/*************************************************************************** copyright : (C) 2004 Nathan Toone copyright : (C) 2007 Michael Pyne ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "covermanager.h" #include "webimagefetcher.h" #include "webimagefetcherdialog.h" #include "tag.h" WebImage::WebImage() { } WebImage::WebImage(const TQString &imageURL, const TQString &thumbURL, int width, int height) : m_imageURL(imageURL), m_thumbURL(thumbURL), m_size(TQString("\n%1 x %2").tqarg(width).tqarg(height)) { } WebImageFetcher::WebImageFetcher(TQObject *parent) : TQObject(parent), m_connection(new TQHttp(this)), m_connectionId(-1), m_dialog(0) { connect(m_connection, TQT_SIGNAL(requestFinished(int,bool)), TQT_SLOT(slotWebRequestFinished(int,bool))); } WebImageFetcher::~WebImageFetcher() { delete m_dialog; } void WebImageFetcher::setFile(const FileHandle &file) { m_file = file; m_searchString = TQString(file.tag()->artist() + ' ' + file.tag()->album()); if(m_dialog) m_dialog->setFile(file); } void WebImageFetcher::abortSearch() { m_connection->abort(); } void WebImageFetcher::chooseCover() { slotLoadImageURLs(); } void WebImageFetcher::slotLoadImageURLs() { m_imageList.clear(); KURL url("http://search.yahooapis.com/ImageSearchService/V1/imageSearch"); url.addQueryItem("appid", "org.kde.juk/trinity"); url.addQueryItem("query", m_searchString); url.addQueryItem("results", "25"); kdDebug(65432) << "Using request " << url.encodedPathAndQuery() << endl; m_connection->setHost(url.host()); m_connectionId = m_connection->get(url.encodedPathAndQuery()); // Wait for the results... } void WebImageFetcher::slotWebRequestFinished(int id, bool error) { if(id != m_connectionId) return; if(error) { kdError(65432) << "Error reading image results from Yahoo!\n"; kdError(65432) << m_connection->errorString() << endl; return; } TQDomDocument results("ResultSet"); TQString errorStr; int errorCol, errorLine; if(!results.setContent(m_connection->readAll(), &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorCol)) { kdError(65432) << "Unable to create XML document from Yahoo results.\n"; kdError(65432) << "Line " << errorLine << ", " << errorStr << endl; return; } TQDomNode n = results.documentElement(); bool hasNoResults = false; if(n.isNull()) { kdDebug(65432) << "No document root in XML results??\n"; hasNoResults = true; } else { TQDomElement result = n.toElement(); if(result.attribute("totalResultsReturned").toInt() == 0) kdDebug(65432) << "Search returned " << result.attribute("totalResultsAvailable") << " results.\n"; if(result.isNull() || !result.hasAttribute("totalResultsReturned") || result.attribute("totalResultsReturned").toInt() == 0) { hasNoResults = true; } } if(hasNoResults) { kdDebug(65432) << "Search returned no results.\n"; requestNewSearchTerms(true /* no results */); return; } // Go through each of the top (result) nodes n = n.firstChild(); while(!n.isNull()) { TQDomNode resultUrl = n.namedItem("Url"); TQDomNode thumbnail = n.namedItem("Thumbnail"); TQDomNode height = n.namedItem("Height"); TQDomNode width = n.namedItem("Width"); // We have the necessary info, move to next node before we forget. n = n.nextSibling(); if(resultUrl.isNull() || thumbnail.isNull() || height.isNull() || width.isNull()) { kdError(65432) << "Invalid result returned, skipping.\n"; continue; } m_imageList.append( WebImage( resultUrl.toElement().text(), thumbnail.namedItem("Url").toElement().text(), width.toElement().text().toInt(), height.toElement().text().toInt() ) ); } // Have results, show them and pick one. if(!m_dialog) { m_dialog = new WebImageFetcherDialog(m_imageList, m_file, 0); m_dialog->setModal(true); connect(m_dialog, TQT_SIGNAL(coverSelected()), TQT_SLOT(slotCoverChosen())); connect(m_dialog, TQT_SIGNAL(newSearchRequested()), TQT_SLOT(slotNewSearch())); } m_dialog->refreshScreen(m_imageList); m_dialog->show(); } void WebImageFetcher::slotCoverChosen() { TQPixmap pixmap = m_dialog->result(); if(pixmap.isNull()) { kdError(65432) << "Selected pixmap is null for some reason.\n"; return; } kdDebug(65432) << "Adding new cover for " << m_file.tag()->fileName() << endl; coverKey newId = CoverManager::addCover(pixmap, m_file.tag()->artist(), m_file.tag()->album()); emit signalCoverChanged(newId); } void WebImageFetcher::slotNewSearch() { requestNewSearchTerms(); } void WebImageFetcher::displayWaitMessage() { KStatusBar *statusBar = static_cast(kapp->mainWidget())->statusBar(); statusBar->message(i18n("Searching for Images. Please Wait...")); slotLoadImageURLs(); statusBar->clear(); } void WebImageFetcher::requestNewSearchTerms(bool noResults) { bool ok; TQString search = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Cover Downloader"), noResults ? i18n("No matching images found, please enter new search terms:") : i18n("Enter new search terms:"), m_searchString, &ok); if(ok && !search.isEmpty()) { m_searchString = search; displayWaitMessage(); // This kicks off the new search. } } #include "webimagefetcher.moc"