KcmInterface /****************************************************************************** * * * This file is part of KSambaPlugin. * * * * KSambaPlugin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * KSambaPlugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with KSambaPlugin; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * ******************************************************************************/ KcmInterface 0 0 714 578 1 1 0 0 unnamed 0 6 mainTab <qt> Here you can edit the Samba users, stored in the smbpasswd file. <p> Every Samba user must have a corresponding UNIX user. On the right you can see all UNIX users, stored in the passwd file and not configured as Samba users. You can see the Samba users on the left-hand side. <p> To add new Samba users simply press the <em>&lt; add</em> button. The selected UNIX users will then become Samba users and will be removed from the UNIX users list (but they will remain UNIX users). <p> To remove Samba users click the <em>&gt; remove</em> button. The selected Samba users will be removed from the smbpasswd file and reappear on the right-hand side, as UNIX users which are not Samba users. </qt> tab &Base Settings unnamed 11 6 layout38 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1_6 MShape MShadow Samba config file: configUrlRq configUrlRq loadBtn true &Load GroupBox1_2 Server Identification unnamed 11 6 TextLabel1_2_2_2 Wor&kgroup: workgroupEdit workgroupEdit Enter here the name of your workgroup/domain. serverStringEdit netbiosNameEdit TextLabel4_3 Server strin&g: serverStringEdit TextLabel3_6 NetBIOS name: netbiosNameEdit securityLevelBtnGrp Securit&y Level unnamed 11 6 layout33 unnamed 0 6 shareRadio Share Alt+ true userRadio User Alt+ serverRadio Server Alt+ domainRadio Domai&n adsRadio ADS Alt+ securityLevelHelpLbl 7 5 0 0 Use the <i>share</i> security level if you have a home network or a small office network.<br> It allows everyone to read all share names before a login is required. RichText WordBreak|AlignTop 5 GroupBox12 Further Options unnamed 11 6 passwordServerLabel false Password server address/name: passwordServerEdit passwordServerEdit false realmLabel false Real&m: realmEdit allowGuestLoginsChk false Allo&w guest logins layout39 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel6_5 false 0 5 0 0 Guest acc&ount: guestAccountCombo guestAccountCombo false spacer44 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 realmEdit false GroupBox10 Help unnamed 11 6 TextLabel2_3 3 5 0 0 For detailed help about every option please look at: AlignVCenter KURLLabel1 5 5 0 0 man:smb.conf Spacer38 Horizontal Expanding 30 0 Spacer36 Vertical Expanding 20 40 shareTab &Shares unnamed 11 6 Name true true Path true true Comment true true Properties true true shareListView true true false AllColumns Layout54 unnamed 0 6 editDefaultShareBtn Edit Defau&lts... Spacer21 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 addShareBtn Add &New Share... editShareBtn Edit Share... Alt+ removeShareBtn Re&move Share tab Prin&ters unnamed 11 6 Name true true Printer true true Comment true true Properties true true printerListView true true false AllColumns Layout53 unnamed 0 6 editDefaultPrinterBtn Edit Defau&lts Spacer21_2 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 addPrinterBtn Add Ne&w Printer editPrinterBtn Edit Pri&nter removePrinterBtn Re&move Printer tab &Users unnamed 11 6 layout56 unnamed 0 6 groupBox51_2 Sa&mba Users unnamed 11 6 Name true true UID true true Disabled true true No Password true true sambaUsersListView 7 7 10 0 layout55 unnamed 0 6 spacer71_3 Vertical Expanding 20 30 addSambaUserBtn 5 0 0 0 Add spacer71 Vertical Expanding 20 30 removeSambaUserBtn 5 0 0 0 Rem&ove spacer71_2 Vertical Expanding 20 30 groupBox52_2 UNI&X Users unnamed 11 6 Name true true UID true true unixUsersListView 5 7 5 0 layout55 unnamed 0 6 sambaUserPasswordBtn Chan&ge Password... joinADomainBtn false &Join Domain Spacer26 Horizontal Expanding 240 20 advanced Advan&ced unnamed 11 6 advancedFrame StyledPanel Raised Frame26 HLine Sunken Layout92 unnamed 0 6 advancedWarningPixLbl 0 0 0 0 true TextLabel1_4 1 Here you can change advanced options of the SAMBA server. Only change something if you know what you are doing. advancedDumpTab Advanced Dump unnamed 11 6 advancedTab Rounded tab Security unnamed 0 6 tabWidget4 tab &General unnamed 11 6 spacer90 Vertical Expanding 20 40 groupBox66 PAM unnamed 11 6 obeyPamRestrictionsChk Obey PAM restrictions Alt+ pamPasswordChangeChk PAM password change Alt+ groupBox67 Other Switches unnamed 11 6 allowTrustedDomainsChk A&llow trusted domains paranoidServerSecurityChk Paranoid server security Alt+ groupBox68 General unnamed 11 6 TextLabel8_2_2_2_2_2_2 Auth methods: authMethodsEdit TextLabel8_2_2_2_2_2 Root director&y: rootDirectoryEdit TextLabel1_2_5_2 I&nterfaces: interfacesEdit TextLabel2_5_2 0 5 0 0 Map to guest: mapToGuestCombo bindInterfacesOnlyChk Bind interfaces only Alt+ Never Bad User Bad Password mapToGuestCombo TextLabel8_2_3_2 Hosts e&quiv: hostsEquivUrlRq rootDirectoryEdit 1 authMethodsEdit 1 interfacesEdit Spacer37_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 180 20 TextLabel6_7_2 Algorithmic rid base: algorithmicRidBaseSpin algorithmicRidBaseSpin 2147483647 Spacer37_2_2_2 Horizontal Expanding 117 20 hostsEquivUrlRq 1 TextLabel8_2_2_3_2_2 Private dir: privateDirUrlRq privateDirUrlRq TabPage Pass&word unnamed 11 6 spacer57 Vertical Expanding 20 40 groupBox73 Migration unnamed 11 6 updateEncryptedChk Update encr&ypted groupBox75 Samba Passwords unnamed 11 6 encryptPasswordsChk E&ncrypt passwords TextLabel8_2_2_2 Smb passwd file: smbPasswdFileUrlRq smbPasswdFileUrlRq TextLabel3_5_3_2 Passdb bac&kend: passdbBackendEdit passwdChatEdit passdbBackendEdit TextLabel3_5_3 Passwd chat: passwdChatEdit passwdChatDebugChk Passwd chat debug TextLabel5_2_3_4_3 Sec seconds TextLabel3_5_3_3 Passwd chat timeout: passwdChatEdit passwdChatTimeoutSpin 2147483647 groupBox74 Password unnamed 11 6 TextLabel6_7 Password level: passwordLevelSpin TextLabel6_3_2 Min password length: minPasswdLengthSpin TextLabel1 Machine password timeout: machinePasswordTimeoutSpin machinePasswordTimeoutSpin 2147483647 minPasswdLengthSpin 2147483647 Spacer31_2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 TextLabel5_2_3_4_2 Sec seconds nullPasswordsChk Nu&ll passwords passwordLevelSpin 2147483647 groupBox76 UNIX Passwords unnamed 11 6 TextLabel8_2_2_3_2 Passwd program: passwdProgramUrlRq passwdProgramUrlRq unixPasswordSyncChk UNI&X password sync TabPage Userna&me unnamed 11 6 TextLabel3_5_2_2 User&name map: usernameMapUrlRq usernameMapUrlRq TextLabel6_4_2 Username &level: usernameLevelSpin usernameLevelSpin 255 spacer52 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 hideLocalUsersChk Hide local users restrictAnonymousChk Restrict anon&ymous useRhostsChk Use rhosts spacer53 Vertical Expanding 20 170 tab Authenticati&on unnamed 11 6 groupBox13 Client unnamed 11 6 TextLabel3_5_2_3 C&lient signing: clientSigningCombo clientPlaintextAuthChk Client plainte&xt authentication clientLanmanAuthChk Client lanman authentication Auto Mandatory Disabled clientSigningCombo Yes No Auto clientSchannelCombo TextLabel3_5_2 Client channel: clientSchannelCombo clientUseSpnegoChk Client use spnego clientNTLMv2AuthChk Client NTLMv&2 authentication spacer54 Horizontal Expanding 16 20 groupBox13_2 Server unnamed 11 6 TextLabel3_5_2_3_3 Server signing: serverSigningCombo lanmanAuthChk Lanman authentication Auto Mandatory Disabled serverSigningCombo Yes No Auto serverSchannelCombo TextLabel3_5_2_5 Server channel: serverSchannelCombo useSpnegoChk Use sp&nego ntlmAuthChk NTLM authentication spacer54_2 Horizontal Expanding 120 20 spacer55 Vertical Expanding 20 20 tab Logging unnamed 0 6 loggingFrame 7 5 100 0 NoFrame Plain unnamed 0 6 groupBox36_2 General unnamed 11 