   This file is part of KDE/aRts (Noatun) - xine integration
   Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Ewald Snel <ewald@rambo.its.tudelft.nl>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <audiosubsys.h>
#include <convert.h>
#include <debug.h>

#include "xinePlayObject_impl.h"

extern "C" {
extern int XShmGetEventBase( Display* );

#define TIMEOUT		15	// 15 seconds

using namespace Arts;

// Global xine pointer
static xine_t		*xine_shared	 = NULL;
static pthread_mutex_t	 xine_mutex	 = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t	 xine_cond	 = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static int		 xineRefCount	 = 0;
static bool		 xineForceXShm	 = false;

static void xine_init_routine()
    const char *id;
    char cfgFileName[272];

    xine_shared = (xine_t *)xine_new();

    snprintf( cfgFileName, 272, "%s/.xine/config", getenv( "HOME" ) );

    xine_config_load( xine_shared, (const char *)cfgFileName );

    // Check default video output driver
    id = xine_config_register_string (xine_shared, "video.driver",
                                      "auto", "video driver to use",
                                      NULL, 10, NULL, NULL);

    xineForceXShm = (id && !strcasecmp( id, "XShm" ));

    xine_init( xine_shared );

static void *xine_timeout_routine( void * )
    pthread_mutex_lock( &xine_mutex );

    while (xine_shared != 0)
	if (xineRefCount == 0)
	    struct timespec ts;
	    struct timeval tv;

	    gettimeofday( &tv, 0 );

	    ts.tv_sec	= tv.tv_sec;
	    ts.tv_nsec	= tv.tv_usec * 1000;
	    ts.tv_sec  += TIMEOUT;

	    if (pthread_cond_timedwait( &xine_cond, &xine_mutex, &ts ) != 0 &&
		xineRefCount == 0)
		xine_exit( xine_shared );
		xine_shared = NULL;
	    pthread_cond_wait( &xine_cond, &xine_mutex );
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &xine_mutex );

    return NULL;

static xine_t *xine_shared_init()
    pthread_mutex_lock( &xine_mutex );


    if (xine_shared == 0)
	pthread_t thread;


	if (pthread_create( &thread, NULL, xine_timeout_routine, NULL ) == 0)
	    pthread_detach( thread );
	pthread_cond_signal( &xine_cond );
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &xine_mutex );

    return xine_shared;

static void xine_shared_exit( xine_t * )
    pthread_mutex_lock( &xine_mutex );

    if (--xineRefCount == 0)
	pthread_cond_signal( &xine_cond );
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &xine_mutex );

int ao_fifo_arts_delay()
    return (int)(1000 * Arts::AudioSubSystem::the()->outputDelay());

xinePlayObject_impl::xinePlayObject_impl(bool audioOnly)
    : mrl( "" ), xine( 0 ), stream( 0 ), queue( 0 ), ao_port( 0 ), vo_port( 0 ), audioOnly(audioOnly)

    if (!audioOnly)

        if (!(display = XOpenDisplay( NULL )))
			arts_fatal( "could not open X11 display" );

    	XFlush( display );

	    // Create a special window for uninterrupted X11 communication
    	xcomWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow( display, DefaultRootWindow( display ),
					  0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 );

	XSelectInput( display, xcomWindow, ExposureMask );
    pthread_mutex_init( &mutex, 0 );

    if (!audioOnly)
    	// Initialize X11 properties
    	xcomAtomQuit	   = XInternAtom( display, "VPO_INTERNAL_EVENT", False );
	xcomAtomResize	   = XInternAtom( display, "VPO_RESIZE_NOTIFY", False );
	screen		   = DefaultScreen( display );
	shmCompletionType	   = (XShmQueryExtension( display ) == True)
				   ?  XShmGetEventBase( display ) + ShmCompletion : -1;

        width		   = 0;
        height		   = 0;
        dscbTimeOut		   = 0;

