/* Copyright (c) 2000 Stefan Schimanski (1Stein@gmx.de) 1999-2000 Christian Esken (esken@kde.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "style.h" #include "userinterface.h" #include #include const bool KaimanStyleSlider::optionVertical = 1; const bool KaimanStyleSlider::optionReversed = 2; const bool KaimanStyleText::optionExtended = 1; KaimanStyleElement::KaimanStyleElement(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget(parent, name) { // Initialize everything to default values filename = ""; element = ""; upperLeft.setX(0); upperLeft.setY(0); dimension.setWidth(0); dimension.setHeight(0); optionPrelight = optionStatuslight = false; options[0] = options[1] = options[2] = false; _currentPixmap = 0; digits = -1; pixmapLines = 1; pixmapColumns = 1; setAcceptDrops(true); pixmaps.setAutoDelete(true); setBackgroundMode( NoBackground ); } KaimanStyleElement::~KaimanStyleElement() { } void KaimanStyleElement::loadPixmaps(QString &val_s_filename) { QPixmap pixmap; bool i_b_ret = pixmap.load(val_s_filename); pixmapNum = pixmapLines*pixmapColumns; pixmaps.resize(pixmapNum); if ( i_b_ret ) { if(pixmapNum) { int firstWidth, firstHeight, width, height, sourcex = 0, sourcey = 0; // first bitmap may be with different size if ( dimension.width()!=0 ) { firstWidth = dimension.width(); if ( pixmapColumns>1 ) width = (pixmap.width()-firstWidth) / (pixmapColumns-1); else width = 0; } else firstWidth = width = pixmap.width() / pixmapColumns; if ( dimension.height()!=0 ) { firstHeight = dimension.height(); if ( pixmapLines>1 ) height = (pixmap.height()-firstHeight) / (pixmapLines-1); else height = 0; } else firstHeight = height = pixmap.height() / pixmapLines; // create single pixmaps int i=0; sourcey = 0; for( int y=0; yfill(Qt::black); bitBlt(part,0,0,&pixmap,sourcex,sourcey,w,h); pixmaps.insert(i,part); if(pixmap.mask()) { QBitmap maskpart(w,h); bitBlt(&maskpart,0,0,pixmap.mask(),sourcex,sourcey,w,h); part->setMask(maskpart); } i++; sourcex += w; } sourcey += h; } } } else { kdDebug() << "Cannot load pixmap " << val_s_filename << endl; for ( int i=0; ifill(Qt::black); pixmaps.insert( i, pm ); } } if ( dimension.width()==0 ) dimension.setWidth( pixmaps[0]->width() ); if ( dimension.height()==0 ) dimension.setHeight( pixmaps[0]->height() ); setGeometry( QRect(upperLeft, dimension) ); } void KaimanStyleElement::setPixmap( int num ) { if ( num!=_currentPixmap ) { if ( num>pixmapNum-1 ) num = pixmapNum-1; if ( num<0 ) num = 0; _currentPixmap = num; repaint( FALSE ); } } void KaimanStyleElement::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent */*qpe*/ ) { QPixmap *pm = pixmaps[_currentPixmap]; if ( pm ) bitBlt(this, 0, 0, pm ); else kdDebug() << "Invalid pixmap" << endl; /* QPainter p( this ); p.setBrush( NoBrush ); p.setPen( QColor(255,255,255) ); p.drawRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ); p.drawText( 2, 16, name() ); */ } void KaimanStyleElement::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent *event ) { event->accept( KURLDrag::canDecode(event) ); } void KaimanStyleElement::dropEvent( QDropEvent *event ) { ((Kaiman*)(parentWidget()->parentWidget()))->doDropEvent(event); } /***************************************************************************/ KaimanStyleButton::KaimanStyleButton(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KaimanStyleMasked(parent, name) { i_b_lit = i_b_prelit = i_b_down = false; i_i_currentState = NormalUp; I_pmIndex.resize( StateListEND ); for (int i=0; i_max) value=_max; if (value<_min) value=_min; _value = value; repaint(); } void KaimanStyleSlider::setValue( int value, int min, int max ) { if ( value!