/*************************************************************************** kjsliders.cpp --------------------------------------------- Sliders for Volume and Pitch --------------------------------------------- Maintainer: Stefan Gehn ***************************************************************************/ // local includes #include "kjsliders.h" #include "kjtextdisplay.h" #include "kjprefs.h" #include "helpers.cpp" // kde includes #include #include // arts-includes, needed for pitch #include #include #include #include // noatun includes #include #include /******************************************* * KJVolumeBar *******************************************/ KJVolumeBar::KJVolumeBar(const TQStringList &i, KJLoader *p) : KJWidget(p), mVolume(0), mText(0) { int x, y, xs, ys; x=i[1].toInt(); y=i[2].toInt(); xs=i[3].toInt()-x; ys=i[4].toInt()-y; setRect ( x, y, xs, ys ); // kdDebug(66666) << "x: " << x << " y: " << y << " w: " << xs << " h: " << ys << endl; mBack = parent()->pixmap(parser()["backgroundimage"][1]); mSlider = parent()->pixmap(parser()["volumecontrolimage"][1]); } TQString KJVolumeBar::tip() { return i18n("Volume"); } void KJVolumeBar::paint(TQPainter *p, const TQRect &) { // kdDebug(66666) << "x: " << rect().x() << " y: " << rect().y() << endl; // kdDebug(66666) << "vol x: " << rect().x()+(mVolume*rect().width())/100 << endl; // center of that slider-pixmap // TQPoint hotSpot = TQPoint( mSlider.width()/2, mSlider.height()/2 ); // draw our background bitBlt( p->device(), rect().x() /*- hotSpot.x()*/, rect().y() /*- hotSpot.y()*/, &mBack, rect().x() /*- hotSpot.x()*/, rect().y() /*- hotSpot.y()*/, rect().width() /*+ (2*hotSpot.x())*/, rect().height() /*+ (2*hotSpot.y())*/, Qt::CopyROP); // draw our slider bitBlt( p->device(), rect().x() + ((mVolume*rect().width())/100) /*- hotSpot.x()*/, rect().y() /*- hotSpot.y()*/, &mSlider, 0, 0, mSlider.width(), mSlider.height(), Qt::CopyROP); if (mText) mText->repaint(); } bool KJVolumeBar::mousePress(const TQPoint &pos) { mVolume = (pos.x()*100) / rect().width(); // kdDebug(66666) << "volume: " << mVolume << endl; repaint(); napp->player()->setVolume(mVolume); return true; } void KJVolumeBar::mouseRelease(const TQPoint &, bool) { } void KJVolumeBar::mouseMove(const TQPoint &pos, bool in) { if (!in) return; mousePress(pos); } void KJVolumeBar::timeUpdate(int) { mVolume = napp->player()->volume(); repaint(); } /******************************************* * KJVolumeBMP *******************************************/ KJVolumeBMP::KJVolumeBMP(const TQStringList &i, KJLoader *p) : KJWidget(p), mVolume(0), mOldVolume(0), mText(0) { int x, y, xs, ys; x=i[1].toInt(); y=i[2].toInt(); xs=i[3].toInt()-x; ys=i[4].toInt()-y; setRect ( x, y, xs, ys ); mWidth = parser()["volumecontrolimagexsize"][1].toInt(); mCount = parser()["volumecontrolimagenb"][1].toInt()-1; mImages = parent()->pixmap(parser()["volumecontrolimage"][1]); mPos = parent()->image(parser()["volumecontrolimageposition"][1]); timeUpdate(0); } TQString KJVolumeBMP::tip() { return i18n("Volume"); } void KJVolumeBMP::paint(TQPainter *p, const TQRect &) { TQRect from(mVolume*mCount/100*mWidth, 0, mWidth, mImages.height()); bitBlt(p->device(), rect().topLeft(), &mImages, from, Qt::CopyROP); if (mText) mText->repaint(); } bool KJVolumeBMP::mousePress(const TQPoint &pos) { QRgb color = mPos.pixel ( rect().topLeft().x()+pos.x(), rect().topLeft().y()+pos.y() ); if (!isGray(color)) return false; mVolume = grayRgb(color)*100/255; // kdDebug(66666) << "gray : " << grayRgb(color) << endl; // kdDebug(66666) << "volume: " << mVolume << endl; repaint(); napp->player()->setVolume(mVolume); return true; } void KJVolumeBMP::mouseRelease(const TQPoint &, bool) {} void KJVolumeBMP::mouseMove(const