/* * $Id$ * * This file is part of WorkMan, the civilized CD player library * (c) 1991-1997 by Steven Grimm (original author) * (c) by Dirk Försterling (current 'author' = maintainer) * The maintainer can be contacted by his e-mail address: * milliByte@DeathsDoor.com * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * SVR4 specific. Much of this is similar to plat_hpux.c. */ static char plat_svr4_id[] = "$Id$"; #if (defined(SVR4) || defined(__SVR4)) && !defined(sun) && !defined(__sun) && !defined(sony_news) && !defined(__sony_news) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "include/wm_config.h" #include "include/wm_struct.h" #include "include/wm_cdtext.h" #define WM_MSG_CLASS WM_MSG_CLASS_PLATFORM void *malloc(); char *strchr(); int min_volume = 0; int max_volume = 255; static int create_cdrom_node(char *dev_name) { char pass_through[100]; int file_des; dev_t pass_thru_device; int err; int ccode; strncpy(pass_through, dev_name, sizeof(pass_through) - 2); strcat(pass_through, "p" ); if (setreuid(-1,0) < 0) { perror("setregid/setreuid/access"); return -1; } ccode = access(pass_through, F_OK); if (ccode < 0) { if ((file_des = open(dev_name, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { perror("open cdrom devices failed"); return -1; } if (ioctl(file_des, B_GETDEV, &pass_thru_device) < 0) { perror("Call to get pass-through device number failed"); return -1; } (void)close(file_des); if (mknod(pass_through, (S_IFCHR | S_IREAD | S_IWRITE), pass_thru_device) < 0) { perror("Unable to make pass-through node"); return -1; } if (chown(pass_through, 0 , 0) < 0) { perror("chown"); return -1; } if (chmod(pass_through, 0660 ) < 0) { perror("chmod"); return -1; } } file_des = open( pass_through, O_RDWR); err = errno; if ( (setreuid(-1,getuid()) < 0) || (setregid(-1,getgid()) < 0) ) { perror("setreuid/setregid"); return -1; } errno = err; return file_des; } /* create_cdrom_node() */ const char* find_cdrom() { /* ** the path of the device has to start w/ /dev ** otherwise we are vulnerable to race conditions ** Thomas Biege */ const char* device = NULL; device = getenv("CDROM"); if ( (device != NULL) && !(strncmp("/dev/", device, 5) || strstr(_device, "/../") )) return device; if (access("/dev/cdrom/cdrom1", F_OK) == 0) { return "/dev/cdrom/cdrom1"; } else if (access("/dev/cdrom/cdrom2", F_OK) == 0) { return "/dev/cdrom/cdrom2"; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find a CD device!\n"); return NULL; } } /* find_cdrom() */ /* * Initialize the drive. A no-op for the generic driver. */ int gen_init(struct wm_drive *d) { return (0); } /* gen_init() */ /* * Open the CD and figure out which kind of drive is attached. */ int wmcd_open(struct wm_drive *d) { int fd, flag = 1; static int warned = 0; char vendor[32] = WM_STR_GENVENDOR; char model[32] = WM_STR_GENMODEL; char rev[32] = WM_STR_GENREV; if (d->fd >= 0) /* Device already open? */ { wm_lib_message(WM_MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG|WM_MSG_CLASS, "wmcd_open(): [device is open (fd=%d)]\n", d->fd); return (0); } if (d->cd_device == NULL) d->cd_device = DEFAULT_CD_DEVICE; d->fd = create_cdrom_node(d->cd_device); /* this will do open */ if (d->fd < 0) { if (errno == EACCES) { if (! warned) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot access %s\n",d->cd_device); warned++; } } else if (errno != EINTR) { return ( -6 ); } /* No CD in drive. (Is this true also for svr4 ? XXX ) */ return (1); } if (warned) { warned = 0; fprintf(stderr, "Thank you.\n"); } /* Now fill in the relevant parts of the wm_drive structure. */ fd = d->fd; if (wm_scsi_get_drive_type(d, vendor, model, rev) < 0) { perror("Cannot inquiry drive for it's type"); exit(1); } find_drive_struct(vendor, model, rev); d->fd = fd; return (0); } /* wmcd_open() */ /* * Re-Open the device if it is open. */ int wmcd_reopen( struct wm_drive *d ) { int status; do { wm_lib_message(WM_MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG|WM_MSG_CLASS, "wmcd_reopen\n"); status = gen_close( d ); wm_susleep( 1000 ); wm_lib_message(WM_MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG|WM_MSG_CLASS, "calling wmcd_open()\n"); status = wmcd_open( d ); /* open it as usual */ wm_susleep( 1000 ); } while ( status != 0 ); return status; } /* wmcd_reopen() */ /* * Send a SCSI command out the bus. */ int wm_scsi( struct wm_drive *d, unsigned char *xcdb, int cdblen, char *retbuf, int retbuflen, int getreply) { int