HeXoBronX - Desktop Media Control Interface for Noatun's K-Jöfol Skin Loader ...brought to you by mETz, Crix and Sush --------------------------------------------------------------- We would like to thank you for downloading/installing this little piece of art. This is our first try with K-Jöfol skinning and we hope you enjoy the result. Features -------- The skin features the following buttons/functions - play, pause, stop - fastforward, rewind - previous and next track - volume and pitch - seeker - playlist button - repeat - preferences - about - window controls: minimize, close - works with Noatun and XMMS What you could possibly miss ---------------------------- Things this skin doesn't support: - There is no skinned playlist because playlists suck with K-Jöfol skins. - There is no skinned dockmode. - It lacks support for original K-Jöfol player. Sounds odd but it's true. This skin does not work with that player. During design we forgot to make sizes divisible by four which seems to be a quite important skin spec. When we actually realized that it was already too late to make the appropriate changes :/ However it works very well with Noatun's K-Jöfol skin loader. If there is anyone out there who want's to use this skin for the original K-Jöfol player he might drop us a line and we'll see. Credits ------- - Design concept, scripting and idea: Stefan "mETz" Gehn, - Executive artist: Christian "Crix" Hoffmann be sure to visit http://www.crixensgfxcorner.de.vu - Assistance and suggestions: Sascha "Sush" Hoffmann Special thanks to ----------------- - Lars "die.viper" Kluge for improving the first scribbles of this skin be sure to visit http://www.die-viper.de - You for reading this file and trying this skin Licensing stuff --------------- This skin is copyright 2002 by the people mentioned in the Credits above and distributed under the Clarified Artistic Licence. The most important things to mention: - you are allowed to redistribute it - you are allowed to alter it but please give credits and give it a new name Hey! Why are you wasting your time with this readme? Just go ahead and try the skin! Have fun! -mETz, Crix and Sush, 01/25/2002