The &kppp; wizard Starting the Wizard. You can start the wizard from &kppp;'s initial screen. Start &kppp; from your K menu, where you will find it's entry in the Internet as Internet Dialer. The following dialog will appear: The &kppp; dialer startup screen The &kppp; dialer startup screen The &kppp; dialer startup screen It will probably not have any entries to begin with, and that's what we're about to do now. Click the Setup button to begin setting up a new Internet connection. The wizard will offer you three choices, Wizard, Dialog Setup and Cancel The wizard asks you what you want to do... The wizard asks you what you want to do... The wizard asks you what you want to do Cancel Choose this if you really don't want to be setting up a new account right now. The message box will go away, and you will be left with the dialer screen as before. Wizard If you have a fairly standard modem, and use one of the larger ISP's for your country, the wizard will probably be able to set you up immediately with a working Internet Connection. Try this first, before you try to set up the connection manually. Dialog Setup If you don't succeed with the Wizard, or you just want to do things yourself, choose this. The wizard currently is only useful for a small subset of countries and Internet Providers. For the purposes of this chapter, we'll assume you are choosing Wizard, and the dialog based setup will be described in a later chapter. The Rest of the Wizard The first screen you see contains just introductory text, explaining the things you read about in the first section of this chapter. Press Next to move on. The second screen asks you to choose the country you live in. Not all countries are represented here, and if the country you live in is not listed, you will have to press Cancel, in which case the Dialog based setup will start for you to continue with. On the next screen, you will be given a choice of Internet Providers that &kppp; knows about, based on your choice of location in the previous screen. Again, if your ISP is not listed here, you will have to press Cancel and do your setup in the Dialog based setup You will now be asked to enter your username and password for your internet connection. Please note, that for some ISPs this differs from your mail account user name and password, so make sure you use the right one. Choose Next to continue. On the next screen, you have a chance to enter any special dial prefixes you might have - for example, if you must dial 0 for an outside line, or if have a prefix you can dial to turn off call waiting. Choose Next to continue. And that's all! If you want to revisit any of your choices, you can use the Back and Next buttons to move back and forth through the dialogs. When you're happy, press the Finish button, and you're all done. Of course, any of this information can be edited at a later time, from the &kppp; Configuration dialog.