=_value || min!=_min || max!=_max ) { _min = min; _max = max; setValue( value ); repaint(); } } int KaimanStyleSlider::pos2value( int x, int y ) { int p; int v; if ( options[optionVertical] ) { p = y; v = p*(_max-_min)/height(); } else { p = x; v = p*(_max-_min)/width(); } if ( options[optionReversed] ) v = (_max-_min) - v; return _min + v; } void KaimanStyleSlider::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *qme) { KaimanStyleMasked::mouseMoveEvent( qme ); if ( _down ) { setValue( pos2value(qme->x(), qme->y()) ); emit newValue( value() ); } } void KaimanStyleSlider::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *qme) { if ( !_down ) { grabMouse(); _down = true; setValue( pos2value(qme->x(), qme->y()) ); emit newValueDrag( value() ); emit newValue( value() ); } KaimanStyleMasked::mousePressEvent( qme ); } void KaimanStyleSlider::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *qme) { if ( _down ) { _down = false; releaseMouse(); repaint(); setValue( pos2value(qme->x(), qme->y()) ); emit newValue( value() ); emit newValueDrop( value() ); } KaimanStyleMasked::mouseReleaseEvent( qme ); } void KaimanStyleSlider::paintEvent(QPaintEvent */*qpe*/) { // draw background bitBlt( this, 0, 0, pixmaps[0] ); // draw optional handle QPixmap *handle; if ( _down ) handle = pixmaps[2]; else { if ( _lit && optionPrelight ) handle = pixmaps[3]; else handle = pixmaps[1]; } if ( handle && handle->width() ) { int x = 0; int y = 0; if ( _max-_min ) { int v = _value-_min; if ( options[optionReversed] ) v = (_max-_min) - v; if ( options[optionVertical] ) y = ( height()-handle->height() ) * v / (_max-_min); else x = ( width()-handle->width() ) * v / (_max-_min); } bitBlt( this, x, y, handle ); } } void KaimanStyleSlider::enterEvent ( QEvent * e ) { if ( !_lit && optionPrelight ) { _lit = true; repaint(); } KaimanStyleMasked::enterEvent( e ); } void KaimanStyleSlider::leaveEvent ( QEvent * e ) { if ( _lit ) { _lit = false; repaint(); } KaimanStyleMasked::leaveEvent( e ); } /***********************************************************************/ KaimanStyleBackground::KaimanStyleBackground(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KaimanStyleMasked( parent, name ) { i_b_move = false; } KaimanStyleBackground::~KaimanStyleBackground() { } void KaimanStyleBackground::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *qme) { i_b_move = false; KaimanStyleMasked::mouseReleaseEvent( qme ); } void KaimanStyleBackground::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *qme) { QPoint diff = qme->globalPos() - i_point_lastPos; if ( abs(diff.x()) > 10 || abs(diff.y()) > 10) { // Moving starts only, when passing a drag border i_b_move = true; } if ( i_b_move ) { QWidget *p = parentWidget()->parentWidget(); if ( !p ) p = parentWidget(); p->move( qme->globalPos() - i_point_dragStart ); } KaimanStyleMasked::mouseMoveEvent( qme ); } void KaimanStyleBackground::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *qme) { // On the background we move the shaped toplevel around if (!i_b_move) { i_point_dragStart = qme->pos(); i_point_lastPos = qme->globalPos(); } KaimanStyleMasked::mousePressEvent( qme ); } /***********************************************************************/ KaimanStyleValue::KaimanStyleValue(int min, int max, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KaimanStyleMasked( parent, name ) { _min = min; _max = max; _value = _min; setPixmap( 0 ); } KaimanStyleValue::~KaimanStyleValue() { } void KaimanStyleValue::setValue( int value ) { if (value>_max) value=_max; if (value<_min) value=_min; _value = value; int len = _max-_min; if ( len ) setPixmap( (_value-_min)*pixmapNum/len ); else setPixmap( 0 ); } void KaimanStyleValue::setValue( int value, int min, int max ) { _min = min; _max = max; setValue( value ); } /***********************************************************************/ KaimanStyleNumber::KaimanStyleNumber(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KaimanStyleElement( parent, name ) { //kdDebug(66666) << k_funcinfo << "name = '" << name << "'" << endl; _value = 0; if (QCString(name) == "In_Rate_Number") digits = 3; else digits = 2; } KaimanStyleNumber::~KaimanStyleNumber() { } void KaimanStyleNumber::loadPixmaps(QString &val_s_filename) { KaimanStyleElement::loadPixmaps( val_s_filename ); resize( digits*pixmaps[0]->width(),pixmaps[0]->height() ); } void KaimanStyleNumber::setValue( int value ) { if ( _value!=value ) { _value = value; repaint(); } } void KaimanStyleNumber::paintEvent(QPaintEvent */*qpe*/) { // check for overflow int v = _value; for ( int i=digits; i>0 && v>0; i-- ) v /= 10; if ( v!=0 ) v = 999999999; // overflow else v = _value; // draw number int x = width(); do { x -= pixmaps[0]->width(); bitBlt(this, x, 0, pixmaps[v%10] ); v /= 10; } while ( v>0 ); // draw right free space while ( x>0 ) { x -= pixmaps[0]->width(); bitBlt(this, x, 0, pixmaps[0] ); } /* QPainter p( this ); p.setBrush( NoBrush ); p.setPen( QColor(255,255,255) ); p.drawRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ); p.drawText( 2, 16, name() );*/ } /***********************************************************************/ KaimanStyleText::KaimanStyleText(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KaimanStyleElement( parent, name ) { _pos = 0; _timer = new QTimer( this ); _delay = 500; connect( _timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timeout()) ); } KaimanStyleText::~KaimanStyleText() { } void KaimanStyleText::loadPixmaps(QString &val_s_filename) { KaimanStyleElement::loadPixmaps( val_s_filename ); resize( digits*pixmaps[0]->width(), pixmaps[0]->height() ); } void KaimanStyleText::setValue( QString value ) { if ( value!=_value ) { _pos = 0; _direction = 1; _value = value; repaint(); } } void KaimanStyleText::startAnimation( int delay ) { _pos = 0; _direction = 1; _delay = delay; _timer->start( _delay, TRUE ); } void KaimanStyleText::stopAnimation() { _pos = 0; _timer->stop(); } void KaimanStyleText::timeout() { // reflect if ( _pos+_direction<0 || (int)_value.length()-(_pos+_direction)start( _delay*5, TRUE ); } else { // check new position if ( _pos+_direction>=0 && (int)_value.length()-(_pos+_direction)>=digits ) { _pos += _direction; repaint(); } _timer->start( _delay, TRUE ); } } void KaimanStyleText::paintEvent(QPaintEvent */*qpe*/) { // draw number int p; for (p=0; p=96 ) pmNum = '?' - ' '; if ( pmNum<0 ) pmNum = '?' - ' '; QPixmap *pm = pixmaps[pmNum]; if ( pm ) bitBlt(this, p*pixmaps[0]->width(), 0, pm ); } QPixmap *pm = pixmaps[0]; for ( ; pwidth(), 0, pm ); /* QPainter pnt( this ); pnt.setBrush( NoBrush ); pnt.setPen( QColor(255,255,255) ); pnt.drawRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ); pnt.drawText( 2, 16, name() );*/ } /***********************************************************************/ KaimanStyleAnimation::KaimanStyleAnimation(int