/* This file is part of KDE/aRts (Noatun) - xine integration Copyright (C) 2002 Ewald Snel This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include void PropertiesDialog::setPlayObject( PlaylistItem pi, Arts::PlayObject po ) { // Arts::PlayObject properties if (!po.isNull()) { Arts::poCapabilities ncaps = po.capabilities(); QCheckListItem *item; descriptionLabel->setText( po.description().c_str() ); // Determine capabilities if (!(item = (QCheckListItem *)capsList->findItem( "capSeek", 0 ))) { item = new QCheckListItem( capsList, "capSeek", QCheckListItem::CheckBox ); } item->setOn( (ncaps & Arts::capSeek) ); if (!(item = (QCheckListItem *)capsList->findItem( "capPause", 0 ))) { item = new QCheckListItem( capsList, "capPause", QCheckListItem::CheckBox ); } item->setOn( (ncaps & Arts::capPause) ); // Defaults nameField->setText( i18n("unknown") ); typeLabel->setText( i18n("unknown") ); lengthLabel->setText( i18n("unknown") ); audioLabel->setText( i18n("unknown") ); videoLabel->setText( i18n("unknown") ); } // PlaylistItem properties (name and mimetype) if (!pi.isNull()) { setCaption( i18n("Properties for %1").arg(pi.url().fileName()) ); KSharedPtr mime = KMimeType::mimeType( pi.mimetype() ); iconLabel->setPixmap( mime->pixmap( KIcon::Desktop, KIcon::SizeMedium ) ); nameField->setText( pi.url().fileName() ); typeLabel->setText( pi.mimetype() ); lengthLabel->setText( pi.lengthString() ); } }