path: root/kopete/kopete/addcontactwizard/addcontactwizard.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kopete/kopete/addcontactwizard/addcontactwizard.cpp')
1 files changed, 344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kopete/kopete/addcontactwizard/addcontactwizard.cpp b/kopete/kopete/addcontactwizard/addcontactwizard.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b1ca28e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kopete/kopete/addcontactwizard/addcontactwizard.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+ addcontactwizard.h - Kopete's Add Contact Wizard
+ Copyright (c) 2004 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart @>
+ Copyright (c) 2003 by Will Stephenson <>
+ Copyright (c) 2002 by Nick Betcher <>
+ Copyright (c) 2002 by Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett <>
+ Kopete (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <>
+ *************************************************************************
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ *************************************************************************
+// Welcome page
+// true
+// |
+// V
+// Select Address Book Entry
+// ( Addressee is selected AND is not already associated with a contact )
+// OR Do not use address book is checked
+// |
+// V
+// Select Display Name and Group
+// true
+// |
+// V
+// Select Account
+// ( Only 1 account ) OR ( An account is selected )
+// |
+// V
+// (Each AddContactPage)
+// ( Own conditions)
+// |
+// V
+// Finish
+// true
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kdeversion.h>
+#include <kinputdialog.h>
+#include <kinputdialog.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+// used for its AddresseeItem class
+#include <kabc/addresseedialog.h>
+#include <kabc/addressbook.h>
+#include <kabc/stdaddressbook.h>
+#include <addcontactpage.h>
+#include "addressbookselectorwidget.h"
+#include "addcontactwizard.h"
+#include "kopetecontactlist.h"
+#include "kopetemetacontact.h"
+#include "kopeteaccountmanager.h"
+#include "kopeteaccount.h"
+#include "kopetegroup.h"
+AddContactWizard::AddContactWizard( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+: AddContactWizard_Base( parent, name )
+ //QVBox *kabcPageVbox = new QVBox(this->page(1));
+ m_addressbookSelectorWidget = new Kopete::UI::AddressBookSelectorWidget(this->page(1));
+ selectAddresseeLayout->addWidget(m_addressbookSelectorWidget);
+ // Populate the groups list
+ Kopete::GroupList groups=Kopete::ContactList::self()->groups();
+ for( Kopete::Group *it = groups.first(); it; it = )
+ {
+ QString groupname = it->displayName();
+ if ( !groupname.isEmpty() )
+ m_groupItems.insert(new QCheckListItem( groupList, groupname, QCheckListItem::CheckBox) , it ) ;
+ }
+ protocolListView->clear();
+ m_accountItems.clear();
+ // Populate the accounts list
+ QCheckListItem* accountLVI = 0;
+ QPtrList<Kopete::Account> accounts = Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts();
+ for(Kopete::Account *i=accounts.first() ; i; )
+ {
+ accountLVI= new QCheckListItem( protocolListView, i->accountLabel(), QCheckListItem::CheckBox);
+ accountLVI->setText(1,i->protocol()->displayName() + QString::fromLatin1(" ") );
+ //FIXME - I'm not sure the column 1 is a right place for the colored icon -Olivier
+ accountLVI->setPixmap( 1, i->accountIcon() );
+ m_accountItems.insert(accountLVI,i);
+ }
+ protocolListView->setCurrentItem( protocolListView->firstChild() );
+ groupList->setCurrentItem( groupList->firstChild() );
+ if ( accounts.count() == 1 )
+ {
+ accountLVI->setOn( true );
+ setAppropriate( selectService, false );
+ }
+ setNextEnabled( selectService, accounts.count() == 1 );
