/* ------------------------------------------------------------- actions.cpp (part of The KDE Dictionary Client) Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Christian Gebauer This file is distributed under the Artistic License. See LICENSE for details. ------------------------------------------------------------- DictComboAction, special KAction subclasses used DictLabelAction, in the toolbar DictButtonAction ------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "actions.h" #include #include #include #include DictComboAction::DictComboAction( const TQString &text, TQObject *tqparent, const char *name, bool editable, bool autoSized ) : KAction( text, 0, tqparent, name ), m_editable(editable), m_autoSized(autoSized), m_compMode(KGlobalSettings::completionMode()) { } DictComboAction::~DictComboAction() { } int DictComboAction::plug( TQWidget *widget, int index ) { if ( widget->inherits( "KToolBar" ) ) { KToolBar* bar = static_cast( widget ); int id_ = KAction::getToolButtonID(); m_combo = new KComboBox(m_editable,bar); m_combo->setCompletionMode(m_compMode); bar->insertWidget( id_, m_combo->tqsizeHint().width(), m_combo, index ); bar->setItemAutoSized(id_,m_autoSized); if ( m_combo ) { connect(bar->getCombo(id_), TQT_SIGNAL(activated(const TQString&)), TQT_SLOT(slotComboActivated(const TQString&))); connect(bar->getCombo(id_), TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotComboActivated(int))); if (m_editable) m_combo->setInsertionPolicy( TQComboBox::NoInsertion ); } addContainer( bar, id_ ); connect( bar, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) ); return containerCount() - 1; } return -1; } void DictComboAction::unplug( TQWidget *widget ) { if ( widget->inherits( "KToolBar" ) ) { KToolBar *bar = (KToolBar *)widget; int idx = findContainer( bar ); if ( idx != -1 ) { bar->removeItem( itemId( idx ) ); removeContainer( idx ); } return; } } TQWidget* DictComboAction::widget() { return m_combo; } void DictComboAction::setFocus() { if (m_combo) m_combo->setFocus(); } TQString DictComboAction::currentText() const { if (m_combo) return m_combo->currentText(); else return TQString(); } void DictComboAction::selectAll() { if (m_combo) { m_combo->lineEdit()->selectAll(); m_combo->lineEdit()->setFocus(); } } void DictComboAction::setEditText(const TQString &s) { if (m_combo && m_editable) m_combo->setEditText(s); } void DictComboAction::setCurrentItem(int index) { if (m_combo) m_combo->setCurrentItem(index); } void DictComboAction::clearEdit() { if (m_combo && m_editable) m_combo->clearEdit(); } void DictComboAction::clear() { if (m_combo) { m_combo->clear(); if (m_editable && m_combo->completionObject()) m_combo->completionObject()->clear(); } } void DictComboAction::setList(TQStringList items) { if (m_combo) { m_combo->clear(); m_combo->insertStringList(items); if (m_editable && m_combo->completionObject()) m_combo->completionObject()->setItems(items); if (!m_autoSized) m_combo->setFixedWidth(m_combo->tqsizeHint().width()); } } KGlobalSettings::Completion DictComboAction::completionMode() { if (m_combo) return m_combo->completionMode(); else return m_compMode; } void DictComboAction::setCompletionMode(KGlobalSettings::Completion mode) { if (m_combo) m_combo->setCompletionMode(mode); else m_compMode = mode; } void DictComboAction::slotComboActivated(int i) { emit(activated(i)); } void DictComboAction::slotComboActivated(const TQString &s) { emit(activated(s)); } //********************************************************************************* DictLabelAction::DictLabelAction( const TQString &text, TQObject *tqparent, const char *name ) : KAction( text, 0, tqparent, name ) { } DictLabelAction::~DictLabelAction() { } int DictLabelAction::plug( TQWidget *widget, int index ) { if ( widget->inherits( "KToolBar" ) ) { KToolBar *tb = (KToolBar *)widget; int id = KAction::getToolButtonID(); TQLabel *label = new TQLabel( text(), widget, "kde toolbar widget" ); label->setMinimumWidth(label->tqsizeHint().width()); label->setBackgroundMode( TQt::PaletteButton ); label->tqsetAlignment(AlignCenter | AlignVCenter); label->adjustSize(); tb->insertWidget( id, label->width(), label, index ); addContainer( tb, id ); connect( tb, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) ); m_label = label; return containerCount() - 1; } return -1; } void DictLabelAction::unplug( TQWidget *widget ) { if ( widget->inherits( "KToolBar" ) ) { KToolBar *bar = (KToolBar *)widget; int idx = findContainer( bar ); if ( idx != -1 ) { bar->removeItem( itemId( idx ) ); removeContainer( idx ); } return; } } void DictLabelAction::setBuddy(TQWidget *buddy) { if (m_label && buddy) m_label->setBuddy(buddy); } //********************************************************************************* DictButtonAction::DictButtonAction( const TQString& text, TQObject* receiver, const char* slot, TQObject* tqparent, const char* name ) : KAction( text, 0, receiver, slot, tqparent, name ) { } DictButtonAction::~DictButtonAction() { } int DictButtonAction::plug( TQWidget *widget, int index ) { if ( widget->inherits( "KToolBar" ) ) { KToolBar *tb = (KToolBar *)widget; int id = KAction::getToolButtonID(); TQPushButton *button = new TQPushButton( text(), widget ); button->adjustSize(); connect(button,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),this,TQT_SLOT(activate())); tb->insertWidget( id, button->width(), button, index ); addContainer( tb, id ); connect( tb, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotDestroyed() ) ); m_button = button; return containerCount() - 1; } return -1; } void DictButtonAction::unplug( TQWidget *widget ) { if ( widget->inherits( "KToolBar" ) ) { KToolBar *bar = (KToolBar *)widget; int idx = findContainer( bar ); if ( idx != -1 ) { bar->removeItem( itemId( idx ) ); removeContainer( idx ); } } } int DictButtonAction::widthHint() { if (m_button) return m_button->tqsizeHint().width(); else return 0; } void DictButtonAction::setWidth(int width) { if (m_button) m_button->setFixedWidth(width); } #include "actions.moc"