#include "tags.h" #include "tagsgetter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include TagsGetter *Tags::getter=0; TagsGetter::TagsGetter() { new Control(this); connect(napp->player(), SIGNAL(newSong()), SLOT(newSong())); } int TagsGetter::interval() const { KGlobal::config()->setGroup("Tags"); return KGlobal::config()->readNumEntry("interval", 250); } bool TagsGetter::loadAuto() const { KGlobal::config()->setGroup("Tags"); return KGlobal::config()->readBoolEntry("LoadAuto", true); } void TagsGetter::added(PlaylistItem &i) { items += i; killTimers(); startTimer(interval()); } void TagsGetter::removed(PlaylistItem &i) { items.remove(i); } void TagsGetter::getSongs() { items = napp->playlist()->select("Tags::tagged_", "", -1, true, true); killTimers(); startTimer(interval()); } void TagsGetter::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) { if (!items.size()) { killTimers(); return; } PlaylistItem item=items.first(); for (Tags *i=tags.first(); i; i=tags.next()) { if (i->update(item)) { item.setProperty("Tags::tagged_", "1"); if (item==napp->player()->current()) napp->player()->handleButtons(); } } items.remove(items.begin()); } void TagsGetter::newSong() { PlaylistItem item=napp->player()->current(); if (!item) return; for (Tags *i=tags.first(); i; i=tags.next()) { if (i->update(item)) { item.setProperty("Tags::tagged_", "1"); napp->player()->handleButtons(); } } items.remove(item); } void TagsGetter::setInterval(int ms) { killTimers(); startTimer(ms); KGlobal::config()->setGroup("Tags"); KGlobal::config()->writeEntry("interval", ms); KGlobal::config()->sync(); } void TagsGetter::setLoadAuto(bool eh) { KGlobal::config()->setGroup("Tags"); KGlobal::config()->writeEntry("LoadAuto", eh); KGlobal::config()->sync(); killTimers(); if (eh) startTimer(interval()); } void TagsGetter::associate(Tags *t) { tags.append(t); sortPriority(); // getSongs(); QTimer::singleShot(interval(), this, SLOT(getSongs())); } void TagsGetter::sortPriority() { // find the lowest one, since it comes first int lowest=0; for (Tags *i=tags.first(); i; i=tags.next()) { if (lowest>i->mPriority) lowest=i->mPriority; } QPtrList sorted; while (tags.count()) { // find the one equal to myself for (Tags *i=tags.first(); i;) { if (lowest==i->mPriority) { sorted.append(i); tags.removeRef(i); i=tags.first(); } else { i=tags.next(); } } lowest++; } tags=sorted; } bool TagsGetter::unassociate(Tags *t) { tags.removeRef(t); if (tags.count()==0) { delete this; return true; } return false; } Tags::Tags(int priority) : mPriority(priority) { if (!getter) getter=new TagsGetter; getter->associate(this); } Tags::~Tags() { if (getter->unassociate(this)) getter=0; } Control::Control(TagsGetter *parent) : CModule(i18n("Tagging"), i18n("Settings for Tag Loaders"), "edit", parent) { // todo (void)I18N_NOOP("Rescan All Tags"); QVBoxLayout *l=new QVBoxLayout(this); QCheckBox *onPlay; { onPlay=new QCheckBox(i18n("Load tags &automatically"), this); l->addWidget(onPlay); onPlay->show(); } { QHBox *intervalLine=new QHBox(this); l->addWidget(intervalLine); l->addStretch(); new QLabel(i18n( "The time between each time noatun scans for a new file" ", and updates tags (e.g., ID3)", "Interval:"), intervalLine); QSlider *slider=new QSlider( 0, 2000, 100, 0, Horizontal, intervalLine ); QSpinBox *spin=new QSpinBox( 0, 2000, 10, intervalLine ); spin->setSuffix(i18n("Milliseconds", " ms")); connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), spin, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(spin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), slider, SLOT(setValue(int))); slider->setValue(parent->interval()); connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), parent, SLOT(setInterval(int))); connect(onPlay, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), intervalLine, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); } connect(onPlay, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), parent, SLOT(setLoadAuto(bool))); onPlay->setChecked(parent->loadAuto()); } #include "tagsgetter.moc"