/* GPL clean */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include #ifdef READ_MMAP #include #ifndef MAP_FAILED #define MAP_FAILED ( (void *) -1 ) #endif #endif #include "mpg123.h" #include "genre.h" #include "common.h" int tabsel_123[2][3][16] = { { {0,32,64,96,128,160,192,224,256,288,320,352,384,416,448,}, {0,32,48,56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,384,}, {0,32,40,48, 56, 64, 80, 96,112,128,160,192,224,256,320,} }, { {0,32,48,56,64,80,96,112,128,144,160,176,192,224,256,}, {0,8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64,80,96,112,128,144,160,}, {0,8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64,80,96,112,128,144,160,} } }; long freqs[9] = { 44100, 48000, 32000, 22050, 24000, 16000 , 11025 , 12000 , 8000 }; struct bitstream_info bsi; static int bsbufend[2]= { 0,0 }; static int bsbufold_end; static unsigned char bsspace[2][MAXFRAMESIZE+512]; /* MAXFRAMESIZE */ static unsigned char *bsbuf=bsspace[1],*bsbufold; static int bsnum=0; static int skip_riff(struct reader *); static int skip_new_id3(struct reader *); unsigned char *pcm_sample; int pcm_point = 0; int audiobufsize = AUDIOBUFSIZE; static int decode_header(struct frame *fr,unsigned long newhead); void safewrite(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) { int donesofar = 0; while(donesofar < count) { int retval; char *p = (char*) buf + donesofar; retval = write(fd,(void*) p,(count-donesofar)); if(retval == -1) { if((errno != EINTR) && (errno != EAGAIN)) exit(fprintf(stderr,"exception on output!\n")); } else donesofar += retval; } } void audio_flush(int outmode, struct audio_info_struct *ai) { if (pcm_point) { switch (outmode) { #ifndef NO_DECODE_FILE case DECODE_FILE: safewrite (OutputDescriptor, pcm_sample, pcm_point); break; #endif #ifndef NO_DECODE_AUDIO case DECODE_AUDIO: audio_play_samples (ai, pcm_sample, pcm_point); break; #endif #ifndef NOXFERMEM case DECODE_BUFFER: safewrite (buffer_fd[1], pcm_sample, pcm_point); break; #endif #ifndef NO_DECODE_WAV case DECODE_WAV: case DECODE_CDR: case DECODE_AU: wav_write(pcm_sample, pcm_point); break; #endif default: break; } pcm_point = 0; } } #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(GENERIC) void (*catchsignal(int signum, void(*handler)()))() { struct sigaction new_sa; struct sigaction old_sa; #ifdef DONT_CATCH_SIGNALS printf ("Not catching any signals.\n"); return ((void (*)()) -1); #endif new_sa.sa_handler = handler; sigemptyset(&new_sa.sa_tqmask); new_sa.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction(signum, &new_sa, &old_sa) == -1) return ((void (*)()) -1); return (old_sa.sa_handler); } #endif void read_frame_init (struct frame *fr) { fr->firsthead = 0; fr->thishead = 0; fr->freeformatsize = 0; } int head_check(unsigned long head) { if( (head & 0xffe00000) != 0xffe00000) return FALSE; if(!