path: root/ksirc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ksirc/')
1 files changed, 781 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ksirc/ b/ksirc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1768f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ksirc/
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+# $$Id$$
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: server server [port] [password]
+Connects to a new server opening it in a new window.
+If server name is prefixed with a + then an ssl connection
+is used. Port and password are optional.");
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: BAN <nickname>
+bans the specified user on the current channel. Only channel operators
+can use this command. Bans the user in the form *!*user\@hostmask.
+hostmask is* if the hostname is in dotted quad form, otherwise
+it is *
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: UNBAN <nickname>
+Unbans the specified user on the given channel. Only channel operators
+can use this command.
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: CLRBAN [<#channel>]
+Removes ALL bans from the given channel. Only channel operators can use
+this command. The channel defaults to your current one.
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: BANLIST [<#channel>]
+Shows all bans on the given channel. The channel defaults to your current one.
+See Also: BAN, UNBAN, CLRBAN");
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: FC [<#channel>] <Filter> <command>
+Does /names on the given channel. Uses the current channel if none
+specified. Does a userhost on each person received. if their name
+(in form nick!user\@host) matches your filter (in perl regex form)
+then command is executed, in command $1 is expanded to the nick of
+the matchee.
+ /fc #dragonrealm *!*\@*.com msg $1 you are on a host that ends in .com
+ /fc *!*\@((\\d+)\\.){3}\\.(\\d+) say $1 has a numeric host.");
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: PIG <message>
+Translates your message into piglatin and says it on the current channel.");
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: WALLOP [<#channel>] <message>
+Sends a message to all of the channel operators on the given channel.
+Defaults the the current channel.");
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: AMAROK
+Sends a message to the current channel saying what are you playing in amarok.");
+sub cmd_wallop {
+ &getarg;
+ unless ($newarg =~ /^#/) {
+ $args = $newarg." ".$args;
+ $newarg = $talkchannel;
+ }
+ &notice("\@$newarg","[KSirc-Wall/$newarg]: $args");
+sub modeb {
+ ($which) = @_;
+ $user =~ s/^~//;
+ if (length($user) > 8) {
+ $user = substr($user,0, 7);
+ $user .= "*";
+ }
+ @quad = split(/\./, $host);
+ if ($host =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
+ pop @quad;
+ $toban = join('.', @quad);
+ $toban .= ".*";
+ } else {
+ $toban = "*".$quad[@quad-2].".".$quad[@quad-1];
+ }
+ &docommand("mode $talkchannel ${which}b *!*$user*\@$toban");
+sub cmd_ban {
+ &getarg;
+ if ($newarg) {
+ &userhost($newarg, "&modeb(\"+\");");
+ } else {
+ &tell("*\cbE\cb* Usage: /ban <nick>.");
+ }
+sub cmd_unban {
+ &getarg;
+ if ($newarg) {
+ &userhost($newarg, "&modeb(\"-\");");
+ } else {
+ &tell("*\cbE\cb* Usage: /unban <nick>.");
+ }
+sub cmd_banlist {
+ &getarg;
+ $newarg = $talkchannel unless $newarg;
+ &docommand("mode $newarg b");
+ &addhook("367", "banlist");
+ &addhook("368","rmbanlist");
+sub hook_banlist {
+ $silent = 1;
+ my (undef, $channel, $mask, $banner, $time) = split(/ +/, $_[0]);
