/* Copyright (C) 1998 Juhana Sadeharju kouhia at nic.funet.fi This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "c_filter_stuff.h" #include /*-- double tan(),pow(),atan2(),sqrt(),asin(); --*/ #define C_MIN16 -32768 #define C_MAX16 32767 #define SR 44100 #define PI M_PI /* * Presence and Shelve filters as given in * James A. Moorer * The manifold joys of conformal mapping: * applications to digital filtering in the studio * JAES, Vol. 31, No. 11, 1983 November */ /*#define SPN MINDOUBLE*/ #define SPN 0.00001 double bw2angle(a,bw) double a,bw; { double T,d,sn,cs,mag,delta,theta,tmp,a2,a4,asnd; T = tan(2.0*PI*bw); a2 = a*a; a4 = a2*a2; d = 2.0*a2*T; sn = (1.0 + a4)*T; cs = (1.0 - a4); mag = sqrt(sn*sn + cs*cs); d /= mag; delta = atan2(sn,cs); asnd = asin(d); theta = 0.5*(PI - asnd - delta); tmp = 0.5*(asnd-delta); if ((tmp > 0.0) && (tmp < theta)) theta = tmp; return(theta/(2.0*PI)); } void presence(cf,boost,bw,a0,a1,a2,b1,b2) double cf,boost,bw,*a0,*a1,*a2,*b1,*b2; { double a,A,F,xfmbw,C,tmp,alphan,alphad,b0,recipb0,asq,F2,a2plus1,ma2plus1; a = tan(PI*(cf-0.25)); asq = a*a; A = pow(10.0,boost/20.0); if ((boost < 6.0) && (boost > -6.0)) F = sqrt(A); else if (A > 1.0) F = A/sqrt(2.0); else F = A*sqrt(2.0); xfmbw = bw2angle(a,bw); C = 1.0/tan(2.0*PI*xfmbw); F2 = F*F; tmp = A*A - F2; if (fabs(tmp) <= SPN) alphad = C; else alphad = sqrt(C*C*(F2-1.0)/tmp); alphan = A*alphad; a2plus1 = 1.0 + asq; ma2plus1 = 1.0 - asq; *a0 = a2plus1 + alphan*ma2plus1; *a1 = 4.0*a; *a2 = a2plus1 - alphan*ma2plus1; b0 = a2plus1 + alphad*ma2plus1; *b2 = a2plus1 - alphad*ma2plus1; recipb0 = 1.0/b0; *a0 *= recipb0; *a1 *= recipb0; *a2 *= recipb0; *b1 = *a1; *b2 *= recipb0; } void shelve(cf,boost,a0,a1,a2,b1,b2) double cf,boost,*a0,*a1,*a2,*b1,*b2; { double a,A,F,tmp,b0,recipb0,asq,F2,gamma2,siggam2,gam2p1; double gamman,gammad,ta0,ta1,ta2,tb0,tb1,tb2,aa1,ab1; a = tan(PI*(cf-0.25)); asq = a*a; A = pow(10.0,boost/20.0); if ((boost < 6.0) && (boost > -6.0)) F = sqrt(A); else if (A > 1.0) F = A/sqrt(2.0); else F = A*sqrt(2.0); F2 = F*F; tmp = A*A - F2; if (fabs(tmp) <= SPN) gammad = 1.0; else gammad = pow((F2-1.0)/tmp,0.25); gamman = sqrt(A)*gammad; gamma2 = gamman*gamman; gam2p1 = 1.0 + gamma2; siggam2 = 2.0*sqrt(2.0)/2.0*gamman; ta0 = gam2p1 + siggam2; ta1 = -2.0*(1.0 - gamma2); ta2 = gam2p1 - siggam2; gamma2 = gammad*gammad; gam2p1 = 1.0 + gamma2; siggam2 = 2.0*sqrt(2.0)/2.0*gammad; tb0 = gam2p1 + siggam2; tb1 = -2.0*(1.0 - gamma2); tb2 = gam2p1 - siggam2; aa1 = a*ta1; *a0 = ta0 + aa1 + asq*ta2; *a1 = 2.0*a*(ta0+ta2)+(1.0+asq)*ta1; *a2 = asq*ta0 + aa1 + ta2; ab1 = a*tb1; b0 = tb0 + ab1 + asq*tb2; *b1 = 2.0*a*(tb0+tb2)+(1.0+asq)*tb1; *b2 = asq*tb0 + ab1 + tb2; recipb0 = 1.0/b0; *a0 *= recipb0; *a1 *= recipb0; *a2 *= recipb0; *b1 *= recipb0; *b2 *= recipb0; } void initfilter(filter *f) { f->x1 = 0.0; f->x2 = 0.0; f->y1 = 0.0; f->y2 = 0.0; f->y = 0.0; } void setfilter_presence(f,freq,boost,bw) filter *f; double