/* This class implements a dynamic string buffer Copyright (C) 1998 Martin Vogt This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. For more information look at the file COPYRIGHT in this package */ #include "buffer.h" Buffer::Buffer(int size) { nSize=size; msg=(char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*(nSize+1)); msg[nSize]='\0'; clear(); } Buffer::~Buffer() { free (msg); } void Buffer::clear() { msg[0]='\0'; } void Buffer::append(int value) { Buffer buf(30); sprintf(buf.getData(),"%d",value); append(buf.getData()); } void Buffer::append(char* appendMsg) { char* appendPos=getAppendPos(); int nlen=strlen(appendMsg); if (appendPos == NULL) return; append(appendMsg,nlen); } void Buffer::append(const char* appendMsg) { append((char*)appendMsg); } void Buffer::append(char* buffer,int buflen) { int nlen=len(); int nBedarf; if (buflen+nlen <= nSize) { char* appendPos=getAppendPos(); strncpy(appendPos,buffer,buflen); appendPos[buflen]='\0'; return; } nBedarf=(nlen+buflen)-nSize; grow(nBedarf); append(buffer,buflen); } char* Buffer::getAppendPos() { int i; // this Array has nSize+1 entries! // and it *is* granted that msg[nSize]=0; (think so) for (i=0;i<=nSize;i++) { if (msg[i] == '\0') return &(msg[i]); } // should never reach this point return NULL; } void Buffer::setData(char* msg) { if (strlen(msg) == 0) { clear(); return; } clear(); append(msg); } char* Buffer::getData() { return msg; } int Buffer::len() { return strlen(msg); } int Buffer::getSize() { return nSize; } void Buffer::grow(int size) { int i; int newSize=nSize+size; char* tmp=(char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*(newSize+1)); tmp[newSize]='\0'; for(i=0;i<=nSize;i++) { tmp[i]=msg[i]; } nSize=newSize; free(msg); msg=tmp; } int Buffer::find(char zeichen) { int i; int nlen=len(); for(i=0;i nlen) { bytes=nlen; } i=0; aktPos=bytes; while(aktPos <= nlen) { msg[i]=msg[aktPos]; i++; aktPos++; } } void Buffer::print() { printf("Buffer:%s\n",msg); }