path: root/ksirc/servercontroller.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ksirc/servercontroller.cpp')
1 files changed, 978 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ksirc/servercontroller.cpp b/ksirc/servercontroller.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0b03d1ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ksirc/servercontroller.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,978 @@
+ /**********************************************************************
+ Server Controller
+ $$Id$$
+ Main Server Controller. Displays server connection window, and makes
+ new server connection on demand.
+ Signals: NONE
+ Slots:
+ new_connection(): Creates popup asking for new connection
+ new_ksircprocess(QString):
+ Args:
+ QString: new server name or IP to connect to.
+ Action:
+ Creates a new sirc process and window !default connected to the
+ server. Does nothing if a server connection already exists.
+ add_toplevel(QString parent, QString child):
+ Args:
+ parent: the server name that the new channel is being joined on
+ child: the new channel name
+ Action:
+ Adds "child" to the list of joined channles in the main
+ window. Always call this on new window creation!
+ delete_toplevel(QString parent, QString child):
+ Args:
+ parent: the server name of which channel is closing
+ child: the channle that is closing. IFF Emtpy, parent is
+ deleted.
+ Action:
+ Deletes the "child" window from the list of connections. If
+ the child is Empty the whole tree is removed since it is assumed
+ the parent has disconnected and is closing.
+ new_channel: Creates popup asking for new channel name
+ new_toplevel(QString str):
+ Args:
+ str: name of the new channel to be created
+ Action:
+ Sends a signal to the currently selected server in the tree
+ list and join the requested channel. Does nothing if nothing
+ is selected in the tree list.
+ recvChangeChanel(QString parent, QString old, QString new):
+ Args:
+ parent: parent server connection
+ old: the old name for the window
+ new: the new name for the window
+ Action:
+ Changes the old window name to the new window name in the tree
+ list box. Call for all name change!
+ *********************************************************************/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "servercontroller.h"
+#include "KSOpenkSirc/open_ksirc.h"
+#include "NewWindowDialog.h"
+#include "ksopts.h"
+#include "control_message.h"
+#include "FilterRuleEditor.h"
+#include "../config.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#include "KSPrefs/ksprefs.h"
+#include "toplevel.h"
+#include "ksircserver.h"
+#include "nickColourMaker.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "objFinder.h"
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <kmenubar.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kfontdialog.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kwin.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kstdaccel.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <khelpmenu.h>
+#include <kstdaction.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <knotifydialog.h>
+#include <netwm.h>
+#include <kpassivepopup.h>
+#include <kglobalaccel.h>
+#include <kstdguiitem.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include "displayMgrSDI.h"
+#include "displayMgrMDI.h"
+#include "dockservercontroller.h"
+#ifdef HAVE_PATHS_H
+#include <paths.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+DisplayMgr *displayMgr;
+servercontroller *servercontroller::s_self = 0;
+servercontroller::servercontroller( QWidget*, const char* name )
+ : KMainWindow( 0, name )
+ we_are_exiting = false;
+ m_notificationCount = 0;
+ m_ncm = new nickColourMaker();
+ MenuBar = menuBar();
+ KWin::setIcons( winId(), kapp->icon(), kapp->miniIcon() );
+ s_self = this;
+ switch (ksopts->displayMode)
+ {
+ case KSOptions::SDI:
+ displayMgr = new DisplayMgrSDI();
+ break;
+ case KSOptions::MDI:
+ displayMgr = new DisplayMgrMDI();
+ break;
+ }
+ sci = new scInside(this, QCString(name) + "_mainview");
+ setCentralWidget(sci);
+ sci->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box | QFrame::Raised);
+ ConnectionTree = sci->ConnectionTree;