    	// Initialize xine visual structure
        visual.display	   = display;
        visual.screen	   = screen;
        visual.d		   = xcomWindow;
        visual.dest_size_cb	   = &dest_size_cb;
        visual.frame_output_cb = &frame_output_cb;
        visual.user_data	   = this;

    // Initialize audio and video details
    Arts::SoundServerV2 server = Arts::Reference( "global:Arts_SoundServerV2" );
    audio.sample_rate	   = 0;
    audio.num_channels	   = 0;
    audio.bits_per_sample  = 0;

    flpos		   = 0.0;
    if (!audioOnly)
        if (pthread_create( &thread, 0, pthread_start_routine, this ))
	    arts_fatal( "could not create thread" );

    XEvent event;


    // Send stop event to thread (X11 client message)
    memset( &event, 0, sizeof(event) );

    event.type			= ClientMessage;
    event.xclient.window	= xcomWindow;
    event.xclient.message_type	= xcomAtomQuit;
    event.xclient.format	= 32;

    if (!audioOnly)

        XSendEvent( display, xcomWindow, True, 0, &event );

        XFlush( display );

        // Wait for the thread to die
        pthread_join( thread, 0 );


    // Destroy stream, xine and related resources
    if (stream != 0)

	xine_event_dispose_queue( queue );
	xine_dispose( stream );
	xine_close_audio_driver( xine, ao_port );
	xine_close_video_driver( xine, vo_port );
    if (xine != 0)
	xine_shared_exit( xine );

    pthread_mutex_destroy( &mutex );

    if (!audioOnly)
        XSync( display, False );
        XDestroyWindow( display, xcomWindow );
        XCloseDisplay( display );

bool xinePlayObject_impl::loadMedia( const string &url )
    bool result = false;

    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    mrl = "";

    if (stream == 0)
	if (xine == 0)
	    xine = xine_shared_init();

	ao_port = init_audio_out_plugin( xine, &audio, &ao_driver );

	if (xineForceXShm && !audioOnly)
	    vo_port = xine_open_video_driver( xine, "XShm",
					      (void *)&visual );
	if (vo_port == 0 && !audioOnly)
	    vo_port = xine_open_video_driver( xine, "Xv",
					      (void *)&visual );
	if (vo_port == 0 && !audioOnly)
	    vo_port = xine_open_video_driver( xine, "XShm",
					      (void *)&visual );
	if (vo_port == 0 && !audioOnly)
	    vo_port = xine_open_video_driver( xine, "OpenGL",
					      (void *)&visual );
	if (vo_port == 0)
	    vo_port = xine_open_video_driver( xine, 0,
					      XINE_VISUAL_TYPE_NONE, 0 );

	if (ao_port != 0 && vo_port != 0 )
	    stream = xine_stream_new( xine, ao_port, vo_port );

	    if (stream != 0)
		xine_set_param( stream, XINE_PARAM_AUDIO_CHANNEL_LOGICAL, 0 );
		xine_set_param( stream, XINE_PARAM_SPU_CHANNEL, -1 );

   	    	queue = xine_event_new_queue( stream );
		xine_event_create_listener_thread( queue, xine_handle_event, this );
	if (stream == 0)
	    if (ao_port != 0)
		xine_close_audio_driver( xine, ao_port );
		ao_port = 0;
	    if (vo_port != 0)
		xine_close_video_driver( xine, vo_port );
		vo_port = 0;

    if (stream != 0)
	if (xine_get_status( stream ) == XINE_STATUS_PLAY)
	    ao_fifo_clear( ao_driver, 2 );

	    xine_stop( stream );

	if ((result = xine_open( stream, url.c_str() )))
	    mrl = url;

	streamLength = 0;
	streamPosition = 0;

	width = 0;
	height = 0;

    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

    return result;

string xinePlayObject_impl::description()
    return "xine aRts plugin";

poTime xinePlayObject_impl::currentTime()
    poTime time;
    int pos_time;