6 TextLabel4_3_2_2_2_2 L&og file: logFileUrlRq logFileUrlRq TextLabel3_3_2_2_2_2 KB TextLabel2_2_2_2_2_2 Ma&x log size: maxLogSizeSpin spacer60_3 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 TextLabel5_3_2_2_2_2 S&yslog: syslogSpin maxLogSizeSpin 2147483647 TextLabel6_2_2_2_2_2 0 5 0 0 76 0 Log &level: logLevelEdit logLevelEdit syslogSpin 4 groupBox48 S&witches unnamed 11 6 syslogOnlyChk 0 0 0 0 Syslog o&nly statusChk Status true timestampChk 0 0 0 0 Ti&mestamp false microsecondsChk false microseconds debugPidChk 0 0 0 0 Debug pid debugUidChk Debu&g uid Spacer114_2 Vertical Expanding 20 60 tab Tuning unnamed 0 6 groupBox37_2 Modules unnamed 11 6 TextLabel4_2_2 Pre&load modules: preloadModulesEdit preloadModulesEdit groupBox47 Numbers unnamed 11 6 TextLabel4_2_3_2_2_4 Max smbd processes: maxSmbdProcessesSpin TextLabel4_2_3_2_2_2_2_4 Max open files: maxOpenFilesSpin maxSmbdProcessesSpin 2147483647 maxOpenFilesSpin 2147483647 spacer61 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 Spacer60 Vertical Expanding 20 50 groupBox46 Sizes unnamed 11 6 TextLabel4_2_3_2_2_2_5 Max disk size: maxDiskSizeSpin TextLabel4_2_3_2_2_2_2_2_3 Read si&ze: readSizeSpin TextLabel4_2_3_2_2_2_3_3 Stat cache size: statCacheSizeSpin readSizeSpin 65536 statCacheSizeSpin 2147483647 maxDiskSizeSpin 2147483647 spacer62 Horizontal Expanding 16 20 TextLabel5_2_3_2_2_3 MB mega byte maxXmitSpin 65535 0 TextLabel4_4_2_7_2_2_2 Ma&x xmit: maxXmitSpin groupBox45 Times unnamed 11 6 TextLabel4_2_5 Change notify timeout: changeNotifyTimeoutSpin TextLabel5_2_3_4 Sec seconds TextLabel4_2_3_4 &Keepalive: keepaliveSpin changeNotifyTimeoutSpin 2147483647 TextLabel5_2_5 Sec seconds keepaliveSpin 2147483647 TextLabel5_2_2_3 Min minutes TextLabel4_2_2_3 Deadtime: deadtimeSpin deadtimeSpin 2147483647 TextLabel4_2_3_2_4 Lp&q cache time: lpqCacheTimeSpin lpqCacheTimeSpin 2147483647 TextLabel5_2_3_2_4 Sec seconds TextLabel5_2_3_2_4_2 Sec seconds TextLabel4_2_3_2_4_2 &Name cache timeout: nameCacheTimeoutSpin nameCacheTimeoutSpin 2147483647 groupBox44 Switches unnamed 11 6 getwdCacheChk &Getwd cache useMmapChk Use &mmap kernelChangeNotifyChk Kernel change notif&y hostnameLookupsChk H&ostname lookups readRawChk Read ra&w true writeRawChk Write raw true tab Printing unnamed 0 6 groupBox52 &General unnamed 11 6 TextLabel1_3 Total print &jobs: totalPrintJobsSpin totalPrintJobsSpin 2147483647 Spacer22 Horizontal Expanding 20 16 groupBox51 Drivers unnamed 11 6 TextLabel4_2_4 OS&2 driver map: os2DriverMapUrlRq TextLabel1_3_4 Printcap na&me: printcapNameUrlRq printcapNameUrlRq os2DriverMapUrlRq printerDriverLbl 1 Pri&nter driver file: printerDriverFileUrlRq printerDriverFileUrlRq groupBox50 Commands unnamed 11 6 TextLabel2_2_2 Enumports command: enumportsCommandEdit TextLabel3_3_3 Addprinter command: addprinterCommandEdit TextLabel3_3_2 Deleteprinter command: deleteprinterCommandEdit addprinterCommandEdit deleteprinterCommandEdit enumportsCommandEdit groupBox49 S&witches unnamed 11 6 loadPrintersChk L&oad printers disableSpoolssChk Disab&le spools showAddPrinterWizardChk Show add printer wi&zard Spacer48 Vertical Expanding 20 40 TabPage Domain unnamed 0 6 spacer58 Vertical Expanding 20 100 osLevelSpin 0 0 0 0 2147483647 localMasterChk 0 0 0 0 L&ocal master domainMasterChk Domai&n master domainLogonsChk Domain lo&gons preferredMasterChk 0 0 0 0 Preferred &master Spacer14 Horizontal Preferred 323 20 TextLabel5 0 5 0 0 OS &level: osLevelSpin TextLabel3_3_3_3 Domain admin group: domainAdminGroupEdit TextLabel3_3_3_4 Domain guest group: domainGuestGroupEdit domainGuestGroupEdit domainAdminGroupEdit TabPage WINS unnamed 0 6 buttonGroup4 NoFrame Plain 0 unnamed 7 6 noWinsSupportRadio Deactivate &WINS true true winsSupportRadio Act as a WI&NS server otherWinsRadio Use an&other WINS server groupBox35 false WINS Server Settin&gs unnamed 11 6 TextLabel4_4_2_4_3_2_2_2 Max WINS tt&l: maxWinsTtlSpin TextLabel4_4_2_5_3_2_2_2 &Min