+ connect(ConnectionTree, SIGNAL(clicked( QListViewItem * )),
+ this, SLOT(WindowSelected(QListViewItem *)));
+ setFrameBorderWidth(5);
+ QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu(this, QCString(name) + "_menu_file");
+ KStdAction::quit(this, SLOT(endksirc()), actionCollection())->plug(file);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ file->insertItem(i18n("Dump Object Tree"), this, SLOT(dump_obj()));
+ file->insertItem(i18n("Server Debug Window"), this, SLOT(server_debug()));
+ MenuBar->insertItem(i18n("&File"), file);
+ connections = new QPopupMenu(this, QCString(name) + "_menu_connections");
+ server_id = connections->insertItem(i18n("&New Server..."), this, SLOT(new_connection()), Key_F2 );
+ join_id = connections->insertItem(i18n("&Join Channel..."), this, SLOT(new_channel()), Key_F3 );
+ connections->insertSeparator();
+ connections->insertItem(i18n("&Do Autoconnect..."), this, SLOT(start_autoconnect_check()));
+ connections->setItemEnabled(join_id, FALSE);
+ MenuBar->insertItem(i18n("&Connections"), connections);
+ options = new QPopupMenu(this, QCString(name) + "_menu_options");
+ options->setCheckable(TRUE);
+ options->insertItem(SmallIcon( "filter" ), i18n("&Filter Rule Editor..."),
+ this, SLOT(filter_rule_editor()));
+ options->insertSeparator();
+ KStdAction::configureNotifications(this, SLOT(notification_prefs()), actionCollection())->plug(options);
+ KStdAction::preferences(this, SLOT(general_prefs()), actionCollection())->plug(options);
+ MenuBar->insertItem(i18n("&Settings"), options);
+ KHelpMenu *help = new KHelpMenu( this, kapp->aboutData() );
+ MenuBar->insertItem( KStdGuiItem::help().text(), help->menu() );
+ m_kga = new KGlobalAccel(this, "globalAccess");
+ m_kga->insert("New Server", i18n("New Server"),
+ i18n("This action allows you to open a new server more easily "
+ "when in docked mode, since you don't need to click on the "
+ "dock icon."),
+ ALT+CTRL+Key_C, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_C, this,
+ SLOT(new_connection()));
+ open_toplevels = 0;
+ pic_server = UserIcon("server");
+ pic_gf = UserIcon("ksirc_a");
+ pic_run = UserIcon("mini-run");
+ pic_ppl = UserIcon("channels");
+ pic_icon = UserIcon("ksirc_b");
+ setCaption( i18n("Server Control") );
+ KWin::setIcons(winId(), pic_icon, pic_server);
+ resize( 450,200 );
+ dockWidget = new dockServerController(this, 0x0, "servercontroller_dock");
+ KWin::setSystemTrayWindowFor( dockWidget->winId(), winId() );
+ m_kga->readSettings();
+ m_kga->updateConnections();
+ checkDocking();
+ kdDebug(5008) << "~servercontroller in" << endl;
+ s_self = 0;
+ delete m_ncm;
+ kdDebug(5008) << "~servercontroller out" << endl;
+void servercontroller::checkDocking()
+ if(ksopts->runDocked == true){
+ dockWidget->show();
+ hide();
+ m_kga->setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ else {
+ dockWidget->hide();
+ show();
+ m_kga->setEnabled(false);
+ }
+void servercontroller::new_connection()
+ open_ksirc *w = new open_ksirc(); // Create new ksirc popup
+ connect(w, SIGNAL(open_ksircprocess(KSircServer &)), // connected ok to process
+ this, SLOT(new_ksircprocess(KSircServer &))); // start
+ w->exec(); // show the sucker!
+ delete w;
+void servercontroller::new_ksircprocess(KSircServer &kss)
+ QString server_id;
+ int id = 1;
+ if(kss.server().isEmpty()) // nothing entered, nothing done
+ return;
+ server_id = kss.server();
+ while(proc_list[server_id]){ // if it already exists, quit
+ server_id = QString("%1 %2").arg(kss.server()).arg(id++);
+ }
+ // Insert new base
+ QListViewItem *rootItem = new QListViewItem( ConnectionTree, server_id );
+ rootItem->setPixmap( 0, pic_server );
+ rootItem->setOpen( true );
+ // We do no_channel here since proc emits the signal in the
+ // constructor, and we can't connect to before then, so we have to
+ // do the dirty work here.
+ ProcMessage(server_id, ProcCommand::addTopLevel, QString("no_channel"));
+ KSircProcess *proc = new KSircProcess(server_id, kss, 0, (QString(name()) + "_" + server_id + "_ksp").ascii() ); // Create proc
+ //this->insertChild(proc); // Add it to out inheritance tree so we can retreive child widgets from it.