delay, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KaimanStyleMasked( parent, name ) { _delay = delay; _frame = 0; _timer = new QTimer( this ); connect( _timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timeout()) ); } KaimanStyleAnimation::~KaimanStyleAnimation() { } void KaimanStyleAnimation::start() { _timer->start( _delay, FALSE ); } void KaimanStyleAnimation::pause() { _timer->stop(); } void KaimanStyleAnimation::stop() { _timer->stop(); _frame = 0; setPixmap( _frame ); } void KaimanStyleAnimation::timeout() { _frame++; if ( _frame>=pixmapNum ) _frame = 1; setPixmap( _frame ); } /***********************************************************************/ KaimanStyleState::KaimanStyleState(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KaimanStyleMasked( parent, name ) { _value = 0; } KaimanStyleState::~KaimanStyleState() { } void KaimanStyleState::setValue( int value ) { _value = value; setPixmap( _value ); } void KaimanStyleState::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *qme) { emit clicked(); KaimanStyleMasked::mouseReleaseEvent( qme ); } /***********************************************************************/ KaimanStyle::KaimanStyle( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ) { i_qw_parent = parent; i_eventSemaphore = false; } KaimanStyle::~KaimanStyle() { } int KaimanStyle::parseStyleFile(QString &l_s_tmpName) { int l_i_ret = false; QStringList l_s_tokens; QFile l_fd(l_s_tmpName); if ( l_fd.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { // file opened successfully QTextStream l_ts_line( &l_fd ); QString l_s_textLine, l_s_token; while ( !l_ts_line.eof() ) { // Clear list of tokens (we are going to fill them now) l_s_tokens.clear(); // Read a line l_s_textLine = l_ts_line.readLine(); l_s_textLine = l_s_textLine.simplifyWhiteSpace(); if ( l_s_textLine.left(1) != "#" ) { // OK, this is not a comment line if ( l_s_textLine.isNull()) l_s_textLine = ""; while ( !l_s_textLine.isEmpty() ) { l_s_token = getToken(l_s_textLine, ' '); if ( ! l_s_token.isEmpty() ) { // OK. There is a useful token. It is not NULL if ( l_s_token.right(1) == ":" ) l_s_tokens.append(l_s_token.left(l_s_token.length() -1 )); else l_s_tokens.append(l_s_token); } // -<- if it is a not-empty token } // -<- while there are tokens available interpretTokens(l_s_tokens); } // -<- if is not comment line } // -<- While not EOF on file l_i_ret = 0; } // -<- if file could be opened else { l_i_ret = KaimanStyle::FileNotFound; } return l_i_ret; } /* This function gets a list of tokens and inserts a new KaimanStyleElement in I_styleElem. */ void KaimanStyle::interpretTokens(QStringList& ref_s_tokens) { if ( ref_s_tokens.count() < 1 ) { // A list with less than 1 item is useless to us return; } QString l_s_tokenTypes; const QString &l_s_elem = ref_s_tokens.first(); bool l_vertPixmaps = false; int l_i_pmIndex[KaimanStyleButton::StateListEND]; for (int i=0; ishow(); break; case MaskElement: l_kse_elem = new KaimanStyleElement(this, l_s_elem.latin1()); l_kse_elem->hide(); break; case ButtonElement: l_kse_elem = new KaimanStyleButton(this, l_s_elem.latin1()); but = static_cast(l_kse_elem); l_kse_elem->show(); break; case SliderElement: l_kse_elem = new KaimanStyleSlider(0, 100, this, l_s_elem.latin1()); i_sliders.append(l_kse_elem); l_kse_elem->show(); break; case ValueElement: l_kse_elem = new KaimanStyleValue(0, 100, this, l_s_elem.latin1()); break; case AnimationElement: l_kse_elem = new