+ &print("~!default~*** \cb$mask\cb banned from \cb$channel\cb by \cb$banner\cb on \cb" . localtime($time). "\cb");
+sub hook_rmbanlist {
+ &remhook("367","banlist");
+ &remhook("368","rmbanlist");
+sub cmd_k {
+ &getarg;
+ $args = "You have been kicked by a KSirc user." unless $args;
+ if ($newarg) {
+ &docommand("kick $talkchannel $newarg $args");
+ } else {
+ &tell("*\cbE\cb* Usage: /k <nick> [reason]");
+ }
+sub cmd_kb {
+ &getarg;
+ if ($newarg) {
+ &docommand("ban $newarg");
+ &docommand("k $newarg $args");
+ } else {
+ &tell("*\cbE\cb* Usage: /kb <nick> [reason]");
+ }
+sub cmd_clrban {
+ &getarg;
+ $newarg = $talkchannel unless $newarg;
+ &addhook("367", "tban");
+ &addhook("368","rm367");
+ &docommand("mode $newarg b");
+sub hook_tban {
+ $silent = 1;
+ my ($shit, $channel, $mask, $banner, $time) = split(/ +/, $_[0]);
+ push @bans, $mask;
+ if (@bans == 6) {
+ &print("mode $channel -bbbbbb @bans");
+ @bans = ();
+ }
+sub hook_rm367 {
+ @bans = ();
+ &remhook("367","tban");
+ &remhook("368","rm367");
+sub hook_disconnectd {
+ &docommand("server 1");
+#sub hook_kickd {
+# &docommand("join $_[1]") if $_[0] eq $nick;
+sub cmd_fcmd {
+ ($names,$mask,$command) = split(/ /, $args,3);
+ $mask =~ s/\!/\!/;
+ $mask =~ s/\@/\@/;
+ $mask =~ s/\./\\./g;
+ $mask =~ s/\*/.*/g;
+ &addhook("353","filtercommand");
+ &addhook("366","removefiltercommand");
+ &tell("\t\cb~4Matching /$mask/i on $names...");
+ &docommand("names $names");
+sub hook_filtercommand {
+ ($shit, $_[0]) = split(/:/, $_[0]);
+ my @names = split(/ /, $_[0]);
+ for (@names) {
+ $_ =~ s/^\@//;
+ &userhost($_, "&dofilter");
+ }
+ $silent=1;
+sub dofilter {
+ $s = "$who\!$user\@$host";
+ #&tell("$s =~ /$mask/");
+ if ($s =~ /$mask/i) {
+ $d = $command;
+ $d =~ s/\$1/$who/;
+ &docommand($d);
+ }
+sub hook_removefiltercommand {
+ &remhook("353","filtercommand");
+ &remhook("366","removefiltercommand");
+ &tell("*\cbI\cb* Filter on $names, /$mask/i, Done.");
+sub cmd_fc {
+ my ($mask, $cmd) = split(/ /, $args, 2);
+ &docommand("fcmd $talkchannel $mask $cmd");
+sub cmd_pig {
+ $_[0] =~ s/^pig //i;
+ &say(&topiglatin($_[0]));
+sub topiglatin {
+@words = split(/ /, $_[0]);
+for (@words) {
+ if ($_ =~ /^([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ])([aeiouAEIOU])/) {
+ $_ .= substr($_,0,1)."ay";
+ $_ = substr($_,1);
+ } elsif ($_ =~ /^([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ])([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ])/) {
+ $_ .= $1.$2."ay";
+ $_ = substr($_,2);
+ } elsif ($_ =~ /^[aeiouAEIOU]/) {
+ $_ .= "way";
+ } else {
+ print "shouldn't print me\n";
+ }
+return "@words";
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: follow <nick>
+Highlight <nick> in colour when ever they say anything");
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: unfollow <nick>
+Stop highlighting the nick");
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: showfollows
+Shows who you are currently following");
+#### Start follow script from caracas
+&addcmd ('follow');
+&addcmd ('unfollow');
+&addcmd ('showfollows');
+@follow_colors = ( '~1', '~2', '~3', '~4', '~5', '~6', '~7', '~8', '~9', '~10', '~11', '~12', '~13', '~14', '~15' );
+undef %following;
+sub cmd_follow
+ my ($fnick) = shift;
+ my ($color);
+ $fnick =~ s/^follow\s+//;
+ $fnick =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ if (defined ($following{$fnick}))
+ {
+ &tell ("*\cbI\cb* Already following " . $following{$fnick});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $color = $follow_colors [int (rand scalar (@follow_colors))];
+ &docommand ("^ksircappendrule DESC==Follow $fnick !!! " .