+ objFinder::insert(proc);
+ proc_list.insert(server_id, proc); // Add proc to hash
+ connect(proc, SIGNAL(ProcMessage(QString, int, QString)),
+ this, SLOT(ProcMessage(QString, int, QString)));
+ connect(this, SIGNAL(ServMessage(QString, int, QString)),
+ proc, SLOT(ServMessage(QString, int, QString)));
+ if(!ConnectionTree->currentItem()){ // If nothing's highlighted
+ ConnectionTree->setCurrentItem(rootItem); // highlight it.
+ }
+ connections->setItemEnabled(join_id, TRUE);
+ dockWidget->serverOpen(server_id);
+void servercontroller::new_channel()
+ QString server;
+ QListViewItem *citem = ConnectionTree->currentItem(); // get item
+ if(citem){ // if it exist, ie something is highlighted, continue
+ if(proc_list[citem->text(0)]){ // If it's a match with a server, ok
+ server = citem->text(0);
+ }
+ // Otherwise, check the parent to see it's perhaps a server.
+ else if ( citem->parent() ) {
+ if(proc_list[citem->parent()->text(0)]){
+ server = citem->parent()->text(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(server.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ KSircChannel ci(server, QString::null);
+ NewWindowDialog w(ci);
+ connect(&w, SIGNAL(openTopLevel(const KSircChannel &)),
+ this, SLOT(new_toplevel(const KSircChannel &)));
+ w.exec();
+void servercontroller::new_toplevel(const KSircChannel &channelInfo)
+ new_toplevel(channelInfo, false);
+void servercontroller::new_toplevel(const KSircChannel &channelInfo, bool safe)
+ if(proc_list[channelInfo.server()]){ // If it's a match with a server, ok
+ proc_list[channelInfo.server()]->new_toplevel(channelInfo, safe);
+ }
+void servercontroller::ToggleAutoCreate()
+ ksopts->autoCreateWin = !ksopts->autoCreateWin;
+void servercontroller::general_prefs()
+ KSPrefs *kp = new KSPrefs();
+ connect(kp, SIGNAL(update(int)),
+ this, SLOT(configChange()));
+ kp->resize(550, 450);
+ kp->show();
+void servercontroller::notification_prefs()
+ KNotifyDialog::configure(this, "Notification Configuration Dialog");
+void servercontroller::dump_obj()
+ objFinder::dumpTree();
+void servercontroller::server_debug()
+ QListViewItem *citem = ConnectionTree->currentItem(); // get item
+ if(citem){ // if it exist, ie something is highlighted, continue
+ QString server;
+ if(proc_list[citem->text(0)]){ // If it's a match with a server, ok
+ server = citem->text(0);
+ }
+ else if ( citem->parent() ) {
+ if(proc_list[citem->parent()->text(0)]){
+ server = citem->parent()->text(0);
+ }
+ }
+ if( !server.isNull() ){
+ bool sh = proc_list[server]->getIOController()->isDebugTraffic();
+ proc_list[server]->getIOController()->showDebugTraffic(!sh);
+ }
+ }
+void servercontroller::filter_rule_editor()
+ FilterRuleEditor *fe = new FilterRuleEditor();
+ connect(fe, SIGNAL(destroyed()),
+ this, SLOT(slot_filters_update()));
+ fe->show();
+void servercontroller::font_update(const QFont &font)
+ ksopts->defaultFont = font;
+/* configChange(); */
+ KConfig *kConfig = kapp->config();
+ kConfig->setGroup("GlobalOptions");
+ kConfig->sync();
+ QApplication::setFont( font, true, "KSirc::TextView" );
+void servercontroller::configChange()
+ QDictIterator<KSircProcess> it( proc_list );
+ while(it.current()){
+ it.current()->filters_update();
+ it.current()->getWindowList()["!all"]->control_message(REREAD_CONFIG, "");
+ ++it;
+ }
+ m_kga->readSettings();
+ m_kga->updateConnections();
+void servercontroller::ProcMessage(QString server, int command, QString args)
+ QListViewItem *serverItem = 0L;
+ QListViewItem *item = ConnectionTree->firstChild();
+ while ( item ) {
+ if ( !item->parent() && item->text(0) == server ) {
+ serverItem = item;
+ break;
+ }
+ item = item->nextSibling();
+ }
+ if ( !serverItem ) {
+ kdDebug(5008) << "* ProcMessage for non-existant server?! - " << server<< endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch(command){
+ // Nick offline and online both remove the nick first.
