/*************************************************************************** kjseeker.cpp --------------------------------------------- slider that lets the user jump inside the currently played file --------------------------------------------- Maintainer: Stefan Gehn ***************************************************************************/ #include "kjseeker.h" #include "kjloader.h" #include "helpers.cpp" #include #include KJSeeker::KJSeeker(const QStringList &i, KJLoader *l) : KJWidget(l), g(0) { QString activeBg = backgroundPressed("bmp1"); if(activeBg.isEmpty()) { kdDebug(66666) << k_funcinfo << "No pressed background found for seeker," << " using default background!" << endl; parent()->image(parser()["backgroundimage"][1]); } else mActive = parent()->image(activeBg); mScale = parent()->image(parser()["seekimage"][1]); QImage pixmapNoPress = parent()->image(parser()["backgroundimage"][1]); // generate transparent mask int x, y, xs, ys; x=i[1].toInt(); y=i[2].toInt(); xs=i[3].toInt()-x; ys=i[4].toInt()-y; setRect(x,y,xs,ys); QImage transmask(xs, ys, 1, 2, QImage::LittleEndian); #if QT_VERSION < 0x030300 transmask.setColor(0, qRgb(0,0,0)); transmask.setColor(1, qRgb(255,255,255)); #else transmask.setColor(1, qRgb(0,0,0)); transmask.setColor(0, qRgb(255,255,255)); #endif // clear the pointers memset(barmodeImages, 0, 256*sizeof(QImage*)); memset(barmode, 0, 256*sizeof(QPixmap*)); // Now do the pixel føking // kdDebug(66666) << "creating Pixmaps for Seeker" << endl; for (int iy=y;iy255) level=255; // allocate the pixmap of the level proper // copy the color to the surface proper QRgb activeColor=mActive.pixel(ix,iy); QRgb inactiveColor=pixmapNoPress.pixel(ix,iy); // set this pixel and everything before it for(int i=0; iscanLine(iy-y); l[ix-x]=inactiveColor; } do { if (!barmodeImages[level]) barmodeImages[level]=new QImage(xs,ys, 32); QRgb *l=(QRgb*)barmodeImages[level]->scanLine(iy-y); l[ix-x]=activeColor; } while (level++<255); } } // kdDebug(66666) << "finished creating Pixmaps" << endl; // create the blank one barmode[0]=new QPixmap(xs, ys); QPixmap px=parent()->pixmap(parser()["backgroundimage"][1]); bitBlt(barmode[0], 0, 0, &px, x, y, xs, ys, Qt::CopyROP); px.convertFromImage(transmask); barModeMask=px; // kdDebug(66666) << "END KJSeeker constructor" << endl; } QPixmap *KJSeeker::toPixmap(int n) { if (!barmodeImages[n]) return barmode[n]; barmode[n]=new QPixmap( barmodeImages[n]->width(), barmodeImages[n]->height() ); barmode[n]->convertFromImage(*barmodeImages[n]); delete barmodeImages[n]; barmodeImages[n]=0; return barmode[n]; } KJSeeker::~KJSeeker() { for (uint i=0; i<256; i++) { if (barmode[i]) delete barmode[i]; if (barmodeImages[i]) delete barmodeImages[i]; } } void KJSeeker::paint(QPainter *p, const QRect &) { closest(); QPixmap *pixmap = toPixmap(g); pixmap->setMask(barModeMask); bitBlt(p->device(), rect().topLeft().x(), rect().topLeft().y(), pixmap, 0, 0, rect().width(), rect().height(), Qt::CopyROP); } bool KJSeeker::mousePress(const QPoint &pos) { return (isGray(mScale.pixel(rect().topLeft().x()+pos.x(), rect().topLeft().y()+pos.y()))); } void KJSeeker::mouseRelease(const QPoint &pos, bool in) { int x = rect().topLeft().x()+pos.x(); int y = rect().topLeft().y()+pos.y(); if(napp->player()->isStopped()) return; if(!mScale.valid(x, y)) return; QRgb color=mScale.pixel(x, y); // user released mousebutton outside of the seeker-area (which is gray) if ( (!isGray(color)) || (!in) ) return; g = grayRgb(color); repaint(); // kdDebug(66666) << "length : " << napp->player()->getLength() << endl; // kdDebug(66666) << "skip to: " << ((long long)g*(long long)napp->player()->getLength())/255 << endl; // g * titlelength can get REALLY HUGE, that's why I used (long long) napp->player()->skipTo( ((long long)g*(long long)napp->player()->getLength())/255 ); return; } void KJSeeker::timeUpdate(int sec) { int length = napp->player()->getLength() / 1000; if (length<1) length=1; if (sec > length) sec = length; else if ( sec < 0 ) sec=0; g = sec * 255 / length; //kdDebug(66666) << "sec: " << sec << " len: " << length << " g: " << g << endl; QPainter p(parent()); paint(&p, rect()); } void KJSeeker::closest() { int south=g, north=g; bool southtried=false, northtried=false; while ( !barmode[south] && !barmodeImages[south] && !barmode[north] && !barmodeImages[north]) { if (southtried && northtried) { g=0; return; } south--; north++; if (north>255) {northtried=true; north=g;} if (south<0) {southtried=true; south=g;} } if (barmode[south] || barmodeImages[south]) g=south; else if (barmode[north] || barmodeImages[north]) g=north; }