/* * KMix -- KDE's full featured mini mixer * * Copyright (C) 2000 Stefan Schimanski * Copyright (C) 2001 Preston Brown * Copyright (C) 2003 Sven Leiber * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // include files for QT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // include files for KDE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // application specific includes #include "mixertoolbox.h" #include "kmix.h" #include "kmixerwidget.h" #include "kmixprefdlg.h" #include "kmixdockwidget.h" #include "kmixtoolbox.h" /** * Constructs a mixer window (KMix main window) */ KMixWindow::KMixWindow() : KMainWindow(0, 0, 0, 0), m_showTicks( true ), m_dockWidget( 0L ) { m_visibilityUpdateAllowed = true; m_multiDriverMode = false; // -<- I never-ever want the multi-drivermode to be activated by accident m_surroundView = false; // -<- Also the experimental surround View (3D) m_gridView = false; // -<- Also the experimental Grid View // As long as we do not know better, we assume to start hidden. We need // to initialize this variable here, as we don't trigger a hideEvent(). m_isVisible = false; m_mixerWidgets.setAutoDelete(true); loadConfig(); // Need to load config before initMixer(), due to "MultiDriver" keyword MixerToolBox::initMixer(Mixer::mixers(), m_multiDriverMode, m_hwInfoString); initActions(); initWidgets(); initMixerWidgets(); initPrefDlg(); updateDocking(); if ( m_startVisible ) { /* Started visible: We should do probably do: * m_isVisible = true; * But as a showEvent() is triggered by show() we don't need it. */ show(); } else { hide(); } connect( kapp, TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToQuit()), TQT_SLOT( saveSettings()) ); } KMixWindow::~KMixWindow() { MixerToolBox::deinitMixer(); } void KMixWindow::initActions() { // file menu KStdAction::quit( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(quit()), actionCollection()); // settings menu KStdAction::showMenubar( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(toggleMenuBar()), actionCollection()); KStdAction::preferences( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(showSettings()), actionCollection()); new KAction( i18n( "Configure &Global Shortcuts..." ), "configure_shortcuts", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( configureGlobalShortcuts() ), actionCollection(), "settings_global" ); KStdAction::keyBindings( guiFactory(), TQT_SLOT(configureShortcuts()), actionCollection()); (void) new KAction( i18n( "Hardware &Information" ), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotHWInfo() ), actionCollection(), "hwinfo" ); (void) new KAction( i18n( "Hide Mixer Window" ), Key_Escape, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(hide()), actionCollection(), "hide_kmixwindow" ); m_globalAccel = new KGlobalAccel( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ); m_globalAccel->insert( "Increase volume", i18n( "Increase Volume of Master Channel"), TQString(), KShortcut(), KShortcut(), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( increaseVolume() ) ); m_globalAccel->insert( "Decrease volume", i18n( "Decrease Volume of Master Channel"), TQString(), KShortcut(), KShortcut(), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( decreaseVolume() ) ); m_globalAccel->insert( "Toggle mute", i18n( "Toggle Mute of Master Channel"), TQString(), KShortcut(), KShortcut(), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( toggleMuted() ) ); m_globalAccel->readSettings(); m_globalAccel->updateConnections(); createGUI( "kmixui.rc" ); } void