+ // We remove the nick in case of an online so that we don't get
+ // duplicates.
+ // Args == nick comming on/offline.
+ case ProcCommand::nickOffline:
+ {
+ QListViewItem *online_item = findChild(serverItem, i18n("Online"));
+ if(online_item){
+ item = findChild(online_item, args);
+ delete item;
+ if(online_item->childCount() == 0)
+ delete online_item;
+ if(ksopts->runDocked && ksopts->dockPopups)
+ KPassivePopup::message(i18n("%1 just went offline on %2").arg(args).arg(server), dockWidget);
+ }
+ dockWidget->nickOffline(server, args);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ProcCommand::nickOnline:
+ {
+ QListViewItem *online_item = findChild(serverItem, i18n("Online"));
+ if(!online_item){
+ online_item = new QListViewItem(serverItem, i18n("Online"));
+ online_item->setPixmap( 0, pic_gf );
+ online_item->setOpen( true );
+ }
+ else {
+ item = findChild(online_item, args);
+ if( item ){
+ delete item;
+ }
+ }
+ item = new QListViewItem(online_item, args);
+ item->setPixmap( 0, pic_run );
+ if(ksopts->runDocked && ksopts->dockPopups)
+ KPassivePopup::message(i18n("%1 just came online on %2").arg(args).arg(server), dockWidget);
+ dockWidget->nickOnline(server, args);
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ // Add new channel, first add the parent to the path
+ path.push(&server);
+ path.push(&online);
+ path.push(&args);
+ // Remove old one if it's there
+ ConnectionTree->removeItem(&path); // Remove the item
+ path.pop();
+ // add a new child item with parent as its parent
+ ConnectionTree->addChildItem(args, pic_run, &path);
+ if (kSircConfig->BeepNotify) {
+ KNotifyClient::beep();
+ }
+ break;
+ */
+ /**
+ * Args:
+ * parent: the server name that the new channel is being joined on
+ * child: the new channel name
+ * Action:
+ * Adds "child" to the list of joined channles in the main
+ * window. Always call this on new window creation!
+ */
+ case ProcCommand::addTopLevel:
+ // Add new channel
+ if(args[0] == '!')
+ args.remove(0, 1); // If the first char is !, it's control, remove it
+ // add a new child item with parent as it's parent
+ item = new QListViewItem( serverItem, args );
+ item->setPixmap( 0, pic_ppl );
+ open_toplevels++;
+ break;
+ /**
+ * Args:
+ * parent: the server name of which channel is closing
+ * child: the channle that is closing. IFF Emtpy, parent is
+ * deleted.
+ * Action:
+ * Deletes the "child" window from the list of connections. If
+ * the child is Empty the whole tree is removed since it is assumed
+ * the parent has disconnected and is closing.
+ */
+ case ProcCommand::deleteTopLevel:
+ // If the child is emtpy, delete the whole tree, otherwise just the child
+ if(args[0] == '!')
+ args.remove(0, 1); // If the first char is !, it's control, remove it
+ item = findChild( serverItem, args );
+ delete item;
+ if ( serverItem->childCount() == 0 )
+ delete serverItem;
+ open_toplevels--;
+ break;
+ /**
+ * Args:
+ * parent: parent server connection
+ * old: the old name for the window
+ * new: the new name for the window
+ * Action:
+ * Changes the old window name to the new window name in the tree
+ * list box. Call for all name change!
+ */
+ case ProcCommand::changeChannel:
+ {
+ char *new_s, *old_s;
+ new_s = new char[args.length()+1];
+ old_s = new char[args.length()+1];
+ sscanf(args.ascii(), "%s %s", old_s, new_s);
+ // If the channel has a !, it's a control channel, remove the !
+ if(old_s[0] == '!')
+ // Even though, we want strlen() -1 characters, strlen doesn't
+ // include the \0, so we need to copy one more. -1 + 1 = 0.
+ memmove(old_s, old_s+1, strlen(old_s));
+ if(new_s[0] == '!')