+ "SEARCH==<\\S*$fnick\\S*> !!! FROM==<\\S*($fnick)\\S*> !!! TO==\"<$color\$1~c>\"");
+ $following{$fnick} = "${color}${fnick}~c";
+ &tell ("*\cbI\cb* Following ${color}$fnick~c ...");
+ }
+sub cmd_unfollow
+ my ($fnick) = shift;
+ my ($filter);
+ $fnick =~ s/^unfollow\s+//;
+ $fnick =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ for ($filter = 0; $filter <= $#KSIRC_FILTER; $filter++)
+ {
+ if ($KSIRC_FILTER [$filter]{'DESC'} =~ /Follow $fnick/i)
+ {
+ &docommand ("^ksircdelrule $filter");
+ delete ($following{$fnick});
+ &tell ("*\cbI\cb* $fnick no longer followed");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ &tell ("*\cbI\cb* Wasn't following $fnick");
+sub cmd_showfollows
+ my ($fnick);
+ if (scalar (keys %following) > 0)
+ {
+ foreach $fnick (sort keys %following)
+ {
+ &tell ("*\cbI\cb* Following " . $following {$fnick});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ &tell ("\*cbI\cb* Not currently following anyone");
+ }
+#### End follow
+sub cmd_refresh
+ &tell("*** Refresh nick list");
+ &docommand("^extnames_forget $dest_chan");
+ &docommand("extnames $dest_chan");
+sub hook_url_who_list {
+ my @info = split(/\s+/, $_[0]);
+ &print("*I* URL: http://$info[3]:<port>/");
+ $silent = 1;
+sub hook_url_end_who {
+ &remhook("352", "url_who_list");
+ &remhook("315", "url_end_who");
+ $args = "";
+"\cbAdded by\cb
+Usage: URL
+Prints out your url");
+sub cmd_url
+ &addhook("352", "url_who_list");
+ &addhook("315", "url_end_who");
+ &sl("who :$nick");
+%WHO_IGNORE = "";
+sub cmd_extnames
+ &dosplat;
+ &getarg;
+ $newarg =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ return if $WHO_IGNORE{$newarg} == 1;
+ if($who_active == 0){
+ &addhook("352", "ksirc_who_list");
+ &addhook("315", "ksirc_who_end");
+ }
+ &sl("who :$newarg");
+ $who_active++;
+ $WHO_INFO{$newarg} = "";
+ $WHO_TIME{$newarg} = 0;
+ $WHO_COUNT{$newarg} = 0;
+sub hook_ksirc_who_end {
+ $who_active--;
+ if($who_active == 0){
+ &remhook("352", "ksirc_who_list");
+ &remhook("315", "ksirc_who_end");
+ }
+ my @info = split(/\s+/, $_[0]);
+ # 0: our nick
+ # 1: channel
+ # 2 Onwards: misc info
+ $info[1] =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ chop($WHO_INFO{$info[1]}); # Remove trailing space
+ my $c = ($WHO_TIME{$info[1]} == 0) ? "C" : "!";
+ if(length($WHO_INFO{$info[1]}) > 0){
+ &print("~$info[1]~*$c* Users on $info[1]: $WHO_INFO{$info[1]}");
+ $WHO_COUNT{$info[1]}++;
+ }
+ &print("~$info[1]~*c* Done Parsing Who");
+ # print "*I* Parsing: extnames done, $info[1], count: " . $WHO_COUNT{$info[1]} . "\n";
+ if($WHO_COUNT{$info[1]} > 25){
+ if($WHO_IGNORE{$info[1]} != 1){
+ $WHO_IGNORE{$info[1]} = 1;
+ &print('*$*' . " Extended nick list info turned off for $info[1], too many people in channel\n");
+ &print("*I* Extended nick list info turned off for $info[1], too many people in channel\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $WHO_IGNORE{$info[1]} = 0;
+ }
+ delete($WHO_COUNT{$info[1]});
+ delete($WHO_INFO{$info[1]});
+ delete($WHO_TIME{$info[1]});
+ $args = "";
+sub hook_ksirc_who_list {
+ my @info = split(/\s+/, $_[0]);
+ # 0: our nick
+ # 1: channel
+ # 2: ident
+ # 3: one server
+ # 4: another server
+ # 5: nick
+ # 6: status
+ # 7: rest is useless
+ $silent = 1;
+ my $who_nick = $info[5];
+ # print "*I* Parsing: $_[0], info6: $info[6]\n";
+ if($info[6] =~ /G/){
+ $who_nick = "#" . $who_nick;
+ }
+ if($info[6] =~ /\+/){
+ $who_nick = "+" . $who_nick;
+ }
+ if($info[6] =~ /\@/){
+ $who_nick = "@" . $who_nick;
+ }
+ if($info[6] =~ /\*/){
+ $who_nick = "*" . $who_nick;
+ }
+ $info[1] =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $WHO_COUNT{$info[1]}++;
+ $WHO_INFO{$info[1]} .= $who_nick . " ";
+ if(length($WHO_INFO{$info[1]}) > 350){
+ my $c = ($WHO_TIME{$info[1]} == 0) ? "C" : "!";
+ &print("~$info[1]~*$c* Users on $info[1]: $WHO_INFO{$info[1]}");
+ $WHO_INFO{$info[1]} = "";
+ $WHO_TIME{$info[1]}++;
+ }
+sub cmd_extnames_forget
+ &dosplat;
+ &getarg;
+ $newarg =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $WHO_IGNORE{$newarg} = 0;
+sub hook_nicks_on_join {
+ my $channel = shift;
+ if(&eq($who, $nick)){
+ &docommand("^extnames_forget $channel");
+ }
+ &docommand("^extnames $channel");
+addhook("join", "nicks_on_join");
+&tell("*** \0032,4\cbLoaded\003");
+&tell("*** \00313,3\cbWith: Super Willy Enhancements, LotR's exec\003");
+sub cmd_exec {
+ my $how, $to;
+ &getarg;
+ $how = "x";
+ if (&eq($newarg, "-OUT")) { $how = 'c'; }
+ if (&eq($newarg, "-MSG")) { $how = 'm'; &getarg; $to = $newarg; }
+ if (&eq($newarg, "-NOTICE")) { $how = 'n'; &getarg; $to = $newarg; }
+ if ($how eq "x") { $args = $newarg . " " . $args; }
+ open (CMD, "$args|");
+ while (<CMD>) {
+ chomp;
+ if ($how eq 'c') {
+ &say(" $_");
+ } elsif ($how eq 'm') {
+ &msg($to, $_);
+ } elsif ($how eq 'n') {
+ &notice($to, $_);
+ } else {
+ print "$_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close CMD;
+&addhelp("exec", "Usage: EXEC <shell commands>\n" .