WINS ttl: minWinsTtlSpin maxWinsTtlSpin false 2147483647 0 minWinsTtlSpin false 2147483647 0 TextLabel6_5_2_4_2_2_2 Sec seconds TextLabel6_5_2_2_3_2_2_2 Sec seconds spacer59_2 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 winsHookLbl false WINS hoo&k: winsHookEdit winsHookEdit false dnsProxyChk false DNS prox&y false groupBox36 false WINS Server IP or DNS Name unnamed 11 6 winsServerEdit false groupBox37 General Options unnamed 11 6 TextLabel3_3_3_2 WINS partners: winsPartnersEdit winsPartnersEdit winsProxyChk true 5 0 0 0 WINS pro&xy false spacer60_2 Vertical Expanding 20 120 tab Filenames unnamed 0 6 groupBox54 Ge&neral unnamed 11 6 stripDotChk Strip d&ot groupBox55 &Mangling unnamed 11 6 mangledStackSpin 4 0 0 0 2147483647 TextLabel6_2_2 0 5 0 0 Mangled stac&k: mangledStackSpin TextLabel6_2_2_2 0 5 0 0 Mangle prefi&x: manglePrefixSpin manglePrefixSpin 6 1 spacer56 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 groupBox53 Specia&l unnamed 11 6 statCacheChk Stat cache Spacer61 Vertical Expanding 20 280 tab Locking unnamed 0 6 groupBox59 &General unnamed 11 6 kernelOplocksChk Use ker&nel oplocks groupBox56 Direct&ories unnamed 11 6 TextLabel5_2 Loc&k directory: lockDirectoryUrlRq lockDirectoryUrlRq TextLabel6_2 Pid director&y: pidDirectoryUrlRq pidDirectoryUrlRq groupBox57 Lock Spin unnamed 11 6 lockSpinTimeSpin 2147483647 lockSpinCountSpin 2147483647 textLabel3_2 microseconds textLabel2_2 &Lock spin count: lockSpinCountSpin textLabel2_2_2 Lock spin ti&me: lockSpinTimeSpin spacer60 Horizontal Expanding 30 20 groupBox58 Very Advanced unnamed 11 6 textLabel2 Oplock break &wait time: AlignVCenter oplockBreakWaitTimeSpin oplockBreakWaitTimeSpin 2147483647 textLabel3 milliseconds spacer101 Horizontal Expanding 50 20 spacer59 Vertical Expanding 20 120 tab Charset unnamed 0 6 groupBox40 Samba &3.x unnamed 11 6 TextLabel1_2_4_2_2_2_2_3 D&OS charset: dosCharsetEdit dosCharsetEdit TextLabel1_2_4_2_2_2_2_2 UNI&X charset: unixCharsetEdit unixCharsetEdit TextLabel1_2_4_2_2_2_2 Displa&y charset: displayCharsetEdit displayCharsetEdit unicodeChk U&nicode groupBox39 Samba &2.x unnamed 11 6 TextLabel5_2_4 Character set: characterSetEdit characterSetEdit clientCodePageEdit TextLabel12 Va&lid chars: validCharsEdit codePageDirUrlRq validCharsEdit TextLabel1_2_4_3_2 Code page directory: codePageDirUrlRq codingSystemEdit TextLabel1_2_4_2_2_2 Codin&g system: codingSystemEdit TextLabel1_2_3_2_2 Client code page: clientCodePageEdit Spacer185 Vertical Expanding 20 80 tab Logon unnamed 0 6 groupBox60 Add Scripts unnamed 11 6 TextLabel7_2 Add user script: addUserScriptEdit addUserScriptEdit TextLabel7_2_5_2 Add user to group script: addUserToGroupScriptEdit TextLabel7_2_5 Add gr&oup script: addGroupScriptEdit addGroupScriptEdit addUserToGroupScriptEdit TextLabel7_2_6 Add machine script: addMachineScriptEdit addMachineScriptEdit Spacer64 Vertical Expanding 20 20 groupBox61 Delete Scripts unnamed 11 6 deleteUserScriptEdit deleteUserFromGroupScriptEdit deleteGroupScriptEdit TextLabel7_2_2_2 Delete group script: deleteGroupScriptEdit TextLabel7_2_2 Delete user script: deleteUserScriptEdit TextLabel7_2_2_2_2 Delete user from group script: deleteUserFromGroupScriptEdit groupBox64 Primary Group Script unnamed 11 6 TextLabel7_2_5_3 Set primar&y group script: SetPrimaryGroupScriptEdit SetPrimaryGroupScriptEdit groupBox62 Shutdown unnamed 11 6 TextLabel7_2_3_2 Shutdo&wn script: shutdownScriptEdit TextLabel7_2_3_3 Abort shutdown script: abortShutdownScriptEdit shutdownScriptEdit abortShutdownScriptEdit groupBox63 Logon unnamed 11 6 TextLabel8_2_2 Logo&n path: logonPathUrlRq logonHomeUrlRq TextLabel8_2 Logon ho&me: logonHomeUrlRq logonDriveEdit TextLabel7_2_4 &Logon drive: logonDriveEdit logonPathUrlRq TextLabel7_2_3 Lo&gon script: logonScriptEdit logonScriptEdit tab Socket unnamed 0 6 Layout25 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel15 Socket address: socketAddressEdit