((head>>17)&3)) return FALSE; if( ((head>>12)&0xf) == 0xf) return FALSE; if( ((head>>10)&0x3) == 0x3 ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* * return 0: EOF or other stream error * -1: giving up * 1: synched */ #define MAX_INPUT_FRAMESIZE 1920 #define SYNC_HEAD_MASK 0xffff0000 #define SYNC_HEAD_MASK_FF 0x0000f000 #define LOOK_AHEAD_NUM 3 #define SCAN_LENGTH 16384 #define CHECK_FOR_RIFF 0x0001 #define CHECK_FOR_ID3_V1 0x0002 #define CHECK_FOR_ID3_V2 0x0004 int sync_stream(struct reader *rds,struct frame *fr,int flags,int *skipped) { int i,j,l,ret; unsigned long firsthead,nexthead; struct frame frameInfo,nextInfo; unsigned char dummybuf[MAX_INPUT_FRAMESIZE]; int found=0; int freeformatsize=0; for(i=0;ihead_read(rds,&firsthead)) return 0; /* first a few simple checks */ if( !head_check(firsthead) || !decode_header(&frameInfo,firsthead) ) { /* Check for RIFF Headers */ if( (flags & CHECK_FOR_RIFF) && firsthead == ('R'<<24)+('I'<<16)+('F'<<8)+'F') { fprintf(stderr,"Found RIFF Header\n"); ret = skip_riff(rds); if(ret > 0) { /* RIFF was OK continue with next byte */ *skipped += ret+4; continue; } if(ret == 0) return 0; } /* Check for old ID3 Header (or better Footer ;) */ if( (flags & CHECK_FOR_ID3_V1) && (firsthead>>8) == ('T'<<16)+('A'<<8)+'G') { fprintf(stderr,"Found old ID3 Header\n"); } /* Check for new ID3 header */ if( (flags & CHECK_FOR_ID3_V2) && (firsthead>>8) == ('I'<<16)+('D'<<8)+'3') { if( (firsthead & 0xff) != 0xff) { fprintf(stderr,"Found new ID3 Header\n"); ret = skip_new_id3(rds); if(!ret) return 0; if(ret > 0) { *skipped += ret+4; continue; } } } readers_goto_mark(rds); /* reset to old mark and continue */ if(!rds->read_frame_body(rds,dummybuf,1)) return 0; (*skipped)++; continue; } found = 0; freeformatsize = 0; /* * At the first free format paket we do not know the size */ if(frameInfo.bitrate_index == 0) { int maxframesize = MAX_INPUT_FRAMESIZE; /* FIXME depends on layer and sampling freq */ fprintf(stderr,"Searching for next FF header\n"); if(!rds->head_read(rds,&nexthead)) return 0; for(j=0;jhead_shift(rds,&nexthead)) return 0; } } else { if(!rds->read_frame_body(rds,dummybuf,frameInfo.framesize)) return 0; if(!rds->head_read(rds,&nexthead)) return 0; /* fprintf(stderr,"S: %08lx %08lx %d %d %d %d\n",firsthead,nexthead, head_check(nexthead),(nexthead & SYNC_HEAD_MASK) == firsthead,(nexthead & SYNC_HEAD_MASK_FF) != 0x0,decode_header(&nextInfo,nexthead)); */ if( head_check(nexthead) && (nexthead & SYNC_HEAD_MASK) == (firsthead & SYNC_HEAD_MASK) && (nexthead & SYNC_HEAD_MASK_FF) != 0x0 && decode_header(&nextInfo,nexthead)) { found = 1; } } if(!found) { readers_goto_mark(rds); /* reset to old mark and continue */ if(!rds->read_frame_body(rds,dummybuf,1)) return 0; (*skipped)++; continue; } /* fprintf(stderr,"s: %08lx %08lx %d %d %d\n",firsthead,nexthead,frameInfo.framesize,nextInfo.framesize,freeformatsize); */ /* check some more frames */ for(l=0;l 0 ) { size = freeformatsize + nextInfo.padsize; } else size = nextInfo.framesize; /* step over data */ if(!rds->read_frame_body(rds,dummybuf,size)) return 0; if(!rds->head_read(rds,&nexthead)) return 0; if(!head_check(nexthead) || (nexthead & SYNC_HEAD_MASK) != (firsthead & SYNC_HEAD_MASK) || !decode_header(&nextInfo,nexthead) ) { found = 0; break; } if( freeformatsize > 0) { if( ( nexthead & SYNC_HEAD_MASK_FF ) != 0x0) { found = 0; break; } } else { if( (nexthead & SYNC_HEAD_MASK_FF) == 0x0) { found = 0; break; } } } if(found) break; readers_goto_mark(rds); /* reset to old mark and continue */ if(!rds->read_frame_body(rds,dummybuf,1)) /* skip first byte */ return 0; (*skipped)++; } if(i == SCAN_LENGTH) return -1; readers_goto_mark(rds); fr->freeformatsize = freeformatsize; fr->firsthead = firsthead; return 1; } /* * skips the RIFF header at the beginning * * returns: 0 = read-error * -1/-2 = illegal RIFF header (= -2 backstep not valid) * 1 = skipping succeeded */ static int skip_riff(struct reader *rds) { unsigned long length; unsigned char buf[16]; if(!rds->read_frame_body(rds,buf,16)) /* read header information */ return 0; if( strncmp("WAVEfmt ",(char *)buf+4,8) ) /* check 2. signature */ return -1; length = (unsigned long) buf[12] + /* decode the header length */ (((unsigned long) buf[13])<<8) + (((unsigned long) buf[14])<<16) + (((unsigned long) buf[15])<<24); if(!rds->skip_bytes(rds,length)) /* will not store data in backbuff! */ return 0; if(!rds->read_frame_body(rds,buf,8)) /* skip "data" plus length */ return 0; if(strncmp("data",(char *)buf,4)) return -2; return length+8+16; } /* * skips the ID3 header at the beginning * * returns: 0 = read-error * -1 = illegal ID3 header * 1 = skipping succeeded */ static int skip_new_id3(struct reader *rds) { unsigned long length; unsigned char buf[6]; if(!rds->read_frame_body(rds,buf,6)) /* read more header information */ return 0; if(buf[0] == 0xff) return -1; if( (buf[2]|buf[3]|buf[4]|buf[5]) & 0x80) return -1; length = (unsigned long) buf[2] & 0x7f; length <<= 7; length += (unsigned long) buf[3] & 0x7f; length <<= 7; length += (unsigned long) buf[4] & 0x7f; length <<= 7; length += (unsigned long) buf[5] & 0x7f; if(!rds->skip_bytes(rds,length)) /* will not store data in backbuff! */ return 0; return length+6; } /***************************************************************** * read next frame */ int read_frame(struct reader *rds,struct frame *fr) { unsigned long newhead,oldhead; static unsigned char ssave[34]; oldhead = fr->thishead; if (param.halfspeed) { static int halfphase = 0; if (halfphase--) { bsi.bitindex = 0; bsi.wordpointer = (unsigned char *) bsbuf; if (fr->lay == 3) memcpy (bsbuf, ssave, fr->sideInfoSize); return 1; } else halfphase = param.halfspeed - 1; } while(1) { if(!rds->head_read(rds,&newhead)) return FALSE; /* fprintf(stderr,"n %08lx",newhead); */ if( !head_check(newhead) || !decode_header(fr,newhead) ) { if (!param.quiet) fprintf(stderr,"Illegal Audio-MPEG-Header 0x%08lx at offset 0x%lx.\n", newhead,rds->tell(rds)-4); if(param.tryresync) { int try = 0; readers_pushback_header(rds,newhead); if(sync_stream(rds,fr,0xffff,&try) <= 0) return 0; if(!param.quiet) fprintf (stderr, "Skipped %d bytes in input.\n", try); } else return (0); } else break; } /* fprintf(stderr,"N %08lx",newhead); */ fr->header_change = 2; if(oldhead) { if((oldhead & 0xc00) == (fr->thishead & 0xc00)) { if( (oldhead & 0xc0) == 0 && (fr->thishead & 0xc0) == 0) fr->header_change = 1; else if( (oldhead & 0xc0) > 0 && (fr->thishead & 0xc0) > 0) fr->header_change = 1; } } if(!fr->bitrate_index) { fr->framesize = fr->freeformatsize + fr->padsize; } /* fprintf(stderr,"Reading %d\n",fr->framesize); */ /* flip/init buffer for Layer 3 */ /* FIXME for reentrance */ bsbufold = bsbuf; bsbufold_end = bsbufend[bsnum]; bsbuf = bsspace[bsnum]+512; bsnum = (bsnum + 1) & 1; bsbufend[bsnum] = fr->framesize; /* read main data into memory */ if(!rds->read_frame_body(rds,bsbuf,fr->framesize)) return 0; { /* Test */ static struct vbrHeader head; static int vbr = 0; /* FIXME */ if(!vbr) { getVBRHeader(&head,bsbuf,fr); vbr = 1; } } bsi.bitindex = 0; bsi.wordpointer = (unsigned char *) bsbuf; if (param.halfspeed && fr->lay == 3) memcpy (ssave, bsbuf, fr->sideInfoSize); return 1; } /* * decode a header and write the information * into the frame structure */ static int decode_header(struct frame *fr,unsigned long newhead) { if(!head_check(newhead)) { fprintf(stderr,"Oopps header is wrong %08lx\n",newhead); return 0; } if( newhead & (1<<20) ) { fr->lsf = (newhead & (1<<19)) ? 0x0 : 0x1; fr->mpeg25 = 0; } else { fr->lsf = 1; fr->mpeg25 = 1; } /* * CHECKME: should be add more consistency checks here ? * changed layer, changed CRC bit, changed sampling frequency */ { fr->lay = 4-((newhead>>17)&3); if( ((newhead>>10)&0x3) == 0x3) { fprintf(stderr,"Stream error\n"); return 0; } if(fr->mpeg25) { fr->sampling_frequency = 6 + ((newhead>>10)&0x3); } else fr->sampling_frequency = ((newhead>>10)&0x3) + (fr->lsf*3); fr->error_protection = ((newhead>>16)&0x1)^0x1; } fr->bitrate_index = ((newhead>>12)&0xf); fr->padding = ((newhead>>9)&0x1); fr->extension = ((newhead>>8)&0x1); fr->mode = ((newhead>>6)&0x3); fr->mode_ext = ((newhead>>4)&0x3); fr->copyright = ((newhead>>3)&0x1); fr->original = ((newhead>>2)&0x1); fr->emphasis = newhead & 0x3; fr->stereo = (fr->mode == MPG_MD_MONO) ? 1 : 2; switch(fr->lay) { case 1: fr->framesize = (long) tabsel_123[fr->lsf][0][fr->bitrate_index] * 12000; fr->framesize /= freqs[fr->sampling_frequency]; fr->framesize = ((fr->framesize+fr->padding)<<2)-4; fr->sideInfoSize = 0; fr->padsize = fr->padding << 2; break; case 2: fr->framesize = (long) tabsel_123[fr->lsf][1][fr->bitrate_index] * 144000; fr->framesize /= freqs[fr->sampling_frequency]; fr->framesize += fr->padding - 4; fr->sideInfoSize = 0; fr->padsize = fr->padding; break; case 3: if(fr->lsf) fr->sideInfoSize = (fr->stereo == 1) ? 9 : 17; else fr->sideInfoSize = (fr->stereo == 1) ? 17 : 32; if(fr->error_protection) fr->sideInfoSize += 2; fr->framesize = (long) tabsel_123[fr->lsf][2][fr->bitrate_index] * 144000; fr->framesize /= freqs[fr->sampling_frequency]<<(fr->lsf); fr->framesize = fr->framesize + fr->padding - 4; fr->padsize = fr->padding; break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, unknown layer type.\n"); return (0); } if(!fr->bitrate_index) { /* fprintf(stderr,"Warning, Free format not heavily tested: (head %08lx)\n",newhead); */ fr->framesize = 0; } fr->thishead = newhead; return 1; } #ifdef MPG123_REMOTE void print_rheader(struct frame *fr) { static char *modes[4] = { "Stereo", "Joint-Stereo", "Dual-Channel", "Single-Channel" }; static char *layers[4] = { "Unknown" , "I", "II", "III" }; static char *mpeg_type[2] = { "1.0" , "2.0" }; /* version, layer, freq, mode, channels, bitrate, BPF */ fprintf(stderr,"@I %s %s %ld %s %d %d %d\n", mpeg_type[fr->lsf],layers[fr->lay],freqs[fr->sampling_frequency], modes[fr->mode],fr->stereo, tabsel_123[fr->lsf][fr->lay-1][fr->bitrate_index], fr->framesize+4); } #endif void print_header(struct frame *fr) { static char *modes[4] = { "Stereo", "Joint-Stereo", "Dual-Channel", "Single-Channel" }; static char *layers[4] = { "Unknown" , "I", "II", "III" }; fprintf(stderr,"MPEG %s, Layer: %s, Freq: %ld, mode: %s, modext: %d, BPF : %d\n", fr->mpeg25 ? "2.5" : (fr->lsf ? "2.0" : "1.0"), layers[fr->lay],freqs[fr->sampling_frequency], modes[fr->mode],fr->mode_ext,fr->framesize+4); fprintf(stderr,"Channels: %d, copyright: %s, original: %s, CRC: %s, emphasis: %d.