+ "EXEC -OUT <shell commands]\n" .
+ "EXEC -MSG <nickname> <shell commands>]\n" .
+ "EXEC -NOTICE <nickname> <shell commands>]\n" );
+$k_highlight = 1;
+if(open(FH, "<$HOME/.ksirc_highlight")){
+ chomp($k_highlight = <FH>);
+ close(FH);
+sub hook_fixcolours {
+ if($k_highlight == 1){
+ $_[1] =~ s/(^|\s)\*([^*]+?)\*($|\s)/$1\002$2\002$3/g;
+ $_[1] =~ s/(^|\s)_([^_]+?)_($|\s)/$1\037$2\037$3/g;
+ $_[1] =~ s/(^|\s)#([^#]+?)#($|\s)/$1\026$2\026$3/g;
+ }
+&addhook("send_text", "fixcolours");
+sub cmd_dishighlight {
+ print "*I* Highlight parsing: ";
+ if($k_highlight == 0) {
+ $k_highlight = 1;
+ print "Enabled\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $k_highlight = 0;
+ print "Disabled\n";
+ }
+ if(open(FH, ">$ENV{HOME}/.ksirc_highlight")){
+ print FH "$k_highlight\n";
+ close(FH);
+ }
+ else {
+ print "*E* Can't save highlight state $!\n";
+ }
+&addhelp("dishighlight", "Usage: dishighlight\n" .
+ "Toggles the convertion of *bold* into \cbbold\cb\n" .
+ "and _underline_ into \c_underline\c_ and #reverse#\n" .
+ "into \cvreverse\cv. It saves the state into\n" .
+ "~/.ksirc_highlight for convenience");
+sub cmd_help {
+ &tell("*\cbH\cb* Help not available"), return unless @help;
+ my $found ='';
+ &getarg;
+ if($newarg =~ /^\s*$/){
+ my $line = '';
+ my %once;
+ foreach (@help) {
+ if (/^\@/) {
+ if (&eq($_, "\@main")) {
+ $found=1;
+ &tell("*\cbH\cb* Help on $newarg") if $newarg ne 'main'; # KSIRC MOD
+ }
+ else {
+ $found=0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ &tell("*\cbH\cb* $_") if $found;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (@help) {
+ if(/^\@/){
+ if(!&eq($_, "\@main")){
+ $found = 0;
+ my $cmd = /\@(\S+)/;
+ next if $once{$1};
+ $once{$1} = 1;
+ $line .= "$1 " . " "x(15-length("$1 ")); # KSIRC MOD
+ if(length($line) > 50){
+ &tell("*\cbH\cb* $line");
+ $line = "";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &tell("*\cbH\cb* $line");
+ $found=1;
+ }
+ else{
+ $newarg =~ s/ *$//;
+ foreach (@help) {
+ if (/^\@/) {
+ last if $found;
+ if (&eq($_, "\@$newarg")) {
+ $found=1;
+ &tell("*\cbH\cb* Help on $newarg") if $newarg ne 'main';
+ }
+ } else {
+ &tell("*\cbH\cb* $_") if $found;
+ }
+ }
+ &tell("*\cbH\cb* Unknown help topic; try /help") unless $found;
+# New DCC resume/get features
+my %A_RESUME_WAIT = ();
+sub hook_ctcp_resume_reply {
+ my $towho = shift;
+ my $what = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ if($what eq 'DCC'){
+ my ($which, $file, $port, $pos) = split(/ +/, $args);
+ &tell("Got which: $which");
+ if($which eq 'ACCEPT'){
+ # &print("Got resume from $who port $port file: $file pos: $pos args: $args");
+ if($A_RESUME_WAIT{$port}){
+ &print("*\cbI\cb* DCC Resume with $who accepted");
+ &tell("~!dcc~DCC GET resumed who: $who file: " . $dgresume{$port}{"file"});
+ &tell("~!dcc~DCC GET read: " . $dgresume{$port}{"file"} . " bytes: " . $dgresume{$port}{"pos"}); # KSIRC MOD FOR 971217
