/* base class for the player plugin Copyright (C) 1999 Martin Vogt This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. For more information look at the file COPYRIGHT in this package */ #include "decoderPlugin.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; static void *playerThread(void *arg){ ((DecoderPlugin*)arg)->idleThread(); return NULL; } static int instanceCnt=0; DecoderPlugin::DecoderPlugin(){ input=NULL; output=NULL; commandPipe=new CommandPipe(); threadCommand=new Command(_COMMAND_NONE); abs_thread_cond_init(&streamStateCond); abs_thread_mutex_init(&streamStateMut); abs_thread_mutex_init(&shutdownMut); lCreatorLoop=true; lDecoderLoop=false; linDecoderLoop=false; streamState=_STREAM_STATE_EOF; lDecode=false; lhasLength=false; // this default is necessary. if you have a blocking // device and we start automatic the thread // may block on it and all commands (including play) // blocks everything // *you should not use autoplay* lAutoPlay=false; pluginInfo=new PluginInfo(); runCheck_Counter=0; decode_loopCounter=0; instance=instanceCnt; instanceCnt++; abs_thread_create(&tr,playerThread,this); // we send a ping. because this signal is synchron // we block until the thread is started and // has read the ping singnal Command cmd(_COMMAND_PING); insertSyncCommand(&cmd); } DecoderPlugin::~DecoderPlugin(){ void* ret; lCreatorLoop=false; Command cmd(_COMMAND_CLOSE); insertAsyncCommand(&cmd); abs_thread_join(tr,&ret); abs_thread_cond_destroy(&streamStateCond); abs_thread_mutex_destroy(&streamStateMut); abs_thread_mutex_destroy(&shutdownMut); delete commandPipe; delete threadCommand; delete pluginInfo; } void DecoderPlugin::close(){ // from here we can only walk to init or eof // in both cases we sometimes catch out decoderMut :-) Command cmd(_COMMAND_CLOSE); insertAsyncCommand(&cmd); shutdownLock(); if (input != NULL) { input->close(); } shutdownUnlock(); insertSyncCommand(&cmd); waitForStreamState(_STREAM_STATE_EOF); input=NULL; } void DecoderPlugin::pause() { Command cmd(_COMMAND_PAUSE); insertSyncCommand(&cmd); } int DecoderPlugin::play() { Command cmd(_COMMAND_PLAY); insertSyncCommand(&cmd); return true; } int DecoderPlugin::seek(int second) { Command cmd(_COMMAND_SEEK,second); insertSyncCommand(&cmd); return true; } void DecoderPlugin::insertAsyncCommand(Command* cmd) { commandPipe->sendCommandNoWait(*cmd); } void DecoderPlugin::insertSyncCommand(Command* cmd) { commandPipe->sendCommand(*cmd); } void DecoderPlugin::shutdownLock() { abs_thread_mutex_lock(&shutdownMut); } void DecoderPlugin::shutdownUnlock() { abs_thread_mutex_unlock(&shutdownMut); } int DecoderPlugin::getTime(int lCurrent) { int secLen=getTotalLength(); if (lCurrent==false) { return secLen; } shutdownLock(); int byteLen=1; int pos=1; if (input != NULL) { pos=input->getBytePosition()+1; byteLen=input->getByteLength()+1; } int back=(int)(((double)pos/(double)byteLen) * (double)secLen); shutdownUnlock(); return back; } int DecoderPlugin::getTotalLength() { cout << "plugin does not support total playtime reporting"<<endl; return 0; } int DecoderPlugin::seek_impl(int) { cout << "plugin does not support seek"<<endl; return false; } void DecoderPlugin::setOutputPlugin(OutputStream* output) { this->output=output; } int DecoderPlugin::setInputPlugin(InputStream* input) { this->input=input; if (!input) { cout << "input is NULL"<<endl; exit(0); } pluginInfo->setUrl(input->getUrl()); // the command is synchron we block until the // thread has read it Command cmd(_COMMAND_START); insertSyncCommand(&cmd); // now that we know he has read it, we send another // command, this is only read if the thread is in the // decode_loop, and we then know that the streamState // is FIRST_INIT Command ping(_COMMAND_PING); insertSyncCommand(&ping); if (lAutoPlay) { play(); } return true; } void DecoderPlugin::config(const char* key,const char* value,void* ){ if (strcmp(key,"-y")==0) { if (strcmp(value,"on")==0) { lAutoPlay=true; } else { lAutoPlay=false; } } } /** during shutdown the streamState is undefined until the thread has left the decode_loop(). Make sure we wait for this. */ int DecoderPlugin::getStreamState() { shutdownLock(); int back=streamState; shutdownUnlock(); return back; } int DecoderPlugin::waitForStreamState(int state) { int back; abs_thread_mutex_lock(&streamStateMut); while ((streamState & state) == false) { abs_thread_cond_wait(&streamStateCond,&streamStateMut); } back=streamState; abs_thread_mutex_unlock(&streamStateMut); return back; } void DecoderPlugin::setStreamState(int streamState) { abs_thread_mutex_lock(&streamStateMut); this->streamState=streamState; abs_thread_cond_signal(&streamStateCond); abs_thread_mutex_unlock(&streamStateMut); } void DecoderPlugin::decoder_loop() { cout << "direct call decoder loop->plugin not found ???"<<endl; TimeWrapper::usleep(100000); } void* DecoderPlugin::idleThread() { while(lCreatorLoop) { linDecoderLoop=true; commandPipe->waitForCommand(); commandPipe->hasCommand(threadCommand); int id=threadCommand->getID(); switch(id) { case _COMMAND_START: lDecoderLoop=true; break; case _COMMAND_PING: break; /* default: threadCommand->print("ignoring non START command in idleThread"); */ } if (lDecoderLoop) { setStreamState(_STREAM_STATE_FIRST_INIT); linDecoderLoop=false; decode_loopCounter++; runCheck_Counter=0; shutdownLock(); decoder_loop(); lDecode=false; lDecoderLoop=false; lhasLength=false; setStreamState(_STREAM_STATE_EOF); shutdownUnlock(); } } return NULL; } PluginInfo* DecoderPlugin::getPluginInfo() { return pluginInfo; } int DecoderPlugin::runCheck() { if (runCheck_Counter==0) { shutdownUnlock(); } runCheck_Counter++; while (lDecoderLoop && lCreatorLoop) { // if we have an eof this always leads to // a shutdown of the decode_loop thread // it has more priority than the resyn request if (input->eof()) { setStreamState(_STREAM_STATE_WAIT_FOR_END); } // // if we are in _STREAM_STATE_RESYNC_COMMIT // we only leave it if command is _COMMAND_RESYNC_END // (or close) // // check user commands // if (lDecode==false) { commandPipe->waitForCommand(); commandPipe->hasCommand(threadCommand); } else { if (commandPipe->hasCommand(threadCommand)==false) { // no commands and lDecode=true return true; } } // here we forward the command to a special // method who can handle everything // (the default method should work fine); int nextCheck= processThreadCommand(threadCommand); switch(nextCheck) { case _RUN_CHECK_CONTINUE: break; case _RUN_CHECK_FALSE: shutdownLock(); return false; case _RUN_CHECK_TRUE: return true; default: cout << "unknown runCheck return command"<<endl; exit(0); } } shutdownLock(); return false; } int DecoderPlugin::processThreadCommand(Command* command) { int id=command->getID(); int intArg; // // if we are in _STREAM_STATE_RESYNC_COMMIT // we only leave it if command is _COMMAND_RESYNC_END // if (streamState==_STREAM_STATE_RESYNC_COMMIT) { switch(id) { case _COMMAND_RESYNC_END: setStreamState(_STREAM_STATE_INIT); input->clear(); break; case _COMMAND_CLOSE: // // we return false so that the plugin clears // all its allocated classes // its a _must_ !! // in the next call we exit immediately return _RUN_CHECK_FALSE; /* default: command->print("ignore command in _STREAM_STATE_RESYNC_COMMIT"); */ } return _RUN_CHECK_CONTINUE; } switch(id) { case _COMMAND_NONE: break; case _COMMAND_PING: break; case _COMMAND_PAUSE: lDecode=false; break; case _COMMAND_PLAY: lDecode=true; break; case _COMMAND_SEEK: { if (streamState==_STREAM_STATE_FIRST_INIT) { command->print("ignore command seek in _STREAM_STATE_FIRST_INIT"); } else { intArg=command->getIntArg(); seek_impl(intArg); } break; } case _COMMAND_CLOSE: // // we return false so that the plugin clears // all its allocated classes // its a _must_ !! // in the next call we exit immediately return _RUN_CHECK_FALSE; case _COMMAND_RESYNC_START: setStreamState(_STREAM_STATE_RESYNC_COMMIT); input->clear(); break; /* default: cout << "unknown command id in Command::print"<<endl; */ } return _RUN_CHECK_CONTINUE; }