/* parses extension data (picture and sequence) Copyright (C) 2000 Martin Vogt This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. For more information look at the file COPYRIGHT in this package */ #ifndef __MPEGEXTENSION_H #define __MPEGEXTENSION_H #include "mpegVideoStream.h" #define EXT_BUF_SIZE 1024 class MpegExtension { char* userData; char* extData; char* extraBit; public: MpegExtension(); ~MpegExtension(); inline char* getExtData() { return extData;} inline char* getUserData() { return userData;} inline char* getExtraBit() { return extraBit;} int processExtensionData(class MpegVideoStream* mpegVideoStream); int processExtra_bit_info(class MpegVideoStream* mpegVideoStream); void processExtBuffer(class MpegVideoStream* mpegVideoStream); char* get_ext_data(class MpegVideoStream* mpegVideoStream); private: char* get_extra_bit_info(MpegVideoStream* mpegVideoStream); int next_bits(int num,unsigned int tqmask,MpegVideoStream* input); }; #endif