/* customnotificationprops.cpp Kopete Contactlist Custom Notifications GUI for Groups and MetaContacts Contains UI controller logic for managing custom notifications Copyright (c) 2004 Will Stephenson Kopete (c) 2002-2003 by the Kopete developers ************************************************************************* * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************* */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "customnotifications.h" #include "kopeteeventpresentation.h" #include "kopetenotifyevent.h" #include "kopetenotifydataobject.h" #include "customnotificationprops.h" CustomNotificationProps::CustomNotificationProps( TQWidget *parent, Kopete::NotifyDataObject* item, const char * name ) : TQObject( parent, name ) { m_notifyWidget = new CustomNotificationWidget( parent, "notificationWidget" ); m_item = item; TQString path = "kopete/eventsrc"; KConfig eventsfile( path, true, false, "data" ); m_eventList = eventsfile.groupList(); TQStringList contactSpecificEvents; // we are only interested in events that relate to contacts TQStringList::Iterator it = m_eventList.begin(); TQStringList::Iterator end = m_eventList.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { if ( !(*it).startsWith( TQString::fromLatin1( "kopete_contact_" ) ) ) continue; contactSpecificEvents.append( *it ); TQMap entries = eventsfile.entryMap( *it ); eventsfile.setGroup( *it ); TQString comment = eventsfile.readEntry( "Comment", TQString::fromLatin1( "Found nothing!" ) ); m_notifyWidget->cmbEvents->insertItem( comment ); } m_eventList = contactSpecificEvents; slotEventsComboChanged( m_notifyWidget->cmbEvents->currentItem() ); // we have to do this after adding items connect( m_notifyWidget->cmbEvents, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotEventsComboChanged( int ) ) ); } void CustomNotificationProps::slotEventsComboChanged( int itemNo ) { // if the combo has changed, store the previous state of the widgets // record the selected item so we can save it when the widget changes next storeCurrentCustoms(); m_event = m_eventList[ itemNo ]; // update the widgets for the selected item // get the corresponding Kopete::NotifyEvent Kopete::NotifyEvent *evt = m_item->notifyEvent( m_event ); // set the widgets accordingly resetEventWidgets(); if ( evt ) { // sound presentation Kopete::EventPresentation *pres = evt->presentation( Kopete::EventPresentation::Sound ); if ( pres ) { m_notifyWidget->chkCustomSound->setChecked( pres->enabled() ); m_notifyWidget->customSound->setURL( pres->content() ); m_notifyWidget->chkSoundSS->setChecked( pres->singleShot() ); } // message presentation pres = evt->presentation( Kopete::EventPresentation::Message ); if ( pres ) { m_notifyWidget->chkCustomMsg->setChecked( pres->enabled() ); m_notifyWidget->customMsg->setText( pres->content() ); m_notifyWidget->chkMsgSS->setChecked( pres->singleShot() ); } // chat presentation pres = evt->presentation( Kopete::EventPresentation::Chat ); if ( pres ) { m_notifyWidget->chkCustomChat->setChecked( pres->enabled() ); m_notifyWidget->chkChatSS->setChecked( pres->singleShot() ); } m_notifyWidget->chkSuppressCommon->setChecked( evt->suppressCommon() ); } //dumpData(); } void CustomNotificationProps::dumpData() { Kopete::NotifyEvent *evt = m_item->notifyEvent( m_event ); if ( evt ) kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << evt->toString() << endl; else kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << " no event exists." << endl; } void CustomNotificationProps::resetEventWidgets() { m_notifyWidget->chkCustomSound->setChecked( false ); m_notifyWidget->customSound->clear(); m_notifyWidget->chkSoundSS->setChecked( true ); m_notifyWidget->chkCustomMsg->setChecked( false ); m_notifyWidget->customMsg->clear(); m_notifyWidget->chkMsgSS->setChecked( true ); m_notifyWidget->chkCustomChat->setChecked( false ); m_notifyWidget->chkChatSS->setChecked( true ); m_notifyWidget->chkSuppressCommon->setChecked( false ); } void CustomNotificationProps::storeCurrentCustoms() { if ( !m_event.isNull() ) { Kopete::NotifyEvent *evt = m_item->notifyEvent( m_event ); if ( !evt ) { evt = new Kopete::NotifyEvent( ); // store the changed event m_item->setNotifyEvent( m_event, evt ); } evt->setSuppressCommon( m_notifyWidget->chkSuppressCommon->isChecked() ); // set different presentations Kopete::EventPresentation *eventNotify = 0; eventNotify = new Kopete::EventPresentation( Kopete::EventPresentation::Sound, m_notifyWidget->customSound->url(), m_notifyWidget->chkSoundSS->isChecked(), m_notifyWidget->chkCustomSound->isChecked() ); evt->setPresentation( Kopete::EventPresentation::Sound, eventNotify ); // set message attributes eventNotify = new Kopete::EventPresentation( Kopete::EventPresentation::Message, m_notifyWidget->customMsg->text(), m_notifyWidget->chkMsgSS->isChecked(), m_notifyWidget->chkCustomMsg->isChecked() ); evt->setPresentation( Kopete::EventPresentation::Message, eventNotify ); // set chat attributes eventNotify = new Kopete::EventPresentation( Kopete::EventPresentation::Chat, TQString(), m_notifyWidget->chkChatSS->isChecked(), m_notifyWidget->chkCustomChat->isChecked() ); evt->setPresentation( Kopete::EventPresentation::Chat, eventNotify ); evt->setSuppressCommon( m_notifyWidget->chkSuppressCommon->isChecked() ); } } CustomNotificationWidget* CustomNotificationProps::widget() { return m_notifyWidget; } #include "customnotificationprops.moc"