/*************************************************************************** begin : Mon May 31 2004 copyright : (C) 2004 by Michael Pyne email : michael.pyne@kdemail.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "k3bexporter.h" #include "playlistitem.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "playlistbox.h" #include "actioncollection.h" using ActionCollection::actions; // static member variable definition PlaylistAction *K3bExporter::m_action = 0; // Special KAction subclass used to automatically call a slot when activated, // depending on the visible playlist at the time. In other words, use *one* // instance of this action for many playlists. // // This is used to handle some actions in the Playlist context menu. class PlaylistAction : public KAction { public: PlaylistAction(const char *name, const TQString &userText, const TQIconSet &pix, const char *slot, const KShortcut &cut = 0) : KAction(userText, pix, cut, 0 /* receiver */, 0 /* slot */, actions(), name), m_slot(slot) { } typedef TQMap PlaylistRecipientMap; /** * Defines a TQObject to call (using the m_slot SLOT) when an action is * emitted from a Playlist. */ void addCallMapping(const Playlist *p, TQObject *obj) { m_playlistRecipient[p] = obj; } protected slots: void slotActivated() { kdDebug(65432) << k_funcinfo << endl; // Determine current playlist, and call its slot. Playlist *p = PlaylistCollection::instance()->visiblePlaylist(); if(!p) return; // Make sure we're supposed to notify someone about this playlist. TQObject *recipient = m_playlistRecipient[p]; if(!recipient) return; // Invoke the slot using some trickery. // XXX: Use the TQMetaObject to do this in TQt 4. connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(activated()), recipient, m_slot); emit(activated()); disconnect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(activated()), recipient, m_slot); } private: TQCString m_slot; PlaylistRecipientMap m_playlistRecipient; }; K3bExporter::K3bExporter(Playlist *parent) : PlaylistExporter(parent), m_parent(parent) { } KAction *K3bExporter::action() { if(!m_action && !TDEStandardDirs::findExe("k3b").isNull()) { m_action = new PlaylistAction( "export_to_k3b", i18n("Add Selected Items to Audio or Data CD"), SmallIconSet("k3b"), TQT_SLOT(slotExport()) ); m_action->setShortcutConfigurable(false); } // Tell the action to let us know when it is activated when // m_parent is the visible playlist. This allows us to reuse the // action to avoid duplicate entries in KActionCollection. if(m_action) m_action->addCallMapping(m_parent, this); return m_action; } void K3bExporter::exportPlaylistItems(const PlaylistItemList &items) { if(items.empty()) return; DCOPClient *client = DCOPClient::mainClient(); TQCString appId, appObj; TQByteArray data; if(!client->findObject("k3b-*", "K3bInterface", "", data, appId, appObj)) exportViaCmdLine(items); else { DCOPRef ref(appId, appObj); exportViaDCOP(items, ref); } } void K3bExporter::slotExport() { if(m_parent) exportPlaylistItems(m_parent->selectedItems()); } void K3bExporter::exportViaCmdLine(const PlaylistItemList &items) { K3bOpenMode mode = openMode(); TQCString cmdOption; switch(mode) { case AudioCD: cmdOption = "--audiocd"; break; case DataCD: cmdOption = "--datacd"; break; case Abort: return; } TDEProcess *process = new TDEProcess; *process << "k3b"; *process << cmdOption; PlaylistItemList::ConstIterator it; for(it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) *process << (*it)->file().absFilePath(); if(!process->start(TDEProcess::DontCare)) KMessageBox::error(m_parent, i18n("Unable to start K3b.")); } void K3bExporter::exportViaDCOP(const PlaylistItemList &items, DCOPRef &ref) { TQValueList projectList; DCOPReply projectListReply = ref.call("projects()"); if(!projectListReply.get >(projectList, "TQValueList")) { DCOPErrorMessage(); return; } if(projectList.count() == 0 && !startNewK3bProject(ref)) return; KURL::List urlList; PlaylistItemList::ConstIterator it; for(it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it) { KURL item; item.setPath((*it)->file().absFilePath()); urlList.append(item); } if(!ref.send("addUrls(KURL::List)", DCOPArg(urlList, "KURL::List"))) { DCOPErrorMessage(); return; } } void K3bExporter::DCOPErrorMessage() { KMessageBox::error(m_parent, i18n("There was a DCOP communication error with K3b.")); } bool K3bExporter::startNewK3bProject(DCOPRef &ref) { TQCString request; K3bOpenMode mode = openMode(); switch(mode) { case AudioCD: request = "createAudioCDProject()"; break; case DataCD: request = "createDataCDProject()"; break; case Abort: return false; } if(!ref.send(request)) { DCOPErrorMessage(); return false; } return true; } K3bExporter::K3bOpenMode K3bExporter::openMode() { int reply = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel( m_parent, i18n("Create an audio mode CD suitable for CD players, or a data " "mode CD suitable for computers and other digital music " "players?"), i18n("Create K3b Project"), i18n("Audio Mode"), i18n("Data Mode") ); switch(reply) { case KMessageBox::Cancel: return Abort; case KMessageBox::No: return DataCD; case KMessageBox::Yes: return AudioCD; } return Abort; } K3bPlaylistExporter::K3bPlaylistExporter(PlaylistBox *parent) : K3bExporter(0), m_playlistBox(parent) { } KAction *K3bPlaylistExporter::action() { if(!TDEStandardDirs::findExe("k3b").isNull()) { return new KAction( i18n("Add Playlist to Audio or Data CD"), SmallIconSet("k3b"), 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotExport()), actions(), "export_playlist_to_k3b" ); } return 0; } void K3bPlaylistExporter::slotExport() { if(m_playlistBox) { setPlaylist(m_playlistBox->visiblePlaylist()); exportPlaylistItems(m_playlistBox->visiblePlaylist()->items()); } } #include "k3bexporter.moc" // vim: set et sw=4 ts=4: