/* * Copyright (c) 2003 Charles Samuels * * This file is hereby licensed under the GNU General Public License version * 2 or later at your option. * * This file is licensed under the TQt Public License version 1 with the * condition that the licensed will be governed under the Laws of California * (USA) instead of Norway. Disputes will be settled in Santa Clara county * courts. * * This file is licensed under the following additional license. Be aware * that it is identical to the BSD license, except for the added clause 3: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. By integrating this software into any other software codebase, you waive all rights to any patents associated with the stated codebase. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "vequalizer.h" #include "engine.h" #include "spline.h" #include "ksaver.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define EQ (napp->vequalizer()) #define ETQBACK (napp->player()->engine()->equalizer()) using std::vector; static const double splineTension = 4.0; VBandsInterface::VBandsInterface() { } VBandsInterface::~VBandsInterface() { } VBand VBandsInterface::operator [] (int num) { return band(num); } struct VBand::Private { int refs; int index; int start, end; VBandsInterface *bands; }; VBand::VBand(VBandsInterface *bands, int index, int start, int end) { d = new Private; d->refs=1; d->index = index; d->start = start; d->end = end; d->bands = bands; } VBand::~VBand() { if (--d->refs == 0) { delete d; } } VBand::VBand(const VBand ©) { d=0; operator=(copy); } VBand & VBand::operator =(const VBand ©) { if (d && --d->refs == 0) { delete d; } d= copy.d; d->refs++; return *this; } int VBand::level() const { return d->bands->level(d->index); } void VBand::setLevel(int l) { d->bands->setLevel(d->index, l); } int VBand::start() const { return d->start; } int VBand::end() const { return d->end; } int VBand::center() const { return (d->start + d->end)/2; } static TQString formatFreq(int f, bool withHz) { TQString format; if (f<991) format=TQString::number(f); else format=TQString::number((int)((f+500)/1000.0))+"k"; if (withHz) format+="Hz"; return format; } TQString VBand::formatStart(bool withHz) const { return formatFreq(d->start, withHz); } TQString VBand::formatEnd(bool withHz) const { return formatFreq(d->end, withHz); } TQString VBand::format(bool withHz) const { return formatFreq(center(), withHz); } struct VInterpolation::Private { int bands; Spline spline; }; VInterpolation::VInterpolation(int bands) { d = new Private; d->bands = bands; } VInterpolation::~VInterpolation() { delete d; } int VInterpolation::bands() const { return d->bands; } void VInterpolation::getFrequencies(int num, int *low, int *high) const { TQValueList fs = VEqualizer::frequencies(bands()); if (num == 0) *low = 1; else *low = fs[num-1]+1; *high=fs[num]; } VBand VInterpolation::band(int num) { int low, high; getFrequencies(num, &low, &high); return VBand(this, num, low, high); } int VInterpolation::level(int index) const { const_cast(this)->refresh(); double x = onSpline(index); return int(d->spline[x*splineTension]); } void VInterpolation::setLevel(int index, int level) { refresh(); double numbands = double(bands()); Spline spline; for (int i=0; i < numbands; ++i) { VBand b = band(i); spline.add(i*splineTension, double(index == i ? level : b.level())); } int realbands = EQ->bands(); TQValueList values; for (int i=0; i < realbands; ++i) { // i // realbands numbands double x = double(i)*numbands/double(realbands)*splineTension; double value = spline[x]; values.append(int(value)); } EQ->setLevels(values); } double VInterpolation::onSpline(int bandNum) const { double maxReal(EQ->bands()); // 2 double maxInter(bands()); // 4 double offset(bandNum); // 4 return maxReal/maxInter*offset; } void VInterpolation::refresh() { d->spline.clear(); VEqualizer *eq = EQ; for (int i=0; i < eq->bands(); ++i) { VBand band = eq->band(i); d->spline.add(double(i*splineTension), double(band.level())); } } struct VEqualizer::Private { struct BandInfo { int level; int start; int end; }; std::vector bands; int preamp; }; /* rate 4 27 54 0-108 108 81 163 109-217 108 243 514 218-810 269 729 1621 811-2431 1620 2187 4661 2432-7290 4858 6561 13645 7291+ 12708 */ VEqualizer::VEqualizer() { d = new Private; d->preamp=1; setBands(6, false); } void VEqualizer::init() { KURL url; url.setPath(kapp->dirs()->localkdedir()+"/share/apps/noatun/equalizer"); if(!load(url)) { setPreamp(0); disable(); } else { KConfig *config=kapp->config(); config->setGroup("Equalizer"); setEnabled(config->readBoolEntry("enabled", false)); } } VEqualizer::~VEqualizer() { KURL url; url.setPath(kapp->dirs()->localkdedir()+"/share/apps/noatun/equalizer"); save(url, "auto"); delete d; } int VEqualizer::start() { return 20; } int VEqualizer::end() { return 20000; } int VEqualizer::maxBands() const { return 14; } int VEqualizer::minBands() const { return 2; } TQValueList VEqualizer::frequencies(int _num) { #if 0 TQValueList fs; fs += 108; fs += 217; fs += 810; fs += 2431; fs += 7290; fs += 19999; return fs; #else // we're looking for // ?