/* names for the different skins in winamp Copyright (C) 1999 Martin Vogt This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. For more information look at the file COPYRIGHT in this package */ #ifndef _WASKINS_H #define _WASKINS_H /** The Skin file format was downloaded from the web. http://www.algonet.et.se/~daniel7 Author: unknown */ #define _WA_SKIN_MAIN 0 #define _WA_SKIN_CBUTTONS_PREV_NORM 1 #define _WA_SKIN_CBUTTONS_PREV_PRES 2 #define _WA_SKIN_CBUTTONS_PLAY_NORM 3 #define _WA_SKIN_CBUTTONS_PLAY_PRES 4 #define _WA_SKIN_CBUTTONS_PAUSE_NORM 5 #define _WA_SKIN_CBUTTONS_PAUSE_PRES 6 #define _WA_SKIN_CBUTTONS_STOP_NORM 7 #define _WA_SKIN_CBUTTONS_STOP_PRES 8 #define _WA_SKIN_CBUTTONS_NEXT_NORM 9 #define _WA_SKIN_CBUTTONS_NEXT_PRES 10 #define _WA_SKIN_CBUTTONS_EJECT_NORM 11 #define _WA_SKIN_CBUTTONS_EJECT_PRESS 12 #define _WA_SKIN_MONOSTER_STEREO_TRUE 13 #define _WA_SKIN_MONOSTER_STEREO_FALSE 14 #define _WA_SKIN_MONOSTER_MONO_TRUE 15 #define _WA_SKIN_MONOSTER_MONO_FALSE 16 #define _WA_SKIN_NUMBERS 17 #define _WA_SKIN_NUMBERS_MINUS 18 #define _WA_SKIN_NUMBERS_BLANK 19 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_REPEAT_NOT_SET_NORM 20 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_REPEAT_NOT_SET_PRES 21 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_REPEAT_SET_NORM 22 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_REPEAT_SET_PRES 23 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_SHUFFLE_NOT_SET_NORM 24 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_SHUFFLE_NOT_SET_PRES 25 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_SHUFFLE_SET_NORM 26 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_SHUFFLE_SET_PRES 27 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_PLAYLIST_NOT_SET_NORM 28 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_PLAYLIST_NOT_SET_PRES 29 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_PLAYLIST_SET_NORM 30 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_PLAYLIST_SET_PRES 31 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_EQ_NOT_SET_NORM 32 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_EQ_NOT_SET_PRES 33 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_EQ_SET_NORM 34 #define _WA_SKIN_SHUFREP_EQ_SET_PRES 35 #define _WA_SKIN_TEXT 36 #define _WA_SKIN_VOLUME_BAR_ALL_BARS 37 #define _WA_SKIN_VOLUME_BAR 38 #define _WA_SKIN_VOLUME_SLIDER_NORM 39 #define _WA_SKIN_VOLUME_SLIDER_PRES 40 #define _WA_SKIN_BALANCE_BAR_ALL_BARS 41 #define _WA_SKIN_BALANCE_BAR 42 #define _WA_SKIN_BALANCE_SLIDER_NORM 43 #define _WA_SKIN_BALANCE_SLIDER_PRES 44 #define _WA_SKIN_POS_BAR 45 #define _WA_SKIN_POS_BAR_SLIDER_NORM 46 #define _WA_SKIN_POS_BAR_SLIDER_PRES 47 #define _WA_SKIN_PLAYPAUS_PLAY 48 #define _WA_SKIN_PLAYPAUS_PAUSE 49 #define _WA_SKIN_PLAYPAUS_STOP 50 #define _WA_SKIN_PLAYPAUS_FILLER 51 #define _WA_SKIN_PLAYPAUS_WORK_INDICATOR 52 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_ACTIVE 53 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_INACTIVE 54 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_MENU_PRES 55 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_MENU_NORM 56 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_MENU_INACTIVE 57 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_MIN_PRES 58 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_MIN_NORM 59 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_MIN_INACTIVE 60 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_SHADE_PRES 61 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_SHADE_NORM 62 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_SHADE_INACTIVE 63 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_CLOSE_PRES 64 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_CLOSE_NORM 65 #define _WA_SKIN_TITLE_CLOSE_INACTIVE 66 #define _WA_SKIN_CLUTTERBAR_DISABLED 67 #define _WA_MAPPING_MAIN 0 #define _WA_MAPPING_CBUTTONS_PREV 1 #define _WA_MAPPING_CBUTTONS_PLAY 2 #define _WA_MAPPING_CBUTTONS_PAUSE 3 #define _WA_MAPPING_CBUTTONS_STOP 4 #define _WA_MAPPING_CBUTTONS_NEXT 5 #define _WA_MAPPING_CBUTTONS_EJECT 6 #define _WA_MAPPING_MONOSTER_STEREO 7 #define _WA_MAPPING_MONOSTER_MONO 8 #define _WA_MAPPING_REPEAT 9 #define _WA_MAPPING_SHUFFLE 10 #define _WA_MAPPING_PLAYLIST 11 #define _WA_MAPPING_EQ 12 #define _WA_MAPPING_VOLUME_BAR 13 #define _WA_MAPPING_VOLUME_SLIDER 14 #define _WA_MAPPING_BALANCE_BAR 15 #define _WA_MAPPING_BALANCE_SLIDER 16 #define _WA_MAPPING_PLAYPAUS 17 #define _WA_MAPPING_POS_BAR 18 #define _WA_MAPPING_POS_BAR_SLIDER 19 #define _WA_MAPPING_DIGITS 20 #define _WA_MAPPING_MINUS 21 #define _WA_MAPPING_DIGIT_1 22 #define _WA_MAPPING_DIGIT_2 23 #define _WA_MAPPING_DIGIT_3 24 #define _WA_MAPPING_DIGIT_4 25 #define _WA_MAPPING_ANALYSER 26 #define _WA_MAPPING_BPS 27 #define _WA_MAPPING_FREQ 28 #define _WA_MAPPING_INFO 29 #define _WA_MAPPING_TITLE 30 #define _WA_MAPPING_TITLE_MENU 31 #define _WA_MAPPING_TITLE_MIN 32 #define _WA_MAPPING_TITLE_SHADE 33 #define _WA_MAPPING_TITLE_CLOSE 34 #define _WA_MAPPING_CLUTTERBAR 35 #define _WA_FILE_MAIN 0 #define _WA_FILE_CBUTTONS 1 #define _WA_FILE_MONOSTER 2 #define _WA_FILE_NUMBERS 3 #define _WA_FILE_SHUFREP 4 #define _WA_FILE_TEXT 5 #define _WA_FILE_VOLUME 6 #define _WA_FILE_BALANCE 7 #define _WA_FILE_POSBAR 8 #define _WA_FILE_PLAYPAUS 9 #define _WA_FILE_TITLEBAR 10 #define _WA_MAPPING_ENTRIES 36 #define _WA_SKIN_ENTRIES 68 #define _WA_TEXT_WIDTH 5 #define _WA_TEXT_HEIGHT 6 #endif