socketAddressEdit GroupBox7 Socket Options unnamed 11 6 SO_KEEPALIVEChk SO_&KEEPALIVE SO_SNDBUFChk SO_S&NDBUF: SO_RCVLOWATSpin false 2147483647 SO_SNDLOWATSpin false 2147483647 SO_BROADCASTChk SO_BROADCAST TCP_NODELAYChk TCP_NODELA&Y IPTOS_LOWDELAYChk IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_RCVLOWATChk SO_RCV&LOWAT: SO_REUSEADDRChk S&O_REUSEADDR SO_SNDLOWATChk SO_SNDLO&WAT: SO_SNDBUFSpin false 2147483647 IPTOS_THROUGHPUTChk IPTOS_THROU&GHPUT SO_RCVBUFChk SO_RCVBUF: SO_RCVBUFSpin false 2147483647 Spacer69 Horizontal Expanding 80 0 Spacer62 Vertical Expanding 0 70 tab SSL unnamed 0 6 sslChk E&nable SSL Enables or disables the entire SSL mode This enables or disables the entire SSL mode. If it is set to no, the SSL-enabled Samba behaves exactly like the non-SSL Samba. If set to yes, it depends on the variables ssl hosts and ssl hosts resign whether an SSL connection will be required. This is only available if the SSL libraries have been compiled on your system and the configure option --with-ssl was given at configure time. SSLFrame false NoFrame Plain unnamed 0 6 Layout81 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel2_4_2 SSL h&osts: sslHostsEdit Layout232_2 unnamed 0 6 sslEntropyFileUrlRq TextLabel12_2_2 SSL entrop&y bytes: sslEntropyBytesSpin sslEntropyBytesSpin 2147483647 sslHostsResignEdit sslCACertDirUrlRq sslCiphersEdit sslEgdSocketEdit TextLabel14_2_2 SSL ciphers: sslCiphersEdit TextLabel3_7 SSL hosts resi&gn: sslHostsResignEdit Layout80 unnamed 0 6 ssl2 ssl3 ssl2or3 tls1 sslVersionCombo sslCompatibilityChk SSL co&mpatibility Spacer223_2 Horizontal Expanding 140 0 TextLabel4_4 SSL CA certDir: sslCACertDirUrlRq sslCACertFileUrlRq TextLabel11_2_2 SSL entropy file: sslEntropyFileUrlRq TextLabel10_2_2 SSL egd socket: sslEgdSocketEdit TextLabel15_2_2 SSL version: sslVersionCombo sslHostsEdit TextLabel5_4_3 SSL CA certFile: sslCACertFileUrlRq Layout231 unnamed 0 6 sslClientCertUrlRq sslRequireClientcertChk SSL require clientcert TextLabel9_2_2 SSL client key: sslClientKeyUrlRq sslRequireServercertChk SSL re&quire servercert sslClientKeyUrlRq TextLabel6_6_2 SS&L server cert: sslServerCertUrlRq TextLabel8_4 SSL client cert: sslClientCertUrlRq sslServerCertUrlRq sslServerKeyUrlRq TextLabel7_5 SSL server &key: sslServerKeyUrlRq Spacer46 Vertical Expanding 0 30 tab Protocol unnamed 0 6 Spacer63 Vertical Expanding 20 50 groupBox69 Limits unnamed 11 6 maxTtlSpin 2147483647 0 TextLabel4_4_4_2_2_2 Ma&x mux: maxMuxSpin TextLabel4_4_2_3_3_2_2_2 Max tt&l: maxTtlSpin maxMuxSpin 2147483647 0 spacer86 Horizontal Expanding 330 20 TextLabel6_5_4_2_2_2 Sec seconds groupBox70 S&witches unnamed 11 6 timeServerChk Ti&me server largeReadWriteChk Lar&ge readwrite unixExtensionsChk UNIX extensions Alt+ readBmpxChk Read bmpx groupBox71 Protocol Versions unnamed 11 6 TextLabel1_3_2_2 Max protocol: maxProtocolCombo TextLabel2_3_2 Announce version: announceVersionEdit TextLabel3_6_2 A&nnounce as: announceAsCombo TextLabel1_3_3_2 Min protocol: minProtocolCombo TextLabel1_3_4_2 Pr&otocol: protocolCombo spacer87 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 NT1 LANMAN2 LANMAN1 CORE COREPLUS protocolCombo 0 0 0 0 NT1 LANMAN2 LANMAN1 CORE COREPLUS maxProtocolCombo 0 0 0 0 NT1 LANMAN2 LANMAN1 CORE COREPLUS minProtocolCombo 0 0 0 0 NT NT Workstation win95 WfW announceAsCombo 0 0 0 0 announceVersionEdit 0 0 0 0 4.2 groupBox72 Listening SMB Ports unnamed 11 6 TextLabel5_4_2_2 SMB ports: smbPortsEdit smbPortsEdit 7 0 0 0 150 0 tab Browsing unnamed 0 6 TextLabel2 LM i&nterval: lmIntervalSpin TextLabel3_5 L&M announce: lmAnnounceCombo Spacer40 Horizontal Expanding 340 20 remoteBrowseSyncEdit TextLabel27_2 Sec lmIntervalSpin 2147483647 TextLabel14 Remote browse s&ync: remoteBrowseSyncEdit Yes No Auto lmAnnounceCombo browseListChk Bro&wse list enhancedBrowsingChk Enhanced browsin&g Spacer39 Vertical Expanding 20 300 TextLabel4_2 Pre&load: preloadEdit preloadEdit tab Winbind unnamed 0 