+ memmove(new_s, new_s+1, strlen(new_s)); // See above for strlen()
+ item = findChild( serverItem, old_s );
+ delete item;
+ item = new QListViewItem( serverItem, new_s );
+ item->setPixmap( 0, pic_ppl );
+ delete[] new_s;
+ delete[] old_s;
+ }
+ break;
+ case ProcCommand::procClose:
+ dockWidget->serverClose(server);
+ delete serverItem;
+ proc_list.remove(server); // Remove process entry while we are at it
+ if(proc_list.count() == 0){
+ ConnectionTree->clear();
+ connections->setItemEnabled(join_id, FALSE);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ProcCommand::turnOffAutoCreate:
+ if (ksopts->autoCreateWin) {
+ ToggleAutoCreate();
+ }
+ break;
+ case ProcCommand::turnOnAutoCreate:
+ if (!ksopts->autoCreateWin) {
+ ToggleAutoCreate();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ kdDebug(5008) << "Unkown command: [" << command << "] from "
+ << server
+ << " " << args << endl;
+ }
+void servercontroller::slot_filters_update()
+ emit ServMessage(QString(), ServCommand::updateFilters, QString());
+void servercontroller::saveGlobalProperties(KConfig *ksc)
+ // ksc hos the K Session config
+ // ksp == current KSircProcess
+ // ksm == current KSircMessageReceiver
+ // Ignore all !<name> windows
+ QString group = ksc->group();
+ ksc->setGroup( "KSircSession" );
+ SessionConfigMap::ConstIterator it = m_sessionConfig.begin();
+ for (; it != m_sessionConfig.end(); ++it ) {
+ ChannelSessionInfoList infoList = *it;
+ QStringList channels;
+ QString port = "6667";
+ QStringList desktops;
+ for ( ChannelSessionInfoList::ConstIterator sessionInfoIt = infoList.begin();
+ sessionInfoIt != infoList.end(); ++sessionInfoIt ) {
+ channels << ( *sessionInfoIt ).name;
+ port = ( *sessionInfoIt ).port;
+ desktops << QString::number( ( *sessionInfoIt ).desktop );
+ }
+ KConfigGroup( ksc, "KSircSession" ).writeEntry( it.key(), channels );
+ KConfigGroup( ksc, "KSircSessionPort" ).writeEntry( it.key(), port );
+ KConfigGroup( ksc, "KSircSessionDesktopNumbers" ).writeEntry( it.key(), desktops );
+ }
+ ksc->setGroup("ServerController");
+// ksc->writeEntry("Docked", !isVisible());
+ ksc->writeEntry("Size", geometry());
+ ksc->setGroup(group);
+void servercontroller::readGlobalProperties(KConfig *ksc)
+ QString group = ksc->group();
+ // ksc == K Session Config
+ // KMainWindow silently disables our menubar, when we quit in a docked
+ // state, so we have to force showing it here.
+ menuBar()->show();
+ // commented in for testing...
+ ksc->setGroup( "KSircSession" );
+ QMap<QString,QString> keyMap = ksc->entryMap( ksc->group() );
+ QMap<QString,QString>::Iterator it = keyMap.begin();
+ while(it != keyMap.end()) {
+ QString server = it.key();
+ QString port = KConfigGroup( ksc, "KSircSessionPort" ).readEntry( server );
+ // debug("%s", it.key().latin1());
+ KSircServer kss(server, port);
+ new_ksircprocess( kss ); // sets up proc_list
+ QStringList channels = ksc->readListEntry( server );
+ QStringList desktops = KConfigGroup( ksc, "KSircSessionDesktopNumbers" ).readListEntry( server );
+ for(uint i = 0; i < channels.count(); i++){
+ QString channel = channels[ i ];
+ proc_list[ server ]->new_toplevel( KSircChannel(server, channel), true );
+ KSircTopLevel *topLevel = dynamic_cast<KSircTopLevel *>( proc_list[ server ]->getWindowList()[ channel ] );
+ if ( !topLevel || !topLevel->isTopLevel() )
+ continue;
+ QStringList::ConstIterator desktopNumberIt = i );
+ if ( desktopNumberIt == desktops.end() )
+ continue;
+ int desktop = ( *desktopNumberIt ).toInt();
+ if ( desktop == -1 )
+ continue;
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ NETWinInfo winInfo( qt_xdisplay(), topLevel->winId(), qt_xrootwin(), NET::WMDesktop );