TQPoint &pos, bool in) { if (!in) return; mousePress(pos); } void KJVolumeBMP::timeUpdate(int) { mVolume = napp->player()->volume(); if ( mVolume == mOldVolume ) // dont redraw if nothing changed return; mOldVolume = mVolume; repaint(); } /******************************************* * KJPitchBMP *******************************************/ KJPitchBMP::KJPitchBMP(const TQStringList &i, KJLoader *p) : KJWidget(p), mText(0) { int x = i[1].toInt(); int y = i[2].toInt(); int xs = i[3].toInt() - x; int ys = i[4].toInt() - y; setRect ( x, y, xs, ys ); mWidth = parser()["pitchcontrolimagexsize"][1].toInt(); mCount = parser()["pitchcontrolimagenb"][1].toInt()-1; mImages = parent()->pixmap(parser()["pitchcontrolimage"][1]); mPos = parent()->image(parser()["pitchcontrolimageposition"][1]); // makes all pixels with rgb(255,0,255) transparent TQImage ibackground; ibackground = parent()->image(parser()["pitchcontrolimage"][1]); mImages.setMask( getMask(ibackground) ); Arts::PlayObject playobject = napp->player()->engine()->playObject(); Arts::PitchablePlayObject pitchable = Arts::DynamicCast(playobject); if ( pitchable.isNull() ) mCurrentPitch = 1.0; else mCurrentPitch = pitchable.speed(); // kdDebug() << "[KJPitchBMP] starting with pitch: " << mCurrentPitch << endl; /* mMinPitch = 0.5; mMaxPitch = 2.0; mMinPitch = 0.8; mMaxPitch = 1.2; */ readConfig(); if (mText) mText->repaint(); } TQString KJPitchBMP::tip() { return i18n("Pitch"); } void KJPitchBMP::paint(TQPainter *p, const TQRect &) { float xPos = (int)((mCurrentPitch-mMinPitch)*100.0) * mCount / (int)((mMaxPitch-mMinPitch)*100.0) * mWidth; TQRect from( (int)xPos, 0, mWidth, mImages.height()); bitBlt(p->device(), rect().topLeft(), &mImages, from, Qt::CopyROP); if (mText) mText->repaint(); } bool KJPitchBMP::mousePress(const TQPoint &pos) { QRgb color = mPos.pixel ( rect().topLeft().x()+pos.x(), rect().topLeft().y()+pos.y() ); if (!isGray(color)) return false; mCurrentPitch = mMinPitch + ( (grayRgb(color)*(mMaxPitch-mMinPitch)) / 255 ); // kdDebug(66666) << "[KJPitchBMP] mousePress() mCurrentPitch: " << mCurrentPitch << endl; repaint(); newFile(); // wrong naming, in fact it just sets pitch return true; } void KJPitchBMP::mouseRelease(const TQPoint &, bool) {} void KJPitchBMP::mouseMove(const TQPoint &pos, bool in) { if (!in) return; mousePress(pos); } void KJPitchBMP::timeUpdate(int) { // kdDebug(66666) << "[KJPitchBMP] :timeUpdate(int)" << endl; Arts::PlayObject playobject = napp->player()->engine()->playObject(); Arts::PitchablePlayObject pitchable = Arts::DynamicCast(playobject); if ( !pitchable.isNull() ) { mCurrentPitch = pitchable.speed(); // kdDebug(66666) << "[KJPitchBMP] mCurrentPitch: " << mCurrentPitch << endl; } if ( mCurrentPitch == mOldPitch ) // dont redraw if nothing changed return; mOldPitch = mCurrentPitch; repaint(); } void KJPitchBMP::newFile() { // kdDebug(66666) << "[KJPitchBMP] newFile()" << endl; Arts::PlayObject playobject = napp->player()->engine()->playObject(); Arts::PitchablePlayObject pitchable = Arts::DynamicCast(playobject); if (!pitchable.isNull()) { // kdDebug(66666) << "[KJPitchBMP] new speed: " << mCurrentPitch << endl; pitchable.speed( mCurrentPitch ); } } void KJPitchBMP::readConfig() { // kdDebug(66666) << "KJPitchBMP::readConfig()" << endl; mMinPitch = KJLoader::kjofol->prefs()->minimumPitch() / 100.0; mMaxPitch = KJLoader::kjofol->prefs()->maximumPitch() / 100.0; // Now comes the range checking if the user changed the setting :) if ( mCurrentPitch < mMinPitch || mCurrentPitch > mMaxPitch ) { if ( mCurrentPitch < mMinPitch ) mCurrentPitch = mMinPitch; if ( mCurrentPitch > mMaxPitch ) mCurrentPitch = mMaxPitch; newFile(); // wrong naming, in fact it just sets pitch } }