TextLabel21 &Winbind/Idmap UID: winbindUidEdit winbindUidEdit winbindGidEdit TextLabel21_2 Winbind/Idmap &GID: winbindGidEdit TextLabel22 Template h&omedir: templateHomedirEdit templateHomedirEdit TextLabel23 Temp&late shell: templateShellEdit templateShellEdit TextLabel24 Winbind separator: winbindSeparatorEdit winbindSeparatorEdit TextLabel24_2 Template primary group: templatePrimaryGroupEdit templatePrimaryGroupEdit TextLabel27 Sec TextLabel25 Winbind cache ti&me: winbindCacheTimeSpin winbindCacheTimeSpin 2147483647 0 Spacer35 Horizontal Expanding 370 20 Windows NT 4 Windows 2000 Auto aclCompatibilityCombo textLabel3_2_2 Acl compatibilit&y: aclCompatibilityCombo winbindEnumUsersChk Wi&nbind enum users winbindEnumGroupsChk Winbind enum groups winbindUseDefaultDomainChk Winbind use default domain winbindEnableLocalAccountsChk Winbind enable local accounts winbindTrustedDomainsOnlyChk Winbind trusted domains only winbindNestedGroupsChk Winbind nested groups Spacer34 Vertical Expanding 20 100 tab NetBIOS unnamed 0 6 Spacer220 Vertical Expanding 20 280 TextLabel3_4 NetBIOS sc&ope: netbiosScopeEdit TextLabel3_2 &NetBIOS aliases: netbiosAliasesEdit disableNetbiosChk Disab&le netbios TextLabel5_4_2 Na&me resolve order: nameResolveOrderEdit netbiosScopeEdit netbiosAliasesEdit nameResolveOrderEdit 7 0 0 0 150 0 lmhosts host wins bcast tab VFS unnamed 0 6 hostMsdfsChk H&ost msdfs Spacer221 Vertical Expanding 0 30 TabPage LDAP unnamed 0 6 TextLabel3_2_2 LDAP suffi&x: ldapSuffixEdit TextLabel3_2_2_2 LDAP machine suffix: ldapMachineSuffixEdit TextLabel3_2_2_2_2 LDAP user suffix: ldapUserSuffixEdit TextLabel3_2_2_2_3 LDAP &group suffix: ldapGroupSuffixEdit TextLabel3_2_2_2_4 LDAP idmap suffix: ldapIdmapSuffixEdit TextLabel3_2_2_2_5 LDAP filter: ldapFilterEdit TextLabel3_2_2_2_6 LDAP ad&min dn: ldapAdminDnEdit spacer46 Vertical Expanding 20 130 ldapDeleteDnChk LDAP delete d&n TextLabel3_5_4_2 LDAP s&ync: ldapSyncCombo TextLabel3_5_4 &LDAP ssl: ldapSslCombo TextLabel3_4_2 Idmap bac&kend: idmapBackendEdit TextLabel3_4_2_2 LDAP replication sleep: idmapBackendEdit idmapBackendEdit ldapAdminDnEdit ldapFilterEdit ldapIdmapSuffixEdit ldapGroupSuffixEdit ldapUserSuffixEdit ldapMachineSuffixEdit ldapSuffixEdit ldapReplicationSleepSpin 2147483647 textLabel3_3 milliseconds Off Start_tls On ldapSslCombo Yes No Only ldapSyncCombo spacer88 Horizontal Expanding 330 20 TabPage Commands unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1_5 Add share c&ommand: addShareCommandEdit TextLabel2_2 Change share command: changeShareCommandEdit TextLabel3_3 De&lete share command: deleteShareCommandEdit TextLabel10 Messa&ge command: messageCommandEdit TextLabel11 Dfree co&mmand: dfreeCommandEdit TextLabel1_5_2 Set &quota command: setQuotaCommandEdit TextLabel2_2_3 Get quota command: getQuotaCommandEdit spacer52_2 Vertical Expanding 20 230 TextLabel20 Pa&nic action: panicActionEdit messageCommandEdit dfreeCommandEdit setQuotaCommandEdit getQuotaCommandEdit panicActionEdit deleteShareCommandEdit changeShareCommandEdit addShareCommandEdit tab Misc unnamed 0 6 groupBox12 Miscellaneous unnamed 11 6 TextLabel17 Time &offset: timeOffsetSpin sourceEnvironmentEdit defaultServiceEdit TextLabel9 Default service: defaultServiceEdit TextLabel13 Remote a&nnounce: remoteAnnounceEdit remoteAnnounceEdit TextLabel19 Source environment: sourceEnvironmentEdit CheckBox68 Hide &local users timeOffsetSpin 1440 0 TextLabel18 Min minurtes spacer63 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 groupBox11 NIS unnamed 11 6 nisHomedirChk NIS homedir TextLabel16 Homedir map: homedirMapEdit homedirMapEdit groupBox9 UTMP unnamed 11 6 TextLabel7_3 Utmp director&y: utmpDirectoryUrlRq wtmpDirectoryUrlRq TextLabel8_3 &Wtmp directory: wtmpDirectoryUrlRq utmpDirectoryUrlRq CheckBox51 Ut&mp Spacer33 Vertical Expanding 20 40 tab Debug unnamed 0 6 ntStatusSupportChk &NT status support ntSmbSupportChk NT S&MB support true ntPipeSupportChk