KaimanStyleAnimation(30, this, l_s_elem.latin1()); break; case StateElement: l_kse_elem = new KaimanStyleState(this, l_s_elem.latin1()); break; case NumberElement: l_kse_elem = new KaimanStyleNumber(this, l_s_elem.latin1()); break; case TextElement: l_kse_elem = new KaimanStyleText(this, l_s_elem.latin1()); break; default: break; } if ( !l_kse_elem ) { kdDebug() << "Ignoring style element " << l_s_elem << endl; return; } // insert element into element list uint l_i_size = I_styleElem.size(); I_styleElem.resize(l_i_size + 1); I_styleElem.insert(l_i_size, l_kse_elem); l_kse_elem->installEventFilter( this ); // initialize element parameters l_kse_elem->element = l_s_elem; if ( l_s_tokenTypes.left(1) == "V" ) { // Vertical flag l_vertPixmaps = true; l_s_tokenTypes = l_s_tokenTypes.mid(1); } // initialize button parameters if ( but ) { for (int i=0; iI_pmIndex.insert(i, new int(l_i_pmIndex[i]) ); } // 2) Fill the KaimanStyleElement structure, by interpreting the tokens. while ( l_s_tokenTypes.length() != 0 ) { /* The skindata format allows omitting arguments if the parser can reconstruct without problems what you mean. This is taken into account when writing the l_s_tokenTypes sting. Unfortunately, several skins do ship with a broken skindata file. Most common problem is that width and height is also given. Even worse examples leave out specified parametes and add others. For instance, the pause line is specified as "fPSxy". But in k9 the line looks like Pause_Button: pause.jpg FALSE 91 148 116 173 So the actual parameters are fPxywh. The parser has to be pretty smart now. It should "see" that S (status light) is not present, since that should be either TRUE or FALSE, and distribute the others accordingly. */ bool skipOne; do { skipOne = false; // Take the first item from the l_s_tokenTypes; char l_c_type = (l_s_tokenTypes[0]).latin1(); l_s_tokenTypes = l_s_tokenTypes.mid(1); QString l_s_token = *li_s_tokens; switch(l_c_type) { case 'f': // filename l_kse_elem->filename = l_s_token; break; case 'P': // Prelight if ( l_s_token.upper() == "TRUE" ) l_kse_elem->optionPrelight = true; else { l_kse_elem->optionPrelight = false; // was that token really there? skipOne = ( l_s_token.upper() != "FALSE" ); } break; case 'S': // Statuslight if ( l_s_token.upper() == "TRUE" ) l_kse_elem->optionStatuslight = true; else { l_kse_elem->optionStatuslight = false; // was that token really there? skipOne = ( l_s_token.upper() != "FALSE" ); } break; case '1': // parameter 1 if ( l_s_token.upper() == "TRUE" ) l_kse_elem->options[0] = true; else { l_kse_elem->options[0] = false; // was that token really there? skipOne = ( l_s_token.upper() != "FALSE" ); } break; case '2': // parameter 2 if ( l_s_token.upper() == "TRUE" ) l_kse_elem->options[1] = true; else { l_kse_elem->options[1] = false; // was that token really there? skipOne = ( l_s_token.upper() != "FALSE" ); } break; case '3': // parameter 3 if ( l_s_token.upper() == "TRUE" ) l_kse_elem->options[2] = true; else { l_kse_elem->options[2] = false; // was that token really there? skipOne = ( l_s_token.upper() != "FALSE" ); } break; case 'l': // length if ( l_vertPixmaps ) l_kse_elem->pixmapLines = l_s_token.toInt(); else l_kse_elem->pixmapColumns = l_s_token.toInt(); break; case 'x': // x Position l_kse_elem->upperLeft.setX(l_s_token.toInt()); break; case 'y': // y Position l_kse_elem->upperLeft.setY(l_s_token.toInt()); break; case 's': // dimension if ( l_kse_elem->options[KaimanStyleSlider::optionVertical] ) l_kse_elem->dimension.setHeight(l_s_token.toInt()); else