    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    if (stream != 0 && !mrl.empty())
	if (xine_get_pos_length( stream, 0, &pos_time, 0 ))
	    streamPosition = pos_time;
	    pos_time = streamPosition;

	time.seconds = pos_time / 1000;
	time.ms = pos_time % 1000;
	time.seconds = 0;
	time.ms = 0;
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

    return time;

poTime xinePlayObject_impl::overallTime()
    poTime time;
    int length_time;

    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    if (stream != 0 && !mrl.empty())
	if (xine_get_pos_length( stream, 0, 0, &length_time ))
	    streamLength = length_time;
	    length_time = streamLength;

	if (length_time <= 0)
	    length_time = 1;

	time.seconds = length_time / 1000;
	time.ms = length_time % 1000;
	time.seconds = 0;
	time.ms = 1;
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

    return time;

poCapabilities xinePlayObject_impl::capabilities()
    int n;

    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    n = (stream == 0) ? 0 : xine_get_stream_info( stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_SEEKABLE );

    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

    return static_cast<poCapabilities>( capPause | ((n == 0) ? 0 : capSeek) );

string xinePlayObject_impl::mediaName()
    return mrl;

poState xinePlayObject_impl::state()
    poState state;

    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    if (stream == 0 || xine_get_status( stream ) != XINE_STATUS_PLAY)
	state = posIdle;
    else if (xine_get_param( stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED ) == XINE_SPEED_PAUSE)
	state = posPaused;
	state = posPlaying;

    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

    return state;

void xinePlayObject_impl::play()
    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    if (stream != 0)
	if (xine_get_status( stream ) == XINE_STATUS_PLAY)
	    if (xine_get_param( stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED ) == XINE_SPEED_PAUSE)
	        xine_set_param( stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED, XINE_SPEED_NORMAL );
	else if (!mrl.empty())
	    xine_play( stream, 0, 0 );
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

void xinePlayObject_impl::halt()
    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    if (stream != 0 && xine_get_status( stream ) == XINE_STATUS_PLAY)
	ao_fifo_clear( ao_driver, 2 );

	xine_stop( stream );


	streamLength = 0;
	streamPosition = 0;
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

void xinePlayObject_impl::seek( const class poTime &t )
    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    if (stream != 0 && xine_get_status( stream ) == XINE_STATUS_PLAY)
	int seekPosition = (1000 * t.seconds) + t.ms;
	int paused = (xine_get_param( stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED ) == XINE_SPEED_PAUSE);

	ao_fifo_clear( ao_driver, 1 );

	if (xine_play( stream, 0, seekPosition ))
	    if (seekPosition >= 0 && seekPosition <= streamLength)
		streamPosition = seekPosition;

	if (paused)
	    xine_set_param( stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED, XINE_SPEED_PAUSE );

	ao_fifo_clear( ao_driver, 0 );
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

void xinePlayObject_impl::pause()
    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    if (stream != 0 && xine_get_status( stream ) == XINE_STATUS_PLAY)
	ao_fifo_clear( ao_driver, 1 );

	xine_set_param( stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED, XINE_SPEED_PAUSE );
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

void xinePlayObject_impl::calculateBlock( unsigned long samples )
    unsigned int skip, received = 0, converted = 0, xSamples = 0;
    unsigned char *buffer;
    double speed = 1.0;

    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    if (stream != 0)
	// Calculate resampling parameters
	speed = (double)audio.sample_rate / samplingRateFloat;
	xSamples = (unsigned int)((double)samples * speed + 8.0);
	received = ao_fifo_read( ao_driver, &buffer, xSamples );

    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

    // Convert samples and fill gaps with zeroes
    if (received)
	converted = uni_convert_stereo_2float( samples, buffer, received,
					       left, right, speed, flpos );
	flpos += (double)converted * speed;
	skip   = (int)floor( flpos );
	skip   = (received < (xSamples - 8)) ? (xSamples - 8) : skip;
	flpos  = flpos - floor( flpos );
	ao_fifo_flush( ao_driver, skip );
    for (unsigned long i=converted; i < samples; i++)
	left[i] = 0;
	right[i] = 0;

void xinePlayObject_impl::xineEvent( const xine_event_t &event )
    if (event.type == XINE_EVENT_UI_PLAYBACK_FINISHED)

void xinePlayObject_impl::clearWindow()
    if (audioOnly) return;