^_num = end()-start() // so log[?] (end()-start()) = _num // log(end()-start()) / log(?) = _num // log(end()-start()) = _num * log(?) // log(end()-start()) / _num = log(?) // ? = 10^(log(end()-start()) / _num) double num = double(_num); double vstart = double(start()); double vend = double(end()); const double base = ::pow(10.0, ::log10(vend-vstart)/num); TQValueList fs; for (double i=1.0; i <= num; i++) { double f = ::pow(base, i); f += vstart; fs.append(int(f)); } return fs; #endif } void VEqualizer::setBands(int num, bool interpolate) { if (interpolate) { setBands(num); return; } if (num > maxBands()) num=maxBands(); else if (num < minBands()) num = minBands(); if (num == bands()) return; TQValueList fs = VEqualizer::frequencies(num); std::vector modified; int bstart=0; for (TQValueList::Iterator i(fs.begin()); i != fs.end(); ++i) { Private::BandInfo info; info.start = bstart+1; info.level = 0; info.end = *i; bstart = info.end; modified.push_back(info); } d->bands = modified; update(true); emit changedBands(); emit changed(); } void VEqualizer::setPreamp(int preamp) { d->preamp = preamp; ETQBACK->preamp(pow(2,float(preamp)/100.0)); emit changed(); emit preampChanged(); emit preampChanged(preamp); } void VEqualizer::setBands(int num) { if (num == bands()) return; VInterpolation ip(num); std::vector modified; for (int i=0; i < num; ++i) { Private::BandInfo info; VBand b = ip[i]; info.level = b.level(); info.start = b.start(); info.end = b.end(); modified.push_back(info); } d->bands = modified; update(true); emit changedBands(); emit changed(); } VBand VEqualizer::band(int num) { return VBand(this, num, d->bands[num].start, d->bands[num].end); } int VEqualizer::bands() const { return d->bands.size(); } bool VEqualizer::isEnabled() const { return bool(ETQBACK->enabled()); } int VEqualizer::preamp() const { return d->preamp; } void VEqualizer::enable() { setEnabled(true); } void VEqualizer::disable() { setEnabled(false); } int VEqualizer::level(int index) const { return d->bands[index].level; } void VEqualizer::setLevel(int index, int level) { d->bands[index].level = level; update(); emit changed(); emit modified(); } void VEqualizer::setLevels(const TQValueList &levels) { int index=0; for ( TQValueList::ConstIterator i(levels.begin()); i != levels.end(); ++i ) { d->bands[index].level = *i; index++; } update(); emit changed(); emit modified(); } void VEqualizer::setEnabled(bool e) { update(true); // just in case ETQBACK->enabled((long)e); KConfig *config=kapp->config(); config->setGroup("Equalizer"); config->writeEntry("enabled", e); config->sync(); emit enabled(e); if (e) emit enabled(); else emit disabled(); } void VEqualizer::update(bool full) { std::vector levels; std::vector mids; std::vector widths; for (unsigned int i=0; i < d->bands.size(); ++i) { Private::BandInfo &info = d->bands[i]; levels.push_back(::pow(2.0, float(info.level)/50.0)); if (full) { int mid = info.start + info.end; mids.push_back(float(mid)*0.5); widths.push_back(float(info.end - info.start)); } } if (full) ETQBACK->set(levels, mids, widths); else ETQBACK->levels(levels); } bool VEqualizer::save(const KURL &filename, const TQString &friendly) const { Noatun::KSaver saver(filename); if(!saver.open()) return false; saver.textStream() << toString(friendly); saver.close(); return saver.close(); } bool VEqualizer::load(const KURL &filename) { TQString dest; if(KIO::NetAccess::download(filename, dest, 0L)) { TQFile file(dest); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) return false; TQTextStream t(&file); TQString str = t.read(); fromString(str); return true; } return false; } TQString VEqualizer::toString(const TQString &name) const { TQDomDocument doc("noatunequalizer"); doc.setContent(TQString("")); TQDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement(); { docElem.setAttribute("level", preamp()); docElem.setAttribute("name", name); docElem.setAttribute("version", TQString(napp->version())); } int bandc = bands(); for (int i=0; i < bandc; ++i) { VBand band = const_cast(this)->operator[](i); TQDomElement elem = doc.createElement("band"); elem.setAttribute("start", band.start()); elem.setAttribute("end", band.end()); elem.setAttribute("level", band.level()); docElem.appendChild(elem); } return doc.toString(); } bool VEqualizer::fromString(const TQString &str) { TQDomDocument doc("noatunequalizer"); if (!doc.setContent(str)) return false; TQDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement(); if (docElem.tagName()!="noatunequalizer") return false; setPreamp(docElem.attribute("level", "0").toInt()); std::vector modified; for (TQDomNode n = docElem.