/** * This file is part of the KAudioCreator package * Copyright (C) 2003 Benjamin C Meyer (ben+kaudiocreator at meyerhome dot net) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "encoderconfigimp.h" #include "encoderedit.h" #include "prefs.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /** * Constructor. */ EncoderConfigImp::EncoderConfigImp( QWidget* parent, const char* name) : EncoderConfig (parent, name) { connect(addEncoder, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addEncoderSlot())); connect(removeEncoder, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeEncoderSlot())); connect(configureEncoder, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(configureEncoderSlot())); connect(kcfg_currentEncoder, SIGNAL(doubleClicked ( QListBoxItem * )),this, SLOT(configureEncoderSlot())); // If there are no encoders then store the three default ones. if( Prefs::lastKnownEncoder() == 0){ EncoderPrefs *encPrefs; encPrefs = EncoderPrefs::prefs("Encoder_0"); encPrefs->setEncoderName(i18n("Ogg Vorbis")); encPrefs->setCommandLine("oggenc -o %o --artist %{artist} --album %{albumtitle} --title %{title} --date %{year} --tracknum %{number} --genre %{genre} %f"); encPrefs->setExtension("ogg"); encPrefs->setPercentLength(4); encPrefs->writeConfig(); encPrefs = EncoderPrefs::prefs("Encoder_1"); encPrefs->setEncoderName(i18n("MP3")); encPrefs->setCommandLine("lame --preset standard --tt %{title} --ta %{artist} --tl %{albumtitle} --ty %{year} --tn %{number} --tg %{genre} %f %o"); encPrefs->setExtension("mp3"); encPrefs->setPercentLength(2); encPrefs->writeConfig(); encPrefs = EncoderPrefs::prefs("Encoder_2"); encPrefs->setEncoderName(i18n("Wav")); encPrefs->setCommandLine("mv %f %o"); encPrefs->setExtension("wav"); encPrefs->setPercentLength(2); encPrefs->writeConfig(); encPrefs = EncoderPrefs::prefs("Encoder_3"); encPrefs->setEncoderName(i18n("FLAC")); encPrefs->setCommandLine("flac --best -o %o --tag=Artist=%{artist} --tag=Album=%{albumtitle} --tag=Date=%{year} --tag=Title=%{title} --tag=Tracknumber=%{number} --tag=Genre=%{genre} %f"); encPrefs->setExtension("flac"); encPrefs->setPercentLength(2); encPrefs->writeConfig(); Prefs::setLastKnownEncoder(3); Prefs::writeConfig(); } loadEncoderList(); } /** * Clear map * Clear listbox * Load list of encoders. */ void EncoderConfigImp::loadEncoderList(){ encoderNames.clear(); kcfg_currentEncoder->clear(); bool foundCurrentEncoder = false; int lastEncoder = 0; int lastKnownEncoder = Prefs::lastKnownEncoder(); lastKnownEncoder++; for( int i=0; i<=lastKnownEncoder; i++ ){ QString currentGroup = QString("Encoder_%1").arg(i); if(EncoderPrefs::hasPrefs(currentGroup)){ lastEncoder = i; EncoderPrefs *encPrefs = EncoderPrefs::prefs(currentGroup); QString encoderName = encPrefs->encoderName(); kcfg_currentEncoder->insertItem(encoderName); encoderNames.insert(encoderName, currentGroup); if(Prefs::currentEncoder() == i) foundCurrentEncoder = true; } } if(lastEncoder != Prefs::lastKnownEncoder()){ Prefs::setLastKnownEncoder(lastEncoder); Prefs::writeConfig(); } // Make sure that the current encoder is valid. if(!foundCurrentEncoder && kcfg_currentEncoder->count() > 0) kcfg_currentEncoder->setCurrentItem(0); } /** * Find empty group * bring up dialog for that group. */ void EncoderConfigImp::addEncoderSlot(){ bool foundEmptyGroup = false; uint number = 0; QString groupName; while(!foundEmptyGroup){ groupName = QString("Encoder_%1").arg(number); if(!EncoderPrefs::hasPrefs(groupName)) foundEmptyGroup = true; else number++; } if(KConfigDialog::showDialog(groupName.latin1())) return; KConfigDialog *dialog = new KConfigDialog(this, groupName.latin1(), EncoderPrefs::prefs(groupName), KDialogBase::Swallow, KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel | KDialogBase::Help); dialog->setCaption(i18n("Configure Encoder")); dialog->addPage(new EncoderEdit(0, groupName.latin1()), i18n("Encoder