/* ------------------------------------------------------------- dcopinterface.h (part of The KDE Dictionary Client) Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Christian Gebauer This file is distributed under the Artistic License. See LICENSE for details. ------------------------------------------------------------- KDictDCOPInterface abstract base class that defines the DCOP interface of Kdict ------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef _DCOPINTERFACE_H #define _DCOPINTERFACE_H #include #include class KDictIface : virtual public DCOPObject { K_DCOP k_dcop: /** Quit Kdict **/ virtual void quit() = 0; virtual void makeActiveWindow() = 0; /** define/match a word/phrase **/ virtual void definePhrase(QString phrase) = 0; virtual void matchPhrase(QString phrase) = 0; virtual void defineClipboardContent() = 0; virtual void matchClipboardContent() = 0; /** get info **/ virtual QStringList getDatabases() = 0; virtual QString currentDatabase() = 0; virtual QStringList getStrategies() = 0; virtual QString currentStrategy() = 0; /** set current database/strategy (returns true on success) **/ virtual bool setDatabase(QString db) = 0; virtual bool setStrategy(QString strategy) = 0; /** navigate in history **/ virtual bool historyGoBack() = 0; virtual bool historyGoForward() = 0; }; #endif