l_kse_elem->dimension.setWidth(l_s_token.toInt()); break; case 'w': // width l_kse_elem->dimension.setWidth(l_s_token.toInt()); break; case 'h': // height l_kse_elem->dimension.setHeight(l_s_token.toInt()); break; case 'd': // number of digits l_kse_elem->digits = l_s_token.toInt(); break; default: kdDebug() << "Element type '" << l_c_type << "' unknown" << endl; } if(skipOne) { kdDebug() << "Skipped one element '" << l_c_type << "'" << endl; } } while(skipOne && l_s_tokenTypes.length() != 0); // Next token. ++li_s_tokens; if (li_s_tokens == ref_s_tokens.end() ) { // End of token list break; } } /* Do some post-processing */ if( l_elementType==ButtonElement ) { // if(but->optionPrelight) { // --- Has Prelight --- if(but->optionStatuslight) but->pixmapColumns = 6; else { but->pixmapColumns = 3; but->I_pmIndex.insert( KaimanStyleButton::LitUp, new int( *(but->I_pmIndex[KaimanStyleButton::NormalUp]))); but->I_pmIndex.insert( KaimanStyleButton::LitDown, new int( *(but->I_pmIndex[KaimanStyleButton::NormalDown]))); } } else { // --- Has No Prelight --- but->I_pmIndex.insert( KaimanStyleButton::PrelightUp, new int( *(but->I_pmIndex[KaimanStyleButton::NormalUp]))); but->I_pmIndex.insert( KaimanStyleButton::PrelightLitUp, new int( *(but->I_pmIndex[KaimanStyleButton::LitUp]))); if(l_kse_elem->optionStatuslight) but->pixmapColumns = 4; else { but->pixmapColumns = 2; but->I_pmIndex.insert( KaimanStyleButton::LitUp, new int( *(but->I_pmIndex[KaimanStyleButton::NormalUp]))); but->I_pmIndex.insert( KaimanStyleButton::LitDown, new int( *(but->I_pmIndex[KaimanStyleButton::NormalDown]))); but->I_pmIndex.insert( KaimanStyleButton::PrelightLitUp, new int( *(but->I_pmIndex[KaimanStyleButton::NormalUp]))); } } } else if( l_elementType==NumberElement ) { // number items l_kse_elem->pixmapColumns = 11; if ( l_kse_elem->filename=="Small" ) l_kse_elem->filename = i_smallFont; else if ( l_kse_elem->filename=="Large" ) l_kse_elem->filename = i_largeFont; } else if( l_elementType==SliderElement ) { // slider items if ( l_kse_elem->options[KaimanStyleSlider::optionVertical] ) l_kse_elem->pixmapLines = l_kse_elem->optionPrelight ? 4 : 3; else l_kse_elem->pixmapColumns = l_kse_elem->optionPrelight ? 4 : 3; } else if( l_elementType==TextElement ) { // text items l_kse_elem->pixmapColumns = 32; l_kse_elem->pixmapLines = l_kse_elem->options[KaimanStyleText::optionExtended] ? 6 : 3; } else { // if(l_s_elem == "Stereo_Item") l_kse_elem->pixmapLines = 3; else if(l_s_elem == "Shuffle_Item") l_kse_elem->pixmapLines = 2; else if(l_s_elem == "Repeat_Item") l_kse_elem->pixmapLines = 2; else if(l_s_elem == "Mpegversion_Item") l_kse_elem->pixmapLines = 3; else if(l_s_elem == "Mpegversion_Item") l_kse_elem->pixmapLines = 4; else if(l_s_elem == "Mpegmode_Item") l_kse_elem->pixmapLines = 5; else if(l_s_elem == "Status_Item") l_kse_elem->pixmapLines = 3; } // } QString KaimanStyle::getToken(QString &val_s_string, char val_c_separator) { int l_i_pos; QString l_s_token; // Find the first occurrence of the separator l_i_pos = val_s_string.find(val_c_separator, 0, false); if ( l_i_pos == -1 ) { // No sparator! Then the whole string is the token l_s_token = val_s_string; val_s_string = ""; } else { // Separator found: Split the string at the separator position l_s_token = val_s_string.left(l_i_pos); val_s_string.remove(0,l_i_pos); } val_s_string = val_s_string.simplifyWhiteSpace(); // Return the first token return