freq,boost,bw; { presence(freq/(double)SR,boost,bw/(double)SR, &f->cx,&f->cx1,&f->cx2,&f->cy1,&f->cy2); f->cy1 = -f->cy1; f->cy2 = -f->cy2; } void setfilter_shelve(filter *f, double freq, double boost) { shelve(freq/(double)SR,boost, &f->cx,&f->cx1,&f->cx2,&f->cy1,&f->cy2); f->cy1 = -f->cy1; f->cy2 = -f->cy2; } void setfilter_shelvelowpass(filter *f, double freq, double boost) { double gain; gain = pow(10.0,boost/20.0); shelve(freq/(double)SR,boost, &f->cx,&f->cx1,&f->cx2,&f->cy1,&f->cy2); f->cx /= gain; f->cx1 /= gain; f->cx2 /= gain; f->cy1 = -f->cy1; f->cy2 = -f->cy2; } /* * As in ''An introduction to digital filter theory'' by Julius O. Smith * and in Moore's book; I use the normalized version in Moore's book. */ void setfilter_2polebp(f,freq,R) filter *f; double freq,R; { double theta; theta = 2.0*PI*freq/(double)SR; f->cx = 1.0-R; f->cx1 = 0.0; f->cx2 = -(1.0-R)*R; f->cy1 = 2.0*R*cos(theta); f->cy2 = -R*R; } /* * As in * Stanley A. White * Design of a digital biquadratic peaking or notch filter * for digital audio equalization * JAES, Vol. 34, No. 6, 1986 June */ void setfilter_peaknotch(f,freq,M,bw) filter *f; double freq,M,bw; { double w0,om,ta,d, p=0.0 /* prevents compiler warning */; w0 = 2.0*PI*freq; if ((1.0/sqrt(2.0) < M) && (M < sqrt(2.0))) { fprintf(stderr,"peaknotch filter: 1/sqrt(2) < M < sqrt(2)\n"); exit(-1); } if (M <= 1.0/sqrt(2.0)) p = sqrt(1.0-2.0*M*M); if (sqrt(2.0) <= M) p = sqrt(M*M-2.0); om = 2.0*PI*bw; ta = tan(om/((double)SR*2.0)); d = p+ta; f->cx = (p+M*ta)/d; f->cx1 = -2.0*p*cos(w0/(double)SR)/d; f->cx2 = (p-M*ta)/d; f->cy1 = 2.0*p*cos(w0/(double)SR)/d; f->cy2 = -(p-ta)/d; } /* * Some JAES's article on ladder filter. * freq (Hz), gdb (dB), bw (Hz) */ void setfilter_peaknotch2(f,freq,gdb,bw) filter *f; double freq,gdb,bw; { double k,w,bwr,abw,gain; k = pow(10.0,gdb/20.0); w = 2.0*PI*freq/(double)SR; bwr = 2.0*PI*bw/(double)SR; abw = (1.0-tan(bwr/2.0))/(1.0+tan(bwr/2.0)); gain = 0.5*(1.0+k+abw-k*abw); f->cx = 1.0*gain; f->cx1 = gain*(-2.0*cos(w)*(1.0+abw))/(1.0+k+abw-k*abw); f->cx2 = gain*(abw+k*abw+1.0-k)/(abw-k*abw+1.0+k); f->cy1 = 2.0*cos(w)/(1.0+tan(bwr/2.0)); f->cy2 = -abw; } double applyfilter(f,x) filter *f; double x; { f->x = x; f->y = f->cx * f->x + f->cx1 * f->x1 + f->cx2 * f->x2 + f->cy1 * f->y1 + f->cy2 * f->y2; f->x2 = f->x1; f->x1 = f->x; f->y2 = f->y1; f->y1 = f->y; return(f->y); } /* * aRts doesn't need the functions below this line */ #if 0 int saturate16(x) double x; { if (x > 32765.0) { return(32765); } else if (x < -32765.0) { return(-32765); } else return((int)x); } void initdelay(d,n) delay *d; int n; { int i; d->len = n; d->wloc = n-1; d->rloc = 0; d->buf = (double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) d->buf[i] = 0.0; } double readdelay(d) delay *d; { double y; y = d->buf[d->rloc]; d->rloc++; if (d->rloc == d->len) d->rloc = 0; return(y); } void writedelay(d,x) delay *d; double x; { d->buf[d->wloc] = x; d->wloc++; if (d->wloc == d->len) d->wloc = 0; } void initringbufferd(rb,n) ringbufferd *rb; int n; { int i; rb->len = n; rb->wloc = n-1; rb->buf = (double *)malloc(n*sizeof(double)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) rb->buf[i] = 0.0; } double readringbufferd(rb,n) ringbufferd *rb; int n; { int i; if (n >= rb->len) return(0.0); i = rb->wloc - n; if (i < 0) i += rb->len; return(rb->buf[i]); } void writeringbufferd(rb,x) ringbufferd *rb; double x; { rb->buf[rb->wloc] = x; rb->wloc++; if (rb->wloc == rb->len) rb->wloc = 0; } void initringbufferi(rb,n) ringbufferi *rb; int n; { int i; rb->len = n; rb->wloc = n-1; rb->buf = (int *)malloc(n*sizeof(int)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) rb->buf[i] = 0; } int readringbufferi(rb,n) ringbufferi *rb; int n; { int i; if (n >= rb->len) return(0); i = rb->wloc - n; if (i < 0) i += rb->len; return(rb->buf[i]); } void writeringbufferi(rb,x) ringbufferi *rb; int x; { rb->buf[rb->wloc] = x; rb->wloc++; if (rb->wloc == rb->len) rb->wloc = 0; } unsigned char buffc[BUFFSIZE]; int buffi[BUFFSIZE]; /* int buffs[C_MAXCHANNELS][BUFFSIZE]; */ int **buffs; int makenodes(n) int n; { int *p; int i; p = (int *)malloc(n*sizeof(int *)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) p[i] = (int)(int *)0; return((int)p); } int makeints(n) int n; { int *p; int i; p = (int *)malloc(n*sizeof(int)); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) p[i] = 0; return((int)p); } /* constant memory size: (i) one big malloc (ii) many mallocs, upper limit in doing mallocs */ /* new routines: * * readbufb(n) -- read n bytes (8 bits) from stream * readbufs(n) -- read n shorts (16 bits) from stream * readbufi(n) -- read n ints (32 bits) from stream * readbuff(n) -- read n floats (32 bits) from stream * * bufb2bufs() -- convert byte buffer to short buffer * bufb2bufi() -- convert byte buffer to int buffer * bufb2buff() -- convert byte buffer to float buffer * bufs2bufb() -- convert short buffer to byte buffer * bufi2bufb() -- convert int buffer to byte buffer * buff2bufb() -- convert float buffer to byte buffer * * copychannelb() -- copy one channel from buffer to buffer * copychannels() -- copy one channel from buffer to buffer * copychanneli() -- copy one channel from buffer to buffer * copychannelf() -- copy one channel from buffer to buffer * * multichannel buffers: * buf[sample][channel] * buf[channel][sample] * * multi to uni buffer * * reading and writing: * uni buffer to sample[channel] * multi buffer to sample[channel] * */ /* int newfreadbufs(buf,n,p) short **buf; int n; ty_audiofile *p; { if (n*p->afsc > BUFFSIZE) { fprintf(stderr,"freadbufi: reading too many samples\n"); exit(-1); } l = readbufs(tmpbufs,n*p->afsc); m = uni2multis(tmpbufs,l,p->afsc,buf); return(m); } int newfreadbufi(buf,n,p) int **buf; int n; ty_audiofile *p; { if (n*p->afsc > BUFFSIZE) { fprintf(stderr,"freadbufi: reading too many samples\n"); exit(-1); } l = readbufi(tmpbufi,n*p->afsc); m = uni2multii(tmpbufi,l,p->afsc,buf); return(m); } int newfreadbuff(buf,n,p) float **buf; int n; ty_audiofile *p; { if (n*p->afsc > BUFFSIZE) { fprintf(stderr,"freadbufi: reading too many samples\n"); exit(-1); } l = readbuf(tmpbuff,n*p->afsc); m = uni2multif(tmpbuff,l,p->afsc,buf); return(m); } int newfreadbuf(buf,p) ty_buffer *buf; ty_audiofile *p; { } */ /* * freadbuf() reads next n samples from the file; one sample may have * several channels. * Return value is the number of the samples read. */ int freadbuf(buf,n,p) int **buf; int n; ty_audiofile *p; { int h,i,j,k,l,s; unsigned int us; if (n > BUFFSIZE) { fprintf(stderr,"freadbuf reading too many samples\n"); exit(-1); } if (p->afstype == C_INTTYPE) { h = 0; for(j = 0; j < p->afsc; j++) { l = fread(buffi,sizeof(int),n,p->affp); for(i = 0; i < l; i += p->afsc) { for(k = 0; k < p->afsc; k++) buf[k][h] = buffi[i+k]; h++; } } } else if (p->afstype == C_FLOATTYPE) { h = 0; for(j = 0; j < p->afsc; j++) { l = fread((float *)buffi,sizeof(float),n,p->affp); for(i = 0; i < l; i += p->afsc) { for(k = 0; k < p->afsc; k++) buf[k][h] = buffi[i+k]; h++; } } } else { h = 0; for(j = 0; j < 2*p->afsc; j++) { l = fread(buffc,sizeof(unsigned char),n,p->affp); for(i = 0; i < l; i += 2*p->afsc) { for(k = 0; k < p->afsc; k++) { if (p->afstype == C_CDASBTYPE) us = buffc[i+1+2*k] + (buffc[i+2*k]<<8); else us = buffc[i+2*k] + (buffc[i+1+2*k]<<8); us = us<<16; s = ((signed int)us)>>16; buf[k][h] = s; } h++; } } } return(h); } int fwritebuf(buf,n,p) int **buf; int n; ty_audiofile *p; { int h,i,j,k,l,s; unsigned int us1,us2; if (p->afstype == C_INTTYPE) { h = 0; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { for(k = 0; k < p->afsc; k++) { buffi[h] = buf[k][i]; h++; } if (h == BUFFSIZE) { l = fwrite(buffi,sizeof(int),h,p->affp); if (l != h) { fprintf(stderr,"fwritebuf() error\n"); exit(-1); } h = 0; } } l = fwrite(buffi,sizeof(int),h,p->affp); if (l != h) { fprintf(stderr,"fwritebuf() error\n"); exit(-1); } } else { h = 0; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { for(k = 0; k < p->afsc; k++) { s = buf[k][i]; if (s > C_MAX16) s = C_MAX16; else if (s < C_MIN16) s = C_MIN16; us1 = ((unsigned int)s)&0x000000ff; us2 = (((unsigned int)s)&0x0000ff00)>>8; if (p->afstype == C_CDASBTYPE) { buffc[h] = (unsigned char)us2; h++; buffc[h] = (unsigned char)us1; h++; } else { buffc[h] = (unsigned char)us1; h++; buffc[h] = (unsigned char)us2; h++; } } if (h == BUFFSIZE) { l = fwrite(buffc,sizeof(unsigned char),h,p->affp); if (l != h) { fprintf(stderr,"fwritebuf() error\n"); exit(-1); } h = 0; } } l = fwrite(buffc,sizeof(unsigned char),h,p->affp); if (l != h) { fprintf(stderr,"fwritebuf() error\n"); exit(-1); } } return(n); } ty_audiofile *initaf(afm,afn,aft) ty_afmethod *afm; ty_afname *afn; ty_aftype *aft; { ty_audiofile *p; int i,j,k,n,s; unsigned int us; FILE *fp; p = (ty_audiofile *)malloc(sizeof(ty_audiofile)); p->afmethod = afm->method; p->afname = afn->filename; p->affd = afn->fd; p->afsr = aft->sr; p->afsc = aft->sc; p->afstype = aft->stype; p->buflen = afm->buflen; switch(p->afmethod) { case C_FLOWOUTMETHOD: if (p->affd == STDOUT_FILENO) { fp = stdout; p->afname = "stdout"; } else { if ((fp = fopen(p->afname,"w")) == (FILE *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open file %s\n",p->afname); exit(-1); } } p->affp = fp; p->buflen = BUFFSIZE; p->buf = (int **)malloc(p->afsc*sizeof(int *)); for(i = 0; i < p->afsc; i++) p->buf[i] = (int *)malloc(p->buflen*sizeof(int)); p->bloc = 0; break; case C_RBMETHOD: if (p->affd == STDIN_FILENO) { fp = stdin; p->afname = "stdin"; } else { if ((fp = fopen(p->afname,"r")) == (FILE *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open file %s\n",p->afname); exit(-1); } } p->affp = fp; p->buf = (int **)malloc(p->afsc*sizeof(int *)); for(i = 0; i < p->afsc; i++) p->buf[i] = (int *)malloc(p->buflen*sizeof(int)); n = freadbuf(p->buf,MINBUFFSIZE,p); if (n != MINBUFFSIZE) { fprintf(stderr,"could not read file %s\n",p->afname); fprintf(stderr,"%i\n",n); exit(-1); } p->bloc = 0; p->eloc = n-1; p->rbbtime = 0; p->rbetime = n-1; break; case C_AIMROMETHOD: p->buf = (int **)malloc(p->afsc*sizeof(int *)); if ((fp = fopen(p->afname,"r")) == (FILE *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open file %s\n",p->afname); exit(-1); } (void)fseek(fp,(long)0,SEEK_END); p->buflen = ftell(fp)/p->afsc; fclose(fp); switch(p->afstype) { case C_CDATYPE: p->buflen /= 2; break; case C_CDASBTYPE: p->buflen /= 2; break; case C_INTTYPE: p->buflen /= sizeof(int); break; } for(i = 0; i < p->afsc; i++) p->buf[i] = (int *)malloc(p->buflen*sizeof(int)); if ((fp = fopen(p->afname,"r")) == (FILE *)NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"could not open file %s\n",p->afname); exit(-1); } p->affp = fp; j = 0; while ((n = freadbuf(buffs,BUFFSIZE,p)) != 0) { for(i = 0; i < n; i++,j++) { for(k = 0; k < p->afsc; k++) p->buf[k][j] = buffs[k][i]; } } fclose(fp); break; } return(p); } void bye() { ty_audiofile *p; int i,l; for(i = 0; i < C_MAXAUDIOFILES; i++) { p = gaf[i]; if (p != (ty_audiofile *)0) { switch(p->afmethod) { case C_FLOWOUTMETHOD: l = fwritebuf(p->buf,p->bloc,p); if (l != p->bloc) { fprintf(stderr,"could not write to %s\n",p->afname); exit(-1); } fclose(p->affp); break; case C_RBMETHOD: fclose(p->affp); break; } } } } ty_sample *makesample(sc) int sc; { ty_sample *p; p = (ty_sample *)malloc(sizeof(ty_sample)); p->sc = sc; return(p); } int readsample(p,n,s) ty_audiofile *p; int n; ty_sample *s; { int i,j,k,dt,l; FILE *fp; ty_sample *out; /* out = makesample(p->afsc); / * out->time = n; * / */ out = s; switch(p->afmethod) { case C_RBMETHOD: for(;;) { if ((p->rbbtime <= n) && (n <= p->rbetime)) { dt = n - p->rbbtime; l = p->bloc + dt; if (l >= p->buflen) l -= p->buflen; for(i = 0; i < p->afsc; i++) out->buf[i] = p->buf[i][l]; return(TRUE); } else { if (n < p->rbbtime) { fprintf(stderr,"n = %i\n",n); fprintf(stderr,"ring buffer has dropped this sample already\n"); exit(-1); } l = freadbuf(buffs,BUFFSIZE,p); if (l == 0) return(FALSE); for(i = 0; i < l; i++) { p->eloc++; if (p->eloc >= p->buflen) p->eloc -= p->buflen; p->rbetime++; if (p->eloc == p->bloc) { p->bloc++; if (p->bloc >= p->buflen) p->bloc -= p->buflen; p->rbbtime++; } for(j = 0; j < p->afsc; j++) { p->buf[j][p->eloc] = buffs[j][i]; } } } } break; case C_AIMROMETHOD: if ((n < 0) || (n >= p->buflen)) return(FALSE); for(i = 0; i < p->afsc; i++) out->buf[i] = p->buf[i][n]; return(TRUE); break; } } int writesample(p,n,s) ty_audiofile *p; int n; ty_sample *s; { int i,j,k,dt,l; FILE *fp; ty_sample *out; switch(p->afmethod) { case C_FLOWOUTMETHOD: for(i = 0; i < p->afsc; i++) p->buf[i][p->bloc] = s->buf[i]; p->bloc++; if (p->bloc == p->buflen) { p->bloc = 0; l = fwritebuf(p->buf,p->buflen,p); if (l != p->buflen) { fprintf(stderr,"could not write to %s\n",p->afname); exit(-1); } } break; case C_AIMRWMETHOD: if ((n < 0) || (n >= p->buflen)) return(FALSE); for(i = 0; i < p->afsc; i++) p->buf[i][n] = s->buf[i]; break; } return(TRUE); } ty_afmethod *afmethod_flowout() { ty_afmethod *p; p = (ty_afmethod *)malloc(sizeof(ty_afmethod)); p->method = C_FLOWOUTMETHOD; return(p); } ty_afmethod *afmethod_rb(n) int n; { ty_afmethod *p; if (n <= BUFFSIZE) { fprintf(stderr,"RB buffer size should be greater than BUFFSIZE\n"); exit(-1); } p = (ty_afmethod *)malloc(sizeof(ty_afmethod)); p->method = C_RBMETHOD; p->buflen = n; return(p); } ty_afmethod *afmethod_aimro() { ty_afmethod *p; p = (ty_afmethod *)malloc(sizeof(ty_afmethod)); p->method = C_AIMROMETHOD; return(p); } ty_afname *afname(s) char *s; { ty_afname *p; p = (ty_afname *)malloc(sizeof(ty_afname)); p->filename = strdup(s); p->fd = -1; return(p); } /* stdin and stdout could have their own read and write routines * but this could be a second solution */ ty_afname *afname_stdin() { ty_afname *p; p = (ty_afname *)malloc(sizeof(ty_afname)); p->filename = (char *)0; p->fd = STDIN_FILENO; return(p); } ty_afname *afname_stdout() { ty_afname *p; p = (ty_afname *)malloc(sizeof(ty_afname)); p->filename = (char *)0; p->fd = STDOUT_FILENO; return(p); } ty_aftype *aftype(sr,sc,stype) int sr,sc,stype; { ty_aftype *p; p = (ty_aftype *)malloc(sizeof(ty_aftype)); p->sr = sr; p->sc = sc; p->stype = stype; return(p); } ty_aftype *aftype_defstereo() { return(aftype(44100,2,C_CDATYPE)); } ty_audiofile *initaf_aimdefstereo(filename) char *filename; { return(initaf(afmethod_aimro(),afname(filename),aftype_defstereo())); } ty_audiofile *initaf_stdin() { return(initaf(afmethod_rb(C_RBBUFSIZE),afname_stdin(),aftype_defstereo())); } void init() { int i; for(i = 0; i < C_MAXAUDIOFILES; i++) { gaf[i] = (ty_audiofile *)0; } buffs = (int **)malloc(C_MAXCHANNELS*sizeof(int *)); for(i = 0; i < C_MAXCHANNELS; i++) buffs[i] = (int *)malloc(BUFFSIZE*sizeof(int)); } #endif