KMixWindow::initPrefDlg() { m_prefDlg = new KMixPrefDlg( this ); connect( m_prefDlg, TQT_SIGNAL(signalApplied(KMixPrefDlg *)), this, TQT_SLOT(applyPrefs(KMixPrefDlg *)) ); } void KMixWindow::initWidgets() { // Main widget and layout setCentralWidget( new TQWidget( this, "qt_central_widget" ) ); // Widgets layout widgetsLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( centralWidget(), 0, 0, "widgetsLayout" ); widgetsLayout->setResizeMode(TQLayout::Minimum); // works fine // Mixer widget line mixerNameLayout = new TQHBox( centralWidget(), "mixerNameLayout" ); widgetsLayout->setStretchFactor( mixerNameLayout, 0 ); TQSizePolicy qsp( TQSizePolicy::Ignored, TQSizePolicy::Maximum); mixerNameLayout->setSizePolicy(qsp); mixerNameLayout->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); TQLabel *qlbl = new TQLabel( i18n("Current mixer:"), mixerNameLayout ); qlbl->setFixedHeight(qlbl->sizeHint().height()); m_cMixer = new KComboBox( FALSE, mixerNameLayout, "mixerCombo" ); m_cMixer->setFixedHeight(m_cMixer->sizeHint().height()); connect( m_cMixer, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( showSelectedMixer( int ) ) ); TQToolTip::add( m_cMixer, i18n("Current mixer" ) ); // Add first layout to widgets widgetsLayout->addWidget( mixerNameLayout ); m_wsMixers = new TQWidgetStack( centralWidget(), "MixerWidgetStack" ); widgetsLayout->setStretchFactor( m_wsMixers, 10 ); widgetsLayout->addWidget( m_wsMixers ); if ( m_showMenubar ) menuBar()->show(); else menuBar()->hide(); widgetsLayout->activate(); } void KMixWindow::updateDocking() { // delete old dock widget if (m_dockWidget) { delete m_dockWidget; m_dockWidget = 0L; } if (m_showDockWidget) { // create dock widget // !! This should be a View in the future m_dockWidget = new KMixDockWidget( Mixer::mixers().first(), this, "mainDockWidget", m_volumeWidget, m_dockIconMuting ); /* Belongs in KMixDockWidget // create RMB menu KPopupMenu *menu = m_dockWidget->contextMenu(); // !! check this KAction *a = actionCollection()->action( "dock_mute" ); if ( a ) a->plug( menu ); */ /* * Mail from 31.1.2005: "make sure your features are at least string complete" * Preparation for fixing Bug #55078 - scheduled for KDE3.4.1 . * This text will be plugged into the dock-icon popup menu. */ TQString selectChannel = i18n("Select Channel"); // This text will be used in KDE3.4.1 !!! m_dockWidget->show(); } } void KMixWindow::saveSettings() { saveConfig(); saveVolumes(); } void KMixWindow::saveConfig() { KConfig *config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup(0); // make sure we don't start without any UI // can happen e.g. when not docked and kmix closed via 'X' button bool startVisible = m_isVisible; if ( !m_showDockWidget ) startVisible = true; config->writeEntry( "Size", size() ); config->writeEntry( "Position", pos() ); // Cannot use isVisible() here, as in the "aboutToQuit()" case this widget is already hidden. // (Please note that the problem was only there when quitting via Systray - esken). config->writeEntry( "Visible", startVisible ); config->writeEntry( "Menubar", m_showMenubar ); config->writeEntry( "AllowDocking", m_showDockWidget ); config->writeEntry( "TrayVolumeControl", m_volumeWidget ); config->writeEntry( "Tickmarks", m_showTicks ); config->writeEntry( "Labels", m_showLabels ); config->writeEntry( "startkdeRestore", m_onLogin ); config->writeEntry( "DockIconMuting", m_dockIconMuting ); Mixer* mixerMasterCard = Mixer::masterCard(); if ( mixerMasterCard != 0 ) { config->writeEntry( "MasterMixer", mixerMasterCard->id() ); } MixDevice* mdMaster = Mixer::masterCardDevice(); if ( mdMaster != 0 ) { config->writeEntry( "MasterMixerDevice", mdMaster->getPK() ); } if ( m_valueStyle == MixDeviceWidget::NABSOLUTE ) config->writeEntry( "ValueStyle", "Absolute"); else if ( m_valueStyle == MixDeviceWidget::NRELATIVE ) config->writeEntry( "ValueStyle", "Relative"); else config->writeEntry( "ValueStyle", "None" ); if ( m_toplevelOrientation == Qt::Vertical ) config->writeEntry( "Orientation","Vertical" ); else config->writeEntry( "Orientation","Horizontal" ); config->writeEntry( "Autostart", m_autoStart ); // save mixer widgets for ( KMixerWidget *mw = m_mixerWidgets.first(); mw != 0; mw = m_mixerWidgets.next() ) { if ( mw->mixer()->isOpen() ) { // protect from unplugged devices (better do *not* save them) TQString grp; grp.sprintf( "%i", mw->id() ); mw->saveConfig( config, grp ); } } config->setGroup(0); } void KMixWindow::loadConfig() { KConfig *config = kapp->config(); config->setGroup(0); m_showDockWidget = config->readBoolEntry("AllowDocking", true); m_volumeWidget = config->readBoolEntry("TrayVolumeControl", true); //hide on close has to stay true for usability. KMixPrefDlg option commented out. nolden m_hideOnClose = config->readBoolEntry("HideOnClose", true); m_showTicks = config->readBoolEntry("Tickmarks", true); m_showLabels = config->readBoolEntry("Labels", true); const TQString& valueStyleString = config->readEntry("ValueStyle", "None"); m_onLogin = config->readBoolEntry("startkdeRestore", true ); m_dockIconMuting = config->readBoolEntry( "DockIconMuting", false); m_startVisible = config->readBoolEntry("Visible", true); m_multiDriverMode = config->readBoolEntry("MultiDriver", false); m_surroundView = config->readBoolEntry("Experimental-ViewSurround", false ); m_gridView = config->readBoolEntry("Experimental-ViewGrid", false ); const TQString& orientationString = config->readEntry("Orientation", "Horizontal"); TQString mixerMasterCard = config->readEntry( "MasterMixer", "" ); Mixer::setMasterCard(mixerMasterCard); TQString masterDev = config->readEntry( "MasterMixerDevice", "" ); Mixer::setMasterCardDevice(masterDev); if ( valueStyleString == "Absolute" ) m_valueStyle = MixDeviceWidget::NABSOLUTE; else if ( valueStyleString == "Relative" ) m_valueStyle = MixDeviceWidget::NRELATIVE; else m_valueStyle = MixDeviceWidget::NNONE; if ( orientationString == "Vertical" ) m_toplevelOrientation = Qt::Vertical; else m_toplevelOrientation = Qt::Horizontal; m_autoStart = config->readBoolEntry("Autostart", true); // show/hide menu bar m_showMenubar = config->readBoolEntry("Menubar", true); KToggleAction *a = static_cast(actionCollection()->action("options_show_menubar")); if (a) a->setChecked( m_showMenubar ); // restore window size and position if ( !kapp->isRestored() ) // done by the session manager otherwise { TQSize defSize( minimumWidth(), height() ); TQSize size = config->readSizeEntry("Size", &defSize ); if(!size.isEmpty()) resize(size); TQPoint defPos = pos(); TQPoint pos = config->readPointEntry("Position", &defPos); move(pos); } } void KMixWindow::initMixerWidgets() { m_mixerWidgets.clear(); int id=0; Mixer *mixer; // Attention!! If Mixer::mixers() is empty, we behave stupid. We don't show nothing and there // is not even a context menu. for ( mixer=Mixer::mixers().first(),id=0; mixer!