/* Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Stefan Westerfeld stefan@space.twc.de 2001-2003 Matthias Kretz kretz@kde.org 2002-2003 Arnold Krille arnold@arnoldarts.de This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * DISCLAIMER: The interfaces in artsmodules.idl (and the derived .cpp/.h files) * DO NOT GUARANTEE BINARY COMPATIBILITY YET. * * They are intended for developers. You shouldn't expect that applications in * binary form will be fully compatibile with further releases of these * interfaces. */ #include #include module Arts { // Arithmetic & Mixing /** * Divides two audio streams */ interface Synth_DIV : SynthModule { in audio stream invalue1,invalue2; out audio stream outvalue; default invalue1, invalue2; }; interface Synth_XFADE : SynthModule { in audio stream invalue1,invalue2,percentage; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_AUTOPANNER : SynthModule { in audio stream invalue, inlfo; out audio stream outvalue1, outvalue2; }; // Delays interface Synth_DELAY : SynthModule { attribute float maxdelay; in audio stream invalue, time; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_CDELAY : SynthModule { attribute float time; in audio stream invalue; out audio stream outvalue; }; // Envelopes interface Synth_ENVELOPE_ADSR : SynthModule { in audio stream active,invalue,attack,decay,sustain,release; out audio stream outvalue,done; }; interface Synth_PSCALE : SynthModule { attribute float top; in audio stream invalue, pos; out audio stream outvalue; }; // Effects interface Synth_TREMOLO : SynthModule { in audio stream invalue, inlfo; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_FX_CFLANGER : SynthModule { attribute float mintime, maxtime; in audio stream invalue, lfo; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_COMPRESSOR : SynthModule { attribute float attack, release, threshold, ratio, output; in audio stream invalue; out audio stream outvalue; }; // Filters interface Synth_PITCH_SHIFT : SynthModule { attribute float speed, frequency; in audio stream invalue; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_PITCH_SHIFT_FFT : SynthModule { attribute float speed, scaleFactor; attribute long frameSize, oversample; in audio stream inStream; out audio stream outStream; }; interface Synth_SHELVE_CUTOFF : SynthModule { in audio stream invalue,frequency; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_BRICKWALL_LIMITER : SynthModule { in audio stream invalue; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_STD_EQUALIZER : SynthModule { attribute float low, mid, high, frequency, q; in audio stream invalue; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_RC : SynthModule { attribute float b, f; in audio stream invalue; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_MOOG_VCF : SynthModule { attribute float frequency, resonance; in audio stream invalue; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_ATAN_SATURATE : SynthModule { attribute float inscale; in audio stream invalue; out audio stream outvalue; }; // Midi + Sequencing interface Synth_MIDI_TEST : SynthModule, MidiPort { attribute string filename; attribute string busname; }; interface Synth_SEQUENCE : SynthModule { attribute float speed; attribute string seq; out audio stream frequency, pos; }; interface Synth_SEQUENCE_FREQ : SynthModule { attribute float speed; attribute string seq; out audio stream frequency, pos; }; // Oscillation & Modulation interface Synth_FM_SOURCE : SynthModule { in audio stream frequency, modulator, modlevel; out audio stream pos; }; // Waveforms interface Synth_WAVE_TRI : SynthModule { in audio stream pos; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_NOISE : SynthModule { out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_WAVE_SQUARE : SynthModule { in audio stream pos; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_WAVE_SOFTSAW : SynthModule { in audio stream pos; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_WAVE_PULSE : SynthModule { attribute float dutycycle; in audio stream pos; out audio stream outvalue; }; enum SynthOscWaveForm { soWaveSine, soWaveTriangle, soWaveSawRise, soWaveSawFall, soWavePeakRise, soWavePeakFall, soWaveMoogSaw, soWaveSquare, soWavePulseSaw }; interface Synth_OSC : SynthModule { /* streams */ in audio stream infrequency, modulation, inpwm, insync; out audio stream outvalue, outsync; attribute SynthOscWaveForm waveForm; /* FM */ attribute boolean fmExponential; attribute float fmStrength; attribute float fmSelfStrength; /* phase, frequency, fineTune */ attribute float phase; attribute float frequency; attribute long fineTune; /* pulse width */ attribute float pulseWidth; attribute float pulseModStrength; }; interface Synth_PLAY_PAT : SynthModule { attribute string filename; in audio stream frequency; out audio stream outvalue; }; // Others /** * this interface currently has probably a problem - usually, if you are * using such a module, you would expect that you can specify the filename * with it - BUT, if you allow this, then any instrument definition file * (.arts) and similar might overwrite every file the user can access, which * might not be what you want, so I currently save it to a file in * /tmp/mcop-/.wav (which might be unlucky since the user * might not have too much space there) */ interface Synth_CAPTURE_WAV : SynthModule { attribute string filename; default in audio stream left, right; }; // Tests interface Synth_NIL : SynthModule { }; interface Synth_DEBUG : SynthModule { attribute string comment; in audio stream invalue; }; interface Synth_DATA : SynthModule { attribute float value; out audio stream outvalue; }; interface Synth_MIDI_DEBUG : SynthModule, MidiPort { }; // EXPERIMENTAL MIDI interface ObjectCache { void put(object obj, string name); object get(string name); }; interface MidiReleaseHelper : SynthModule { attribute SynthModule voice; attribute string name; attribute ObjectCache cache; boolean terminate(); in audio stream done; }; // END EXPERIMENTAL MIDI };