/* base class for all mpeglib decoders Copyright (C) 2000 Martin Vogt This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. For more information look at the file COPYRIGHT in this package */ #include "nullPlayObject_impl.h" #include "debug.h" NULLPlayObject_impl::NULLPlayObject_impl() { _state=Arts::posIdle; } NULLPlayObject_impl::~NULLPlayObject_impl() { arts_debug("~NULLPlayObject_impl -s"); } bool NULLPlayObject_impl::loadMedia(const string &filename) { arts_debug("NULLPlayObject_impl::loadMedia"); return true; } string NULLPlayObject_impl::description() { arts_debug("description"); string back; return back; } void NULLPlayObject_impl::description(const string &) { arts_debug("description"); // what should do this? } Arts::poTime NULLPlayObject_impl::currentTime() { poTime time; return time; } poTime NULLPlayObject_impl::overallTime() { poTime time; return time; } poCapabilities NULLPlayObject_impl::capabilities() { arts_debug("capabilities"); return Arts::capPause; /* no seek supported */ } string NULLPlayObject_impl::mediaName() { arts_debug("mediaName"); string back; // whats a mediaName? return back; } poState NULLPlayObject_impl::state() { return _state; } void NULLPlayObject_impl::play() { arts_debug("NULLPlayObject_impl::play"); _state = Arts::posPlaying; } void NULLPlayObject_impl::seek(const class poTime& seekTime) { long sec=seekTime.seconds; arts_debug("NULLPlayObject_impl::sec is %d:", sec); } void NULLPlayObject_impl::pause() { arts_debug("NULLPlayObject_impl::pause"); _state = Arts::posPaused; } void NULLPlayObject_impl::halt() { arts_debug("NULLPlayObject_impl::halt"); _state=Arts::posIdle; } void NULLPlayObject_impl::streamInit() { arts_debug(" NULLPlayObject_impl::streamInit"); } void NULLPlayObject_impl::streamStart() { arts_debug(" NULLPlayObject_impl::streamStart"); } void NULLPlayObject_impl::calculateBlock(unsigned long samples, float* left , float* right) { arts_debug(" NULLPlayObject_impl::calculateBlock"); unsigned int i; for(i=0;i<samples;i++) left[i] = right[i] = 0.0; } void NULLPlayObject_impl::streamEnd() { arts_debug("NULLPlayObject_impl::streamEnd"); } REGISTER_IMPLEMENTATION(NULLPlayObject_impl);