=0; mixer=Mixer::mixers().next(),id++ ) { //kdDebug(67100) << "Mixer number: " << id << " Name: " << mixer->mixerName() << endl ; ViewBase::ViewFlags vflags = ViewBase::HasMenuBar; if ( m_showMenubar ) { vflags |= ViewBase::MenuBarVisible; } if ( m_surroundView ) { vflags |= ViewBase::Experimental_SurroundView; } if ( m_gridView ) { vflags |= ViewBase::Experimental_GridView; } if ( m_toplevelOrientation == Qt::Vertical ) { vflags |= ViewBase::Vertical; } else { vflags |= ViewBase::Horizontal; } KMixerWidget *mw = new KMixerWidget( id, mixer, mixer->mixerName(), MixDevice::ALL, this, "KMixerWidget", vflags ); m_mixerWidgets.append( mw ); // Add to Combo and Stack m_cMixer->insertItem( mixer->mixerName() ); m_wsMixers->addWidget( mw, id ); TQString grp; grp.sprintf( "%i", mw->id() ); mw->loadConfig( kapp->config(), grp ); mw->setTicks( m_showTicks ); mw->setLabels( m_showLabels ); mw->setValueStyle ( m_valueStyle ); // !! I am still not sure whether this works 100% reliably - chris mw->show(); } if (id == 1) { // don't show the Current Mixer bit unless we have multiple mixers mixerNameLayout->hide(); } } bool KMixWindow::queryClose ( ) { if ( m_showDockWidget && !kapp->sessionSaving() ) { hide(); return false; } return true; } void KMixWindow::quit() { kapp->quit(); } void KMixWindow::showSettings() { if (!m_prefDlg->isVisible()) { m_prefDlg->m_dockingChk->setChecked( m_showDockWidget ); m_prefDlg->m_volumeChk->setChecked(m_volumeWidget); m_prefDlg->m_showTicks->setChecked( m_showTicks ); m_prefDlg->m_showLabels->setChecked( m_showLabels ); m_prefDlg->m_onLogin->setChecked( m_onLogin ); m_prefDlg->m_dockIconMuting->setChecked( m_dockIconMuting ); m_prefDlg->_rbVertical ->setChecked( m_toplevelOrientation == Qt::Vertical ); m_prefDlg->_rbHorizontal->setChecked( m_toplevelOrientation == Qt::Horizontal ); m_prefDlg->_rbNone->setChecked( m_valueStyle == MixDeviceWidget::NNONE ); m_prefDlg->_rbAbsolute->setChecked( m_valueStyle == MixDeviceWidget::NABSOLUTE ); m_prefDlg->_rbRelative->setChecked( m_valueStyle == MixDeviceWidget::NRELATIVE ); m_prefDlg->m_autoStartChk->setChecked( m_autoStart ); m_prefDlg->show(); } } void KMixWindow::showHelp() { actionCollection()->action( "help_contents" )->activate(); } void KMixWindow::showAbout() { actionCollection()->action( "help_about_app" )->activate(); } /** * Loads the volumes of all mixers from kmixctrlrc. * In other words: * Restores the default voumes as stored via saveVolumes() or the * execution of "kmixctrl --save" */ /* Currently this is not in use void KMixWindow::loadVolumes() { KConfig *cfg = new KConfig( "kmixctrlrc", true ); for (Mixer *mixer=Mixer::mixers().first(); mixer!=0; mixer=Mixer::mixers().next()) { mixer->volumeLoad( cfg ); } delete cfg; } */ /** * Stores the volumes of all mixers Can be restored via loadVolumes() or * the kmixctrl application. */ void KMixWindow::saveVolumes() { KConfig *cfg = new KConfig( "kmixctrlrc", false ); for (Mixer *mixer=Mixer::mixers().first(); mixer!=0; mixer=Mixer::mixers().next()) { //kdDebug(67100) << "KMixWindow::saveConfig()" << endl; if ( mixer->isOpen() ) { // protect from unplugged devices (better do *not* save them) mixer->volumeSave( cfg ); } } delete cfg; } void KMixWindow::applyPrefs( KMixPrefDlg *prefDlg ) { m_showDockWidget = prefDlg->m_dockingChk->isChecked(); m_volumeWidget = prefDlg->m_volumeChk->isChecked(); m_showTicks = prefDlg->m_showTicks->isChecked(); m_showLabels = prefDlg->m_showLabels->isChecked(); m_onLogin = prefDlg->m_onLogin->isChecked(); m_dockIconMuting = prefDlg->m_dockIconMuting->isChecked(); if ( prefDlg->_rbNone->isChecked() ) { m_valueStyle = MixDeviceWidget::NNONE; } else if ( prefDlg->_rbAbsolute->isChecked() ) { m_valueStyle = MixDeviceWidget::NABSOLUTE; } else if ( prefDlg->_rbRelative->isChecked() ) { m_valueStyle = MixDeviceWidget::NRELATIVE; } bool toplevelOrientationHasChanged = ( prefDlg->_rbVertical->isChecked() && m_toplevelOrientation == Qt::Horizontal ) || ( prefDlg->_rbHorizontal->isChecked() && m_toplevelOrientation == Qt::Vertical ); if ( toplevelOrientationHasChanged ) { TQString msg = i18n("The change of orientation will be adopted on the next start of KMix."); KMessageBox::information(0,msg); } if ( prefDlg->_rbVertical->isChecked() ) { //TQString "For a change of language to take place, quit and restart KDiff3."; //kdDebug(67100) << "KMix should change toQt::Vertical layout\n"; m_toplevelOrientation = Qt::Vertical; } else if ( prefDlg->_rbHorizontal->isChecked() ) { //kdDebug(67100) << "KMix should change toQt::Horizontal layout\n"; m_toplevelOrientation = Qt::Horizontal; } m_autoStart = prefDlg->m_autoStartChk->isChecked(); this->setUpdatesEnabled(false); updateDocking(); for (KMixerWidget *mw=m_mixerWidgets.first(); mw!=0; mw=m_mixerWidgets.next()) { mw->setTicks( m_showTicks ); mw->setLabels( m_showLabels ); mw->setValueStyle ( m_valueStyle ); mw->mixer()->readSetFromHWforceUpdate(); // needed, as updateDocking() has reconstructed the DockWidget } this->setUpdatesEnabled(true); // avoid invisible and unaccessible main window if( !m_showDockWidget && !isVisible() ) { show(); } this->repaint(); // make KMix look fast (saveConfig() often uses several seconds) kapp->processEvents(); saveConfig(); } void KMixWindow::toggleMenuBar() { m_showMenubar = !m_showMenubar; if( m_showMenubar ) { menuBar()->show(); } else { menuBar()->hide(); } } void KMixWindow::showEvent( TQShowEvent * ) { if ( m_visibilityUpdateAllowed ) m_isVisible = isVisible(); // !! could possibly start polling now (idea: use someting like ref() and unref() on Mixer instance } void KMixWindow::hideEvent( TQHideEvent * ) { if ( m_visibilityUpdateAllowed ) { m_isVisible = isVisible(); } // !! could possibly stop polling now (idea: use someting like ref() and unref() on Mixer instance // Update: This is a stupid idea, because now the views are responsible for updating. So it will be done in the Views. // But the dock icon is currently no View, so that must be done first. } void KMixWindow::stopVisibilityUpdates() { m_visibilityUpdateAllowed = false; } void KMixWindow::slotHWInfo() { KMessageBox::information( 0, m_hwInfoString, i18n("Mixer Hardware Information") ); } void KMixWindow::showSelectedMixer( int mixer ) { m_wsMixers->raiseWidget( mixer ); } void KMixWindow::configureGlobalShortcuts() { KKeyDialog::configure( m_globalAccel, 0, false ) ; m_globalAccel->writeSettings(); m_globalAccel->updateConnections(); } void KMixWindow::toggleMuted() { Mixer* mixerMaster = Mixer::masterCard(); if ( mixerMaster != 0 ) { MixDevice* md = mixerMaster->masterDevice(); if ( md != 0 && md->hasMute() ) { mixerMaster->toggleMute(md->num()); } } } void KMixWindow::increaseVolume() { Mixer* mixerMaster = Mixer::masterCard(); if ( mixerMaster != 0 ) { MixDevice* md = mixerMaster->masterDevice(); if ( md != 0 ) { mixerMaster->increaseVolume(md->num()); } } } void KMixWindow::decreaseVolume() { Mixer* mixerMaster = Mixer::masterCard(); if ( mixerMaster != 0 ) { MixDevice* md = mixerMaster->masterDevice(); if ( md != 0 ) { mixerMaster->decreaseVolume(md->num()); } } } #include "kmix.moc"