/* Checks if a valid Command Line is avaiable Copyright (C) 1998 Martin Vogt This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. For more information look at the file COPYRIGHT in this package */ #include "parser.h" Parser::Parser() { commandLine=new CommandLine(); parseString=new Buffer(200); } Parser::~Parser() { delete commandLine; delete parseString; } void Parser::setParseString(char* parseString){ (this->parseString)->setData(parseString); // clear everything in commandline commandLine->clear(); } void Parser::parse() { int commandCounter=0; parse(parseString->getData(),&commandCounter); commandLine->setCommandCount(commandCounter); } void Parser::parse(char* strStart,int* nCommand){ char* doppelPkt; char* current; char* space; if (strlen(strStart) == 0) return; doppelPkt=strchr(strStart,':'); if (doppelPkt == NULL) return; (*doppelPkt)='\0'; commandLine->setIdentifier(*nCommand,strStart); strStart=++doppelPkt; current=strStart; // Now two possibilities: // a command with Msg : means the rest ist the value // a command different from Msg means: further processing if (strcmp("Msg",commandLine->getIdentifier(*nCommand)) == 0) { commandLine->setValue((*nCommand),current); (*nCommand)++; return; } // Now two possibilities: // a command with "Ret:" means string until the the ")" is the value // a command different from "Ret:" means: the string until the first space // ist the value if (strcmp("Ret",commandLine->getIdentifier(*nCommand)) == 0) { char* seperator; seperator=strchr(current,')'); if (seperator == NULL) { commandLine->setValue((*nCommand),current); (*nCommand)++; return; } else { (*seperator)='\0'; current++; commandLine->setValue((*nCommand),current); (*nCommand)++; seperator++; if (strlen(seperator) == 0) return; parse(++seperator,&(*nCommand)); return; } } space=strchr(current,' '); if (space == NULL) { commandLine->setValue((*nCommand),current); (*nCommand)++; return; } (*space)='\0'; commandLine->setValue((*nCommand),current); parse(++space,&(++(*nCommand))); } int Parser::isOK(){ // a Commandline ist valid when it tqcontains : // * 2 * (identifer/value) // * first identifier ist "Command" // * second identifier is "Msg" // or: // 3 identifier // first: "Command" // second "Ret" // third: "Msg" if (commandLine->getCommandCount() == 2){ if (strcmp("Command",commandLine->getIdentifier(0)) != 0) return 0; if (strcmp("Msg",commandLine->getIdentifier(1)) != 0) return 0; return 1; } if (commandLine->getCommandCount() == 3){ if (strcmp("Command",commandLine->getIdentifier(0)) != 0) return 0; if (strcmp("Ret",commandLine->getIdentifier(1)) != 0) return 0; if (strcmp("Msg",commandLine->getIdentifier(2)) != 0) return 0; return 1; } return 0; } CommandLine* Parser::getCommandLine(){ return commandLine; }