l_s_token; } bool KaimanStyle::loadStyle(const QString &styleName, const QString &descFile) { bool l_b_ret = true; int l_i_ret = 0; QString l_s_tmpName; i_skinName = styleName; this->i_s_styleName = styleName; i_s_styleBase = QString("skins/kaiman/") + i_s_styleName + QString("/"); l_s_tmpName = locate("appdata", i_s_styleBase + descFile ); if ( l_s_tmpName.isNull() ) { l_b_ret = false; } if ( l_b_ret) { // Skin description found. Now parse StyleFile. l_i_ret = parseStyleFile(l_s_tmpName); if (l_i_ret == 0) { // If parsiing OK, load the referenced pixmaps l_b_ret = loadPixmaps(); kdDebug(66666) << "Found " << I_styleElem.count() << " elements." << endl; } else { if ( l_i_ret == KaimanStyle::FileNotFound ) { // File not found KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n("Cannot load style. Style not installed.") ); } else { // Parsing not OK: Notify user KMessageBox::error( 0, i18n("Cannot load style. Unsupported or faulty style description.") ); } } } return l_b_ret; } bool KaimanStyle::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { /* HACK! HACK! HACK! */ if ( !i_eventSemaphore ) if ( e->type()==QEvent::MouseMove || e->type()==QEvent::MouseButtonPress || e->type()==QEvent::MouseButtonRelease ) { QMouseEvent *m = (QMouseEvent*)e; // handle noatun context menu if (m->button()==RightButton) { NoatunStdAction::ContextMenu::showContextMenu(); return true; } QPoint mousePos( m->x()+static_cast(o)->x(), m->y()+static_cast(o)->y() ); QWidget *slider = 0; /* find slider that is under the mouse position */ for ( QWidget *s = i_sliders.first(); s!=0; s=i_sliders.next() ) { QRect sliderRect( s->pos(), s->size() ); if ( sliderRect.contains(mousePos) ) slider = s; } /* the slider the mouse events instead of the visible widget */ if ( slider ) { QMouseEvent newMouseEvent( m->type(), mousePos-slider->pos(), m->globalPos(), m->button(), m->state() ); i_eventSemaphore = true; bool ret = QApplication::sendEvent( slider, &newMouseEvent ); i_eventSemaphore = false; return ret; } } return QWidget::eventFilter( o, e ); // standard event processing } bool KaimanStyle::loadPixmaps() { QString l_s_tmpName; QPixmap *l_pixmap_Background = 0, *l_pixmap_Mask = 0; KaimanStyleElement *l_kse_elem; for ( uint l_i_elem = 0; l_i_elemfilename ); l_kse_elem->loadPixmaps(l_s_tmpName); } l_kse_elem = this->find("Background"); if ( l_kse_elem != 0 ) { l_pixmap_Background = l_kse_elem->pixmaps[0]; } l_kse_elem = this->find("Mask"); if ( l_kse_elem != 0 ) { l_pixmap_Mask = l_kse_elem->pixmaps[0]; } if ( (l_pixmap_Background != 0) && (l_pixmap_Mask != 0) ) { // OK, background and mask are defined. So now I can calculate the shape int l_i_width_Mask = l_pixmap_Mask->width(); int l_i_height_Mask = l_pixmap_Mask->height(); QImage l_image_MaskOrig = l_pixmap_Mask->convertToImage(); QImage l_image_Mask(l_i_width_Mask,l_i_height_Mask, 1, 2, QImage::LittleEndian); l_image_Mask.setColor( 0, 0x00ffffff ); l_image_Mask.setColor( 1, 0 ); l_image_Mask.fill( 0xff ); uchar *l_c_pixel; uint l_qcol_white = qRgb(255,255,255); for (int l_i_x=0; l_i_x>3) ) &= ~(1 << (l_i_x & 7)); } } } i_bitmap_Mask.convertFromImage(l_image_Mask); // l_pixmap_Background.setMask(i_bitmap_Mask); } return true; } QBitmap* KaimanStyle::Mask() { return &i_bitmap_Mask; } KaimanStyleElement* KaimanStyle::find(const char *val_s_elemName) { for (uint i=0; i< I_styleElem.count(); i++) { if ( I_styleElem[i]->element == QString(val_s_elemName)) { return I_styleElem[i]; } } return 0; } #include "style.moc"