Configuration"), "package_settings"); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(loadEncoderList())); dialog->show(); } /** * If * Something is selected * There is more then 1 thing left * The user says ok to delete. * Is not the current encoder. * Then * The group is removed from the list * Deleted from the config. */ void EncoderConfigImp::removeEncoderSlot(){ if(!kcfg_currentEncoder->selectedItem()){ KMessageBox:: sorry(this, i18n("Please select an encoder."), i18n("No Encoder Selected")); return; } if(kcfg_currentEncoder->count() <= 1){ KMessageBox:: sorry(this, i18n("At least one encoder must exist."), i18n("Can Not Remove")); return; } if(KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Delete encoder?"), i18n("Delete Encoder"),KStdGuiItem::del()) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return; QString groupName = encoderNames[kcfg_currentEncoder->currentText()]; kcfg_currentEncoder->removeItem(kcfg_currentEncoder->currentItem()); delete KConfigDialog::exists(groupName.latin1()); EncoderPrefs::deletePrefs(groupName); } /** * If * Something is selected * Group exists * Then * Bring up dialog */ void EncoderConfigImp::configureEncoderSlot() { if(!kcfg_currentEncoder->selectedItem()){ KMessageBox:: sorry(this, i18n("Please select an encoder."), i18n("No Encoder Selected")); return; } QString groupName = encoderNames[kcfg_currentEncoder->currentText()]; KConfig &config = *KGlobal::config(); if(!config.hasGroup(groupName)) return; if(KConfigDialog::showDialog(groupName.latin1())) return; KConfigDialog *dialog = new KConfigDialog(this, groupName.latin1(), EncoderPrefs::prefs(groupName), KDialogBase::Swallow, KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel | KDialogBase::Help); dialog->setCaption(i18n("Configure Encoder")); dialog->addPage(new EncoderEdit(0, groupName.latin1()), i18n("Encoder Configuration"), "package_settings"); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject *)), this, SLOT(updateEncoder(QObject *))); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SIGNAL(encoderUpdated())); connect(dialog, SIGNAL(settingsChanged(const char *)), this, SLOT(updateEncoder(const char *))); dialog->show(); } /** * If object exists update encoder */ void EncoderConfigImp::updateEncoder(QObject * obj){ if(!obj) return; updateEncoder(obj->name()); } /** * If * Exists * Then * Get name * Make sure group exists * Update name * Update Map * If current encoder update also. */ void EncoderConfigImp::updateEncoder(const char *dialogName){ QString groupName = dialogName; QString encoderName; bool found = false; QMap::Iterator it; for ( it = encoderNames.begin(); it != encoderNames.end(); ++it ) { if(it.data() == groupName){ found = true; encoderName = it.key(); } } if(!found) return; if(!EncoderPrefs::hasPrefs(groupName)) return; QString newName = EncoderPrefs::prefs(groupName)->encoderName(); if(newName == encoderName) return; QListBoxItem *item = kcfg_currentEncoder->findItem(encoderName); if(!item) return; kcfg_currentEncoder->changeItem(newName, kcfg_currentEncoder->index(item)); encoderNames.insert(newName, groupName); encoderNames.erase(encoderName); } QDict *EncoderPrefs::m_prefs = 0; EncoderPrefs *EncoderPrefs::prefs(const QString &groupName) { if (!m_prefs) { m_prefs = new QDict(); m_prefs->setAutoDelete(true); } EncoderPrefs *encPrefs = m_prefs->find(groupName); if (encPrefs) return encPrefs; encPrefs = new EncoderPrefs(groupName); encPrefs->readConfig(); m_prefs->insert(groupName, encPrefs); return encPrefs; } bool EncoderPrefs::hasPrefs(const QString &groupName) { KConfig &config = *KGlobal::config(); return config.hasGroup(groupName); } void EncoderPrefs::deletePrefs(const QString &groupName) { KConfig &config = *KGlobal::config(); config.deleteGroup(groupName); if (!m_prefs) return; m_prefs->remove(groupName); } #include "encoderconfigimp.moc"