NT pipe supp&ort true spacer81 Vertical Expanding 20 320 shareListView doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) editShareBtn animateClick() printerListView doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) editPrinterBtn animateClick() KURLLabel1 leftClickedURL() KcmInterface KURLLabel1_leftClickedURL() serverRadio toggled(bool) passwordServerEdit setEnabled(bool) domainRadio toggled(bool) passwordServerEdit setEnabled(bool) lmAnnounceCombo activated(int) KcmInterface lmAnnounceCombo_activated(int) allowGuestLoginsChk toggled(bool) KcmInterface allowGuestLoginsChk_toggled(bool) allowGuestLoginsChk pressed() KcmInterface changedSlot() SO_SNDBUFChk toggled(bool) SO_SNDBUFSpin setEnabled(bool) SO_RCVBUFChk toggled(bool) SO_RCVBUFSpin setEnabled(bool) SO_SNDLOWATChk toggled(bool) SO_SNDLOWATSpin setEnabled(bool) SO_RCVLOWATChk toggled(bool) SO_RCVLOWATSpin setEnabled(bool) shareRadio toggled(bool) allowGuestLoginsChk setDisabled(bool) userRadio toggled(bool) allowGuestLoginsChk setEnabled(bool) serverRadio toggled(bool) allowGuestLoginsChk setEnabled(bool) domainRadio toggled(bool) allowGuestLoginsChk setEnabled(bool) shareRadio stateChanged(int) KcmInterface changedSlot() userRadio stateChanged(int) KcmInterface changedSlot() serverRadio stateChanged(int) KcmInterface changedSlot() domainRadio stateChanged(int) KcmInterface changedSlot() passwordServerEdit textChanged(const QString&) KcmInterface changedSlot() sslChk toggled(bool) SSLFrame setEnabled(bool) timestampChk toggled(bool) microsecondsChk setEnabled(bool) adsRadio toggled(bool) passwordServerEdit setEnabled(bool) adsRadio toggled(bool) passwordServerLabel setEnabled(bool) adsRadio toggled(bool) realmLabel setEnabled(bool) adsRadio toggled(bool) realmEdit setEnabled(bool) allowGuestLoginsChk toggled(bool) TextLabel6_5 setEnabled(bool) allowGuestLoginsChk toggled(bool) guestAccountCombo setEnabled(bool) domainRadio toggled(bool) passwordServerLabel setEnabled(bool) domainRadio toggled(bool) passwordServerEdit setEnabled(bool) serverRadio toggled(bool) passwordServerLabel setEnabled(bool) serverRadio toggled(bool) passwordServerEdit setEnabled(bool) adsRadio toggled(bool) allowGuestLoginsChk setEnabled(bool) shareRadio toggled(bool) TextLabel6_5 setDisabled(bool) shareRadio toggled(bool) guestAccountCombo setDisabled(bool) winsSupportRadio toggled(bool) groupBox35 setEnabled(bool) otherWinsRadio toggled(bool) groupBox36 setEnabled(bool) winsSupportRadio toggled(bool) dnsProxyChk setEnabled(bool) winsSupportRadio toggled(bool) winsHookEdit setEnabled(bool) winsSupportRadio toggled(bool) winsHookEdit setEnabled(bool) winsSupportRadio toggled(bool) maxWinsTtlSpin setEnabled(bool) winsSupportRadio toggled(bool) minWinsTtlSpin setEnabled(bool) otherWinsRadio toggled(bool) winsServerEdit setEnabled(bool) winsSupportRadio toggled(bool) winsHookLbl setEnabled(bool) ntStatusSupportChk ntSmbSupportChk ntPipeSupportChk CheckBox68 defaultServiceEdit timeOffsetSpin remoteAnnounceEdit sourceEnvironmentEdit nisHomedirChk homedirMapEdit CheckBox51 utmpDirectoryUrlRq wtmpDirectoryUrlRq advancedTab addShareCommandEdit changeShareCommandEdit deleteShareCommandEdit messageCommandEdit dfreeCommandEdit setQuotaCommandEdit getQuotaCommandEdit panicActionEdit ldapSuffixEdit ldapMachineSuffixEdit ldapUserSuffixEdit ldapGroupSuffixEdit ldapIdmapSuffixEdit ldapFilterEdit ldapAdminDnEdit idmapBackendEdit ldapSslCombo ldapSyncCombo ldapDeleteDnChk hostMsdfsChk disableNetbiosChk netbiosAliasesEdit netbiosScopeEdit nameResolveOrderEdit winbindUidEdit winbindGidEdit templateHomedirEdit templateShellEdit winbindSeparatorEdit templatePrimaryGroupEdit winbindCacheTimeSpin aclCompatibilityCombo winbindEnumUsersChk winbindEnumGroupsChk winbindUseDefaultDomainChk winbindEnableLocalAccountsChk winbindTrustedDomainsOnlyChk enhancedBrowsingChk browseListChk lmAnnounceCombo lmIntervalSpin remoteBrowseSyncEdit preloadEdit