ChangeLog (only lists MY changes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2003-01-09 Stefan Gehn * Allow use of system fonts instead of skin-supplied pixmap-fonts, user has to take care for choosing an appropriate font and font-color 2003-01-19 Stefan Gehn * Equalizer support * Ignore unsupported buttons for spectrum/oscilloscope, won't work with default skin anyway * Display about-lines in skinselector 2002-04-04 Stefan Gehn * Started work on config-dialog, this will unhide most things you can now only set by clicking on widgets (i.e. time counting mode) 2002-01-21 Stefan Gehn * Actually read counting-mode of time-display from config 2002-01-20 Stefan Gehn * Fix ugly crash on Startup related to Time-Display * less debug 2002-01-06 Stefan Gehn * Made Playlist-button show if playlist-window is open even after loading a new skin * Added Tooltips for text-displays * usual removal of old debug-messages and adding new ones :) 2002-01-04 Stefan Gehn * changed scrolling-text behaviour (scrolls 1/2 char every 400ms now) * playlist-button is a state-button, i.e. shows if playlist-window is open or not * commented or removed some more unused debug-messages 2001-12-14 Stefan Gehn * slightly changed skin-installer (creates dirs without archive extension) * code cleanups, removed debug-messages 2001-12-12 Stefan Gehn * finally made font-spacing between characters working (no garbage inside space) * textfields with more space than needed for the string to display now get centered text (take a look at volumetext or pitchtext to see the centere-effect) * Noatun is not shown in taskbar if in dockmode as it's no normal window in that mode * take care if Playlist is shown/hidden and update the playlistbutton * using kdDebug(66666) for debugmessages instead of stderr-output 2001-10-04 Stefan Gehn * Still fighting with analyzer and osci visualizations, now both are buffered and flicker-free * fixed stupid bug in isGray(qRgb), now RGB(0,0,0) is treated as gray again :) * commented out (hopefully) unneded debug-messages * added splash-screen for skins supporting it (only skin I know of: K-Nine) 2001-09-30 Stefan Gehn * ignore alpha-channel of loaded files, they break applying masks to QPixmaps, result of this is text without transparency (this happened for two skins: adagio and xbs) 2001-09-28 Stefan Gehn * analyzer-like scope is now drawn using a gradient instead of exactly one boring color * removed KJLoader::fixSkin() as Njaard deleted the script doing all the work, I assume that this is not needed anymore (guess: maybe QT3 now handles most fileformats in a proper way?) 2001-09-22 Stefan Gehn * isGray(qRgb) is more tolerant, colors like rgb(162,163,162) are treated as gray too This fixes some volume/pitch-sliders and makes using them a lot easier * made titletext move again (works with and without transparent text) 2001-09-16 Stefan Gehn * Made it compile with QT3 and stopped using Njaard's hack to load PNGs 2001-09-04 Stefan Gehn * added support for transparent fonts (a skin named steelforged still got problems though) for the moment this disables moving of titletext, I have to find a new way to move it (bitblt on a masked QPixmap is tricky) 2001-09-03 Stefan Gehn * added support for pitch-slider and its textlabel kjöfol now depends on libartsmodules because of pitch-support * finished splitting up kjloader.cpp into several files. Now almost every class has its own file also took care that compiling with --enable-final works 2001-09-02 Stefan Gehn * started splitting up kjloader.cpp into several files Before 2001-09-02 Stefan Gehn I should have started a ChangeLog earlier :/ Never thought I would change THAT much (it all started with small noatun-bugfixes) I'll now try to list the tons of changes done before (totally unordered) * fixed seeker to work with long files (I've got a 330min mp3, seeking did not work behind about 120min) * made the repeat-button work, it switches between no-looping and song-looping * made the forward/backward-buttons work, they will skip 10 seconds * added dockmode-support, in this mode kjöfol will dock to the currently active window the window's behaviour looks like this mode needs some more work * added support for textlabels showing current volume * added a skininstaller, it still needs proper widgets showing the actions going on (unpacking, moving files, deleting files on uninstall) * tweaked builtin visualizations, both now try to fit into any possible skin last activated vis is remembered on restart * vis honors "AnalyzerColor" and defaults to white if that key is missing in the skin.rc * support for buttons with "DARKEN"-flag (normally "BMPsomenumber" is used) * made kjofol parse the skin.rc in lowercase only, now it's fully case-insensitve * many many tests for existence of keys, 99% of former crashes were caused by not making sure a certain key really exists. Many places now assume "default"-values if keys are missing, this leads to MUCH better compatibility