+ $dgresume{$port}{"GotReply"} = 1;
+ delete $A_RESUME_WAIT{$port};
+ $skip = 1;
+ if($A_AUTOSTART{$port}){
+ &docommand($A_AUTOSTART{$port});
+ delete $A_AUTOSTART{$port};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($which eq 'RESUME'){
+ my($lfh, $myport);
+ while(($lfh, $myport) = each %dsport){
+ if($port == $myport){
+ $skip = 1;
+ my $size = (-s $dfile{$dswait{$lfh}});
+ if($pos < $size){
+ seek($dswait{$lfh}, $pos, SEEK_SET);
+ $dsoffset{$lfh} = $pos;
+ &docommand("ctcp $who DCC ACCEPT $file $port $pos");
+ &tell("~!dcc~DCC SEND resumed who: $who file: " . $dfile{$dswait{$lfh}});
+ &tell("~!dcc~DCC SEND write: " . $dfile{$dswait{$lfh}} . " bytes: " . $pos); # KSIRC MOD FOR 971217
+ }
+ else {
+ &tell("*\cbE\cb* Got DCC resume with invalid size from $who for " . $dfile{$dswait{$lfh}});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+&addhook("ctcp", "ctcp_resume_reply");
+sub hook_ctcp_reject_reply {
+ my $towho = shift;
+ my $what = shift;
+ my $args = shift;
+ if($what eq 'DCC'){
+ my ($which, $type, $file) = split(/ +/, $args);
+ if($which eq 'REJECT'){
+ &tell("Got reject");
+ if($type eq 'CHAT'){
+ $no_reject = 1;
+ &tell("*\cbI\cb* DCC CHAT with $who rejected");
+ &docommand("/dcc close chat $who");
+ $skip = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($type eq 'GET'){
+ $no_reject = 1;
+ &tell("*\cbI\cb* DCC GET rejected by $who for $file");
+ &docommand("/dcc close get $who $file");
+ $skip = 1;
+ }
+ elsif($type eq 'SEND'){
+ $no_reject = 1;
+ &tell("*\cbI\cb* DCC SEND rejected by $who file $file");
+ &docommand("/dcc close send $who $file");
+ $skip = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+&addhook("ctcp_reply", "ctcp_reject_reply");
+sub cmd_resume {
+ &getarg;
+ my $who = $newarg;
+ &getarg;
+ my $file = $newarg;
+ foreach $i (keys(%dgoffered)) {
+ my($h, $p, $f) = split(/ /, $i);
+ if (&eq($f, $file) && &eq($dgoffered{$i}, $who)) {
+ if(my($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
+ $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks)
+ = stat($file)){
+ &print("*\cbI\cb* Doing resume for $f with $who ($p)");
+ &docommand("ctcp $who DCC RESUME $f $p $size");
+ $dgresume{$p}{"pos"} = $size;
+ $dgresume{$p}{"file"} = $f;
+ $dgresume{$p}{"who"} = $who;
+ $A_RESUME_WAIT{$p} = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ &print("*\cbE\cb* Error getting file ($file) size: $!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub cmd_amarok
+ $dcop=`dcop amarok`;
+ if(! ($dcop =~ /player/) ) {
+ &print("Error: Amarok is *not* running");
+ return;
+ }
+ $dcop=`dcop amarok player isPlaying`;
+ if(! ($dcop =~ /true/) ) {
+ &print("Amarok is not playing anything");
+ return
+ }
+ $output='is playing "$dcop" with Amarok';
+ $dcop= `dcop amarok player nowPlaying` ;
+$dcop =~ s/^\s+//;
+$dcop =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $output=~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg;
+ &me( $output );