timeServerChk largeReadWriteChk unixExtensionsChk readBmpxChk announceAsCombo announceVersionEdit protocolCombo maxProtocolCombo minProtocolCombo maxMuxSpin maxTtlSpin smbPortsEdit sslChk sslVersionCombo sslCompatibilityChk sslHostsEdit sslHostsResignEdit sslCACertDirUrlRq sslCACertFileUrlRq sslEgdSocketEdit sslEntropyFileUrlRq sslEntropyBytesSpin sslCiphersEdit sslRequireServercertChk sslServerCertUrlRq sslServerKeyUrlRq sslRequireClientcertChk sslClientCertUrlRq sslClientKeyUrlRq socketAddressEdit TCP_NODELAYChk IPTOS_LOWDELAYChk IPTOS_THROUGHPUTChk SO_KEEPALIVEChk SO_REUSEADDRChk SO_BROADCASTChk SO_SNDBUFChk SO_SNDBUFSpin SO_RCVBUFChk SO_RCVBUFSpin SO_SNDLOWATChk SO_SNDLOWATSpin SO_RCVLOWATChk SO_RCVLOWATSpin addUserScriptEdit addGroupScriptEdit addUserToGroupScriptEdit addMachineScriptEdit shutdownScriptEdit abortShutdownScriptEdit SetPrimaryGroupScriptEdit deleteUserScriptEdit deleteGroupScriptEdit deleteUserFromGroupScriptEdit logonScriptEdit logonDriveEdit logonPathUrlRq logonHomeUrlRq unicodeChk displayCharsetEdit unixCharsetEdit dosCharsetEdit characterSetEdit clientCodePageEdit codePageDirUrlRq codingSystemEdit validCharsEdit mainTab configUrlRq loadBtn workgroupEdit netbiosNameEdit serverStringEdit shareRadio userRadio serverRadio domainRadio adsRadio passwordServerEdit realmEdit guestAccountCombo allowGuestLoginsChk shareListView editDefaultShareBtn addShareBtn editShareBtn removeShareBtn printerListView editDefaultPrinterBtn addPrinterBtn editPrinterBtn removePrinterBtn sambaUsersListView addSambaUserBtn removeSambaUserBtn unixUsersListView sambaUserPasswordBtn joinADomainBtn tabWidget4 mapToGuestCombo interfacesEdit bindInterfacesOnlyChk rootDirectoryEdit authMethodsEdit hostsEquivUrlRq privateDirUrlRq algorithmicRidBaseSpin obeyPamRestrictionsChk pamPasswordChangeChk allowTrustedDomainsChk paranoidServerSecurityChk encryptPasswordsChk smbPasswdFileUrlRq passdbBackendEdit passwdChatEdit passwdChatDebugChk passwdProgramUrlRq unixPasswordSyncChk nullPasswordsChk passwordLevelSpin minPasswdLengthSpin machinePasswordTimeoutSpin updateEncryptedChk usernameLevelSpin usernameMapUrlRq hideLocalUsersChk restrictAnonymousChk useRhostsChk lanmanAuthChk ntlmAuthChk useSpnegoChk serverSchannelCombo serverSigningCombo clientLanmanAuthChk clientPlaintextAuthChk clientNTLMv2AuthChk clientUseSpnegoChk clientSchannelCombo clientSigningCombo logFileUrlRq logLevelEdit maxLogSizeSpin syslogSpin syslogOnlyChk statusChk timestampChk microsecondsChk debugPidChk debugUidChk preloadModulesEdit getwdCacheChk useMmapChk kernelChangeNotifyChk hostnameLookupsChk readRawChk writeRawChk changeNotifyTimeoutSpin deadtimeSpin keepaliveSpin lpqCacheTimeSpin nameCacheTimeoutSpin maxDiskSizeSpin readSizeSpin statCacheSizeSpin maxXmitSpin maxSmbdProcessesSpin maxOpenFilesSpin totalPrintJobsSpin printcapNameUrlRq os2DriverMapUrlRq printerDriverFileUrlRq addprinterCommandEdit deleteprinterCommandEdit enumportsCommandEdit loadPrintersChk disableSpoolssChk showAddPrinterWizardChk preferredMasterChk localMasterChk domainMasterChk domainLogonsChk osLevelSpin domainAdminGroupEdit domainGuestGroupEdit noWinsSupportRadio dnsProxyChk winsHookEdit maxWinsTtlSpin minWinsTtlSpin winsServerEdit winsProxyChk winsPartnersEdit stripDotChk mangledStackSpin manglePrefixSpin statCacheChk kernelOplocksChk lockDirectoryUrlRq pidDirectoryUrlRq lockSpinCountSpin lockSpinTimeSpin oplockBreakWaitTimeSpin qptrlist.h share.h kprocess.h kiconloader.h kcminterface.ui.h changed() init() changedSlot() securityLevelCombo_activated( int i ) KURLLabel1_leftClickedURL() lmAnnounceCombo_activated( int i ) allowGuestLoginsChk_toggled( bool b ) mapToGuestCombo_activated( int i ) updateSecurityLevelHelpLbl() kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h kurllabel.h klistview.h klistview.h klistview.h klistview.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h klineedit.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h