isNull()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s trouble: No midimanager object found; please start " "artsd.\n",argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* ** MIDI input initialization. */ parseArgs(argc,argv); string title = string("midisend (") + cFileName +")"; Arts::MidiClient client = manager.addClient(Arts::mcdPlay,Arts::mctApplication,title,"midisend"); Arts::MidiPort port = client.addOutputPort(); if(test) { if( verbose ) printf("performing test ...\n"); unsigned long i,max=5000; if(test==2) max = 20000; for(i=0;i Word begins here. } } // The word starts here pszWord = pszLine; // And now, goto the end of the word. bCont = true; while(bCont) { char cHelp = *pszLine; switch( cHelp ) { case 0: case ',': case ';': case ' ': case '\n': case '\r': case '\t': *pszLine++ = 0; bCont = false; break; // Goto next char default: pszLine++; break; } } return true; } void CMidiMap::parseLine(char* pszLine, const char* pszConfigFile, int nConfigLine ) { char* pszWord = 0; bool bOk = true; // Get first word of the line bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); if( !bOk ) return; // Skip comments if( *pszWord == '#' ) return; if( strcmp(pszWord,"PRC") == 0 ) { bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nOrigChannel = atol(pszWord); bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nStart = atol(pszWord); bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nEnd = atol(pszWord); bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nChannel = atol(pszWord); if( bOk ) { channelMaps[nOrigChannel].nChannel = nOrigChannel; for( int i = nStart; i <= nEnd; i++ ) { channelMaps[nOrigChannel].channelRemaps[i].nPitch = i; channelMaps[nOrigChannel].channelRemaps[i].nChannel = nChannel; } } else { printf("midisend: (PRC) missing parameters at %s:%d\n", pszConfigFile,nConfigLine); } return; } if( strcmp(pszWord,"PRD") == 0 ) { bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nOrigChannel = atol(pszWord); bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nStart = atol(pszWord); bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nEnd = atol(pszWord); bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nPitchDiff = atol(pszWord); if( bOk ) { channelMaps[nOrigChannel].nChannel = nOrigChannel; for( int i = nStart; i <= nEnd; i++ ) { channelMaps[nOrigChannel].pitchRemaps[i].nPitch = i; channelMaps[nOrigChannel].pitchRemaps[i].nToPitch = i + nPitchDiff; } } else { printf("midisend: (PRD) missing parameters at %s:%d\n", pszConfigFile,nConfigLine); } return; } if( strcmp(pszWord,"PTC") == 0 ) { bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nOrigChannel = atol(pszWord); bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nPitch = atol(pszWord); bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nToChannel = atol(pszWord); if( bOk ) { channelMaps[nOrigChannel].nChannel = nOrigChannel; channelMaps[nOrigChannel].channelRemaps[nPitch].nPitch = nPitch; channelMaps[nOrigChannel].channelRemaps[nPitch].nChannel = nToChannel; } else { printf("midisend: (PTC) missing parameters at %s:%d\n", pszConfigFile,nConfigLine); } return; } if( strcmp(pszWord,"PTP") == 0 ) { bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nOrigChannel = atol(pszWord); bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nPitch = atol(pszWord); bOk = bOk && getNextWord(pszLine,pszWord); int nToPitch = atol(pszWord); if( bOk ) { channelMaps[nOrigChannel].nChannel = nOrigChannel; channelMaps[nOrigChannel].pitchRemaps[nPitch].nPitch = nPitch; channelMaps[nOrigChannel].pitchRemaps[nPitch].nToPitch = nToPitch; } else { printf("midisend: (PTP) missing parameters at %s:%d\n", pszConfigFile,nConfigLine); } return; } printf("midisend: Unknown command at %s:%d\n", pszConfigFile,nConfigLine); } void CMidiMap::mapMsg(Byte* msg) { // Get out the data for mapping int nChannel = midimsgGetChannel(msg); int nPitch = midimsgGetPitch(msg); // Is there something to map for this channel ? if( channelMaps.find(nChannel) != channelMaps.end() ) { // => Yes, than do it. // C/P => C if( channelMaps[nChannel].channelRemaps.find(nPitch) != channelMaps[nChannel].channelRemaps.end() ) midimsgSetChannel(msg,channelMaps[nChannel].channelRemaps[nPitch].nChannel); // C/P => P if( channelMaps[nChannel].pitchRemaps.find(nPitch) != channelMaps[nChannel].pitchRemaps.end() ) { midimsgSetPitch(msg,channelMaps[nChannel].pitchRemaps[nPitch].nToPitch); } } }