/*************************************************************************** kjequalizer.cpp - links noatun VEqualizer and KJofol -------------------------------------- Maintainer: Stefan Gehn ***************************************************************************/ #include "kjequalizer.h" #include "kjequalizer.moc" #include #include #include #include #include KJEqualizer::KJEqualizer(const QStringList &l, KJLoader *p) : QObject(0), KJWidget(p), mBack(0), mView(0), mInterpEq(0) { int x=l[1].toInt(); int y=l[2].toInt(); int xs=l[3].toInt()-x; int ys=l[4].toInt()-y; setRect(x,y,xs,ys); mBars = p->pixmap(parser()["equalizerbmp"][3]); mBands = l[6].toInt(); mXSpace = l[7].toInt(); // background under equalizer // needed to only blit onto screen ONCE and not for every band QPixmap tmp = p->pixmap(p->item("backgroundimage")[1]); mBack = new KPixmap ( QSize(xs,ys) ); bitBlt( mBack, 0, 0, &tmp, x, y, xs, ys, Qt::CopyROP ); // buffer for view mView = new QPixmap ( xs, ys ); mBandWidth=parser()["EqualizerBmp"][1].toInt(); mBandHalfHeight=parser()["EqualizerBmp"][2].toInt(); kdDebug(66666) << "[KJEqualizer] mBands=" << mBands << ", mXSpace=" << mXSpace << ", mBandWidth=" << mBandWidth << ", mBandHalfHeight=" << mBandHalfHeight << "." << endl; kdDebug(66666) << "[KJEqualizer] creating VInterpolation for " << mBands << " bands..." << endl; mInterpEq = new VInterpolation(mBands); // napp->vequalizer()->setBands(mBands); // FIXME: hack because spline sucks :P connect(napp->vequalizer(), SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateBuffer())); slotUpdateBuffer(); // fill mView pixmap with valid data } KJEqualizer::~KJEqualizer(void) { delete mInterpEq; delete mView; delete mBack; } int KJEqualizer::barNum(const QPoint &pos) const { int x = pos.x(); x = x / mXSpace; return mInterpEq->bands() * x / mBands; } int KJEqualizer::level(const QPoint &pos) const { int y = ((-pos.y()) + mBandHalfHeight+1) * (200/mBandHalfHeight); return y; } void KJEqualizer::paint(QPainter *p, const QRect &) { QPixmap temp(rect().width(), rect().height()); // draw background into buffer bitBlt ( &temp, 0, 0, mBack, 0, 0, -1, -1, Qt::CopyROP ); // draw band sliders into buffer bitBlt( &temp, 0, 0, mView, 0, 0, rect().width(), rect().height(), Qt::CopyROP); // and draw it on screen bitBlt(p->device(), rect().topLeft(), &temp, QRect(0,0,-1,-1), Qt::CopyROP); } void KJEqualizer::slotUpdateBuffer() { // kdDebug(66666) << "[KJEqualizer] slotUpdateBuffer() called." << endl; QBitmap regionMask( rect().width(), rect().height(), true); // fully transparent mask QPainter mask( ®ionMask ); QPoint destX = QPoint(0, 0); for (int band=0; bandlevel(band); if (level>200) level=200; if (level<-200) level=-200; int picNum = ((int)(level+200)*(mBandHalfHeight-1) / 400) + 1; int xPos = (picNum * mBandWidth) - mBandWidth; // kdDebug(66666) << "[KJEqualizer] band=" << band << ", level=" << level << ", picNum=" << picNum << " @ xpos=" << xPos << "." << endl; bitBlt(mView, destX, &mBars, QRect(xPos,0,mBandWidth,rect().height()), Qt::CopyROP); // make slider opaque in mask so you see something on screen mask.fillRect ( destX.x(), 0, mBandWidth, rect().height(), Qt::color1 ); destX += QPoint(mXSpace,0); } // for() // whole thingy has been drawn, now set the mask mView->setMask( regionMask ); repaint(); } void KJEqualizer::mouseMove(const QPoint &p, bool in) { if (!in) return; mousePress(p); } bool KJEqualizer::mousePress(const QPoint &p) { kdDebug(66666) << "[KJEqualizer] setting band " << mBands << "/" << barNum(p)+1 << " to level " << level(p) << endl; VBand b = mInterpEq->band( barNum(p) ); b.setLevel( level(p) ); // mouseMove(p, true); return true; }