\n", fr->stereo,fr->copyright?"Yes":"No", fr->original?"Yes":"No",fr->error_protection?"Yes":"No", fr->emphasis); fprintf(stderr,"Bitrate: %d Kbits/s, Extension value: %d\n", tabsel_123[fr->lsf][fr->lay-1][fr->bitrate_index],fr->extension); } void print_header_compact(struct frame *fr) { static char *modes[4] = { "stereo", "joint-stereo", "dual-channel", "mono" }; static char *layers[4] = { "Unknown" , "I", "II", "III" }; fprintf(stderr,"MPEG %s layer %s, %d kbit/s, %ld Hz %s\n", fr->mpeg25 ? "2.5" : (fr->lsf ? "2.0" : "1.0"), layers[fr->lay], tabsel_123[fr->lsf][fr->lay-1][fr->bitrate_index], freqs[fr->sampling_frequency], modes[fr->mode]); } void print_id3_tag(unsigned char *buf) { struct id3tag { char tag[3]; char title[30]; char artist[30]; char album[30]; char year[4]; char comment[30]; unsigned char genre; }; struct id3tag *tag = (struct id3tag *) buf; char title[31]={0,}; char artist[31]={0,}; char album[31]={0,}; char year[5]={0,}; char comment[31]={0,}; char genre[31]={0,}; if(param.quiet) return; strncpy(title,tag->title,30); strncpy(artist,tag->artist,30); strncpy(album,tag->album,30); strncpy(year,tag->year,4); strncpy(comment,tag->comment,30); if ( tag->genre < sizeof(genre_table)/sizeof(*genre_table) ) { strncpy(genre, genre_table[tag->genre], 30); } else { strncpy(genre,"Unknown",30); } fprintf(stderr,"Title : %-30s Artist: %s\n",title,artist); fprintf(stderr,"Album : %-30s Year : %4s\n",album,year); fprintf(stderr,"Comment: %-30s Genre : %s\n",comment,genre); } #if 0 /* removed the strndup for better portability */ /* * Allocate space for a new string containing the first * "num" characters of "src". The resulting string is * always zero-terminated. Returns NULL if malloc fails. */ char *strndup (const char *src, int num) { char *dst; if (!(dst = (char *) malloc(num+1))) return (NULL); dst[num] = '\0'; return (strncpy(dst, src, num)); } #endif /* * Split "path" into directory and filename components. * * Return value is 0 if no directory was specified (i.e. * "path" does not contain a '/'), OR if the directory * is the same as on the previous call to this function. * * Return value is 1 if a directory was specified AND it * is different from the previous one (if any). */ int split_dir_file (const char *path, char **dname, char **fname) { static char *lastdir = NULL; char *slashpos; if ((slashpos = strrchr(path, '/'))) { *fname = slashpos + 1; *dname = strdup(path); /* , 1 + slashpos - path); */ if(!