+ winInfo.setDesktop( desktop );
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ QRect geom;
+// ksc->setGroup("ServerController");
+// bool docked = ksc->readBoolEntry("Docked", FALSE);
+// if ( !docked )
+ // show();
+ if(ksopts->runDocked == false)
+ show();
+ geom = ksc->readRectEntry("Size");
+ if(! geom.isEmpty())
+ setGeometry(geom);
+ ksc->setGroup(group);
+void servercontroller::saveSessionConfig()
+ QDictIterator<KSircProcess> ksp(proc_list);
+ for (; ksp.current(); ++ksp ) {
+ ChannelSessionInfoList channels;
+ QDictIterator<KSircMessageReceiver> ksm(ksp.current()->getWindowList());
+ for (; ksm.current(); ++ksm )
+ if(ksm.currentKey()[0] != '!') { // Ignore !ksm's (system created)
+ ChannelSessionInfo sessionInfo;
+ = ksm.currentKey();
+ sessionInfo.port = ksp.current()->serverPort();
+ KSircTopLevel *topLev = dynamic_cast<KSircTopLevel *>( ksm.current() );
+ if ( topLev && topLev->isTopLevel() ) {
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ NETWinInfo winInfo( qt_xdisplay(), topLev->winId(), qt_xrootwin(), NET::WMDesktop );
+ sessionInfo.desktop = winInfo.desktop();
+ }
+ channels << sessionInfo;
+ }
+ if ( !channels.isEmpty() )
+ m_sessionConfig[ ksp.currentKey() ] = channels;
+ }
+void servercontroller::showEvent( QShowEvent *e )
+ QWidget::showEvent( e );
+ if ( !e->spontaneous() )
+ saveDockingStatus();
+void servercontroller::hideEvent( QHideEvent * )
+ /*
+ QWidget::hideEvent( e );
+ if ( !e->spontaneous() )
+ saveDockingStatus();
+ if(QWidget::isMinimized()){
+ hide();
+ KWin::setState(winId(), NET::SkipTaskbar);
+ }
+ */
+void servercontroller::saveDockingStatus()
+ if ( we_are_exiting ) // we are hidden by closeEvent
+ return;
+// KConfig *kConfig = kapp->config();
+// KConfigGroupSaver s( kConfig, "ServerController" );
+// kConfig->writeEntry("Docked", !isVisible());
+// kConfig->sync();
+void servercontroller::endksirc(){
+ kapp->config()->sync();
+ exit(0);
+void servercontroller::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e )
+ we_are_exiting = true;
+ saveSessionConfig();
+ KMainWindow::closeEvent( e );
+void servercontroller::WindowSelected(QListViewItem *item)
+ if ( !item )
+ return;
+ QListViewItem *parent_server = item->parent();
+ if(!parent_server)
+ return;
+ QString txt = QString(parent_server->text(0)) + "_" + item->text(0) + "_toplevel";
+ QWidget *obj = dynamic_cast<QWidget *>( objFinder::find(txt.utf8(), "KSircTopLevel"));
+ if(obj == 0x0){
+ txt =QString(parent_server->text(0)) + "_!" + item->text(0) + "_toplevel";
+ obj = dynamic_cast<QWidget *>( objFinder::find(txt.utf8(), "KSircTopLevel"));
+ }
+ if(obj != 0x0){
+ displayMgr->raise(obj);
+ }
+ else {
+ kdWarning() << "Did not find widget ptr to raise it" << endl;
+ }
+QListViewItem * servercontroller::findChild( QListViewItem *parent,
+ const QString& text )
+ if ( !parent || parent->childCount() == 0 ) {
+ return 0L;
+ }
+ QListViewItem *item = parent->firstChild();
+ while ( item ) {
+ if ( item->text(0) == text ) {
+ return item;
+ }
+ item = item->nextSibling();
+ }
+ return 0L;
+void servercontroller::increaseNotificationCount(const QString& reason, const QString& text)
+ dockWidget->startBlink(reason, text);
+ m_notificationCount++;
+void servercontroller::decreaseNotificationCount(QString reason)
+ m_notificationCount--;
+ if ( m_notificationCount == 0 )
+ {
+ dockWidget->stopBlink(reason, true);
+ }
+ else {
+ dockWidget->stopBlink(reason, false);
+ }
+void servercontroller::resetNotification()
+ m_notificationCount = 0;
+ dockWidget->stopBlink(QString::null, true);
+ QDictIterator<KSircProcess> it( proc_list );