+ setNextEnabled( selectAddressee, false );
+ setFinishEnabled( finis, true );
+ // Addressee validation connections
+ connect( chkAddressee, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
+ SLOT( slotCheckAddresseeChoice( bool ) ) );
+ connect( m_addressbookSelectorWidget, SIGNAL(addresseeListClicked( QListViewItem * )), SLOT(slotAddresseeListClicked( QListViewItem * )) );
+ // Group manipulation connection
+ connect( addGroupButton, SIGNAL(clicked()) , SLOT(slotAddGroupClicked()) );
+ // Account choice validation connections
+ connect( protocolListView, SIGNAL(clicked(QListViewItem *)), this, SLOT(slotProtocolListClicked(QListViewItem *)));
+ connect( protocolListView, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)), this, SLOT(slotProtocolListClicked(QListViewItem *)));
+ connect( protocolListView, SIGNAL(spacePressed(QListViewItem *)), this, SLOT(slotProtocolListClicked(QListViewItem *)));
+ // read sticky settings
+ KConfig *config = kapp->config();
+ config->setGroup("Add Contact Wizard");
+ bool useKABC = config->readBoolEntry( "UseAddressBook", false );
+ chkAddressee->setChecked( useKABC );
+ setAppropriate( selectAddressee, useKABC );
+ // load address book, if using KABC
+ slotCheckAddresseeChoice( useKABC );
+void AddContactWizard::slotCheckAddresseeChoice( bool on )
+ setAppropriate( selectAddressee, on );
+void AddContactWizard::slotAddresseeListClicked( QListViewItem */*addressee*/ )
+ // enable next if a valid addressee is selected
+ bool selected = m_addressbookSelectorWidget->addresseeSelected();
+ setNextEnabled( selectAddressee, selected );
+ if ( selected )
+ mDisplayName->setText( m_addressbookSelectorWidget->addressee().realName() );
+void AddContactWizard::slotAddGroupClicked()
+ QString groupName = KInputDialog::getText(
+ i18n( "New Group" ),
+ i18n( "Please enter the name for the new group:" )
+ );
+ if ( !groupName.isNull() )
+ ( new QCheckListItem( groupList, groupName, QCheckListItem::CheckBox ) )->setOn( true );
+void AddContactWizard::slotProtocolListClicked( QListViewItem *)
+ // Just makes sure a protocol is selected before allowing the user to continue
+ bool oneIsChecked = false;
+ for (QListViewItemIterator it(protocolListView); it.current(); ++it)
+ {
+ QCheckListItem *check = dynamic_cast<QCheckListItem *>(it.current());
+ if (check && check->isOn())
+ {
+ oneIsChecked = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ setNextEnabled(selectService, oneIsChecked);
+void AddContactWizard::accept()
+ Kopete::MetaContact *metaContact = new Kopete::MetaContact();
+ // set the display name if required
+ if ( !mDisplayName->text().isEmpty() )
+ {
+ metaContact->setDisplayName( mDisplayName->text() );
+ metaContact->setDisplayNameSource(Kopete::MetaContact::SourceCustom);
+ }
+ // set the metacontact's groups
+ bool topLevel = true;
+ for ( QListViewItemIterator it( groupList ); it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ QCheckListItem *check = dynamic_cast<QCheckListItem *>( it.current() );
+ if ( check && check->isOn() )
+ {
+ if(m_groupItems.contains(check))
+ metaContact->addToGroup(m_groupItems[check]);
+ else //it's a new group
+ metaContact->addToGroup( Kopete::ContactList::self()->findGroup( check->text() ) );
+ topLevel = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(topLevel)
+ metaContact->addToGroup( Kopete::Group::topLevel() );
+ bool ok = protocolPages.isEmpty();
+ // get each protocol's contact
+ QMap <Kopete::Account*,AddContactPage*>::Iterator it;
+ for ( it = protocolPages.begin(); it != protocolPages.end(); ++it )
+ ok = ok ||>apply( it.key(), metaContact );
+ if ( ok )
+ {