    Window root;
    unsigned int u, w, h;
    int x, y, screen;

    XLockDisplay( display );

    screen = DefaultScreen( display );

    XGetGeometry( display, visual.d, &root, &x, &y, &w, &h, &u, &u );

    XSetForeground( display, DefaultGC( display, screen ),
		    BlackPixel( display, screen ) );
    XFillRectangle( display, visual.d,
		    DefaultGC( display, screen ), x, y, w, h );

    XUnlockDisplay( display );

void xinePlayObject_impl::frameOutput( int &x, int &y,
				       int &width, int &height, double &ratio,
				       int displayWidth, int displayHeight,
				       double displayPixelAspect, bool dscb )
    if (audioOnly) return;

    Window child, root;
    unsigned int u;
    int n;

    XLockDisplay( display );

    XGetGeometry( display, visual.d, &root, &n, &n,
		  (unsigned int *)&width, (unsigned int *)&height, &u, &u );

    if (!dscb)
	XTranslateCoordinates( display, visual.d, root, 0, 0, &x, &y, &child );

    // Most displays use (nearly) square pixels
    ratio = 1.0;

    // Correct for display pixel aspect
    if (displayPixelAspect < 1.0)
	displayHeight = (int)((displayHeight / displayPixelAspect) + .5);
	displayWidth  = (int)((displayWidth  * displayPixelAspect) + .5);

    if (dscb || dscbTimeOut == 0 || --dscbTimeOut == 0)
	// Notify client of new display size
	if (displayWidth != this->width || displayHeight != this->height)
	    this->width  = displayWidth;
	    this->height = displayHeight;


	// Reset 'seen dest_size_cb' time out
	if (dscb)
	    dscbTimeOut = 25;
    XUnlockDisplay( display );

void xinePlayObject_impl::resizeNotify()
    if (audioOnly) return;
    XEvent event;

    // Resize notify signal for front-ends
    memset( &event, 0, sizeof(event) );

    event.type                  = ClientMessage;
    event.xclient.window        = visual.d;
    event.xclient.message_type  = xcomAtomResize;
    event.xclient.format        = 32;
    event.xclient.data.l[0]     = width;
    event.xclient.data.l[1]     = height;

    XSendEvent( display, visual.d, True, 0, &event );

    XFlush( display );

void xinePlayObject_impl::eventLoop()
    XEvent event;

	XNextEvent( display, &event );

	if (event.type == Expose && event.xexpose.count == 0 &&
	    event.xexpose.window == visual.d)
	    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

	    if (stream != 0)
		xine_port_send_gui_data( vo_port,
				       &event );
	    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );
	else if (event.type == shmCompletionType)
	    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

	    if (stream != 0)
		xine_port_send_gui_data( vo_port,
				       &event );
	    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );
    while (event.type != ClientMessage ||
	   event.xclient.message_type != xcomAtomQuit ||
	   event.xclient.window != xcomWindow);

void xineVideoPlayObject_impl::x11WindowId( long window )
    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    if (window == -1)
	window = xcomWindow;

    if ((Window)window != visual.d)
	XLockDisplay( display );

	// Change window and set event mask of new window
	visual.d = window;

	XSelectInput( display, window, ExposureMask );

	if (stream != 0)

	    xine_port_send_gui_data( vo_port,
				   (void *)window );

	XUnlockDisplay( display );
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

long xineVideoPlayObject_impl::x11WindowId()
    return (visual.d == xcomWindow) ? (long)-1 : visual.d;

long xineVideoPlayObject_impl::x11Snapshot()
    long pixmap = -1;

    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );

    if (stream != 0 && xine_get_status( stream ) == XINE_STATUS_PLAY)
	// FIXME: snapshot...
	pixmap = (long)-1;
    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );

    return pixmap;