+ while(it.current()){
+ it.current()->filters_update();
+ it.current()->getWindowList()["!all"]->control_message(RESET_NOTIF, "");
+ ++it;
+ }
+void servercontroller::do_autoconnect()
+ static int stime = 0;
+ static int ctime = 0;
+ int loop;
+ kdDebug(5008) << "Doing AUTOCONNECT" << endl;
+ KConfig *conf = kapp->config();
+ conf->setGroup("AutoConnect");
+ QStringList servers = conf->readListEntry("Servers");
+ servers.sort();
+ QStringList::ConstIterator ser = servers.begin();
+ loop = 0;
+ for( ; ser != servers.end(); ser++){
+ if(loop++ == stime){
+ stime++;
+ QString server = *ser;
+ QString port = "6667";
+ bool usessl = false;
+ QString pass = QString::null;
+ QRegExp rx("(.+) \\(SSL\\)(.*)");
+ if( >= 0){
+ server = rx.cap(1) + rx.cap(3);
+ usessl = true;
+ }
+ rx.setPattern("(.+) \\(pass: (\\S+)\\)(.*)");
+ if( >= 0){
+ server = rx.cap(1) + rx.cap(3);
+ pass = rx.cap(2);
+ }
+ rx.setPattern("([^: ]+):(\\d+)");
+ if( >= 0){
+ server = rx.cap(1);
+ port = rx.cap(2);
+ }
+ kdDebug(5008) << server << ": Done " << port << " " << usessl << " " << pass << endl;
+ KSircServer kss(server, port, "", pass, usessl);
+ new_ksircprocess(kss);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ loop = 0;
+ ser = servers.begin();
+ for( ; ser != servers.end(); ser++){
+ QStringList channels = conf->readListEntry(*ser);
+ if(channels.empty() == FALSE){
+ channels.sort();
+ QStringList::ConstIterator chan = channels.begin();
+ for(; chan != channels.end(); chan++){
+ if(loop++ == ctime){
+ ctime++;
+ QString channel = *chan;
+ QString key = QString::null;
+ QRegExp crx("(.+) \\(key: (\\S+)\\)");
+ if( >= 0){
+ channel = crx.cap(1);
+ key = crx.cap(2);
+ }
+ QString server = *ser;
+ QRegExp rx("^([^ :]+)");
+ if( >= 0){
+ server = rx.cap(1);
+ }
+ kdDebug(5008) << server << ": Channed: " << channel << " key: " << key << endl;
+ new_toplevel(KSircChannel(server, channel, key), true);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ctime = 0;
+ stime = 0;
+ at->stop();
+ delete at;
+void servercontroller::start_autoconnect() {
+ at = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(at, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(do_autoconnect()));
+ at->start(250, FALSE);
+void servercontroller::start_autoconnect_check() {
+ KConfig *conf = kapp->config();
+ conf->setGroup("AutoConnect");
+ QStringList servers = conf->readListEntry("Servers");
+ if(servers.count() == 0){
+ KSPrefs *kp = new KSPrefs();
+ connect(kp, SIGNAL(update(int)),
+ this, SLOT(configChange()));
+ kp->resize(550, 450);
+ kp->showPage(7); /* Show auto connect page */
+ kp->show();
+ }
+ else {
+ at = new QTimer(this);
+ connect(at, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(do_autoconnect()));
+ at->start(250, FALSE);
+ }
+scInside::scInside ( QWidget * parent, const char * name, WFlags
+ f )
+ : QFrame(parent, name, f)
+ ASConn = new QLabel(i18n("Active server connections:"), this, "servercontroller_label");
+ QFont asfont = ASConn->font();
+ asfont.setBold(TRUE);
+ ASConn->setFont(asfont);
+ ConnectionTree = new KListView(this, "connectiontree");
+ ConnectionTree->addColumn(QString::null);
+ ConnectionTree->setRootIsDecorated( true );
+ ConnectionTree->setSorting( 0 );
+ ConnectionTree->header()->hide();
+ delete ASConn;
+ delete ConnectionTree;
+void scInside::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *e )
+ QFrame::resizeEvent(e);
+ ASConn->setGeometry(10,10, width() - 20,
+ ASConn->fontMetrics().height()+5);
+ ConnectionTree->setGeometry(10, 10 + ASConn->height(),
+ width() - 20, height() - 20 - ASConn->height());
+#include "servercontroller.moc"