+ if ( chkAddressee->isChecked() && m_addressbookSelectorWidget->addresseeSelected() )
+ {
+ metaContact->setMetaContactId( m_addressbookSelectorWidget->addressee().uid() );
+ // if using kabc link, and the user didn't touch the mc name, set a kabc souce instead of custom
+ if ( chkAddressee->isChecked() && (m_addressbookSelectorWidget->addressee().realName() == mDisplayName->text()))
+ {
+ metaContact->setDisplayNameSource(Kopete::MetaContact::SourceKABC);
+ }
+ }
+ // add it to the contact list
+ Kopete::ContactList::self()->addMetaContact( metaContact );
+ }
+ else
+ delete metaContact;
+ // write sticky settings
+ KConfig *config = kapp->config();
+ config->setGroup("Add Contact Wizard");
+ config->writeEntry( "UseAddressBook", chkAddressee->isChecked() );
+ config->sync();
+ deleteLater();
+void AddContactWizard::reject()
+ QWizard::reject();
+void AddContactWizard::next()
+ // If the we're on the select account page
+ // follow it with the add contact pages for
+ // the chosen protocols
+ if (currentPage() == selectService ||
+ (currentPage() == intro && !appropriate( selectService )))
+ {
+ QStringList usedAccounts;
+ // We don't keep track of this pointer because it gets deleted when the wizard does (which is what we want)
+ for (QListViewItemIterator it(protocolListView); it.current(); ++it)
+ {
+ QCheckListItem *item = dynamic_cast<QCheckListItem *>(it.current());
+ if (item && item->isOn())
+ {
+ Kopete::Account *i=m_accountItems[item];
+ // this shouldn't happen either, but I hate crashes
+ if (!i)
+ continue;
+ usedAccounts.append( i->protocol()->pluginId() + i->accountId() );
+ if(protocolPages.contains(i))
+ continue;
+ AddContactPage *addPage = i->protocol()->createAddContactWidget(this, i );
+ if (!addPage)
+ continue;
+ connect(addPage, SIGNAL(dataValid( AddContactPage *, bool )),
+ this, SLOT( slotDataValid( AddContactPage *, bool )));
+ addPage->show();
+ insertPage( addPage, i18n( "The user has to select the contact to add to the given account name",
+ "Choose New Contact For %1 Account <b>%2</b>" ).arg( i->protocol()->displayName() ).arg( item->text(0) ), indexOf( finis ) );
+ protocolPages.insert( i , addPage );
+ }
+ }
+ //remove pages that were eventualy added previusely, and needs to be removed if the user pressed back.
+ QMap <Kopete::Account*,AddContactPage*>::Iterator it;
+ for ( it = protocolPages.begin(); it != protocolPages.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ Kopete::Account *i=it.key();
+ if( !i || !usedAccounts.contains( i->protocol()->pluginId() + i->accountId() ) )
+ {
+ delete;
+ protocolPages.remove(it);
+ }
+ }
+ QWizard::next();
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we're not on any account specific pages,
+ // we must be on an add account page, so make sure it validates
+ if (currentPage() != intro &&
+ currentPage() != selectAddressee &&
+ currentPage() != selectService &&
+ currentPage() != selectGroup &&
+ currentPage() != finis)
+ {
+ AddContactPage *ePage = dynamic_cast<AddContactPage *>(currentPage());
+ if (!ePage || !ePage->validateData())
+ return;
+ }
+ QWizard::next();
+void AddContactWizard::showPage( QWidget *page )
+ if ( page == intro )
+ setNextEnabled( page, true); // make sure the first page's Next is always enabled
+ QWizard::showPage( page );
+ if ( page == finis )
+ finishButton()->setFocus();
+void AddContactWizard::slotDataValid(AddContactPage *onPage, bool bOn)
+ // some plugins emit dataValid when they are not visible.
+ // so we need to enable the page which is signalling, not just the current page
+ setNextEnabled( onPage, bOn);
+#include "addcontactwizard.moc"
+// vim: set noet ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: