/* Example how frame creation works. For the input we have std. file input. We convert it to mpeg I encoded frames (mpegAudioFrame's job) The decoded pcmFrames are stores in a queue. If the queue if full, we "stream" the packets to /dev/dsp. (The difference between directly playing the packets and "streaming" is, that while streaming you can say: I want x bytes I don't care about frame boundaries) This is audioFrameQueue's job. */ #include "../../lib/splay/mpegAudioFrame.h" #include "../../lib/splay/splayDecoder.h" #include "../../lib/util/audio/dspWrapper.h" #include "../../lib/frame/audioFrameQueue.h" #include using namespace std; // used for getopt #include #define INPUT_SIZE 8192 #define _TQUEUE_FLOAT 1 #define _TQUEUE_INT 2 void usage() { printf("Usage:\n\n"); printf("mp3framing [hf] filename\n\n"); printf(" -f use float queue\n"); printf(" -c [samples] checkout samples\n"); } void initDSP(DSPWrapper* dsp) { if (dsp->openDevice()==false) { cout << "cannot open /dev/dsp"<= argc ) { usage(); exit(-1); } FILE* file=fopen(argv[optind],"r"); if (file == NULL) { cout << "cannot open:"<dataQueueCanWrite() == true) ) { // // This switch/case statement "partitions" the fileinput // into mp3frames. We directly decode them to pcmFrames. // // // There are three states. One is "I want Input, give me input" // The other is "I have enough input, dont' bother me and let // me do my work" // The last ist "I have a frame here, take care of this, or // I will continue with my work" int state=frame->getState(); switch(state) { case FRAME_NEED: { int bytes=frame->canStore(); int read=fread(inputbuffer,1,bytes,file); if (read != bytes) { // read error. reset framer frame->reset(); continue; } frame->store(inputbuffer,bytes); break; } case FRAME_WORK: frame->work(); break; case FRAME_HAS:{ AudioFrame* emptyFrame= frameQueue->emptyQueueDequeue(); splay->decode(frame->outdata(),frame->len(),emptyFrame); frameQueue->dataQueueEnqueue(emptyFrame); cout << "storing decodec frame:"<getCurrent(); dsp->audioSetup(audioFrame); } if (queueType == _TQUEUE_FLOAT) { AudioFrame* audioFrame=frameQueue->getCurrent(); dsp->audioSetup(audioFrame->getStereo(),16, audioFrame->getSigned(), audioFrame->getBigEndian(), audioFrame->getFrequenceHZ()); outFrame->setFrameFormat(audioFrame->getStereo(), audioFrame->getFrequenceHZ()); } // // read from stream demo: // while(frameQueue->getLen() > 0) { int hasLen= frameQueue->getLen(); cout << "hasLen:"<copy(outFrame->getData(),samples); dsp->audioPlay((char*)outFrame->getData(),hasRead*sizeof(short int)); frameQueue->forwardStreamSingle(hasRead); } if (queueType == _TQUEUE_FLOAT) { int n; hasRead=frameQueue->copy(left,right,samples); frameQueue->forwardStreamDouble(hasRead); n=hasRead; /* FloatFrame* floatFrame=( FloatFrame*) frameQueue->dataQueueDequeue(); float* left=floatFrame->getData(); n=floatFrame->getLen(); */ int i=0; while(i 32767) val=32767; if (val < -32768) val=-32768; dsp->audioPlay((char*)&val,2); if (outFrame->getStereo()) { val=(int)(32768.0*right[i]); if (val > 32767) val=32767; if (val < -32768) val=-32768; dsp->audioPlay((char*)&val,2); } i++; } } } delete frameQueue; delete splay; delete frame; delete dsp; delete left; delete right; delete outFrame; return(0); }