(*dname)) { perror("memory"); exit(1); } (*dname)[1 + slashpos - path] = 0; if (lastdir && !strcmp(lastdir, *dname)) { /*** same as previous directory ***/ free (*dname); *dname = lastdir; return 0; } else { /*** different directory ***/ if (lastdir) free (lastdir); lastdir = *dname; return 1; } } else { /*** no directory specified ***/ if (lastdir) { free (lastdir); lastdir = NULL; }; *dname = NULL; *fname = (char *)path; return 0; } } void set_pointer(int ssize,long backstep) { bsi.wordpointer = bsbuf + ssize - backstep; if (backstep) memcpy(bsi.wordpointer,bsbufold+bsbufold_end-backstep,backstep); bsi.bitindex = 0; } /********************************/ double compute_bpf(struct frame *fr) { double bpf; if(!fr->bitrate_index) { return fr->freeformatsize + 4; } switch(fr->lay) { case 1: bpf = tabsel_123[fr->lsf][0][fr->bitrate_index]; bpf *= 12000.0 * 4.0; bpf /= freqs[fr->sampling_frequency] <<(fr->lsf); break; case 2: case 3: bpf = tabsel_123[fr->lsf][fr->lay-1][fr->bitrate_index]; bpf *= 144000; bpf /= freqs[fr->sampling_frequency] << (fr->lsf); break; default: bpf = 1.0; } return bpf; } double compute_tpf(struct frame *fr) { static int bs[4] = { 0,384,1152,1152 }; double tpf; tpf = (double) bs[fr->lay]; tpf /= freqs[fr->sampling_frequency] << (fr->lsf); return tpf; } /* * Returns number of frames queued up in output buffer, i.e. * offset between currently played and currently decoded frame. */ #ifndef NOXFERMEM long compute_buffer_offset(struct frame *fr) { long bufsize; /* * buffermem->buf[0] holds output sampling rate, * buffermem->buf[1] holds number of channels, * buffermem->buf[2] holds audio format of output. */ if(!param.usebuffer || !(bufsize=xfermem_get_usedspace(buffermem)) || !buffermem->buf[0] || !buffermem->buf[1]) return 0; bufsize = (long)((double) bufsize / buffermem->buf[0] / buffermem->buf[1] / compute_tpf(fr)); if((buffermem->buf[2] & AUDIO_FORMAT_MASK) == AUDIO_FORMAT_16) return bufsize/2; else return bufsize; } #endif void print_stat(struct reader *rds,struct frame *fr,int no,long buffsize,struct audio_info_struct *ai) { double bpf,tpf,tim1,tim2; double dt = 0.0; int sno,rno; char outbuf[256]; if(!rds || !fr) return; outbuf[0] = 0; #ifndef GENERIC { struct timeval t; fd_set serr; int n,errfd = fileno(stderr); t.tv_sec=t.tv_usec=0; FD_ZERO(&serr); FD_SET(errfd,&serr); n = select(errfd+1,NULL,&serr,NULL,&t); if(n <= 0) return; } #endif bpf = compute_bpf(fr); tpf = compute_tpf(fr); if(buffsize > 0 && ai && ai->rate > 0 && ai->channels > 0) { dt = (double) buffsize / ai->rate / ai->channels; if( (ai->format & AUDIO_FORMAT_MASK) == AUDIO_FORMAT_16) dt *= 0.5; } rno = 0; sno = no; if(rds->filelen >= 0) { long t = rds->tell(rds); rno = (int)((double)(rds->filelen-t)/bpf); sno = (int)((double)t/bpf); } sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf),"\rFrame# %5d [%5d], ",sno,rno); tim1 = sno*tpf-dt; tim2 = rno*tpf+dt; #if 0 tim1 = tim1 < 0 ? 0.0 : tim1; #endif tim2 = tim2 < 0 ? 0.0 : tim2; sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf),"Time: %02u:%02u.%02u [%02u:%02u.%02u], ", (unsigned int)tim1/60, (unsigned int)tim1%60, (unsigned int)(tim1*100)%100, (unsigned int)tim2/60, (unsigned int)tim2%60, (unsigned int)(tim2*100)%100); if(param.usebuffer) sprintf(outbuf+strlen(outbuf),"[%8ld] ",(long)buffsize); write(fileno(stderr),outbuf,strlen(outbuf)); #if 0 fflush(out); /* hmm not really nec. */ #endif } int get_songlen(struct reader *rds,struct frame *fr,int no) { double tpf; if(!fr) return 0; if(no < 0) { if(!rds || rds->filelen < 0) return 0; no = (double) rds->filelen / compute_bpf(fr); } tpf = compute_tpf(fr); return no*tpf; }