#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "keyz.h" extern "C" { KDE_EXPORT Plugin *create_plugin() { return new Keyz(); } } KGlobalAccel * Keyz::s_accel = 0L; Keyz::Keyz() : QObject( 0L, "Keyz" ), Plugin(), preMuteVol(0) { NOATUNPLUGINC(Keyz); Player *player = napp->player(); if ( !s_accel ) { s_accel = new KGlobalAccel( this, "noatunglobalaccel" ); s_accel->insert( "PlayPause", i18n("Play/Pause"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+Key_P, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_P, player, SLOT( playpause() )); s_accel->insert( "Stop", i18n("Stop Playing"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+Key_S, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_S, player, SLOT( stop() )); s_accel->insert( "Back", i18n("Back"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+Key_Left, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_Left, player, SLOT( back() )); s_accel->insert( "Forward", i18n("Forward"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+Key_Right, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_Right, player, SLOT( forward() )); s_accel->insert( "Playlist", i18n("Show/Hide Playlist"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+Key_L, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_L, player, SLOT( toggleListView() )); s_accel->insert( "OpenFile", i18n("Open File to Play"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+Key_O, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_O, napp, SLOT( fileOpen() )); s_accel->insert( "Effects", i18n("Effects Configuration"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+Key_E, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_E, napp, SLOT( effectView() )); s_accel->insert( "Preferences", i18n("Preferences"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+Key_F, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_F, napp, SLOT( preferences() )); s_accel->insert( "VolumeUp", i18n("Volume Up"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+Key_Up, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+SHIFT+Key_Up, this, SLOT( slotVolumeUp() )); s_accel->insert( "VolumeDown", i18n("Volume Down"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+Key_Down, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+SHIFT+Key_Down, this, SLOT( slotVolumeDown() )); s_accel->insert( "Mute", i18n("Mute"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+Key_M, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_M, this, SLOT( slotMute() )); s_accel->insert( "SeekForward", i18n("Seek Forward"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+Key_Right, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+SHIFT+Key_Right, this, SLOT( slotForward() )); s_accel->insert( "SeekBackward", i18n("Seek Backward"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+Key_Left, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+SHIFT+Key_Left, this, SLOT( slotBackward() )); s_accel->insert( "NextSection", i18n("Next Section"), QString::null, 0, 0, this, SLOT( slotNextSection() )); s_accel->insert( "PrevSection", i18n("Previous Section"), QString::null, 0, 0, this, SLOT( slotPrevSection() )); s_accel->insert( "CopyTitle", i18n("Copy Song Title to Clipboard"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+Key_C, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_C, this, SLOT( slotCopyTitle() )); s_accel->insert( "ToggleGUI", i18n("Show/Hide Main Window"), QString::null, CTRL+ALT+Key_W, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_W, napp, SLOT( toggleInterfaces() )); s_accel->readSettings(); s_accel->updateConnections(); } new KeyzPrefs(this); } Keyz::~Keyz() { delete s_accel; s_accel = 0L; } void Keyz::slotVolumeUp() { int vol = napp->player()->volume(); if ( vol >= 100 ) return; napp->player()->setVolume( vol + 4 ); } void Keyz::slotVolumeDown() { int vol = napp->player()->volume(); if ( vol <= 0 ) return; napp->player()->setVolume( vol - 4 ); } void Keyz::slotForward() { napp->player()->skipTo( QMIN(napp->player()->getLength(), napp->player()->getTime() + 3000) ); // + 3 seconds } void Keyz::slotBackward() { napp->player()->skipTo( QMAX( 0, napp->player()->getTime() - 3000 )); // - 3 seconds } void Keyz::slotNextSection() { Playlist *list = napp->playlist(); if ( list ) { PlaylistItem item = list->nextSection(); if ( !item.isNull() ) napp->player()->play( item ); } } void Keyz::slotPrevSection() { Playlist *list = napp->playlist(); if ( list ) { PlaylistItem item = list->previousSection(); if ( !item.isNull() ) napp->player()->play( item ); } } void Keyz::slotCopyTitle() { if (napp->player()->current()) KApplication::kApplication()->clipboard()->setText(napp->player()->current().title()); } void Keyz::slotMute() { int vol = napp->player()->volume(); if ( vol <= 0 ) // already muted { vol = preMuteVol; } else // we should mute { preMuteVol = vol; vol = 0; } napp->player()->setVolume( vol ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KeyzPrefs::KeyzPrefs( QObject *parent ) : CModule( i18n("Keyz"), i18n("Shortcut Configuration"), "key_bindings", parent ) { QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); m_chooser = new KKeyChooser( Keyz::accel(), this ); layout->addWidget( m_chooser ); } void KeyzPrefs::save() { m_chooser->commitChanges(); Keyz::accel()->updateConnections(); Keyz::accel()->writeSettings(); } #include "keyz.moc"