ccode; int file_des = d->fd; int i,j; unsigned char sense_buffer[ SENSE_SZ ]; int errno_save; /* getreply == 1 is read, == 0 is write */ struct sb sb; struct scs scs; sb.sb_type = ISCB_TYPE; sb.SCB.sc_comp_code = SDI_PROGRES; sb.SCB.sc_int = NULL; sb.SCB.sc_wd = 0; sb.SCB.sc_dev.sa_major = 0; sb.SCB.sc_dev.sa_minor = 0; sb.SCB.sc_dev.sa_lun = 0; sb.SCB.sc_dev.sa_exlun = 0; sb.SCB.sc_status = 0; sb.SCB.sc_link = (struct sb *) NULL; sb.SCB.sc_resid = 0; sb.SCB.sc_cmdpt = (void *)xcdb; sb.SCB.sc_cmdsz = cdblen; sb.SCB.sc_datapt = retbuf ; sb.SCB.sc_datasz = retbuflen ; if (getreply == 1) sb.SCB.sc_mode = SCB_READ; else sb.SCB.sc_mode = SCB_WRITE; sb.SCB.sc_time = 500; ccode = ioctl(file_des, SDI_SEND, &sb); if ( (sb.SCB.sc_comp_code != 0xd000000e ) || ( sb.SCB.sc_status != 02) ) return ccode; errno_save = errno; sb.SCB.sc_comp_code = SDI_PROGRES; sb.SCB.sc_int = NULL; sb.SCB.sc_wd = 0; sb.SCB.sc_dev.sa_major = 0; sb.SCB.sc_dev.sa_minor = 0; sb.SCB.sc_dev.sa_lun = 0; sb.SCB.sc_dev.sa_exlun = 0; sb.SCB.sc_status = 0; sb.SCB.sc_link = (struct sb *) NULL; sb.SCB.sc_resid = 0; scs.ss_op = SS_REQSEN; scs.ss_lun = 0; scs.ss_addr1 = 0; scs.ss_addr = 0; scs.ss_len = SENSE_SZ; scs.ss_cont = 0; sb.SCB.sc_cmdpt = SCS_AD(&scs); sb.SCB.sc_cmdsz = SCS_SZ; sb.SCB.sc_datapt = sense_buffer; sb.SCB.sc_datasz = 18; sb.SCB.sc_mode = SCB_READ; sb.SCB.sc_time = 5000; if (ioctl(file_des, SDI_SEND, &sb) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot read sense.\n"); exit(-1); } errno=errno_save; return -1; } /* wm_scsi() */ int gen_close( struct wm_drive *d ) { if(d->fd != -1) { wm_lib_message(WM_MSG_LEVEL_DEBUG|WM_MSG_CLASS, "closing the device\n"); close(d->fd); d->fd = -1; } return 0; } /* * Get the current status of the drive: the current play mode, the absolute * position from start of disc (in frames), and the current track and index * numbers if the CD is playing or paused. */ int gen_get_drive_status(struct wm_drive *d, int oldmode, int *mode, int *pos, int *track, int *index) { return (wm_scsi2_get_drive_status(d, oldmode, mode, pos, track, index)); } /* gen_get_drive_status() */ /* * Get the number of tracks on the CD. */ int gen_get_trackcount(struct wm_drive *d, int *tracks) { return (wm_scsi2_get_trackcount(d, tracks)); } /* gen_get_trackcount() */ /* * Get the start time and mode (data or audio) of a track. */ int gen_get_trackinfo(struct wm_drive *d, int track, int *data, int *startframe) { return (wm_scsi2_get_trackinfo(d, track, data, startframe)); } /* gen_get_trackinfo() */ /* * Get the number of frames on the CD. */ int gen_get_cdlen(struct wm_drive *d, int *frames) { int tmp; return (wm_scsi2_get_cdlen(d, frames)); } /* gen_get_cdlen() */ /* * Play the CD from one position to another (both in frames.) */ int gen_play(struct wm_drive *d, int start, int end) { return (wm_scsi2_play(d, start, end)); } /* gen_play() */ /* * Pause the CD. */ int gen_pause(struct wm_drive *d) { return (wm_scsi2_pause(d)); } /* gen_pause() */ /* * Resume playing the CD (assuming it was paused.) */ int gen_resume(struct wm_drive *d) { return (wm_scsi2_resume(d)); } /* gen_resume() */ /* * Stop the CD. */ int gen_stop(struct wm_drive *d) { return (wm_scsi2_stop(d)); } /* gen_stop() */ /* * Eject the current CD, if there is one. */ int gen_eject(struct wm_drive *d) { return (wm_scsi2_eject(d)); } /* gen_eject() */ /* * Close the tray. * please review scsi.c / wm_scsi2_closetray() * and send changes to milliByte@DeathsDoor.com */ int gen_closetray( struct wm_drive *d ) { return(wm_scsi2_closetray(d)); } /* gen_closetray() */ /* * Set the volume level for the left and right channels. Their values * range from 0 to 100. */ int gen_set_volume(struct wm_drive *d, int left, int right) { return (wm_scsi2_set_volume(d, left, right)); } /* gen_set_volume() */ /* * Read the initial volume from the drive, if available. Each channel * ranges from 0 to 100, with -1 indicating data not available. */ int gen_get_volume(struct wm_drive *d, int *left, int *right) { return (wm_scsi2_get_volume(d, left, right)); } /* gen_get_volume() */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------* * gen_get_cdtext(drive, buffer, lenght) *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gen_get_cdtext(struct wm_drive *d, unsigned char **pp_buffer, int *p_buffer_lenght) { /* This needs to be tested */ return wm_scsi_get_cdtext(d, pp_buffer, p_buffer_lenght); } /* gen_get_cdtext() */ #endif