KGet"> ]> The &kget; Handbook Jonathan E. Drews 2003 Jonathan E. Drews &FDLNotice; 2005-08-31 0.8.4 &kget; allows you to group downloads. In some cases, &kget; can resume these downloads even if you shutdown your computer before the downloads have completed. KDE kdeutils kget kppp download Introduction To download a document or package, drag and drop the &URL; on to &kget;. Using &kget; &kget; Tutorial Here is a brief tutorial that uses some of the features of &kget;. Below are three software packages that are to be downloaded. Suppose you want to download the middle one first and then the top and bottom ones second. Place &kget; in offline mode, by choosing the menu item OptionsOffline Mode. Click on the top entry with the &LMB;. Hold down the &Ctrl; key and click on the bottom entry. &kget; should look similar to this: Screenshot of Kget Items to be downloaded from Konqueror Click on the delay button to prevent these items from being downloaded. Now click on the middle entry to highlight it. The top and bottom items will no longer be highlighted. Screenshot of Kget Items to be downloaded from Konqueror Put &kget; back online by unchecking OptionsOffline Mode and &kget; will download the middle item. Click on the top item, hold down the &Shift; key and click on the bottom item. &kget; should look like this: Screenshot of Kget Items to be downloaded from Konqueror Holding down the &Ctrl; key allows you to select individual items; holding down the &Shift; key allows you to select consecutive items, while clicking with the &LMB;. Now click on the Queue icon or choose TransferQueue to download the two highlighted items. Special Configurations Configuration of Auto-Disconnect This feature is used for automatically disconnecting your modem once a download has been completed. To configure &kget; for auto-disconnect do: Go to OptionsAuto-Disconnect Mode to disconnect the modem. Usually this would be &kppp;. Expert Mode must be on to use this feature. For &SuSE; users the command cinternet ppp0 must be substituted for kppp in the Settings Configure &kget;... Automations menu. For Fedora Core users the command should be /usr/sbin/usernetctl ppp0 Downloading Into Designated Folders To download JPEG files into a designated folder do: Go to Settings Configure &kget;... Folders menu. Enter the files you wish to download using the extensions .jpg and .jpeg as shown below: Screenshot of Kget Downloading into designated files Click on Apply and OK. When you download any .jpeg files they will be stored in /home/kdecvs/pics/JPEG. Command Reference The main &kget; window The <guimenu>File</guimenu> Menu &Ctrl;O File Open Opens the transfer window where you can paste &URL;'s. &Ctrl;V File Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the transfer window. File Export Transfer List... Opens a Save As window that allows you to save highlighted &URL;'s to a .kget file. To use this feature: Place &kget; in offline mode by clicking on the offline mode button in the toolbar or choosing OptionsOffline Mode. Drag the &URL;'s you wish to download on to &kget;. Next click on the top entry so that it is highlighted. Hold down the &Shift; key and click on the bottom &URL; to highlight the entries like so: Picture of kget saving to export file Now click on File Export Transfer List... and enter the name of the .kget file for your downloads. This feature is used to save items that will be downloaded on a regular basis, such as the &kde; snapshots above. File Import Transfer List... Loads .kget files that were created with File Export Transfer List... File Import Text File... Imports &URL;'s that are in text files. This is a powerful feature that allows you to parse &URL;'s from text files and emails you may have received. It can discriminate between ordinary text and &URL;'s, provided the &URL; begins at the left margin of the document. &kget; will find these &URL;'s and load them into its main window for you. This feature only ignores regular text when you have clicked on the Expert Mode icon. If the Expert Mode is not used then the text file must contain only &URL;'s. &Ctrl;Q File Quit Quits &kget; The <guimenu>View</guimenu> Menu View Show Log Window Opens a log window that shows the events that have occurred. This is useful for seeing what happened during a lengthy download. Here you can see if any packages were skipped or if a connection timed out. The <guimenu>Transfer</guimenu> Menu In order for the entries in this menu to become active (not grayed out), you must highlight a download by clicking on the entry with the &LMB;. Transfer Copy &URL; to Clipboard This pastes a highlighted line into the &kde; clipboard (Klipper). Transfer Open Individual Window Displays the selected download in its own window. Transfer Move To Beginning Moves a highlighted entry to the top of the download list. The topmost &URL; in &kget; is downloaded first. Transfer Move To End Moves a highlighted entry to the bottom of the download list. Transfer Resume Resumes a download that has been paused. Transfer Pause Pauses a download that is running. Transfer Delete Deletes a highlighted item from the &kget; main window. Transfer Restart Combines the functions of Resume and Pause in one button. Transfer Queue Causes the highlighted entries in &kget; to begin downloading. Transfer Timer Delays the download of the highlighted items by one minute. This is useful if you need to pause the download to check email or go to a website. Transfer Delay Delays the download of the highlighted items indefinitely. Queue, Timer and Delay are mutually exclusive; only one of them may be selected at a time. The Options Menu Options Use Animations Toggle use of animations to display &kget;'s state. Options Use Sound Toggle the use of sound to indicate events, ⪚ a file being added to the download list, or a download completing. Options Expert Mode Turns off prompting. Options Use-Last-Folder Mode &kget; will ignore the current folder settings and place all new transfers in the folder where the last transfer was placed. Options Offline Mode Toggles &kget; from being online (ready to download) to offline. The offline mode is used when you want to copy &URL;'s into &kget; without them being downloaded immediately. Options Auto-Disconnect Mode Causes &kget; to disconnect the modem. Usually this would be &kppp;. Expert Mode must be on to use this feature. You can find more information about the Auto-Disconnect Mode in . Options Auto Shutdown Mode Closes &kget; after all the downloads are completed. The Expert Mode must be turned on. OptionsAuto-Paste Mode Enable grabbing of files to download from the clipboard. The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu Settings Hide Statusbar Hide the statusbar. The statusbar normally displays statistics about the currently downloading files. Settings Drop Target The drop target is a desktop icon that allows for hiding and restoring of &kget;. This is used on a cluttered desktop when you want to periodically check the status of a download. Settings Configure Shortcuts... Display the the familiar &kde; Keyboard Shortcut Configuration Dialog. Settings Configure Toolbars Display the the familiar &kde; Toolbar Configuration Dialog. Settings Configure &kappname; Launch the main configuration dialog. The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> Menu &; Credits and License &kget; Program copyright 1998 Matej Moss Contributors: Patrick Charbonnier Carsten Pfeiffer Documentation Copyright © 2003 Jonathan Drews &underFDL; &underGPL; Installation How to obtain &kget; &install.intro.documentation; Compilation and Installation &install.compile.documentation; &documentation.index;