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { TQDomElement e = n.toElement(); if(e.isNull()) continue; if (e.tagName().lower() != "band") continue; Private::BandInfo data; data.level = e.attribute("level", "0").toInt(); data.start = e.attribute("start", "1").toInt(); data.end = e.attribute("end", "19999").toInt(); modified.push_back(data); } d->bands = modified; update(true); emit changedBands(); emit changed(); return true; } static TQString makePresetFile() { TQString basedir=kapp->dirs()->localkdedir()+"/share/apps/noatun/eq.preset/"; // now append a filename that doesn't exist KStandardDirs::makeDir(basedir); TQString fullpath; int num=0; do { if (num) fullpath=basedir+"preset."+TQString::number(num); else fullpath=basedir+"preset"; num++; } while (TQFile(fullpath).exists()); return fullpath; } VPreset VEqualizer::createPreset(const TQString &name, bool smart) { if (presetExists(name) && !smart) return VPreset(); TQString nameReal=name; { int number=1; while (presetExists(nameReal)) { nameReal=name+" ("+TQString::number(number)+')'; number++; } } VPreset preset(makePresetFile()); preset.setName(nameReal); save(preset.file(), nameReal); KConfig *config=kapp->config(); config->setGroup("Equalizer"); TQStringList list = config->readListEntry("presets"); list += preset.file(); config->writeEntry("presets", list); config->sync(); emit created(preset); return preset; } TQValueList VEqualizer::presets() const { KConfig *conf=KGlobal::config(); conf->setGroup("Equalizer"); TQStringList list; if (conf->hasKey("presets")) { list=conf->readListEntry("presets"); } else { list=kapp->dirs()->findAllResources("data", "noatun/eq.preset/*"); conf->writeEntry("presets", list); conf->sync(); } TQValueList presets; for (TQStringList::Iterator i = list.begin(); i!=list.end(); ++i) { TQFile file(*i); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) continue; TQDomDocument doc("noatunequalizer"); if (!doc.setContent(&file)) continue; TQDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement(); if (docElem.tagName()!="noatunequalizer") continue; presets.append(VPreset(*i)); } return presets; } VPreset VEqualizer::presetByName(const TQString &name) { TQValueList pr = presets(); for ( TQValueList::Iterator i(pr.begin()); i != pr.end(); ++i ) { if ((*i).name() == name) return *i; } return VPreset(); } VPreset VEqualizer::presetByFile(const TQString &file) { KConfig *conf=KGlobal::config(); conf->setGroup("Equalizer"); TQStringList list=kapp->config()->readListEntry("presets"); if (list.contains(file)) return VPreset(file); return VPreset(); } bool VEqualizer::presetExists(const TQString &name) const { TQValueList list=presets(); for ( TQValueList::Iterator i(list.begin()); i != list.end(); ++i ) { if ((*i).name() == name) return true; } return false; } struct VPreset::Private { TQString file; }; VPreset::VPreset(const TQString &file) { d = new Private; d->file = file; } VPreset::VPreset() { d = new Private; } VPreset::VPreset(const VPreset ©) { d = new Private; operator =(copy); } VPreset::~VPreset() { delete d; } bool VPreset::operator ==(const VPreset &other) const { return name() == other.name(); } VPreset & VPreset::operator=(const VPreset ©) { d->file = copy.file(); return *this; } TQString VPreset::name() const { TQFile file(d->file); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) return 0; TQDomDocument doc("noatunequalizer"); if (!doc.setContent(&file)) return 0; TQDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement(); if (docElem.tagName()!="noatunequalizer") return 0; bool standard=docElem.attribute("default", "0")=="0"; TQString n=docElem.attribute("name", 0); { // All the translations for the presets # ifdef I18N_STUFF I18N_NOOP("Trance"); I18N_NOOP("Dance"); I18N_NOOP("Metal"); I18N_NOOP("Jazz"); I18N_NOOP("Zero"); I18N_NOOP("Eclectic Guitar"); # endif } if (standard) n=i18n(n.local8Bit()); return n; } bool VPreset::setName(const TQString &name) { TQFile file(d->file); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) return false; TQDomDocument doc("noatunequalizer"); if (!doc.setContent(&file)) return false; TQDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement(); if (docElem.tagName()!="noatunequalizer") return false; if (docElem.attribute("name") == name) return true; if (EQ->presetByName(name)) return false; docElem.setAttribute("name", name); file.close(); if (!file.open(IO_ReadWrite | IO_Truncate)) return false; TQTextStream s(&file); s << doc.toString(); file.close(); emit EQ->renamed(*this); return true; } bool VPreset::isValid() const { return d->file.length(); } void VPreset::save() { KURL url; url.setPath(d->file); EQ->load(url); } void VPreset::load() const { KURL url; url.setPath(d->file); EQ->load(url); } TQString VPreset::file() const { return d->file; } void VPreset::remove() { KConfig *config=kapp->config(); config->setGroup("Equalizer"); TQStringList items=config->readListEntry("presets"); items.remove(file()); config->writeEntry("presets", items); config->sync(); emit EQ->removed(*this); if (file().find(kapp->dirs()->localkdedir())==0) { TQFile f(file()); f.remove(); } d->file = ""; } #undef EQ #undef ETQBACK #include "vequalizer.moc"