/* Copyright (C) 2000 Jeff Tranter tranter@pobox.com (C) 1999 Stefan Westerfeld stefan@space.twc.de (C) 1999 Martin Lorenz lorenz@ch.tum.de This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "artsmodulessynth.h" #include "stdsynthmodule.h" using namespace Arts; class Synth_STD_EQUALIZER_impl : virtual public Synth_STD_EQUALIZER_skel, virtual public StdSynthModule { protected: float _low, _mid, _high, _frequency, _q; float tlow, tmid, thigh, tfrequency; float a1, a2, b0, b1, b2, x_0, x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2; unsigned long all; public: float low() { return _low; } void low(float newLow) { if(newLow != _low) { _low = newLow; calcParameters(); high_changed(newLow); } } float mid() { return _mid; } void mid(float newMid) { if(newMid != _mid) { _mid = newMid; calcParameters(); mid_changed(newMid); } } float high() { return _high; } void high(float newHigh) { if(newHigh != _high) { _high = newHigh; calcParameters(); high_changed(newHigh); } } float frequency() { return _frequency; } void frequency(float newFrequency) { if(newFrequency != _frequency) { _frequency = newFrequency; calcParameters(); frequency_changed(newFrequency); } } float q() { return _q; } void q(float newQ) { if(newQ != _q) { _q = newQ; calcParameters(); q_changed(newQ); } } Synth_STD_EQUALIZER_impl() { _low = _mid = _high = 0; _q = 0.5; _frequency = 300; } void calcParameters() { /* * _low, _mid, _high are in dB, transform them to tlow, tmid, * thigh using: * -6dB => 0.5 ; 0dB => 1 ; 6dB = 2.0 ; ... */ tlow = exp(_low * 0.115524530093324); // exp(p[LOW]*ln(2)/6) tmid = exp(_mid * 0.115524530093324); thigh = exp(_high * 0.115524530093324); // _frequency is given in Hz, we need the w-value (and do clipping if // it exceeds SR/2) const float SAMPLING_RATE = 44100.0; tfrequency = _frequency; if (tfrequency > SAMPLING_RATE / 2.01) tfrequency = SAMPLING_RATE / 2.01; float w = 2 * M_PI * tfrequency / SAMPLING_RATE; // Calculations: float t = 1/tan(w/2); float tq = t/_q; float t2 = t*t; float a0 = 1+tq+t2; float a0r = 1/a0; // and now the real filter values: a1 = (2 - 2 * t2) * a0r; a2 = (1 - tq + t2) * a0r; b0 = (tlow + tmid * tq + thigh * t2) * a0r; b1 = (2 * tlow -2 * thigh * t2) * a0r; b2 = (tlow - tmid * tq + thigh * t2) * a0r; // TODO: try if we need that here, or if we can change filter // coefficients without setting the state to 0 x_0 = x_1 = x_2 = y_1 = y_2 = 0.0; all = 0; } void streamInit() { calcParameters(); } void calculateBlock(unsigned long samples) { all += samples; if (all > 1024) { /* The _problem_: (observed on a PII-350) * * I am not quite sure what happens here, but it seems to be like that: * * If an ordinary signal (a mp3 for instance) is sent through the * equalizer, and then no more input is given (zeros as input), * the y_1 and y_2 values oscillate for some time, coming closer and * close to zero. * * But before the reach zero, they reach the smallest negative number * (or smallest positive, or whatever), and stay there * (because 0.005*smallest_negative will remain smallest_negative). * * Since then, the CPU usage for all operations on these floats * increases, (since handling of smallest_negative seems to be a rare * case). * * The _fix_: * * We observe the value of y_1. If it's very close to zero (may be as * well smallest_positive/smallest_negative), we set it to zero, * together with y_2. This shouldn't significantly influence * correctness of the filter, but effectively solves the problem. * * If you don't believe me, try without this fix and tell me what * happens on your computer. */ const float zero_lower =-0.00000001; const float zero_upper = 0.00000001; all = 0; if(zero_lower < y_1 && y_1 < zero_upper) y_1 = y_2 = 0.0; } unsigned long i; float tmp; for (i=0; i